Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Solar Breathing

in the meditation room.

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, the colorful crystals piled up in small piles on the brown blanket, shining brightly.


Colin sighed in his heart, threw the crystal shards in his hand into the wooden bowl on the left, and then picked up a new mixed crystal in front of him and continued to make.

Since returning to the stone house, he has spent the rest of his time making crystals, except for lunch at noon and the living supplies piled up at the door delivered by the trucking team when he opened the door in the afternoon.

When the magic power is exhausted, meditate on the spot to recover. After recovery, continue to make.

Until now evening.

Meditation indoor oil lamp swaying,

There was a small pile in the wooden bowl on Colin's left hand where the crystal fragments were stored, but there were very few finished crystals on the right hand side.

After a while, he slowly exhaled a sigh of relief, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and put the successfully made bright crystal in his hand to the right.

then rubbed his aching head.

Consumed mana can be recovered through meditation, but expendable spirit can only be recovered through sleep.

'There are 35 left. ' He counted the remaining crystals and had a clearer idea of how many witchcraft crystals he could try a day.

'It's about 30 a day, and every 10 you make, you have to restore your mana.

It is estimated that it will increase with the level of proficiency and cultivation in the future. '

He counted the number of successfully made bright crystals on the right hand side

'A total of 7 The success rate is probably a little over 20%. '

According to the market price of bright crystal, such a success rate is a loss.

But he wasn't worried.

Under the influence of gold paper, his success rate in making crystals is rapidly increasing!

According to the current progress, the remaining crystals are enough for him to increase the success rate of making bright crystals to 50%.

And a 50% success rate means that there will be no loss, and more than 50% means turning losses into profits.

Noon the next day.

After lunch, Colin came to the market with 20 bright crystals that he had successfully made for most of the day yesterday and this morning.

So far 65 crystals have been used up.

After selling, buying and haggling at the market,

The 20 bright crystals in his hand have been replaced by 45 miscellaneous crystals.

He hurried back to the stone house.

In the evening, the sunset is brilliant.

Colin just finished his meditation, walked out of the meditation room, leaned against the window, and looked at the scenery.

He found that he had nothing to do for a while.

Today's meditation time has reached the upper limit, and the number of times of making magic crystals has also reached the upper limit.

If you haven't started making witchcraft crystals a few days ago, you can still practice witchcraft to pass the time.

But the work of making bright crystals every day will consume a lot of his energy.

Although you can still cast sorcery, it is a little difficult to practice all the time.

So there will always be some free time.

The setting sun is like fire outside the window, and birds are flying on the sea level.

He didn't have much thought to relax.

frowned and thought for a while, then he moved, turned around and walked to the wooden cabinet beside the bed, bending down.

When he got up, he was holding an old book with a yellow cover - "Sunshine Breathing"

The tragic appearance of Jeff when he came back yesterday made him feel uneasy.

Anyway, he is idle now, he is going to practice this knight's breathing method.

As for learning witchcraft, if you still have time, consider it again.

After all, learning witchcraft is the same as practicing witchcraft, it will consume spirit,

consumes spirit and affects the making of witchcraft crystals.

And the production of sorcery crystals is directly related to whether he can advance. This is his most important goal now. Compared with it, everything else has to fall back.

Time to press the accelerator key again.

In the following days, Colin made crystals in the morning, practiced solar breathing in the afternoon, meditated in the evening, and spent the scattered time in between practicing witchcraft.

Life is full and regular.

Two days later, the newly exchanged 45 crystals ran out again,

Colin went to the market and brought back 75 miscellaneous crystals this time.

Two days later, 75 miscellaneous crystals became 125.

Soon, another week passed.

The afternoon is approaching evening, by the bedside of the stone house.

Colin is practicing the sun breathing method with his shirtless, his firm chest rises and falls with the regular breathing movements.

Sweat slowly dripped down his angular chin, and fell on the wooden floor, splashing an imperceptible splash.

His bare upper body is strong and strong, with clearly visible collarbone, sculptural chest muscles, neatly arranged six-pack abs, deep mermaid lines... The muscles in his body are well-defined without appearing too strong.

He didn't expect that in just eleven days, his originally thin body had become like this.

This aspect is due to solar breathing.

On the other hand, thanks to the amount of food distributed by the school, the food is quite abundant and the variety is also abundant.

Otherwise, it is not so easy to improve to this level.

Sweat dripped continuously, Colin looked focused, his chest and abdomen rose and fell rhythmically with the movements, and the complete set of movements was about to be finished.

After a while, Colin retracted his arms, stood still with his feet apart, and then let out a long breath.

With a thought, golden particles appeared.

Name: Colin Leonard

[Level: Junior Wizard Apprentice (53/100); Junior Knight (69/100)]

Meditation: Apprenticeship Ring Meditation (100/100); Solar Breathing (100/100)

[Witchcraft: Ignition (100/100); Water Condensation (80/100); Brightness (85/100)]

Breakpoint: 1

Colin's face showed joy. Compared with the slow cultivation of wizards, the cultivation of knights was like sitting on a rocket.

In the past eleven days, he not only practiced the sunlight breathing method to the limit, but also changed from an ordinary person to a junior knight, and even the progress of knight cultivation has surpassed that of a wizard!

'It would be great if the cultivation of wizards could be so fast. ' Colin shook his head and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The knight is a weak system compared to the wizard.

A junior knight, with the strengthening of blood, his physical strength is equivalent to that of an athlete in his previous life.

Intermediate knights will reach the limit of the human body.

Senior knight, blood condenses into seeds of life, and his physical quality exceeds the limit of the human body.

But even a high-level knight is only a mortal body without armor, which can be hurt by swords, water and fire.

In this situation, there will be a qualitative change only after breaking through the peak of knighthood, becoming a great knight, and sublimating the seed of life.

The strength of the great knight is far beyond the limit of the human body. He can tear tigers and leopards with his hands, and his blood and energy can be extended to more magical uses.

But the human body has a limit, and the defense of the Great Knight is also limited.

Without the transformation of sorcery, the flesh and blood will never be comparable to steel plates or rocks; the mortal body is still afraid of high temperature and poisonous gas.

And the protection of the mind is at most a little stronger than that of ordinary people.

In the face of a junior wizard apprentice with complete means, it is also a matter of losing more and winning less.

After all, for wizards, most witchcraft can be cast instantly after being proficient. As long as they are not very close, it is enough to release two or three psychic shocks.

And sorcery psychic shocks,

Not even a great knight can resist.

This is still the wizarding world after all.

Ask for free recommended collections for follow-up investment!

(end of this chapter)