Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 991

Chapter 991

"Who is this? Now it's Baron Narante's wedding, and he actually asked Baron Narante to stop the wedding, isn't it too rude?"

"Yeah, these people are too rude. Could it be that they are the imperial kings of the Holy Continent? Aren't they afraid that Baron Nalante will be angry?"

Although the Son's voice was not loud, it was not low, so that everyone at the wedding could hear it clearly.

After hearing these words, all the nobles from the Glorious Continent began to discuss in low voices.

Because the news of the nobles of the Glorious Continent in this sacred continent is too closed, and they don't know the identity of the Son and others.

"Shh, everyone, keep your voice down, these people are all strong in the continent of Io!"

Fortunately, at the next moment, the king with the sacred continent reminded him with kind words.

Because although the kings of these principalities also felt that the Holy Son had gone too far.

But their strength is overwhelmed by others, and there is nothing they can do.

Now I just hope that the Holy Son will not go too far, otherwise even the entire family in the Holy Continent will be ashamed.

After all, Nalante is now able to represent the top combat power of the Holy Continent.

The Holy Son's lack of face is the same as that of not giving them face.

"Your Excellency, Son, I don't know what you have to do. Now it's Narante's wedding, and the guests are all waiting. Why don't we talk about it after the wedding?"

At this time, even Theodore, who found out that the problem was wrong, hurried over.

He was worried that Nalante would not be able to bear this tone because he was young and energetic.

"Theodore, I don't have anything to do with you today, just stand aside!"

However, to President Theodore's surprise, the Holy Son didn't take him seriously anymore.

Some time ago, President Theodore was useful to him because of the need of the situation.

But now that the discussions with all the kingdoms have been completed, President Theodore is naturally useless.

Even the Son of God wanted to slightly show the majesty of the Kingdom of God.

Avoid a group of principalities really thinking that their kingdom of God is a philanthropist.

"President Theodore, it's okay, just wait a moment, I'll just talk to His Excellency Son!"

Seeing the aggressive appearance of the holy son, Nalante flashed a killing intent in his eyes.

With his current strength, such a short distance, plus the small bone dragon, it is definitely possible to kill this holy son.

However, for the sake of Stella and his subjects, he still needs patience for the time being.

However, this holy son must not push him into a hurry, otherwise the rabbit will bite people even if he is pushed.

"Your Excellency, Son, tell me, if there is anything you want to discuss with me."

"See if I can do it."

Narante looked at the Holy Son.

"Hehe, Baron Narante, you must be able to do it!" The Son nodded in satisfaction when he heard Narante's answer.

After a pause, he continued: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just about your storm collar wine."


Narante narrowed his eyes slightly.

I didn't expect that the Holy Son was for this matter.

However, this is also normal, whether it was himself or President Theodore a few days ago.

Such a day has long been foreseen.

"That's right, it's wine!"

"By the way, Baron Nalante, because of this wine, it makes me think highly of your Holy Continent."

"In such an expensive and barren continent, there is a rare fine wine."

"And this kind of fine wine, I like it very much!"

"Also, I don't have the heart to let this wine only be sold in expensive and scarce areas of this sacred continent."

"I want to sell the wine to the continent of Io, so that people in the continent of Io can also realize the deliciousness of wine."

"In this way, I believe that this beautiful thing like a gift from the gods will not be insulted!"

The corner of Shengzi's mouth curved slightly, and the words he spoke were very beautiful and grand.

"Then I would like to thank Your Excellency Shengzi. If Your Excellency Shengzi wants to purchase wine, I, Nalante, must be extremely honored."

"So, at that time, we will give priority to the caravan of Your Excellency the Son with the greatest ability!"

Nalante responded in a dignified and unobtrusive manner.

Although he knew that the Holy Son might not only have such thoughts.

But if it is other thoughts, Narante may not be able to agree.

"No, no, Baron Narante, that's not my plan!"

Sure enough, as soon as Narante finished speaking, the holy son raised his finger and shook it.

"Baron Nalante, I'm going to brew this wine on the continent of Io."

"Because I feel that the elements and magic power of the Holy Continent are too barren, and it is very likely that it also limits some of the deliciousness of the wine."

