Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 874

Chapter 874

"Then I would like to thank Duke Miller, but if it really doesn't work, Duke Miller doesn't need to worry too much. I do have a certain degree of certainty!"

Narrant expressed gratitude towards Duke Miller.

The nobles of this older generation indeed possess the qualities of knights, which are not the same as most nobles that Narant has seen.

Later, Narant returned to the vestibule with Duke Miller.

After the turmoil just now, the nobles naturally lost their previous interest and continued to chat with each other.

Instead, Narant and Stella were sitting together.

"Narant, you are not injured, let Vinnie show you!"

Stella is a woman who understands vassals very well. Narant told her not to worry before and never spoke again.

At this moment, when Duke Miller left, she only cared to speak when she was seated.

"Stella, I wasn't injured in tonight's battle!" Narant felt the concern of his fiancee, and naturally responded gently.

"Okay!" Stella nodded when she heard the words, "Narant, you must be more careful in the future, I... I'm still waiting for you to marry me!"

Stella's face was shy, maybe she was really worried because of what happened tonight, so she actually said blunt words that she would never speak on a normal day.

Although Narant is not injured now, the previous sky knight was also extremely desolate.

But Stella knows the strength of the sky knight, so she also understands the danger behind Narant's light and cloudy.

"Stella, don't worry, I will definitely live well for you. As I said, I will bring you back from the Holy City!"

Hearing such words, Narant couldn't sit still, and directly pulled Stella's slender hand over.

If it weren't for the small light bulbs on the opposite side, the old driver Narant must have other actions.


Feeling Narant's powerful palms, Stella did not resist at all, and stayed in his arms very obediently.

"In other words, I can be safe tonight, it seems that I also depended on a foreign object!"

It was only at this moment that Narant opened the topic, and with the other hand, he took out a palm-sized piece of silver from his arms.

"Sir, what is this?" Hearing Narant's words, the eyes of the girls present were immediately attracted by the thin slice in his hand.

"This is the giant dragon scale that the black dragon gave me today, to thank me for letting the dark bone dragon get rid of the enslavement of dark creatures!"

What Narant holds in his hand is the dragon scale that the black dragon gave him.

Although Narant guessed that the dragon scale was definitely not annoying when he got the dragon scale.

But he didn't know the specific use, after all, it was the first time he had seen this thing.

After the previous battle, he thought about it for a while, only to think that the only thing that could make the imprisonment scroll invalid was the dragon scale.

"Hey, it turns out to be a dragon scale, Narant, you are too lucky!"

At this moment, Little Bear, who was comfortably lying in the arms of Shirley's little loli, opened his eyes.

"Little Bear, do you know the effect of this dragon scale?"

It was only then that Narant remembered that Little Bear has a legacy of knowledge.

So if you can know the effect of this dragon scale, I am afraid that there is only this guy in the field.

"Of course, Narant, you don't even look at me. The king's bear, which is rare among the flaming giant bears, will one day break through to become the existence of the ninth-order giant bear!" The little bear suddenly came to the spirit, With a rub, she climbed up from the little loli's leg.

Immediately, Little Bear came to Narant, staring carefully at the scales in Narant's hand.

"Narant, that black dragon is too good!" After scrutinizing for a while, Little Bear was a little surprised.

"Why do you say that?" Narant was a little curious.

Narant, this scale is the inverse scale of the dragon, which is the most important scale under the neck.

"Oh?" Nalande knew that the Chinese dragon in the previous life had inverse scales, but this Western dragon also had inverse scales, and this was the first time Narant heard of it.

"Narant, the dragons have more than ten inverse scales under their necks. These inverse scales are the most precious scales on the dragon's body."

"You know that the dragon is not afraid of any magical attack, it is because of the effect of these inverse scales."

"If there is a magic attack on the dragon, the more than ten inverse scales will automatically absorb the magic."

"So, such scales not only have an extremely hard quality, but also have the ability to be immune to magic!"

Little Bear explained the opening in great detail.

"Magic Free Scales! No wonder this scale can't be put into my storage space!"

Narante's eyes lit up after hearing this, and at the same time he knew why the scales couldn't be put into his storage space.

