Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 867

Chapter 867

"Hooho! You cunning reptile, are you going to rely on such despicable means to defeat me? A flame like yours, even if I stand and burn you all day, it won't hurt me!"

In the face of Narant's rogue's style of play, the Dark Bone Dragon also hated his teeth.

The main reason is that Narant's space teleportation is too buggy. Even if it is in the air, it cannot accurately predict where Narant will appear at the next moment.

If it were someone else, even the sky knight, he would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the dark bone dragon.

"Really? Maybe I can really cook you later? Although you don't even have a pound of meat on your body now, you can still burn your bones."

Compared with the anger of the dark bone dragon, Narant is very happy.

With the improvement of his realm, not only his magic power has been greatly increased, but also the casting speed has also made a qualitative leap.

For example, the magic of space teleportation, before he needed at least four seconds to cast the spell.

But now it only takes two seconds to complete.

In this way, as long as he predicts well in advance, he can easily avoid the pursuit of this dark bone dragon.

"Roar, cunning reptile, then you can burn it. When your magic power is exhausted, I must slowly roast you with dragon breath!"

The dark bone dragon has no way to take Narant for the time being, but he also knows that the magician's magic power is limited, so he is ready to torture him after Nalant's magic power is exhausted.

In this way, the dark bone dragon kept chasing, Narant kept running and flashing, and at the same time used magical flames to roast the bone dragon.

And although Narant's magical flames didn't do much damage to the bone dragon, it also burned his bones red.

Of course, the bone dragon is not stupid. Although it has been chasing Narant, it has not left the gap in the city wall or near the gate.

And Narant also seemed to have a tacit understanding, only restraining the bone dragon near here, and did not really escape.

Although such a situation made it impossible for the nobles to break through successfully, they were able to survive temporarily.

"Narant, you should evacuate yourself. This bone dragon is too difficult to deal with. We can't defeat it."

Duke Miller and others have been trapped in a tight siege. Many nobles saw that the front city wall could not break through, and wanted to break out of the other city walls.

But hesitantly, the Pope and the armored knights led a large group of elites to block them, and it was also difficult to break through in other areas.

Duke Miller saw that Narant might be in danger as well, so he immediately reminded Narant.

After all, Narant's flames had already scorched the bone dragon for more than ten minutes, but the bone dragon did not suffer any damage, but the black and red death energy in its body was consumed.

"Duke Miller, don't worry, I'm sure!" Narant waved his hand.

At the same time, seeing the faintly reddish bones on the bone dragon, he also felt that the time was almost up.

The main reason is to constantly avoid the bone dragon's attack. His magic power has been consumed a lot, and he can't stand the continuous consumption.

"Furious waves!"

The next moment, Narant decisively changed the magic and cast a high-level water-based magic again.

As the magic was cast out, a huge turbulent wave was instantly formed in the air.

This turbulent wave swept directly towards the bone dragon.

Stab la la!

This turbulent wave hit the bone dragon like a violent sea wave hitting a reef.

However, although this furious sea wave is a high-level magic, it is very effective against weaker enemies during a group attack.

But it is useless to deal with high-level dark creatures like the dark bone dragon.

The dark bone dragon's body is stronger than a reef, and he remains motionless in the face of the turbulent waves.

After the waves hit him, there was just a few bursts of steam, and then there was no other effect.

"Haha, ignorant reptile, I said that your attacks are ineffective against me!"

After the furious waves released by Narant disappeared, the dark bone dragon immediately laughed at Narant with a disdainful tone.

Although when the waves suddenly poured on him, he felt that there was some unusual damage on his body.

For example, the energy of death in oneself has a little bit of a confluence to the bones all over the body.

But the bone dragon is not the only one. Such weak damage does not affect his battle forest.

And it only takes a few minutes to fix it.

"I'm just trying it out!"

Narant doesn't know if his ideas are useful, after all, the bone dragon and the gargoyle are slightly different.

Still, there's nothing wrong with giving it a try.

"Now is the time for you to truly see my ultimate move, Master!"

"Blade of space!"