"But if it's placed on the continent of Io, I'm afraid the delicacy of the wine can be improved to a higher level."

"Besides, Narante, you are only a baron after all, and your wine production is very limited."

"This also greatly limits the spread of wine, so why not let me, the country of the sun, carry it forward."

"Of course, as the Kingdom of God, we are also very sensible."

"After all, this wine is a product of your Storm Neck, so I will use gold coins or other items to exchange for purchase."

"Baron Narante, let me tell you the quantity now, and see if you can accept it."

"Our kingdom of God is willing to give out 100,000 gold coins, plus ten fruits that can increase the realm of fighting spirit!"

"Baron Nalante, this fruit that increases the realm of fighting spirit is very precious even in our continent of Io!"

"How about it, Baron Narante can accept this condition!"

The Holy Son of the Sun Kingdom looked at Narante with an expression of earning money for you, waiting for his answer.

However, what Nalante's answer is, everyone does not know.

But all the nobles from the Holy Continent and the Glory Continent are already scolding their mothers in their hearts.

One hundred thousand gold coins?

Anyone who is not a fool knows that this is to send beggars.

Nalante's wine is sold to an empire, and I am afraid that it will earn more than one year.

Now the Holy Son wants to exchange wine for this price.

And the appetite is still surprisingly big, wanting to transplant winemaking technology and vines to the continent of Io.

So what's the difference between that and robbery?

Sure enough, Nalante's expression had become indifferent.

"Your Excellency, Son, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request."

Narante spoke directly in a cold voice.

Although he really doesn't want to offend the kingdom of God right now.

But it doesn't mean that the Kingdom of God can be humiliated wantonly.

"Can't agree? Baron Narante, do you have to think about it?"

The Son's expression changed immediately.

The face that was still shouting and smiling turned cold.

There is even a hint of threat between the words.

In an instant, the entire wedding scene became quiet, and needles could be heard.

"That's right, Your Excellency Son, although my title of Nalante is small, I am still a lord."

"This wine is a specialty of my Storm Neck, so I can't agree to your terms!"

"If you want to obtain the right to sell wine in the Sun God Kingdom, or even the entire continent of Io, I can agree."

"But it is absolutely impossible to directly obtain the brewing methods and materials!"

Nalante knew that it would be useless to compromise at this time.

At the moment, he didn't give face at all.

And while he was talking, he was also talking with the little bone dragon in his heart.

"Nalante, if you really do something today, you can teach this son of a **** a lesson."

"However, it's best not to kill him on the spot, after all, he is the Holy Son of the Sun God Kingdom."

"If you kill him in public, I'm afraid the Sun God will never die."

"Even if I can take you to find the shelter of the black dragon, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to mediate."

"But just teach him a lesson, and when the dragon clan comes forward again, it may suppress this matter!"

"Okay, Your Excellency Bone Dragon, I understand!"

Hearing the words from the small bone dragon in his head, Nalan nodded.

At the same time, the long sword in Nalante's hand was gradually placed on his waist.

Because he saw that several guards around the Son also showed signs of drawing their swords if they disagreed.

Now all we have to do is wait for an order from the Holy Son.


When the surrounding nobles who attended the wedding saw this scene, their colors suddenly changed.

What should they do if fighting does break out between the two sides?

Will there be conflicts between the Holy Continent and the Io Continent?

"Your Excellency Son! Please wait a moment, let me persuade Baron Nalante!"

At this moment, High Priest Dagmar finally made a move.

She didn't expect this holy son to be so tough.

Where is this discussion?

Dagmar finished talking to the Holy Son, and when the Holy Son nodded and stepped aside with a black face, she came to Narante.

"Baron Narante, don't be too impulsive!"

"High Priest Dagmar, I'm afraid I'm impulsive, right?"

Narante glanced at the high priest of Dagmar, but he didn't give a good look.

Since the Holy Son came with the Holy Son, she obviously also participated in it.

High Priest Dagmar knew that he was wrong, and his face was a little embarrassed, and he continued: "Oh, Baron Narante, I know that it is wrong for our Goddess of Talent to do this."

"After all, you are also the husband of Saint Stella."

