Instantly Xiu Mei moved in and kicked his back. Due to this sudden attack, he was caught off guard and hit into the wall, breaking the gla.s.s painting.
She looked down at Zeus' who was trying to recover from the attack. Without giving him any opportunity she bent over and squatted before him, pulled him by the collar before hitting him on the nose with a hard fist…. Then another punch…. And another…. She knew nose is the most sensitive area on the face, connected with maximum nerves and just a small hit can make someone feel dizzy.
Undoubtedly Commander Zeus is strongest among them in strength, but she is at advantage of being nimble and quick in her moves.
Her face was devoid of any emotion but aura speaks of a deadly beast that had crawled straight from the h.e.l.l. Tranced in her own world she robotically hit the man's face, targeting his eyes after nose, one punch after another until her hands and his face was stained red with blood and he was about to lose his consciousness.
She picked the same rope with which Zeus' adjutants used to tie girls with and tied his limbs in a secured knot. She kicked him on the side and went to get some alcohol bottles.
When Zeus' felt the stinging pain when the alcohol was poured over his face, he gasped out and the same time tried to breathe through the mouth as his choked nose failed to provide him with sufficient oxygen.
She poured the alcohol in his mouth to hinder his breathing. Helpless, Zeus choked when liquid entered his lungs and convulsed to side to get some relief.
Without delaying she opened the laptop and satellite communicating device to establish contact with Feng Jianyu. She checked the laptop but without an internet connection it's a useless black box. She checked the history to confirm her doubt whether he had accessed an internet connection before or not.
Not so surprisingly he has sent few emails almost an hour ago which means internet connection was available to him for a brief time of 4 minutes.
'd.a.m.n! This means he gets it opened for himself just to send these emails!?'
Like a vicious madwoman, she looked at him and picked a broken gla.s.s piece and holds it near his face, "I want internet. Get it open for me"
Zeus' tried to open his eyes but because of blood and alcohol, his vision was blurry. "W-Who are you?" Being a military man he has seen a lot of exceptional fighting experts. But this woman's. .h.i.ts were practically demoniacal as she has. .h.i.t him on fatal points.
Just who the h.e.l.l is she? What is she doing here?
"Wrong answer!"
She stabbed the gla.s.s piece on his right shoulder.
To make the situation difficult for him, Xiu Mei pushed the gla.s.s deeper into his skin. She watched as the fresh blood spurted out from his wound and he groaned and convulsed.
Despite being in pain, he spat out blood and gritted as he said weakly, "b.i.t.c.h! Do you think you can go out from here alive? I'll hunt you down"
"Dead men never hunts" She squeezed his cheeks digging her nails in and growled, "But if you want an easy death and not a painful one like this, GET ME THE INTERNET"
His lips curled into a smirk. "Poor you! I already discharged my men from duty. Let's wait for the night to pa.s.s and I'll get you internet tomorrow morning. Howz that sound?"
She reacted as if she had heard the biggest joke. Her lips curled. "Great! In that case, you are of no use. But I really wonder, how did you access the internet at 4:00 a.m. yesterday without any connection"
Zeus' was stunned that she caught his lie so easily. Indeed everything is mentioned in history, even a 4-year-old child could tell. But his ego wouldn't allow him to be intimidated by a woman.
Just then, Xiu Mei grabbed another gla.s.s piece and brings it closer to him.
He chuckled humourlessly, believing she is bluffing. "A weak woman like you can never dare to kill me. You are only good for f*cking and nothing else. Soon my men will come to take you back where you belong to, that rotten cell. And let me tell you, I'm going to f*ck till you die under me"
"Quite a talker!" she taunted.
A flash of anxiety crossed his mind for a second when he saw the undaunted look. But he was sure she could never kill him as there are more than 200 soldiers on this camp and many more on various locations of the city. To make it alive from this place she has to keep him alive too.
With that, he felt something slashed through the skin on his lower abdomen and a never felt pain shot through his body. Another gla.s.s piece penetrated right over his proud treasure, making him shake and roll his body unnaturally. He stared at the gla.s.s shard standing erect over his manhood, leaking blood down his pants.
His shrill shriek came from deep within his chest, cold sweat covered his body, he tried to say something, but the overwhelming pain took over his senses.
"As you like so much f*cking, I thought why not give you a taste of your own medicine. This is for all the women who have suffered because of you" She stared coldly at him. Her eyes were filled with darkness and blood-thirst thrill right before the hunt.
Zeus' breathing hitched. In that instant, he regretted taking her lightly. She is not a woman but a monster in disguise. He cursed himself for making this room soundproof. No matter how much he shouts, his screams will forever be trapped inside this room just like the screams of those helpless women trapped under him.
Xiu Mei checked the time, only 20 minutes for the officers to come and get her. She kicked him aside as he is of no use for her and concentrated back on other equipment.