Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 817

Chapter 817

"Boy, you are courting death!" Eric was furious when he heard Narant's words.

"Duke Fick, help me take down this kid, he dares to **** the camp of our Bach Empire, this is a serious provocation to the Empire!"

"There are a few of you here, if his subordinates dare to do it, they will kill him directly!"

Eric began to order.

Although their Bach Empire was led by his eldest prince this time, the Bach Empire King did not come.

But many imperial nobles also followed.

Apart from Duke Fick, who is a sky knight, the other great nobles are also high-ranking earth knights.

With such strength, it is really easy to win Narant.

Following his order, the great nobles beside him stepped forward one after another, preparing to attack Narant the next moment.

"Hmph, if you want to take me down, then we will die together!" Narant sneered, with a crazy look on his face, "Rumba!"

"My lord, your subordinates are here!" The goblin leader responded immediately, and then loudly said to the five-headed one-eyed troll: "Troll slave, get down!"

hoo hoo hoo!

Immediately, five one-eyed trolls fell to the ground.

Just when everyone didn't know what Narant was going to do, a few goblins quickly climbed onto the back of the one-eyed troll, and then ripped off the cowhide tarpaulin covering it.


As the cowhide tarpaulin was torn off, a few magic cannons with metallic luster and purple lines engraved on their barrels were displayed in front of everyone.

"Hey! That...that's a magic cannon!"

"Oh my god, it's really a magic cannon. If you gather all your strength, a single blow can be equivalent to the full force of a peak earth knight!"

"There are five magic cannons there now. If all energy is concentrated and fired, then even the sky knight should be cautious!"

"Yeah, the five magic cannons are full of energy, which is equivalent to the full force of five peak earth knights, and the damage must be very terrifying!"

When they saw the five magic cannons, everyone present took a deep breath.

As nobles of the Holy Continent, they naturally have an understanding of magic cannons.

This is already the only attack method that the goblins can use now.

And the power of the magic cannon depends on the energy of the magic spar. If enough energy is gathered at the loss of the magic spar, it can completely reach the peak of the earth knight's full blow.

I'm afraid that with one shot, even the middle and high-level earth knights are not enough.

Seeing this, Eric's face suddenly became cloudy.

As for the great nobles of the Bach Empire, except for the Duke Fick, the expressions of the others also changed.

Because facing the dark muzzle, I am afraid that only Duke Fick can survive with 100% ability.

But they are not sky knights, so if they are so unlucky, they are very likely to capsize in the gutter later.

"Rumba, recharge!" Narant did not give them a chance to hesitate, and immediately issued an order to Rumba.

"Yes, your honorable lord!" Rumba responded again, then looked at the goblin who had already held the gun **** and aimed at it, and conveyed the order: "Goblin, recharge!"

"First Evolution"


The next moment, as several goblins pressed the iron pieces in their hands on the magic spar, there was a buzzing sound in the field.

And the deep muzzles of the five magic cannons also glowed purple at this time.

When everyone in the distance saw this scene, not only did they not feel beautiful, but they were pushed towards the rear one by one desperately.

"Crazy, is this Baron Narant really crazy, does he really want to go to war with the Bach Empire?"

"Yes, there are Prince Eric and the great nobles of the Bach Empire. If one or two of them die, the Bach Empire will definitely not let it go!"

"His Royal Highness Eric, it's you who deceived people too much, no wonder I!" Narant sneered.

"You lunatic!" Eric turned pale with fright when he heard the words, and immediately rode to the side to hide, and at the same time shouted at Duke Fick: "Duke Fick, stop him!"

"All the muzzles, don't worry about anything else, aim at the prince of the Bach Empire!" Narant was determined to kill Prince Eric.

Hearing that, Eric hated his teeth, but at this moment he didn't dare to stop and continue jumping.

And just when the purple light group in front of the magic cannon became more and more vigorous, and it only took a few seconds to launch, a person suddenly rushed out not far away.

"Baron Narant, give me a face, don't do this!"

"Magic cannon, aim at the air!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom! Boom!