"But you don't know how much interest your wine has."

"This is a benefit that can attract all the kingdoms of God."

"So, I'm afraid you really can't keep this wine."

"Of course, Goddess, our Goddess of Talent, will look to strive for the best interests for you in Stella's face."

"For example, to ensure that the wine from the Io continent will not be sold to the Holy Continent."

"Then we will never let third-party forces know how the wine is made."

"More importantly, if you are dissatisfied with the previous conditions of the Son of the Sun Kingdom, we can still talk about it."

Dagmar spoke earnestly.

On the one hand, it is to obtain the recipe of this wine as peacefully as possible.

It is not because of this matter that Stella has a gap with the goddess of talent.

In addition, she really felt that the Holy Son was too domineering.

If it was their Goddess Country who came to negotiate, then what just happened would never happen.

Because in the Io continent, this kind of exchange trade is not the first time that the Kingdom of God has done it.

For example, the magical weapons and appliances produced by the Goblins of Io are very popular.

Then they will negotiate a cooperation with the goblins, let the goblins produce, and they will sell.

At that time, the interests of both parties will be divided in proportion.

In this way, it is a win-win situation.

Although wine is more special, because this technology can be mastered in your hands.

But since this is the case, it is better to share some benefits with Nalante.

Presumably in this way, Nalante may have to accept it.

It is probably because the Holy Son is used to being arrogant as always, and he simply looks down on people from the Holy Continent.

This is the same as sending beggars, not to mention sharing, even if it is gold coins, only 100,000 pieces will be given out.

"Your Excellency Son, what do you think, we are discussing the conditions of cooperation?"

Dagmar didn't wait for Narante to answer, and looked at the holy son again.

"Hmph, boy, you are lucky to have a good wife, and she is the saint of Goddess Goddess of Talent!"

"How about this, our Sun God Nation, for the sake of High Priest Dagmar, will give you a cooperation condition that can only be found between the continents of Io."

"That is, as long as you provide us with the formula and raw materials of this wine, in addition to the conditions just now, it is guaranteed that you will get half of the profit from the wine's sales in the continent of Io in the future."

Hearing this, the Holy Son pondered for a moment before finally snorting coldly.

If it wasn't for Dagmar, he would definitely have coerced and lured Narant into submission.

Of course, anyway, the half of the removal can be deducted from the talent Goddess Country, and that's the same.

As long as their Sun God Kingdom has the winemaking method and vines in their hands, it will be fine.

"How about it, Narante, you should be satisfied with this?"

Dagmar finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the Son had made such a big concession.

This half-percent benefit doesn't sound like much, but the Io continent is so huge, and its population is many times larger than that of the sacred continent.

At that time, this half of the profit may not be much less than what Nalante earned in the Holy Continent.

In her mind, Narante should be satisfied.

However, she thought that Nalante would make a compromise and had no choice but to accept this condition.

This is completely impossible.

Narante smiled.

"Your Excellency, Son, you are really generous. You want not only my vines, but also my brewing method."

"In the end, give me half of the profit and I should be grateful to Dade. There is no such good thing in the world."

"I'll say it again now, there's absolutely no way I'm selling the wines and the vines."

"If your Excellency thinks that the Sun God Kingdom can be taken by chance, then I would rather destroy it than be taken away!"

"You..." Hearing Nalante's words, the holy son's already ugly face darkened instantly.

"Boy, if it weren't for us and the kingdom of gods, whether you can keep this continent is a problem!"

"Now that the dark creatures are driven away, you have forgotten to be afraid!"

"Our Kingdom of God wants your wine~www.mtlnovel.com~ and is willing to discuss and cooperate with you, that is how we value you!"

"And now you call us robbers, boy, and you're blasphemy."

"And the guilt of blasphemy, do you know?"

"Blasphemy? Your Excellency really knows how to take a big hat!" Nalante sneered.

Knowing that the Holy Son is ready to do something.

And this blasphemous big hat is an excuse to do it.

At the moment, I am not ready to say anything.

With the long sword in his hand, he was about to pull out Cambridge.

"Hohoho! Haha, Nalante, you kid, you didn't tell the black dragon in advance about the wedding!"

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