Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 984

Chapter 984

And now that this enemy has not really risen, it is to nip the threat in the bud.

Otherwise, if it is not resolved now, it will likely become a major problem for all the kingdoms of God in the future.

After everyone unified their opinions, they immediately gave instructions to the guards beside them.

After a while, several dragon knights rose up from the teleportation array in the inner city square.

Counting them one by one, there were more than ten dragon knights.

At this time, President Theodore, who was guarding the ground by several Divine Kingdom soldiers, saw this scene with tears in his eyes.

These kingdoms of God are not waiting for soldiers to gather, they are clearly just excuses.

However, no matter how much President Theodore hates him, he can't change this reality.

And the kingdom of God doesn't even care what President Theodore thinks.

Seeing that the dragon knights were all assembled, Dang even rushed out of the city.

"Your Excellency Bone Dragon, it's almost time!"

Nalante watched the orcs fleeing desperately. There was no one standing in the arena, and he was about to evacuate immediately.

He didn't want to expose the existence of Xiaogulong and Rongguang Nine Swords.

But seeing those orcs slaughtering their own race, and still being angry because of him, he really couldn't bear it.

"Nalante, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to leave!"

However, the answer of the small bone dragon made Nalante stunned.

Only then did Nalante look towards the city, but he saw more than a dozen dragon knights and the high priests of the kingdom of God quickly surrounded him.

"Is this the virtue of these kingdoms of God? Could it be that the gods they believe in also allow them to act like this?"

When Narante saw this scene, he naturally felt the motives of these high priests of the Kingdom of God.

I am also puzzled at the moment. In the past, it was said that gods are noble and glorious existences.

But now these believers are no less than shameless nobles.

"Nalante, you think too much. Although the gods have a long lifespan, they are powerful!"

"But in fact, except for a few gods, most gods are no different from ordinary creatures!"

"They also have their own preferences and temperament, so they will fight for their own interests!"

"Not to mention these believers, in order to please their own gods, they can do anything unbelievable!"

"Also, in the eyes of some gods, ordinary humans and creatures are like ants, and the death or injury of ants will not affect the mood of the gods at all."

Facing Nalante's puzzlement, Little Bone Dragon shook his head and explained to Nalante.

Hearing the explanation of the small bone dragon, Nalante took a deep breath.

I should have thought of it a long time ago, after all, the previous film and television dramas also performed the battle of gods.

But in this world, since all the gods he saw had devout believers, it was likely to prove that these gods still had the demeanor of gods.

"Okay, Narante, these guys are here, if something goes wrong later, remember to hold on to me!"

At this time, the high priests of the kingdom of God had come close.

They stayed a hundred meters away from Nalante and the small bone dragon.

And the group of dragon knights spread out in a fan shape.

Seeing this, Nalante immediately said in a cold voice: "Hmph, you guys from the Kingdom of God, what do you mean by coming here now?"

"This bone dragon knight, don't get me wrong, we have no other intentions!"

"I just came here to thank you for helping our human race just now!"

At this moment, the holy son was not as fierce as when he was talking to the other high priests.

Instead, he smiled, appearing harmless to humans and animals.

"Huh, I don't thank anyone for my shot, but those ugly big beasts make me dislike them!"

"Now, stay away from me, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Nalante naturally knew the sinisterness of this holy son, so he continued to warn the birth in a cold voice.

"Bone Dragon Knight, don't be angry, we really have no malicious intentions!"

"I really came here to thank you from the bottom of my heart. If the Bone Dragon Knight doesn't mind, we would like to invite you, Bone Dragon Knight!"

"In addition, we are very curious about your identity, Your Excellency Bone Dragon, because the magic technique you just used is obviously a god!"

"To be honest, we have never seen a **** who can control dark creatures before!"

"If your Excellency can tell us which **** you are a believer in, maybe our gods may not necessarily overlap!"

Naturally, it was impossible for the Holy Son to be dismissed by Nalante in a few words.

If Narante's identity is not confirmed this time, it is impossible for him to let Narante go.

"Nalante, it seems that this guy has doubts about your identity, and he may have seen the clues of your glorious sword!"

