Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 64

Chapter 64

"Yeah! Yes! Thomas, you can do it!" Narant heard no objection. Now there are indeed fewer servants in the castle. They not only have to take care of the castle to serve themselves, but also help to deliver food to the guards. Three or four people must be dizzy.

Of course, for Thomas' sympathetic servants and not letting them dress and wash, that's entirely the brain of Butler Thomas.

The real reason is that Narant is not used to this tune, especially when a big man waits for the master to wash his face, brush his teeth and get dressed. What's the matter?

If it's Jiao Di Di's little maid, then see if Narant will refuse?

"By the way, Thomas, by the way, inform the residents and tell them that the territory needs to recruit five more guards! After the notification, the time for the selection is set, and you will let Quick go with you!"

"Yes, my lord!"

these days. Narrant didn't seem to care about the second invasion of the dark creatures, but he just kept his anxiety in his heart.

More than 30 dark creatures can break through his dilapidated castle, and it is estimated that 170 dark creatures can wash his castle twice.

Unfortunately, there is only one Vivian at the moment, and she can lead only ten guards. Otherwise, Narant will definitely recruit a large number of temporary guards regardless of the three-seven-two-one, and make a whole nation.

Unfortunately, without the magical blessing of the Lady of Luck, recruiting available soldiers can only come honestly.

Moreover, he also encountered a problem when he wanted to expand the army and recruit soldiers, that is, there are not enough young soldiers of the right age.

There are more than 1,000 people in the Storm Territory, and the Doom Village was originally mostly girls, so it was very difficult to find a suitable sturdy young man to serve as a guard.

Narant didn't want to overcharge, so he continued to recruit five guards, which was already the limit of the territory's population ratio.

If you want to continue recruiting redundant guards, you can only think of other ways.

"The territory is large and the population is small. I hope that in the future, the reputation of the Storm Territory will spread, and some desperate civilians can come to defect."

After thinking about it for a moment, Narant stopped worrying about himself after eating breakfast.

In fact, there is a way to solve these things well, and that is money.

With money, population is not a problem, money can buy it.

With money, dark creatures are not a problem. You can build elite soldiers yourself. Even if you really can't stand it, you can still spend money to find foreign aid.

After breakfast, Narant came to the vestibule, where Vivian and the team of archers were already waiting.

"Set off!"

I got two little elves last night, so naturally I wanted to use them right away.

The first is the green elf.

Although this green elf can only increase the yield of crops, its function is slightly lower than that of the elf of other colors, but it has the advantage that it does not need to be random.

Narant can choose where he wants to place it and what crops he wants to cultivate.

So, this green elf, Narant just placed it on the wasteland less than 500 meters away from the castle.

These wastelands outside the castle used to be the most fertile land in the territory. They were cultivated land that provided the castle with various fruits and vegetables.

These arable land nobles are usually handed over to the families of guards or castle servants to cultivate, because in addition to providing a certain amount of output for the castle, this arable land does not need to pay heavy taxes.

This is also a way for the nobles to win over their subordinates and ensure their loyalty.

"Little guy, go! Work hard, if you can transform into an elf one day, I will give you a nice name!" Narant took the green elf out of his arms and placed it on the ground .

"Migu! Migu!" I don't know if the little guy understood the name, so he happily circled Narant twice.

Naturally, the elves in this world can also be named, but most nobles like to give them names after the little ones have transformed.

Because the nobles feel that only in this way will the little ones try to find a way to transform.

Narant originally had a big letter in his heart: there is something wrong, is the transformation of other people's elves so cheap? Working so hard for a name?

But after thinking about it, this is the so-called class treatment everywhere. The nobles are used to classifying everything into threes, sixes, and nines, so the treatment of elves is no exception.

As for him, naming has always been his weakness, so he just followed the local customs.

After the green elf occupied an acre of surrounding fields, a little green light spot that was visible to the naked eye like a mist appeared on that land.

These light spots are the reason why crops are not afraid of insect pests and severe heat and cold, and can increase their yields.

After confirming that the green elf had no other problems, Narant led the team onwards.

Next, he passed through Maiye Village and walked on the dirt road for more than an hour. Seeing that the Village of Doom was in front of him, the second blue elf in his arms still did not respond.

"Little guy, don't imitate your big brother and go to the sea! Although your big brother in the sea brought me unexpected goods, I am afraid that I will suffer from such ups and downs again and again. No!" Narant muttered to the little guy in his arms while riding on horseback.

He was really afraid of these little guys. If the sperm whale hadn't appeared last time, the elf worth hundreds of gold coins would have been lost.

Next, Narant could only move on with the blue elf. In the end, the little guy actually reacted when he walked more than a mile from Doom Village.

"Isn't this near the place where I picked it up last night!" Narant didn't expect ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to come back here again after going around.

The roar of the monster last night was still fresh in his memory.

However, since it was the place chosen by the little guy, Narant couldn't change it.

"Go, little guy!" After the blue elf was put on the ground, it continued to move for hundreds of meters, and finally stopped at the edge of a large lake.

"Fortunately, although it is a bit remote, as long as the woods not far away are cut down in a few days, there is no need to worry about ferocious monsters!"

When Narant sighed, circles of blue light were already rippling from the blue elf, and then the large grassy vegetation nearby became more emerald green to the naked eye.

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

The moment the vegetation was transformed by the blue elf, there was a sudden cry from the sky.

"Three-colored chicken! Your lord, this is a three-colored chicken!" The guards and Vivian were stunned when they saw the elf's immediate effect and a group of birds attracted from the flaming forest.

After they approached, everyone immediately recognized the bird, and it was really easy to distinguish from its appearance.

Sancai chicken, as the name suggests, is a wild bird with three-colored feathers on its body.

The chickens or eggs that the nobles usually eat are ordinary poultry that are kept in captivity as in the previous life, and the taste is neither good nor bad.

But this three-color chicken is different. It can be said to be the top delicacy among chicken poultry.

Not only is the meat of Sancai chicken delicious and tender, but the eggs they lay are also huge, nutritious and delicious.

In the past, when nobles wanted to eat Sancai chicken, they could only go to the forest to hunt hard. Often, a Sancai chicken could be sold for fifty silver coins.