Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Chapter 128 Nightmare

At the pier.

The originally clear water surface has become dark because of the dark sky, like a dark blue crystal. On its smooth surface, the distant orange setting sun cast a gilded shadow.


Colin stepped on the white steel gangway on the side of the Shanghai Swallow, causing the ship to sway slightly unconsciously.

The deep blue crystal beneath the boat rippled like it was melting, and the red-gold reflection also rippled.

"Sir, I'll take you here. It's not early, so I'll go back first." Maltz said to them, his face a little gloomy for some reason.

"Yeah." Colin nodded, stepped on the gangway and continued to walk towards the Petrel with Renee and the others.

When came to the deck, Colin looked back again.

Maltz's figure gradually disappeared, and he was almost at the end of the pier, looking a little hurried.

"Rene, prepare dinner and some fresh vegetables tonight."

Looking back, Colin instructed Renee beside him.

and then said to Maud behind: "Come on, let's continue to solve your problem, I already have some clues."

"Okay, my lord!" Maud was delighted.

The two came to the meditation room next to the master bedroom below deck.

Sitting opposite Maud on the gray cushion, Colin flipped through the two meditations, and after a moment of indulgence, he began to speak slowly.

He has already broken the limit twice in his apprenticeship circle meditation.

Although he is not at the master level in apprenticeship meditation, he is also much stronger than the average senior wizard apprentice... This is why he agreed to Maud's request.

The setting sun gradually sinks to the bottom of the sea, but the moon slowly rises.

On the blue sea level, the sparkling light path appeared again, but the color changed from red gold in the evening to silver white.

Time just passed by.

About nine o'clock in the evening, Colin finally solved Maud's problem.

In fact, the solution to the problem is very simple... The reason why it took so long is mainly to let Maud understand the principle behind it.

Colin watched the back of Maud leaving, and sighed softly.

This is not the first time he has recognized the gap between wild wizards and school wizards.

But this time, he undoubtedly had a deeper and clearer understanding of this gap.

This is not to say that there is much of a difference in IQ between school and wild wizards.

The difference between the two is mainly in basic knowledge, learning framework, and logical thinking.

It is difficult for a wild wizard who has not received professional education in a school to have a perfect learning thinking.

This difference also makes wild wizards have more difficulty in learning new knowledge than school wizards, and often spend more energy to learn %

Colin shook his head, restrained his thoughts, and with a thought, he summoned the golden paper.

Dinner has been eaten on the way to explain.

Now it's time to move on to the next part -

Endure the fireball technique and high temperature, and break the limit again!

The village of Geila.

The upper section of an astonishingly huge ancient tree has a naturally formed cavity cave.

Follow the trail to the depths of the cave.

Teng! !

A group of faint green flames suddenly appeared in the ancient hall, emitting light, making the entire cave shrouded in an eerie atmosphere.

"This..." The face of the young man on duty changed greatly, he turned and ran out of the cave at a quick pace, shouting as he ran:

"The Light of Raelie has appeared ahead of time, please inform Lord Yule!"

His voice spread out along the passage to the outside world, causing the originally quiet village of Guillet to gradually boil.

After a few minutes.

The small wooden hall was already crowded with figures, all of them wearing green clothes with unique yellowish patterns.

is headed by the handsome Yule, and his clothes are also green with a unique yellowish pattern.

It's just that his clothes are more gorgeous and delicate, and he even wears a crown made of golden flowers on the top of his head.

In the center of the wooden cave hall, a faint green flame was suspended in the air, burning silently.

Although there were many people present, they all kept their mouths tightly shut, their expressions were silent, and they were unusually quiet.

But if you look closely, you can see that their eyes are all focused on Yule.

Yule felt the gaze behind him, let out a small breath, and walked towards the Light of Raelie.

When he walked in front of the faint green flames, he raised his hands and stretched in.


A clearly audible burning sound rang out.


Yule let out a muffled groan.

The light of Raelie had no temperature, but he felt as if his hands were being burned by real flames.

Bean-sized sweat drops rolled down from his forehead and fell on the ancient tree under his feet, forming tiny water stains, which were slowly absorbed by it.

Yul's face was pale, but his expression was very calm.

Patience of suffering is the first lesson a priest learns.