Immediately, there was a reminder from the small bone dragon in Nalante's mind.

And Nalante also knew it well, "I have no interest in your thanks and banquet!"

"Also, you guys are curious about my identity, so it's none of my business, why should I explain it to you!"

After finishing speaking, Nalante made a gesture to urge the small bone dragon to prepare to leave.

Seeing Nalante's move, the dragon knights of the Kingdom of God also immediately moved, chasing and besieging Nalante.

Immediately, Narante stopped, "What do you mean?"

"Bone Dragon Knight, we don't have much interest, but we are really curious about your identity."

"So, can you tell me which **** you are a believer in and which continent you are from."

"As long as you can tell us, we promise not to restrict you from leaving!"

Seeing that Nalante was so soft that he refused to eat, the Holy Son no longer pretended to be a snake.

The smile on his face was restrained at the moment, and his eyes were fixed on Nalante.

"Hehe, it seems that I have no choice?"

Narante smiled.

"Your Excellency, please tell us!"

"Well, since this is the case, I can only tell you that if you want to know my identity, first ask about the sword in my hand!"

clang clang!

After speaking, Nalante drew the long sword out of his hand.

The group of dragon knights became tense in an instant, and also drew out the long swords around their waists one after another.

Seeing this scene, all the high priests of the Kingdom of God looked at the Son nervously.

They don't have the self-confidence of the Holy Son, so they are very afraid of Nalante who just killed two Chimera knights with two swords.

As expected, the Holy Son is worthy of being the son of the High Priest of the most powerful Divine Kingdom in the Aiou Continent, but he is still calm at this moment.

"Your Excellency, why are you so uncooperative? In fact, I have already recognized some clues from your sword skills just now!"

"You are a believer in the God of Glory, right? Can you tell us where the Temple of the God of Glory is now?"

The Son of God fixed his eyes on Narante, and even sneaked out a golden disc in his hand.

It looked like he was ready to do something when he had a disagreement.

Nalante had seen this golden disc before, and that day the Son of God relied on this disc to interrupt the dead spirit of the dark lord shooting high into the sky.

"Your Excellency Bone Dragon, do you think it is possible to injure that guy if I use the Glorious First Slash?"

"Nalante, to be honest, if it was the God of Glory, or even the first slash made by God using divine power, it would definitely hurt that guy."

"Don't talk about hurting, even beheading is not a problem."

"But you don't have supernatural powers, and that guy is still holding a divine artifact left by the gods, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to hurt him!" Bone Dragon didn't cheat, and gave the most pertinent answer directly.

"Can't you?" Narante frowned immediately.

The only way to escape now is to injure this guy, and then make them lose their mind to chase after him.

Otherwise, even if he can run away now, how can he run in the face of more than a dozen dragon knights chasing him.

The last possibility is to be consumed by the opponent, and then fall into the encirclement again.

In this way, Narante fell into silence.

And the swords were on the verge of breaking out outside the city, and the civilians and kings inside the city immediately noticed it.

"What's going on, so many dragon knights seem to surround the bone dragon knights!"

"Could it be that these guys from the Kingdom of God want to deal with the Bone Dragon Knight."

"Damn it, it must be so, these bastards, they didn't help us when the orcs attacked the city just now."

"Now, those orcs were driven away by the bone dragon knight, and they actually surrounded the bone dragon knight!"

"Yeah, what kind of **** believers are these damned guys? Is that what gods are like?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't you want to die, we can't change the situation at all."

"Now I just hope that the bone dragon knight can leave safely!"

All of a sudden, the civilians and the kings, who could see the scene outside the city clearly from the distant city wall, talked a lot.

"Your Excellency Bone Dragon, did I hit the mark?"

And the atmosphere outside the city became more and more tense with Narante's silence.

The Holy Son felt that Nalante had been hit by his words.

In this way, he was ready to do it, and his eyes were already on the surrounding dragon knights.

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment, Nalante suddenly let out a hearty laugh.

"Bone Dragon Knight, what are you laughing at?"

"What am I laughing at? I'm laughing at you pious fellows who claim to be believers in the gods!"

