Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 91

Chapter 91

"My lord, Xiao Huihui said, a large group of people appeared in the forest, and they were all wearing wild animal fur."

In Doom Village, Narant and his party had been waiting for more than an hour, and suddenly Little Huihui flew back from the direction of the fire forest, and chirped a few times in Shirley's ear.

Shirley immediately reported the situation to Narant.

"Are you here!" Narant stood up abruptly, then looked at Vivian: "Vivian, follow the plan just arranged!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing the words, Vivian quickly looked at the two guards, "You two are now pushing the car to the Fire Forest. Remember, run back as soon as you find the barbarian, and don't try anything else!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The two guards were not wearing armor, but the linen gowns of ordinary serfs.

Hearing the order, he immediately pushed the cart towards the road outside the village.

This trolley is the one that Narant instructed the carpenters to make a few days ago. The first one was assembled just last night.

Narant wanted to use slippery flying fish to lure the barbarians into eating them. Fish that approached hundreds of pounds would naturally have to be transported by a car. However, horses were valuables, and Narant was reluctant to use them as bait.

So this trolley came in handy. Two large frames of flying fish were placed on the wheelbarrow and pushed by the guards.

After the two guards left Doom Village, they walked all the way for more than half an hour. Suddenly, a swarm of bees flew in front of them and kept buzzing in front of them.

When the two saw this scene, they looked at each other and immediately understood that this was the news that the barbarians were about to approach.

At the same time, a mile in front of the two of them, a group of fierce barbarians were constantly advancing, and the barbarians walking at the forefront observed the footprints and traces on the road from time to time.

"Patriarch Raymond, the trails on the road show that the abominable group of robbers are walking along this dirt road, but there is still a little blood on the ground, I am afraid that some of the clansmen they kidnapped have been injured!"

After a barbarian soldier probed for a while, he reported to the most burly and tall barbarian in the team.

"Continue to chase, no matter what, I will rescue the clan, and I will make these despicable robbers pay the price they deserve!"

This barbarian named Raymond is the patriarch of this small tribe. His height is close to 2.4 meters, even among barbarians.

The knotted muscles on his body are like rocks, and an old giant axe in his hand may weigh hundreds of pounds, but when he holds it, it seems as light as nothing.

"Yes, Patriarch!" The barbarians who heard the words continued to move forward.

Just over ten minutes later, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the barbarian road.

"Patriarch, there seem to be two ordinary robbers ahead!"

The word robber is the collective term that barbarians refer to all noble and civilized human beings. Because the nobles stole their land back then, barbarians feel that their robbers are worthy of the name.

"Grab them and see if you can ask them for clues!"

In fact, without Raymond's instructions, the barbarian soldiers walking at the forefront ran up and rushed towards the two people who were resting on the road in front.

However, their speed was fast, and the two resting people were even faster. After finding the figures of their group of savages, the two crying father and mother began to run wild, and even did not even want the car full of goods behind him. .

The barbarians chased for a full mile. Unfortunately, although they were tall, their advantage after running was not strong. In the end, they could only watch the two run away.

"Patriarch, those two robbers ran too fast, the clansmen couldn't catch up!" Immediately, a barbarian came back to report.

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch up, it's just two ordinary robbers, not the same as the robbers who attacked us!" Raymond didn't care, "Notify the clan, speed up, I'm worried that the injured clan may not last long!"

"Yes, Patriarch!" The other barbarians responded immediately.

However, at this time, two more barbarians came to Raymond with two baskets in their arms.

"Patriarch, there are two baskets of fish here, left by the two ordinary robbers just now, what should I do?"

"This fish hasn't been slaughtered yet, and it's still very fresh. We hurriedly chased without food. We'll distribute it to everyone later, just to replenish our strength!" Raymond picked up a fish in the basket and sniffed it close to the tip of his nose, but found nothing unusual.

From the beginning of the pursuit, most of their clansmen just picked some wild fruits on the roadside to feed their hunger, but they have been hungry for a day and a night.

As people who live in the wilderness, they know some poisonous plants best, and after confirming that there is no strange smell on the fish, Raymond gave an order.

Next, the barbarian team continued to move forward with two baskets of fish. When they came to the place where Narant ambushed the Quint guards yesterday, the barbarian who was walking at the forefront was responsible for tracking the traces and suddenly stopped.

"Patriarch, there is a strong smell of blood here!" After that, the barbarian kept searching around with his eyes and nose, and finally followed the trail to the pit where the corpse was buried.

"Patriarch, there is a pit here that was just buried!"

"Dig him up!" Raymond's expression was solemn.

It didn't take long for the pit to be dug up, and eight corpses appeared. Raymond and the others ignored the corpses of the Quint guards, and immediately looked at the corpses of the three barbarians.

"Bastard, despicable robber, I swear by Raymond, you must pay the price in blood!" Looking at the three corpses, all the barbarian warriors' eyes were red, and Raymond roared even more, startling the large forest. flying birds.

"Patriarch, what should we do now! Why are there still a few despicable robber corpses here?" After a barbarian was angry, he asked Raymond.

"These despicable robbers are moody and often mutilate their own clan, but this is none of our business~www.mtlnovel.com~ We just need to avenge our clan!"

"Now divide the fish among everyone, we will have the strength to make these despicable robbers and nobles pay their blood debts when we are full!"

As the patriarch, Raymond is a little smarter than ordinary barbarians.

However, barbarians are barbarians after all.

They don't think too much about other things at the moment, they just want to seek revenge for those robbers and nobles, and it is precisely because of this that Quint will use this method to blame Narant.

If it is a noble, facing such a clumsy method, he will be suspicious no matter what, and think carefully about it.

"Yes, patriarch, we want these robbers and nobles to pay their debts with blood!"

This is true even for the patriarch, Raymond, and the other barbarians don't even think about it. When they heard Raymond's order, they all gritted their teeth in agreement.

Next, hundreds of kilograms of slippery flying fish were handed over to the savage warriors. The nearly 120 or so savages continued to rush forward while eating raw fish.

"My lord, those savages have already eaten the flying fish, and they will soon be able to reach the village of doom!" In the village of doom, Shirley's little loli once again reported the latest situation to Narant.

"Very good, Shirley, you and the guards are now hiding in the bushes on the coast!" Narant felt more at ease when he heard that the barbarian ate the flying fish.

In this way, his plan is considered half-baked, and the next step is to look at his lord and Vivian's.

"Yes, my lord, then you and Sister Vivian should be more careful!" Xue Li also knew that the next thing was not suitable for her to participate in, so she reminded Narant and quickly headed towards the coast.

At this time, in Doom Village, only Narant and Vivian were left, and beside them were two horses, Lightning and Xiaohua.