After a while, he withdrew his hand and subconsciously wanted to make a fist.

But the palm did not move as he wished, but froze in place.

Yul's calm face flashed a trace of turbulence, but he soon returned to calm, but from his slightly trembling arms, he could still perceive that his heart was not as calm as his face.


He gave up his desire to move his palms and let his arms hang down naturally.

As a new generation of priests, he knew better than anyone the price of exposure to the light of Laeire.

At first it was the palm, then the arm, then the foot... In the end, the whole person was only an empty shell of flesh and blood. Although he still breathed, he had no consciousness and could only lie on the bed and become a living dead.

"Priest Yule, what message did Laelle convey this time?" the eldest old man in the crowd asked.

Yule calmed down and dispelled the faint fear in his heart.

Although his fear subsided, he couldn't feel relieved when he thought about the message from Raelle.

He stared at the old village chief, paused, and said slowly, "Laelle asked to increase the number of sacrifices..."


Everyone whispered and looked surprised.

The hunched old village chief frowned, and the wrinkles on his face became more obvious with sorrow.

"How could this be." He sighed.

But in the next second, the emotion on his face quickly subsided, and he turned his head and announced to the crowd calmly, "Come according to the rules."

"Yes." The rest of the people also quickly accepted the truth without the slightest objection.

Then they all left, preparing to hold the selection ceremony.

Yule also followed out of the cave.

"Maltz." Suddenly, he frowned and called out not far away.

"Where are you going?!"

Maltz paused and turned back:

"I'm going to inform the travelers at the dock! The Light of Raelie has appeared, and the Nightmare will definitely come tonight, I have to remind them!"

After he finished speaking, he continued to turn around and ran into the distance.

An inexplicable look flashed in Yule's eyes, and suddenly he said:

"Stop, Maltz."

Maltz looked back at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"This time, the Light of Raelie appeared earlier, and the number of sacrifices has also increased... Everything is different from before. You'd better stay in the village to avoid any accidents."

Yule explained in a deep voice, but if you look closely, you can see the inexplicable look in his eyes.

"As for those travelers, it can only be said that they were unlucky."

"But..." Maltz hesitated.


At this moment, a two-meter-high bonfire was suddenly lit in the open space beside the old tree.

A group of villagers dressed in pale yellow patterned clothes are standing quietly around the bonfire.

"The ceremony has begun, come with me." Yule looked back and said again.

The orange light of the bonfire behind him made his face obscured by the shadows. Yule watched Maltz's lips move slightly, and said solemnly:

"There can be no less people in the village of Gail, Maltz."

Maltz looked up at him, finally nodded, and walked towards the bonfire.

behind Yule watched his back, the burning bonfire reflected in his calm eyes.

He glanced around and walked towards the hunched figure standing on the far left.

"The village chief." Yule said.

"What's the matter?" The old village chief looked at him suspiciously.

Yule's lips moved slightly.

At the same time, a lean man with a green leaf headdress by the bonfire clapped the strange animal skin drum engraved in his hand.

In the meditation room of the Haiyan, Colin raised his hand and clenched his fist and tapped his chest hard.

A dull sound echoed in the meditation room.

He looked a little surprised, then he thought and opened the palm of his right hand.

A dim flame suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

Colin put his left hand on the flame slowly, but there was no burning pain, but a burst of warmth.

The temperature of this flame is about 1,000, and it is difficult to resist with the flesh alone. Obviously, he also used temperature-resistant magic.

But in reality, he only used a witchcraft now.

Just when he broke the high temperature tolerance limit to gold, he suddenly thought that the high temperature tolerance was actually a defensive witchcraft.

So he tried to fuse it with a new sorcery that was fused with steel armor and Hope's defense field.

As a result, he got this unnamed defensive sorcery that he is currently blessing.

Maybe it can be named "Steel Temperature Resistant Force Field", Colin pondered.

The characters on the gold paper change according to his thoughts.

Steel temperature resistance field (0/100) slowly emerges.

In addition, the fireball technique has also broken the limit.

Different from sorcery such as arrow shooting, steel armor, etc., it will become golden and reach the limit after the second time limit is broken.

Fireball has not turned golden after the second time limit... This means that it can continue to improve.

In this way, the potential of fireball art is greater than that of sorcery such as arrow art.

