Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 768

Chapter 768

"Thank you Duke Miller!" Narant immediately thanked Duke Miller.

Duke Miller nodded, and then called the housekeeper and whispered a few words in front of him.

"Nalande!" At the same time, Natasha's low voice came from Nalande's ear.

"What's wrong!" Narant turned his head with a smile.

"You... you don't really have to do this. If our Frank family really can't stay in the Nok Empire, maybe it's okay to go to the tulip collar!"

Natasha's eyes were filled with mist, and she was obviously moved by Narant's earlier rejection of Duke Miller's invitation.

That is a county in the hinterland of the Nok Empire.

Although she came to this sacred continent not long ago, after seeing the stability and prosperity of the Nok Empire hinterland, Natasha didn't have to think about it. This is definitely an opportunity that all nobles dream of.

Speaking of which, if it is converted into gold coins, I am afraid that even all the wealth of the Frank family is not enough to measure the value of such an earldom.

But Narant refused without hesitation.

In Natasha's view, Narant has paid too much for herself, and what can she report to Narant now?

Just when Narant made a decision, Natasha gently pulled Lanalante's arm, but Narant did not look back at all, and directly rejected Duke Miller's proposal.

"Natasha, in fact, I didn't reject Duke Miller's invitation just for your Frank family's sake. In fact, I really like the freedom of the new Storm Territory!"

Looking at Natasha's gratitude is no longer the same, I am afraid that if it is not because this is the banquet scene, the tears will flow out.

While Narant is satisfied, he also has some pity.

Aside from his original intention, he really does not like to enter the Nok Empire so as not to be hindered by development. Just for Natasha, Narant will choose to help the Frank family without hesitation.

As a traverser, with a system, is he worried that he will not be able to occupy enough land when he becomes stronger?

To be honest, whether it is in the Holy Continent or the Glory Continent, this world does not lack land, it lacks population, food, and the strength to protect the territory.

As long as the three are enough, it is not impossible for Narant to build a super empire.

Natasha naturally didn't listen to Narant's explanation. In any case, this kind of kindness really made her unable to repay.

After a moment's pause, Natasha regained some emotions, and then Natasha continued: "But Narant, Duke Miller just mentioned the threat of the orcs, won't the storm be too dangerous!"

"You don't have to worry about this Natasha. Although our Storm Territory is bordered by the Orc Empire, it is very far away from their royal court. Therefore, I don't believe that the Orcs really want to come to us."

"Also, even if it does come, we can still run if we can't beat us!"

With Shirley's little girl bee and Swift Eagle there, to be honest, Narant is really not too worried about the attack of the orcs.

If it's a big deal, he hides.

Being able to take those guys around in a circle around the Orc Empire will make you feel more at ease in your own territory, Narant.

At that time, if it is arranged properly in advance, he is even prepared to let the orcs crippling them before they set foot on their own territory.

When Natasha heard the words, she murmured twice, wanting to say something, but was stopped by Narant.

"Here comes the Dolly family!"

At this time, Butler Milo had brought Marquis Pic of the Dolly family to the sofa.

"Lord Duke, I heard that you are looking for me. I don't know why you are looking for me again this time?" Marquis Piccolo pretended to be confused.

"Well, Marquis Piccolo, I brought you here this time because I wanted to talk about the Frank family!" Duke Miller didn't beat around the bush. Since he decided to do his best to help Narant, he must have been outspoken.

When Marquis Piccolo heard the words, worry immediately arose in his heart, but he didn't expect that he was really guessing.

However, fortunately, he had just patted Cady to find the second prince, so he just showed a dignified expression, "Lord Duke, I have just told you the inside story, this matter is really not up to our Dolly family to call the shots!"

"So, regarding the matter of the Frank family, it is impossible for our Dolly family to back down!"

"Well, so, are you going to ask me to find the second prince?" Duke Miller's eyes sharpened immediately.

