Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 681

Chapter 681

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"Narant, stop the car and let us go! You take your subordinates to evacuate! It is already the greatest luck for us to die in a dignified battle!"

Seeing the army of monsters chasing closer and closer, King Culver finally spoke.

He is not afraid of death. Compared with being captured and executed by the enemy, being able to die on the battlefield is definitely something he would rather see.

"Boy Narant, listen to His Majesty's words, stop the carriage! Take Stella and leave, and help me take care of him in the future!" Bernard also made an absolute decision.

"Your Majesty, Lord Earl, as long as we persist, we may have a chance to escape when we run into the woods. I have notified all the vassals, and they should be arriving soon!" Narant was unwilling to do so. give up.

"Sir, it's not good, that red-clothed archbishop is releasing magic!"

However, Narant's voice just fell, and Vivian's anxious voice came from behind again.

When Narant looked towards the rear, he saw that the red-clothed archbishop and the bishop of Naik were riding a horse, and they had already caught up.

At this moment, the red-clothed archbishop has started to wave the staff in his hand, and his mouth is even more muttered.

"Stop!" Narant's expression changed when he saw this, and he immediately stopped the silver-horned rhinoceros.

Following his order, the two silver-horned rhinos reacted almost instantly, leaning back and making an emergency stop, and even made a pit of several meters on the mud to stop it. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

At the moment when the silver-horned rhino stopped, a wall of earth suddenly appeared more than ten meters ahead, completely blocking the way forward.

If Narant hadn't stopped just now, I'm afraid the whole carriage would have hit the dirt wall at a speed of 100 miles per hour.

"Boy, let me see where you are going this time!" At the same time, before Narant could relax, there was a frantic sarcasm from the red-clothed archbishop from outside the carriage.

"Everyone, let's get in!" King Culver had already reacted and greeted the earls, and immediately jumped out of the carriage.

"Narant, live well with Stella, don't be brave, flee now!" A famous earl did not hesitate and got off the carriage across the king.

When Bernard was about to get off the carriage, he patted Narant on the shoulder and explained.

"Father!" Stella saw this and immediately stepped forward and grabbed Bernard.

"Stella, you have seen the situation today. If you get off the carriage, not only will it not help your father, but Narant will also stay for you!"

"Listen to father's words and live well!" Bernard smiled and reassured, and then, before Stella could react, he slapped her on the back of her neck.

A battle-hardened person like Bernard naturally had no other accident, and directly patted Stella unconscious.

"Narant, it's over to you!"

After speaking, Bernard got out of the carriage without hesitation.

"Lord Count, be careful!" Narant looked at the counts who had already started fighting, and then at Stella in his arms.

Finally, he directly gave the order to the silver-horned rhinoceros and started running again.

"Boy, do you still want to escape?" The red-clothed archbishop, who had been staring at him, snorted coldly when he saw the carriage moving, and was about to continue to block him.

"The Cardinal Archbishop, right? Your opponent is here!" However, he was just about to start singing, and Bernard and King Culver both attacked him not far away.

In the face of the combined attack of the two golden knights, the red-clothed archbishop did not dare to neglect, and was finally forced to change his attack target.

On the other hand, Narant's carriage left the battlefield smoothly and headed towards the mountains ahead.

"My lord, these great nobles are really heroic!" Although the carriage left, the sound of fighting from the rear became louder, and the lights of various fighting qi were constantly intertwined and collided, making bursts of roars.

Rao is a girl who neither Vivienne nor Catherine has a good impression of the big nobles can't help but praise them.

"It's really heroic!" Nalanda nodded, it's really not easy for all the great nobles to be able to face death calmly.

"Encircle them for me, and don't let any of them go today!" Seeing the carriage gradually flee, the red-clothed archbishop was even more furious.

Immediately, he ordered a group of subordinates to surround a group of counts.

"Yes, Archbishop!"

Following his orders, Bishop Ike and Meyer and their subordinates began a desperate siege.

"Come on, you **** who have fallen into hell! Old lads, kill, kill one more and earn another!"

In the face of the heavy siege, the counts did not change their expressions, but killed more vigorously.

However, their number was limited after all, and they were more or less wounded when they were captured last time, so it was soon difficult to support them under the onslaught of the church.

During this period, the red-clothed archbishop would release spells to harass him.

"Wind Blade Combo!" At this moment, the red-clothed archbishop released an intermediate spell towards the earls.

"Be careful!" King Culver, the most powerful king, noticed it immediately, and immediately shouted a warning.

It's a pity that the rest of the counts are all attacked by the enemy, even if they hear the reminder, it is very difficult to avoid or resist.

For example, Count Rakoff faced a siege from several enemies. When he heard the reminder, he just wanted to move to avoid it, but was blocked by the enemy on the side.


As he was unavoidable, a flickering wind blade instantly slid across his shoulder.

"Ah!" Lakoff screamed, and when he looked at his shoulder, he found that his left hand had been neatly chopped off.

"Be careful!" Seeing this, Bernard immediately stepped forward to pull Lakoff back, and at the same time raised his sword to repel several enemies who were attacking Lakoff.

"Rakoff, can you hold on?" King Culver asked Rakoff when he saw this.

"Your Majesty, I can still hold on, I have to kill a few more, so it's worth it!" Although Rakoff's character is not good in normal times.

But it really came to this point, but it also gave up.

"Then continue to kill!"

The counts immediately began to fight again.

However, as time passed, all the counts gradually became more colorful.

Fortunately, Earl Ferdie from Ferdie City in the distance should have also opened the city gate and made a last-ditch effort, attracting a group of teams from the Northern Principality.

Otherwise, if the great nobles of the Northern Principality came, King Culver and the others would definitely not be able to support them.


"Bernard, are you alright!"

"It's okay, it's not dead yet!"


"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

"It can last for a while, old man, you said that after we return to the embrace of the God of Glory, will the God of Glory accept us!"

"Haha, of course, we died in battle to protect the principality!"

A few minutes later, the great nobles of the Onyx Principality were exhausted and surrounded by people from the church.

However, at this moment, the great nobles of the Agate Principality are unable to fight any more, and they can only hold on to the ground half-kneeling in front of them with the support of the long sword in their hands.

At this last moment~www.mtlnovel.com~, there was no fear on the faces of everyone, but instead, there were jokes and jokes.

"That's good! Haha, I have believed in the God of Glory all my life, and I can finally see him with my own eyes!"

"Ha ha!"

All the counts laughed out loud.

"You still have the strength to laugh here when you die? But I'm sorry, everyone, it's impossible for you to meet the God of Glory, because after you die, I will offer you to the Lord of the Abyss and let you become the Lord of the Abyss. The most loyal death in battle!"

Just as the great nobles of the Agate Principality were chatting and laughing while waiting for death to come, the red-clothed archbishop stepped forward and spoke coldly to the crowd.