Yang Sheng eye's widened in shock. Her words brought an uneasy feeling inside his heart. Does this mean Yang Zian had already left the gadgets for XM to use them later? Her gadgets were present at the Island before she even came here? How can he not think about it? He berated himself. But Hu Chi searched him all over before bringing him to the Island. He even crossed the metal detectors smoothly.
This is not possible. No!
Maybe fire at the lab happened because he allowed her to save her father. She must have done something at that time. Right now, she is trying to trick him. How can a weak woman fight against him? He is the master of the game, working in the field even before she came into this world. She is just scaring me and nothing.
"Tel me Sheng…. From where should I start with?" Xiu Mei asked. "Should I destroy everything one by one…. Just like your lab."
"…..or explode the entire Island all at once? Or..." She s.h.i.+fted her gaze at Yang Sheng's men. "Start by killing your men first….. a slow and painful death."
"BLUFF! Every word from your mouth is a bluff!" Yang Sheng yelled. "Do you think I'll buy any of this? If you already had all these things under your control then why did you come here and risked your life?"
"….. because neither could my team ambush the Island not could I blew up the place while my father was here. I had access to every place other than the lab where you had kept my father. And I know that that area was exclusively under your control." She equally yelled. "It was a simple trick to force you to take me there and I'll set the entire place on fire, again forcing you to bring us out. Now that I've my father safe with me, out of the area which I failed to access, I can do anything."
"Haha….. It's the same silly woman. In fact, the situation right now is worse. Not only Mo Zhichan, but you and Kong Zhi are here too."
"Same?" She said. "Let me show you the difference. Not with my words… but with my actions." She jumped from the table and hugged the dogs tightly, squeezing herself closer to Kong Zhi and Mo Zhichan.
Daiyu followed her actions and squeezed himself into the group.
Once more a series of loud explosions were heard. But unlike the other time, it didn't stop after three explosions but continued till everyone lost the number of counts. Above that, the intensity was many hundred times colossal than the last time.
It felt like an earthquake was shaking the foundation of the Island.
What seems like an eternity, the explosion finally stopped.
After a.s.suring everyone is fine, she let go of the dogs in her arms and asked Daiyu to cut off the duct tape from their mouths.
She looked at everyone as they lay on the ground with their heads covered with their hands. She laughed at Yang Sheng who was curled up in the corner in the same protective stance.
Everyone looked up hearing her eerie laughter. The men who were feeling proud just a while ago were visibly shaken because of the shock that a frail-looking woman has given. She is a Yama in the disguise of a woman.
They saw her lifting her hand, stroking something that was stuck at the back of her palm. Was it a spider? Has she gone mad?
"Good job Orange. Good Job Big spidy." She was obviously referring to the gadget in her hand. Xiu Mei gave a provoking look to Yang Sheng.
"If I had threatened you with all this power while my father was still under your control, there was no way you would have let him go safely. Knowing how cunning you are you would had let my father die or maybe killed instead of handing him over to me before running away from the Island only to strike again later."
"To avoid that, I deliberately used myself as a dangling carrot in front of your eyes, made you believe that after getting me you would be able to force father into your demands and be able to take advantage of our inventions. Your greed for power and money was so huge that you yourself invited the destruction at your doorstep."
She spread her arms. "Now look… my father is with me, safely out of that lab. I'm standing in front of you holding the entire control of your Island at my palm. Even if you dare to run away, there is no way you could hurt my father."
Yang Sheng narrowed his eyes.
"Idiot! Didn't understand?" She shook her neck reading Yang Sheng's expressions. "A coward like you only knows how to inflict pain and kill others. But when it comes to themselves, they are most afraid to die or feel pain. That's your biggest weakness! But for people like me…. We are neither afraid to kill the wrongdoers nor afraid to sacrifice ourselves for the cause."
"I know I'm standing at the pile of explosives, any moment death can come at us. But can you see the fear in any of our eyes?" Yang Sheng subconsciously looked at Daiyu, XM and even the fearless dogs. "But look at you…. you're clearly sweating, trembling on your shoes. Your one wrong step and I'll blow up the entire Island in a blink of an eye. I'll die…. But so as you! Either we all are going out of here alive or we all die. The choice is yours."
This was the biggest gamble Xiu Mei was playing. But she was ninety-nine percent sure that Yang Sheng would never put his life at risk and will let go of everyone. After all what other choice does he have?
From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Hu Chi moving secretly to attack her. Instantly she raised her hand to give orders to Orange. "Spider babies attack."
Within a second, other than the Big spidy on Xiu Mei, the remaining five spiders came out of nowhere, crawled on Hu Chi and started digging his flesh until they disappeared inside his body.
Everyone stepped away from him, afraid the spiders might attack them.
Hu Chi struggled, scratched his body wildly, tear off his clothes….. Shouted like a man burning with invisible fire, stamping his feet, reaching his hands all over the place where Spiders were digging his flesh inwardly, deeper and deeper without taking care of any arteries or organs.
Pain comes in waves, each bigger than the other intending to destroy him from inside. His ear-piercing cry echoed, reaching to the far sky. His body curled into fetal, it was the torture that could make anyone dread…...
In the far distance he just heard an evil laugh as blood flowed from all the holes of his body…..