"Just now the orcs slaughtered the same race, but you didn't dare to do it!"

"Now, they surround me aggressively!"

"I tell you, you will regret it!"

"Now, since you want to know so much, I'll tell you!"

As he spoke, Narante slowly put away the Dragon Tooth Sword in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Shengzi and others were a little confused about what Nalante wanted to do.

But in the next moment, as Nalante thought about it, the Sword of Glory that was originally hidden in the storage space appeared in his hand.


The Sword of Glory appeared in Nalante's hands, and he didn't know if he felt something strange around him, but he suddenly trembled actively.

Nalante didn't delay much, and slowly pulled out the Glorious Sword from its sheath.

As the long sword was slowly unsheathed, the blade shining with a faint white light appeared.

"This is..." Seeing the blade of the Sword of Glory, Sheng Zi's expression suddenly changed.

"It's the Sword of Glory, he is really a believer in the God of Glory... Hurry up, get rid of him!"

The Holy Son didn't dare to neglect anymore, and anxiously urged a group of dragon knights to surround Nalante.

Although I don't know what Nalante can do with this sword.

But the legend of the Sword of Glory made him instinctively feel fear and anxiety!

"Hehe, then you all have a try. In fact, I really want to try the power of this long sword!"

Facing the eager cry of the Holy Son, Nalante put on a sneer on his face.

The opponent's shamelessness finally made him explode.

"Kid Nalante..."

The small bone dragon seemed to have sensed Narante's movements, and opened his mouth to say something.

But in the end he held back.

Because at this moment, Nalante has begun to gather all his fighting spirit.

And with the gathering of fighting energy, gusts of wind began to hang in the originally sunny sky around him.

And the clouds in the sky gathered slowly, as if they were being pulled.

"Quick, we can't wait any longer!"

Sensing the changes around him, the Son shouted and threw the golden disc in his hand forward.

And the surrounding dragon knights have also brandished their long swords and rushed towards Narante.

"Rong... Guang... Two... Sword... Slash..."

It's a pity that Nalante has completed the gathering of grudge at this moment.

As arcs like electric arcs continuously danced above the long sword, the sword of glory in Narante's hand swung straight forward.

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But when the sword was cut down, before the sword glow appeared, the surrounding air was suddenly divided into two.

The shock wave invisible to the naked eye directly hit the ground, sweeping up the fallen leaves and dust on the ground, and quickly pushed them towards the two sides.

At this time, the sword glow that Nalante cut out finally appeared.

This is a huge sword light with a length of more than 300 meters.

When the Holy Son and a group of dragon knights saw the sword glow, their complexions immediately turned pale, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Even the giant dragons under the dragon knight scattered towards the sides at the same time.

Fortunately, at this time, the golden disc that the Son had just run out of had already taken effect, automatically forming a golden barrier.

The next moment, the sword glow directly slashed at the golden barrier.


Following a flash of bright light, there was a loud bang that resounded through the sky.

Ho **** ho!

After the loud noise, a huge shock wave spread around the center.

The power of this impact directly blows away the surrounding giant dragons, and after being blown out for tens of meters, it stabilizes its figure a little.

In fact, not only these giant dragons, but also the holy son hiding behind the golden disc and the high priests of the kingdom of God were also blown straight to the ground.


Suddenly, several high priests and holy sons fell to the ground like dumplings.

Of course, although people were a little bit embarrassed, these guys were lucky and were not seriously injured.

Instead, at this moment ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ there was another roar from more than a hundred meters behind them.


But Narante's slash had already shattered the barrier released by the golden disk.

Although the power has been weakened a lot, it is still cut on the ground.

And the rear city wall, as a building above the ground, bore the brunt of the damage.

A huge gap appeared directly, splitting the tens of meters high city wall into two.

"Hiss, how could there be such a great power? It shouldn't be, unless Nalante is using divine power?"

Seeing this scene, the little bone dragon was also stunned at the moment, because he thought that the power of the second slash of glory could not be released by Nalante.

This is already comparable to the power released by using divine power.

It's just that Nalante has passed out at this moment, and has not been able to solve the confusion for the small bone dragon.