Xion Sighed while rubbing his head at the stubborn behavior of this old man.
Grandpa snorts in anger hearing his sigh, "No one has asked you to accompany me! If you are so restless, go from here…. I'll watch over these cookies myself"
"Whatever !" Grandpa bangs his walking stick on to the ground, "By the way, you smell like skunk… Go from here, you are polluting the air. What if my cookies get infected by your smell?"
Xion "….."
"First thing… They are called Macaroons!" Grandpa waved his hand dismissively indicating he doesn't care whatever they are called. Xion poked his index finger at grandpas' right shoulder to get his attention, "Second thing… Did you just call me a skunk?" he gritted his teeth feeling offended.
"You stinky boy… Do you have a comprehensibility problem? I didn't say you are a skunk, I compared your smell to a skunk's smell…. Sitting beside me you know how bad you smell…"
Xion rolled his eyes at this comment, "Yaaa… No thanks to you…. I came running for you straight from the gym after knowing that you are exerting yourself in the kitchen…" He beckoned one of his staff angrily, "Get me a wet towel"
Wiping his body with a wet towel, he looked at grandpa, "Happy now! Your COOKIES won't get infected anymore… I'll watch over them" he emphasized on the word cookies mockingly.
Grandpa said gruffly, "Go away you cheeky rascal! Go away from my cookies…Look at you, you are drooling… I don't trust you"
Xion "..."
"Great! From a stinky skunk to a drooling kid who steals… Don't worry grandpa! Let Mei come, I'll complain it to her that you are a big bully…" Grandpa was horrified by hearing this, giving a stern glare he warned, "Lu Xion… you dare complain about me to my precious granddaughter, I'll execute you for this crime"
"Hahahaha…. Grandpa, you should not mess with me especially when I know your weakness… see, I scared you…" Xion mocked mercilessly.
Poor grandpa could only grunt at this. He sat down facing away from Xion, "Don't talk to me anymore…" Xion chuckled at his childish behavior.
Until the macaroons are out from the oven, the old man watched over them carefully, like guarding a treasure. He picked one to taste it but Xion stopped him by holding his hand, "No… It's sweet…. You are not allowed to eat this… Be good, put it back on the tray" Xion scolded him lightly.
Grandpa snorts, and yanked Xion's hand, "Without tasting how would I know if it's good enough or not? Go away, don't try to become my grandfather…" Xion sighed in defeat, "Fine! But only one… Otherwise Mei.... I mean you know what I'll do, right?" he blackmailed grandpa taking the name of Xiu Mei.
"Huhh....Unworthy" Grandpa threw a dirty look at Xion while taking a bite of macaroon. The chef was anxiously watching his elder boss' expressions. He got scared when Grandpa frowned hard.
Banging his walking stick loudly on to the ground he yelled, "Throw this idiot chef out of the villa… make sure he won't be able to find another job in this city again"
Chef's face turned pale hearing this… His legs started to turn soft, he supported himself by holding the kitchen counter to support his wobbling body.
Watching grandpas' strange behavior, Xion's brow picked up, he picked a macaroon to taste it, although not a big fan of sweets, macaroon tasted delicious to him.
He looked at grandpa, "But grandpa this tastes good… I'm sure Mei will like it"
Grandpa rolled his eyes, "Idiot! Aren't cookies supposed to be crunchy? Why are they so soft?"
Chef "..."
Xion "...."
Chef pursed his lips into a thin line, giving a pity look to Xion he lowered his head. He understood his senior boss doesn't know the difference between the two.
Grandpa continued scolding chef, "This novice chef of yours doesn't know how to make anything… Fire him from the job"
"Grandpa… This is what I'm trying to teach you from the beginning…. They are macaroons, not cookies. There is a huge difference between them…. Mei will definitely like it…" Old man looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You mean to say they are a different type of cookies?"
Xion "....."
"YES, a kind of" Xion answered shortly nodding his head.
"They are not crunchy but soft?"
"Mei, will like it?"
"Yes… yes… yes…"
"Then why didn't you tell me before? Do you think I'm stupid? " Grandpa looked at chef to praise him, "Your salary is doubled… Make more soft cookies…. Pack a big box for her… Hahahaha.... She will like it, I also like it..." He guffawed. Xion helped him to go back to his room.
Chef "….."
The poor chef doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, just a moment ago this old patriarch had fired him, but now all of a sudden his salary is doubled. Shrugging this thought, he ordered his junior chef to start preparing more.
Xion walked a little farther from her so that she cannot eavesdrop on his conversation even by mistake. "What happen Uncle Shen? Is grandpa Ok?"
"Yes… Nothing is wrong with me… I have called you to remind you about the gift. Don't forget to give it to her…. And click a picture for me too…" It was grandpa calling from his a.s.sistants' phone to remind Xion about the gift.
'Arghhh…. This is 100th time since morning when he is reminding me about the gift… Did every old man behave like this or he is an exceptional case?'
Xion took deep breath, "Grandpaaa…..I know about the gift, no need to increase your blood pressure by thinking about it. Let her eat something first, then I'll give your gift, Ok? Now can you please pa.s.s this phone to uncle Shen?"
"Fine! I trust you" Grandpa pa.s.sed the phone to his a.s.sistant while he looked outside the window attentively at Xiu Mei.
Xion turned to look at the window sitting behind which his grandpa is watching them. "Is everything fine there?"
"Yes, boss… Old master is eating his breakfast right now, and just before breakfast he took all his medicine without any delay." Wu Shen looked at his boss, "Old master seems to be in a very good mood, completely enjoying his day… He is not at all grumpy…"
Xion frowned, "Don't call my grandpa grumpy…" Wu Shen bites his tongue at his stupidity, "No Boss, I mean it's good for old masters heart if he is always happy like this…"