Don't look at the fact that Duke Miller was always amiable before, that's because tonight was his birthday dinner, so he wouldn't be stern when facing the guests.

But when his posture showed his majesty, the surrounding area was instantly covered by a suffocating sense of oppression.

And the originally normal demeanor of Marquis Bick suddenly became tense, and his body became a little stiff.

"Lord Duke, this is really not something that can be decided..." However, even so, the Marquis of Dolly still did not let go.

Because he knew very well that even if Duke Miller was domineering, he would not be able to treat himself with so many nobles.

"Do you think I really don't dare to treat you?" Unfortunately, Marquis Pic still underestimated the courage of a strong man, or rather his face.

Before, he didn't want to go all out, but now that he has decided to fulfill his promise to Narant, it can be said that this Marquis of Pic is really nothing.

"His Royal Highness Second Prince is here!" However, at this moment, a servant's shout came from the door of the banquet hall.

With the shouting, a young man in his twenties in Chinese clothing entered the hall followed by Cardi.

When Duke Miller saw this, he dissipated the previous coercion, and then took the initiative to stand up.

"Uncle Miller, congratulations on your birthday!"

"Haha, Dale, your gift has already been sent, why did you come in person!" The two princes were also Duke Miller's nephew, so Duke Miller greeted him with a smile. .

"Uncle Miller, originally because of my father's request, we were busy practicing every day, so we couldn't come."

"However, I just heard that Cardi said that Uncle Miller's banquet was full of wine, so after I finished my practice, I rushed over immediately, hoping that Uncle Miller would not blame him." The second prince was also full of humility, not at all. Like a rescuer invited by the Dolly family.

"Dell, uncle is welcome, of course, there is enough wine tonight, you can do whatever you want later!"

"Then I would like to thank Uncle Miller. By the way, Uncle Miller, what happened just now? Did Marquis Bick anger you in some way?"

The second prince Dale glanced at Piccolo, who was already sweating a little on his forehead, and pretended not to ask.

"Well, Dale, you're here just in time. Uncle, I happen to have something I want to discuss with you!" Duke Miller narrowed his eyes slightly and chose to speak directly.

"Uncle Miller, please speak!"

"I heard that the Dolly family is suppressing a new noble family who joined our Nok Empire recently. However, Baron Narant of this noble family has just saved my Lita, so I want the Dolly family to stop suppressing!"

"It's just that Bick said it was your instigation to suppress the Frank family, so I want to ask if that's the case?"

"Really? Uncle Miller, there must be a misunderstanding. I did instruct the Dolly family to help me find a business partner."

"As you know, my eldest son is seven years old, and I'm thinking of building a manor for him! But what I like most on weekdays is practicing martial arts or hunting on horseback. I don't know anything about doing business."

"So, this matter was handed over to Marquis Piccolo."

"He also reported to me a few days ago that a noble family called the Frank family seems to be interested in cooperating."

"It's just, I didn't expect that what Uncle Miller said would happen!"

"Marquis Piccolo, is what Uncle Miller said true? Didn't I say it before, cooperation requires mutual consent!" The second prince Dale looked at Marquis Piccolo.

"His Royal Highness, I contacted the Frank family just as you said. Maybe it's because the subordinates who summoned the message misunderstood the meaning, so the current situation happened." Marquis Piccolo immediately heard the second prince's question. Pushed clean.

"Yeah, if it's really a misunderstanding, Dale, do you think you can re-select a partner?" How could Duke Miller not see that they were acting.

It's just that things like this don't matter, he just needs to fulfill his promise to Narant.

"Well, Uncle Miller, since you said so, and if they are really not willing, then I must choose another partner."

"It's just, now that this matter has spread, if other people know about it, they really think that the Dolly family and I are conspiring to bully the minor nobles."

"So, Uncle Miller, it's better than this. I sent someone here to have a friendly duel with the Baron Narant, which is considered a friendly exchange."