Hearing that voice, Narant changed his order at the last minute.

The goblins immediately aimed their cannons high in the sky.

With a few screams, the purple energy group flew straight into the sky, and when it reached a distance of more than 500 meters in the sky, it exploded with a bang, forming purple fireworks.

In this way, everyone in the field finally calmed down a little.

"Duke Miller, why are you here!" And when the purple light burst exploded, Narant asked the person who had shouted before.

This person is Duke Miller of the Knok Empire, the duke that Narant had befriended in order to help the Natasha family.

In fact, Narant was not really crazy enough to want to kill Eric and then go to war with the Bach Empire.

He just saw that Duke Miller had arrived, so he pretended to be dead.

He had saved his life for the granddaughter of Duke Miller. Since he will come, it must be to help himself.

"Narant, this time, I was also ordered by His Majesty the King to follow the nobles of the Nok Empire!"

"I just heard that you had a conflict with the people of the Bach Empire here. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise this matter could not be cleaned up today!" Duke Miller stepped forward.

"Duke Miller, I am also forced to be helpless. The Bach Empire is aggressive and wants to rely on their powerful strength to oppress me, so I can only do everything to protect myself!"

"Hey, Narant, you fart, how aggressive our Bach Empire is, you beat up the nobles of our Bach Empire yourself, and then robbed our Bach Empire's camp!"

After the magic cannon was fired, Eric had regained his composure.

Hearing Narant's words at this time, he immediately stepped forward to refute.

"I beat them, hehe, Prince Eric, I just arrived at this fortress of thorns, and the six nobles of your Bach Empire taunted me hard, saying that the weak are only worthy of staying in those camps with tree stumps!"

"In addition, they also said that the reason why I was assigned here is because of your credit, Prince Eric. I wonder if that is the case?"

Narant sneered.

When Eric heard the words, his face turned blue and white.

If Narant was severely lectured by them, it would be nothing to hear these words to him.

After all, even if he is not afraid of being taught a lesson next time, there is no place to seek justice.

But now it is different. The six subordinates arranged by him are cleaned up by the other party.

And now it is not easy for me to continue, then the provocative words of my subordinates just now became the evidence of myself and others.

"What, Prince Eric has nothing to say?"

"So, today's matter is caused by your Bach Empire. You want to bully a little countryman like me, but I didn't expect that this little countryman's body is covered with thorns, so it's not easy to talk!"

"Hmph, is there any evidence for what you just said, Narant? And even if the six of them really provoke you, you've already taught them a lesson, isn't that enough?"

"Now you are actually directly robbing the camp of our Bach Empire. This camp was allocated in advance by the alliance!"

"So, your behavior like this is breaking the rules of the alliance. Now, I want you to immediately withdraw from the camp of our Bach Empire, otherwise I can only ask the Alliance Law Enforcement Team to come!"

The Alliance Law Enforcement Team, in this kind of alliance war, specially supervises a group of duchies and empires. It is jointly formed by all the countries of the Holy Alliance, but it is independent of all the duchies and empires!

If there is friction between the principalities during the war, or a certain principality deliberately avoids fighting, causing losses to other principalities, it will be punished by the Alliance Law Enforcement Team in the morning.

Then early in the morning the Law of the Alliance carries out judgment and punishment.

The lightest punishment is a fine of gold coins.

Seriously, it can even limit the status and discourse power of a certain principality in the alliance.

"Oh, okay, then you go to the law enforcement team. I want to see why they are also here to fight dark creatures. My team of Stormwind and Tulip Collar can only live in those tree stumps!"

"In addition, I also want the law enforcement team to help interrogate these six guys. Just now they said that you, the prince, found the alliance logistics manager to arrange my territory here. Is it true or false!"

When Eric heard this, his face became gloomy and uncertain, because he really went to the logistics manager.

Although he only spoke to the steward verbally at the time, there was no substantial evidence.

But his six subordinates are in the hands of the other party. If they are really asked, it will not look good.

"What's the matter? Who beat up the magician of our Holy Magic Academy?"