Since this scale has the effect of magic immunity, the storage space, which is an independent space created by magic and magic, naturally cannot be integrated into this scale.

"That's right, Narant, it's impossible for these scales to be put into the storage space, because they will repel each other." Little Bear nodded.

"By the way, Narant, I heard that the dragon's inverse scales have a magical effect after peeling off, that is, they can change the size at will."

"It can not only return to its original size, but also shrink to the size of a palm.

state! "

"Since you have a reverse scale in your hand, try it to see if it has such an effect!"

Little Bear suddenly remembered something, and immediately opened his mouth to Narant out of curiosity.

"Oh? Can you change the size at will?"

The giant dragon was handed over to Narant to apologize that day. The silver scales were indeed very large, with a length of at least 40 to 50 centimeters.

But after coming to Narant's hands, the scales became the size of a palm.

Narant thought that the scales could no longer be restored, but after hearing what Little Bear said, he immediately became excited.

"Narant, you try to inject spiritual power into the scales, and you should be able to control its size!"

"Okay!" According to what Little Bear said, Narant's mental power was injected directly into the dragon scales.

The next moment, Narant really found that his spiritual power had a slight connection with this dragon scale.

"Get bigger!"

Immediately, Narant's mental power moved slightly, and a magical scene appeared.

I saw that the silver dragon scales, which were originally only the size of a palm, became larger with the naked eye.

Then it finally returned to the size when it was in the hands of the black dragon during the day.

This size is just larger than the small round shields used by the guards.

"Not bad! It's delicious for shields!"

This dragon scale is somewhat similar to the shape of an inverted triangle.

However, the edges are not so straight, but slightly curved.

In this way, the shape of this dragon scale does not need other processing at all, it is a proper hard shield.

In addition to the shape, even though the shape of this dragon scale has become larger, the weight has not increased in any way compared to the previous slap size. It is as light as nothing in the hand, so it is also very suitable for use in battle.

"Narant, in fact, such a giant dragon's reverse scale is best used to make armor when it is in a reduced state. However, you only have this piece now, it is definitely not enough, and it can only be used as a shield!"

Seeing that Narant was overjoyed, Little Bear spoke up again from the side.

However, Narant rolled his eyes, using these scales to make a city armor stomach, how many dragon scales would be needed.

It is conservatively estimated that there will be dozens of pieces.

In this way, a set of armor requires at least two giant dragons' reverse scales, which must be affordable by gods.

"Little Bear, when you become a ninth-order giant bear in the future, the collection of dragon scales will be handed over to you!"

"It's easy to talk about it, when Ben Xiong Xiong has also become a ninth-order monster, it will definitely be easy to deal with those giant dragons!"

Little Bear did not hear the teasing between Narant's words.

In other words, the little bear bear also has his own pride, so he actually patted his chest and responded.

Narant was speechless at this point. The dragon in his heart was very united.

Immediately, after continuing to feast on the bonfire with the girls for a while, Narant sent everyone back to rest.

Although the castle is dilapidated, because the Pope and Archbishop lived there some time ago, it only needs a little cleaning to move in.

In this way, Narant and the others lived comfortably indoors at night.

Time turned to the next morning.

Narrant was awakened early by the hustle and bustle outside the castle.

When he came to the outside of the castle after washing up, all the teams of the coalition forces were already tidy up and ready to embark on the return journey.

"Xue Li, is Xun Ying back? Did you notify Rumba and the others?"

Narrant called Little Loli.

"My lord, Xun Ying has returned in the morning, and the Goblin Rumba has returned a note, and I am about to show it to you!"

Little Loli immediately handed the note to Narant.

The content is very simple, that is, to confirm that the order to gather Narant has been received.

"Let's go then!"

Narant nodded, and then led the team towards the outside of the Duke City.

At this moment, the coalition troops have started to set off one after another, and Narant found Duke Miller and others.

On the way back, there is no gathering place for dark creatures, so there is no need to move separately.

After finding Duke Miller's team, Narant was a little surprised that the people from the Holy Magic Academy actually mixed in with Duke Miller's team.