Narant smiled slightly and began to cast spells again.


When Narant finished casting the spell, there was a dense buzzing sound in the air.

This is the faint sound of space turbulence tearing apart the space.

Of course, this sound is extremely low, and if you don't pay attention, it will be ignored directly.

However, the sound will be ignored, but due to the increase in Narant's strength and the increase in the number of space blades, the existence of space cracks is immediately noticed.

The bone dragon was flying towards Narant at the moment, but more than a dozen black cracks suddenly appeared in front of him.

He didn't have any extra time to reflect at all, and the next moment he slammed into the space blade.



hoo hoo hoo!

Accompanied by the scoffing sound of the teeth, the dark bone dragon let out a painful roar of filial piety.

Although Narant's space blade this time is still unable to directly cut off the bones of the dark bone dragon, compared to the previous depth of only more than ten centimeters, the scar gap at this moment is already terrifying.

The bones of this bone dragon with thick trunks were directly cut in half.

And those smaller bones were cut off directly.

"How is this possible, your power can't cause such heavy damage to me."

The dark bone dragon felt the physical damage, but also showed an unbelievable look.

He could feel the power of the Narant Space Blade, which was at most twice as strong as before, but the damage caused to him now is more than enough.

"Hehe, this is the power of science!" Narant was overjoyed when he saw this.

He also knows that the damage power of his current space blade is not enough to cut off those tiny bones that can make the bone dragon at one time.

But this is obviously because of the effect of his use of fire and water.

Although the bone dragon has a steady stream of death energy to repair it, it cannot be as easy as dealing with the gargoyle, but it also greatly improves Narant's attack damage.

"The power of science, what kind of magic is this?" The bone dragon thought that Narant was talking about some kind of secret technique.

"Well, this isn't magic, it's divine power, the divine power bestowed by the God of Creation!" Narant smiled and took the delivery.

"Hoohoho, despicable human race, you dare to tease me, I will kill you!" The dark bone dragon is naturally not stupid, and it is impossible to believe that it has any divine power.

The next moment, he continuously spit out dragon breath towards Narant.

However, just after the dragon's breath was expelled, the seemingly violent bone dragon flapped its wings, and its figure quickly rose to the sky.

This is actually ready to escape.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Narant had already prevented the bone dragon from escaping, otherwise, no matter how strong his attack power was after he flew high, it would not be the case.

"Blade of space!"

Narant's space blade was cast again.

Just when he was talking nonsense with this dark bone dragon, Narant's spellcasting did not stop. After all, he didn't need to sing for spellcasting.

scoff! scoff!

How could the bone dragon think that Narant was so perverted that he could cast spells without even singing.

When it was tall, more than a dozen black lines appeared in front of it again, and then it hit it without any accident.



The target of Narant's attack this time is not the head and neck of the bone dragon, because the bones in those two places are too hard and too thick.

He attacked the bones of the dragon's wings.

At the moment when the bone dragon's wings hit the space blade, several bones were directly cut off.

With the mournful howl of the dark bone dragon, its figure began to sway, and then it was no longer able to climb, and began to fall continuously.


With a roar, the huge body of the bone dragon fell directly to the ground.

"Bastard, how is this possible!"

And when the Pope and the armored knight who were not far away saw this scene, they both showed incredible expressions.

They really did not expect that the powerful bone dragon would be defeated by such a young human race.

You must know that the bone dragon can fight against six sky knights.


However, although the bone dragon lost the ability to fly, its combat effectiveness in other aspects remained the same.

At this moment, after it swayed and stood up, it irritably sprayed dragon breath around, and wanted to rely on crawling to go towards the castle.

"Want to run, can you run?"

Seeing this, Narant was naturally reluctant to let him run away, and quickly chased in the direction of the bone dragon.

"Go and stop him!"

When the Pope and the armored knights saw this scene, they immediately moved, no longer caring about Duke Miller and others, and hurried towards the bone dragon.

Although the bone of the bone dragon is broken, it only needs to give it some time, and it won't take long to recover.