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise from the sidelines.

Immediately, dozens of magicians in black magic robes squeezed out of the crowd and walked into the arena.

"Ah! It's from the Holy Magic Academy!"

"Are they here to help the Bach Empire?"

"I guess it is. Prince Eric is a member of the Holy Magic Academy, and have you forgotten that the Holy Magic Academy seems to have a holiday with Baron Narant because of the goblin airship."

With the appearance of these magicians, the crowd of onlookers started to discuss again.

"Master Kiri!"

But when Eric saw this scene, he was immediately surprised.

Because the classmates and tutors of these colleges are obviously their own helpers

Narant also looked over, and frowned slightly when he saw the guy Kiri was also in the crowd.

"Prince Eric, what's going on, I just received news that someone is beating the magician?"

"Teacher Kiri, it's Narant from the Storm Collar. He beat Meyer. You see, Meyer is still at his feet now!"

Eric immediately pointed to one of the little nobles who were under Narant's feet.

"It's you!"

At this time, Kiri also saw Narant clearly, and his face suddenly turned cold.

"Oh, Your Excellency Kiri, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

Although this guy was fooled by himself last time, he even sent out a shameless announcement when he went back.

All magicians are not allowed to help or assist themselves in doing anything.

In this way, Narant actually 'misses' the guy too tightly.

"Hmph, Baron Narant, I don't want to see you!" Although he was frightened enough in Stormwind Territory, he is no longer in Stormwind Territory.

But in the thorns fortress thousands of miles away, there are many strong people around, and Kiri is naturally true.

"Narant, why did you attack the magician students of our Holy Magic Academy? Do you have no respect for our magicians?"

"Your Excellency Kiri is serious. It's not that I want to hit him, but that he came to hit me!"

"Although the identity of a magician is very precious, it is not so precious that he wants to kill people, so others can't resist, right?"

Narant chuckled.

"Hmph, Narant, I don't care what the reason for the conflict between you is, I will limit you to release that Mayer immediately, otherwise you will be against our Sacred Magic Academy!" Kiri snorted coldly.

"It's impossible for me to let him go! They just besieged me with so many people, and I need to ask Prince Eric for an explanation first!"

"You..." Kiri was choked by Narant's unwilling words.

Under such a large audience, in the past there were really few people who didn't give them the face of the Sacred Magic Academy. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Teacher Kiri, this little nobleman from the countryside has no shame. Why don't we invite the Alliance Law Enforcement Team now, and then let the Alliance Law Enforcement Team teach him a lesson!"

Eric dissuaded Kiri at this time.

Now with the insertion of the Holy Magic Academy, when the law enforcement team is found, their chances of winning are very high.

After all, in this battle, the magician will be the most important existence to **** the title knights.

"Okay!" Kiri thought for a while, but didn't object.

Soon, Eric sent his subordinates to find the Alliance Law Enforcement Team.

The league law enforcement team was also very fast, and it was only five minutes later that they rushed to the scene.

When the Alliance Law Enforcement Team arrived at the scene and learned about the situation on the field, as expected by Eric, the balance of the Alliance Law Enforcement Team tilted directly to the Bach Empire.

"Baron Narant, I'm Lille, the vice-captain of the Alliance Law Enforcement Team. The camp you occupy belongs to the Bach Empire. Please let those people leave this camp!"

"Your Excellency Lear, although I, Narant, come from the Glory Continent, the Storm Territory is not as strong as the Bach Empire, but we are also here to deal with dark creatures!"

"I would like to ask your Excellency, why do you want us to live in a forest full of tree stumps that is inconvenient to even walk around?"

"In addition, these nobles under me have already made it very clear when they provoked me just now, that Prince Eric made a blind deal with the logistics manager of the alliance because of his identity as a prince of the Bach Empire, and deliberately targeted me! This matter! How to deal with it?"

Narant frowned suddenly.

Although this Alliance Law Enforcement Team is independent of the principality and empire, there are interests involved wherever there are people.

Where can a bowl of water really be level and speak according to the law.