Especially that Carlyle, who rode a war horse with Duke Miller.

"Narant!" Duke Miller greeted with a smile when he saw Narant.

"Duke Miller, you've been waiting for a long time, now you can go!" Narant immediately stepped forward and responded.

"Haha, then let's go!" Duke Miller nodded.

However, seeing Narant's eyes on Carlisle, Duke Miller explained with a smile: "Narant, Magister Carlisle is going to return with us this time."

"By the way, he just told me that the two magicians last night were not sent by him, but their own magicians from the Duchy of Bach!" Duke Miller explained to Narant.

"Oh?" Narant is curious, this Carlisle has changed his personality, and such things will be explained.

With his relationship with him, he doesn't need to explain.

Of course, Narant did think that the two magicians last night had nothing to do with Carlisle.

Because, if this Carlisle is also involved

If you kill yourself, it will not be just two middle-level magicians who appeared last night.

Maybe the senior magician or even Carlisle will come in person.

"Baron Narant, my magicians did not have anything to do with our Sacred Magic Academy last night. I don't want to add to the misunderstanding."

"And through yesterday, I also saw the excellence of Baron Narant, so I want to reconcile with Baron Narant, and our past grievances will be written off!"

Carlisle also spoke at this time.

"The previous grievances have been written off?"

"That's right, Baron Narant, in the past, our academy thought that space magic was probably just a legend."

"But you broke our cognition and confirmed the existence of space magic. Therefore, Baron Narant has made a great contribution to our magicians in a sense."

"If I, Carlisle, continue to fight against Baron Narant for some reason, I am afraid that I will be recorded in the ranks of the bad guys in the magician's biography in the future!"

Carlisle was straightforward, and made no secret of the reason why he wanted to shake hands with Narant.

Since this guy saw Narant's space magic yesterday, he has understood that Narant is a little aristocrat that is different.

In addition, the magical power that Narant showed has reached the realm of a magus.

This is already on par with his Carlisle.

No matter how stupid he was, Carlisle would not dare to continue targeting the only space-based magic in the sacred continent of Narant.

In this way, he took the opportunity to thank Duke Miller for his life-saving grace last night, and also revealed to Duke Miller that he wanted to shake hands with Narant to make peace.

And Duke Miller will not refuse to hear the words, but is very happy to see the relationship between Narant and the Sacred Magic Academy ease.

After all, although the Sacred Magic Academy is not a principality, it also has a very large say in this sacred continent.

"Haha, Magister Carlisle's response was very quick!"

Narant chuckled and didn't say anything right away.

After all, he Narant is also a person who wants to save face.

It was Carlisle and his son Kiri who troubled him.

If you talk about reconciliation now, you should reconcile. This is who you are.

However, this Carlisle is also a shrewd person. Seeing Narant doing this, he immediately understood the meaning.

"Kiri, don't hurry up and apologize to Baron Narrant!"

At this time, Kiri ran up from the rear of the team.

"Na... Baron Narant, I used to be too unreasonable, I hope you don't get angry, I'm here to apologize to you!"

Kiri said, his face was already red, because there were many nobles and students of the Magic Academy around.

After all, he is also a tutor of the Sacred Magic Academy, and he is also a senior magician~www.mtlnovel.com~ Now he even apologized to others in a low voice.

But there is no way to do this. There is no possibility of disobeying what his father personally suppressed.

"Your Excellency Kiri, if you feel embarrassed, I don't think you need to apologize. After all, I never embarrass others!" Narant was expressionless.

"I... Baron Narant, I'm not embarrassed. I should apologize if I did something wrong. I hope you can forgive me a lot!"

Kiri's expression became even more ugly, but Carlisle's eyes suddenly stared again at this time, and he could only tear off his face to continue to apologize.

"Okay!" Narant paused for a moment, and finally let go when Kiri wanted to find a crack to get in.

"Since you are so sincere, then I will spare you a lot of adults!"

"Many...Thank you Baron Narant!"

Kiri's color was red and white, and after all, he couldn't do anything about Narant's shameless appearance.

After a thank you, I got into the crowd.