In this way, the most important thing now is to ensure that the bone dragon can return to the castle safely, so that this rare high-level combat power can be preserved.

"Human kid, go to hell!"

The Pope went towards the dark bone dragon, but the armored knight came towards Narant and wanted to block it.

After getting close to Narant, the armored knight slashed a sword directly at Narant, and the strong sword energy shone straight to Narant.

Narant is naturally not afraid, "Blade of space!"

With a low voice from Narant, the blade of space appeared directly around the armored knight.

scoff, scoff!

With a few cutting sounds, the heavy armor on the armored knight broke open.

Immediately, there was a popping sound.

Although this armored knight seems to have no flesh and blood, with the sound of puff, the black energy in the body is very useful.

After the attack was successful, Narant moved in an instant, not only exceeding the sword glow of the armored knight, but also a dark bone dragon more than a hundred meters away.

"Blade of space!"

scoff, scoff!

"Blade of space..."

Next, Narant released the Space Blade towards the dark bone dragon twice in a row, and the attack target was changed to the bone dragon's head. ,

It has to be said that the head of the dark bone dragon is still very hard.

Narant cast the space blade twice in succession, but he didn't break the bone dragon's head.


However, the bone dragon still suffered from pain, and the running speed became faster.

"Stop it, kid!" At this time, the pope of the church was about to arrive.

"There's not much magic left!"

At this moment, Narant frowned slightly as he sensed his magic power that was about to bottom out.

If the armored knight didn't block it just now, then he should be able to open a gap on the bone dragon's head and injure it as long as he displays the third space blade.

But now he has a problem.

If you continue to use the space blade, then I am afraid that you will not be able to catch up with the severely injured bone dragon, because the Pope has already arrived and will definitely stop him.

"Boy, go to hell!" After Narant pondered for a moment, the Pope finally arrived.

At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he blocked Narant for a moment, the bone dragon could escape smoothly.

"Space teleportation!"

And at this moment, Narant finally made the wrong decision.

With the light drink again, his figure immediately disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared on top of the bone dragon.


He Narant is not only a magician, but also a title knight.

When it appeared on the top of the bone dragon's head, Narant directly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and immediately activated his vindictive energy, and the dragon's teeth were wrapped in a strong red glow and stabbed straight down.


The next moment, there was a crisp sound as if an arrow had lost its nail on the wooden board. Narant's long sword accurately hit the indentation made by the blade of space two times before, and then penetrated and pierced directly. Inside the head of the bone dragon.

The dragon tooth long sword pierced the bone dragon head, and did not reach the hilt of the sword~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ow! Ow!

And with the insertion of the blade, the bone dragon's body first froze, and then it struggled violently and wailed.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, the Pope and the armored knight became distorted and roared.


Unfortunately, the fact has been established, Narant's long sword has been directly inserted into the soul fire of the bone dragon.

Even if the vitality of the bone dragon is strong and the soul fire is injured, it will not escape the end of death.


Finally, after a violent struggle, the bone dragon's wailing became weak.


The next moment, its figure got a meal, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

"it is good!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

"Baron Narant is mighty!"

And when the bone dragon fell to the ground with a bang, there were bursts of cheers and cheers from the field at the same time.

The bone dragon is the nightmare of all the coalition forces today, but now Narant has killed this nightmare with the power of one person, which is definitely beyond the imagination of the nobles.

"Everyone, the bone dragon is dead, follow me to kill all these dark creatures under me, this duke city is ours!" Narant is also unprecedentedly satisfied, and today he actually killed a dragon.

Although it is a bone dragon, it still has flaws, and its strength has fallen to the eighth-order bone dragon.

But that didn't change the fact that he became a dragon knight.

"Okay, everyone follow Baron Narant to kill!"

"Follow Baron Narant to kill!"

The scene of Narant beheading the bone dragon gave the nobles great courage.

After hearing the words, they all started to fight like chicken blood.

In such a cold weapon battlefield, sometimes a brave enough general is really important.

Although Narant is not a general, he can also serve as a benchmark for these nobles.