While thinking, Colin walked out of the meditation room, preparing to return to the master bedroom to rest.


But before taking a few steps, he suddenly frowned.

tilted his head slightly, he listened carefully.


The harsh collision sound suddenly erupted, and not just one sound, but one after another, a steady stream.

when! when! when!

It was as if a group of big fish collided with the Shanghai Swallow one after another.

"Attention, you are under an unknown attack." The mechanized voice of the Kraken Heart sounded.

Colin's complexion changed, and he walked quickly towards the deck!

Renee and the others also noticed the change and came out one after another.


"grown ups."

The two cast inquiring glances at him.

"I don't know what's going on, let's go up and have a look first."

Colin replied, continuing his brisk walk.

Every night, the protective shield of the Haiyan will be opened, and it is difficult to break through the attack below the official wizard.

The Heart of the Siren also did not receive a warning that the protective cover was damaged.

So he wasn't too panicked yet.

can be the next second.

boom! !

I remembered a collision that was far more violent than before.

Colin's heart sank slightly.

This time the impact was so powerful that even the huge Haiyan shook violently.

He couldn't help but quicken his steps.

After a while, he came to the deck.

The moon hung high in the dark sky, only a few insignificant clouds obscured it.

The silver-white moonlight shone down, illuminating the surroundings, allowing Colin to see everything around him without the aid of Illumination.


The waves were constantly surging, and on the dark sea beside the Haiyan, some black monsters were constantly swimming.

These monsters have a mud-like texture and a humanoid shape. The heads are different, some are round, some are triangular, but they all have a pair of scarlet eyes and no other facial features.

They are also different in size, and the louder noise just now was caused by a monster on the right, about 2.5 meters tall.

At this time, the black monster was still attacking the Haiyan, causing the outer layer of translucent shield to continuously ripple.

Shoo! !

Colin raised his hand and fired a cone at it.

But the black monster did not respond at all.

Under the moonlight, he could clearly see that the cone bullet seemed to pass through the colloid, but it only opened a finger-sized hole in the black monster.

And then, the small hole also healed in a blink of an eye.

Most of the black monsters were swimming towards the jungle of the Lae Islands at the end of the pier, but a lot of them stayed in place because of the Petrel.

Colin raised his eyes and looked further back. After seeing it clearly, he couldn't help shivering.

He thought that the black monsters were only the small group in front of him.

But on the pitch-black sea behind him, with the surging waves, under the silver-white moonlight, he could see black dots emerging one by one, densely packed, almost everywhere!

Such a number, how can people be frightened.

Colin calmed down.

Although there are a lot of these monsters, if there is only such an attack power... At least until the magic stone of the Haiyan is exhausted, he does not need to worry about his own safety.

But since there are two-meter-five black monsters, I am afraid there will be bigger ones.

Naturally, he would not pin his hopes on the absence of stronger black monsters.

You can look around, it is already late at night.

Sailing at night is a taboo... In the past, they would turn off the fire and moor at sea.

He finally decided to observe the situation again.

After trying the arrow shooting technique to no avail against these monsters that seemed to be made of mud, he temporarily put out his heart to continue attacking.

After all, the obvious destination of these black monsters is the Lae Islands, and the shield of the Haiyan has a camouflage function.

So there are not many black monsters gathered around.

And the fireball technique is too dynamic. If it is just to kill a black monster, it will attract other black monsters. Obviously, the gain is not worth the loss.

"What kind of monsters are these..." Maud looked pale as he looked at all this.

He didn't like dense things in his usual days. These black monsters in front of him were not only numerous and dense, but also looked dirty and ugly.

The combination of made him feel a little sick to his stomach.

As for safety, he wasn't too worried yet.

After all, in his heart, standing next to him is a first-order wizard!

And these black monsters can't even break through the defensive cover that comes with the Haiyan, let alone compete with an official wizard!

Time passed by minute by minute.

The black monsters next to the Petrel gathered more and more.

The camouflage shields on the outside of the ship were overwhelmed, and they leaked their breath from time to time.

This makes the attacks of black monsters more frequent...

Can't go on like this!

Colin frowned slightly, determined to prepare to take a risk and set sail away.

But at this moment, there was a commotion in the sea behind.

(end of this chapter)