Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 79

Chapter 79


When the mother and daughter put the cream in their mouths, the time in the kitchen seemed to freeze, and the mother and daughter remained motionless at the moment when the cream was put in their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Narant smiled. It seems that even in this different world, his cream skills have not been lost. After all, it took a month of sincerity to exchange for it.

Narant didn't wake up the mother and daughter immediately, but just put aside the small basin containing the cream, and then found a chair and sat down.

After a full moment, Rose, who was stunned, was the first to reflect.

"My lord, Rose knows it's wrong!"

After she reported it, she ran to Narant for the first time, and without hesitation, bowed to Narant 90 degrees and apologized.

Narant didn't expect Rose's reaction to be so big, and immediately said, "Rose, don't be like this, stand up straight and talk to me!"

"My lord, Rose didn't know that you were making such amazing and wonderful food before. I thought I could do it too. Please punish me!" Rose's words were very sincere.

As an excellent cook, she knew after tasting the sweet cream that it was definitely a top-level delicacy.

She has studied cooking since she was a child, and she thinks that her craft is very good. She even slandered her own adults in her heart just now, but now she feels a little ashamed.

"There is no need for punishment! I read this cream in a rare book, and it has long since been lost, so it is unique, let alone you, I am afraid that the chef of the Earl's Castle can't make it!"

Narant was very optimistic about herself, the Feng Yun cook, and didn't want to hurt her self-confidence, so she immediately waved her hand to comfort her.

In the past, there was no sugar in this world, so naturally no one could make cream.

"Sherry, do you think it tastes good now?" In order not to dwell on this topic, Narant looked at Shirley, who had already reflected the same, but was pulling the cream in the bowl.

At this time, Shirley's mouth was covered with cream, and even after eating her own bowl, she scooped a small spoon from her mother's bowl without a trace.

"Yeah!" Some guilty Xue Li swallowed the cream in her mouth immediately after hearing the words, and then lowered her head, "Sir, it's delicious, this is the best food Xue Li has ever eaten!"

Shirley wiped her mouth, and finally added after a pause: "It's better than brown sugar!"

"Haha!" Looking at the situation, this little loli may not be able to escape from her palm in the future.

"Rose, I have a task for you next, which is to spread this cream on that egg bread..."

Now that the cream is made, Narant doesn't need to do the next process by himself. He handed the next process to Rose, who still trusts Rose's hands-on ability.

"My lord! The guard reported that there was a team on the road outside the castle! There was a luxurious carriage in the team." Just after Narant explained the next steps, Thomas hurried to the kitchen.

"Is it finally here?" There was a luxurious carriage in the team. Don't think about it, it must be his neighbor.

"Thomas, go down and prepare to welcome the guests!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Then, the servants and guards of the entire castle moved.

The servants stood in the corridors of the castle according to Thomas's instructions. Although many servants were recruited only yesterday, they were only allowed to stand as decorations, so there would be no problem.

The guards were arranged to be on duty everywhere in the vestibule, all neatly dressed and fully armed, especially a small team standing on both sides of the red carpet, which was considered the highest standard of reception.

When Narant brought Thomas and others to the gate of the castle, Boris' motorcade had already reached five or six hundred meters away from the castle.

"This Boris is so rich?" When Narant saw the appearance of the team in the distance, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Not to mention the luxury carriage, with black wood as the bottom and copper as the edge, with all kinds of embossed bronze decorations, it slowly moved forward under the pulling of two horses.

What really surprised Narant was that there were eight knights at the front of Boris's team of more than fifty people.

These knights held long spears, with double safety of leather armor and chain armor, and an oval half-body shield on their backs.

With a few people's equipment and horses, the cost of eight people alone can be worth the twenty-five guards of Narant.

When Narant was surprised, the team finally came under the gentle slope.

After reaching the bottom of the gentle slope, most of Boris' guards received orders and stopped in place.

And the eight cavalrymen ran from the front to the rear of the carriage, and slowly walked towards the castle gate with the carriage.

The luxurious carriage stopped steadily at the gate of the castle, UU reading www.uukanshu. There was a hearty laughter from the com carriage.

"Haha, Dear Lord Narant, I hope my presence will not cause you trouble!"

After the sound came out, a slightly fat young man got out of the car door.

"This is a land rich man!"

Narant asked Thomas about Boris yesterday and knew that Boris was not very old.

He was wearing a silk dress with purple patterns and a long sword inlaid with various colored gems hanging from his waist. With his slightly fat figure, he looked like a legendary rich man.

"Your Excellency Boris is joking, it's my Narant's honor to be a guest at Storm Leader!" As the so-called bridal sedan chair lifts people, seeing Boris's attitude is quite friendly, Narant also tried his best to show his hospitality.

At this time, Thomas instructed two servants to bring water and towels to Boris.

After washing his face, Boris came to Narant.

"Your Excellency Baron Boris, welcome to my castle!" The two nodded face to face and saluted.

"It is my honor, Sir Narrant, to take the liberty of visiting this time, and I brought some small gifts that are not respectful."

Although the nobles of this world are very concerned about their face, some expressions are also very straightforward, such as giving gifts.

With a big wave of Boris's hand, the two carriages behind him were pulled up.

I saw that the two carriages were filled to the brim with cows and sheep, and a few small sacks.

"Sir Narant, knowing that you have just come to Stormwind Territory, you must not have had time to prepare for raising livestock. I specially brought you three cows, five sheep, and some vegetable seeds! I hope you like it."

Boris pointed to the carriage and introduced Narant.