"As long as he is willing to agree, then this matter is over!" The second prince looked at Narant.

On the way, he had heard from Cardi what had happened tonight.

So, now the Frank family itself is not a problem, the real problem is the young noble who suddenly appeared and rescued Rita.

Only starting from him can solve the crisis tonight.

"Dell, didn't you give Uncle Miller's face?"

Duke Miller naturally knows what this so-called friendly discussion means, and the other party wants to make Narant retreat.

If he chooses not to participate, he will not be able to continue to say anything.

After all, Dale has already talked about this, as long as you are willing to participate, you can let the Frank family go.

But if Narant participated, his life would be in danger.

"Uncle Miller, you are my uncle, and I will definitely respect you, but if this incident spreads, the reputation of my second Prince Dale will be ruined, so if I can complete this little boy After that, other nobles will naturally not say much." Second Prince Dale continued to speak humbly.

"His Royal Highness Dale, I don't know what kind of duel this friendship duel is, and what strength is my opponent?" At this moment, Narant spoke up.

"Well, are you the young aristocrat who rescued Rita? You really are young and promising!" The second prince looked at Narant with a glint in his eyes.

"Friendship duel is also very simple, that is, I randomly select one of my three subordinates to fight, as long as they can't lose in the duel with them for three minutes, then Baron Narant wins."

"I don't know if Baron Narant has confidence. If not, Baron Narant should consider it carefully."

Behind the second prince Dale stood three guards with long swords hanging around their waists.

Although it is only the beginner level of the earth knight, few people can do it if a golden knight wants to last under their hands for three minutes.

"Dell, in this Nok capital, I'm afraid no one can face the Earth Knights for three minutes, right?" Duke Miller frowned a little displeased.

If the person selected by Dell is also a golden knight, who is only a small level higher than Narant, then he will reluctantly agree.

But now it is replaced by the Earth Knight, which is completely intended to kill Narant.

"Uncle Miller, this Baron Narant is not an ordinary noble. I also heard about the briefing the day before yesterday. If you can loot them in the Orc Empire, Baron Narant is a real warrior!"

Dale looked at Narant with interest, the meaning was obvious.

I have already set out the conditions, it is up to you whether you are willing or not.

Even Duke Miller can't say anything at the moment, after all, his second prince also needs face, not to mention that he has not completely rejected Duke Miller's request.

And he felt that as long as Narant was not stupid, he would definitely not dare to agree. How could the Knights of the Earth be able to compete with the Golden Knights.

Still beyond his expectations, Narant is not an ordinary person, he said with a smile: "Okay, I'll try the strength of the guard of His Royal Highness the Second Prince. To be honest, for the power of the earth knight, I really very curious!"

"You agreed?" Second Prince Dale said in surprise.

"That's right, I would also like to thank the second prince for giving me the opportunity to compete with the Knights of the Earth. In addition, what Prince Dale just said counts, as long as I complete this friendship test, the Frank family will not be suppressed again! "

"Very good, since you have the guts, Baron Narant, then let you give it a try. I, the dignified second prince of Dale, did what I said, and you participated in the friendship duel, so the Frank family will not suffer in the future in the Nok Empire. Any repression!"

"Baron Narant, the strength of an earth knight is not something that ordinary golden knights can compete with!" At this time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Duke Miller frowned.

"Don't worry, Lord Duke, I'm not an ordinary golden knight. In addition, I ask Lord Duke to preside over the future affairs of the Frank family!" Narant smiled lightly, very confident.

"Okay!" Duke Miller saw that Narant had made up his mind, so he didn't say more.

Immediately, Steward Milo was ordered to go to the manor's treasury to bring armor to Narant, because Narant was here for the banquet tonight, so he had nothing on his body except the long sword. .

At the same time that Butler Milo went to get the armor, everyone also started to go out of the hall.

Since it is a duel of the strong, it must be outdoors.


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