Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 653

Chapter 653

Narant didn't know that his calm expression finally dispelled the concerns of the soldiers in ambush in the river.

When he returned to a group of wounded soldiers, he explained a few words to the wounded soldiers and the guards who were taking care of them, and asked them to cross the river to return now, saying that it was better to recuperate in the camp, and he would be like nothing. Things go downstream.

When he finally mixed into the crowd and confirmed that the ambush soldier in the river could no longer see his figure, he took a step and started to run wildly, running towards Boris and others who were returning.

"Narant, what's the matter, what did Vivian say you told us to return immediately?"

Narant's name is really loud now in the Onyx Principality, so even in the face of the temptation of prisoners of war, after receiving the summons, many vassals followed Boris back quickly.

"It's too late to say more, Boris, and everyone, you immediately bring your subordinates across the river back, and stay away from the river bank, it is best to return to the camp where you stationed last night!"

"Narant, what's the matter?"

The more solemn Narant was, the more puzzled Boris and others became.

The current situation seems to be a good battle situation. As long as all the remaining soldiers and horses cross the river, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be able to have a decisive battle with the northern principality and the church.

"I have a premonition that there is a great danger. If I don't retreat, I'm afraid I will suffer heavy losses later. As for the rest, don't ask any more!"

"Boris, if you believe me, you should act now!" Narante stopped.

"Okay, Narant!" Boris didn't ask any more after hearing the words. He could see the solemnity on Narant's face, and he knew that this time was definitely not a small thing.

"Boris, and everyone, remember not to make a difference, so as not to cause confusion!"

Narant was very pleased with Boris' trust, and before they set off, he explained it again.

"Okay, Narant!" Boris and the returning vassals nodded immediately, then went to the shore to step on their own raft to cross the river, and then returned to the other side.

Boom! Boom!

At this time, the sound of the galloping horses finally came from the northwest. It was the king and the counts who were hurriedly called back by Stella.

The king and the counts had already run more than two miles away when Vivian caught up with them because they rode the war horse.

However, after hearing Vivian's words, it was already Narant's reminder that even King Culver didn't hesitate, and immediately stopped the chasing team and turned around and returned.

Seeing this, Narant breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately greeted the cavalry team.

"I have seen His Majesty the King, and the counts!" Narant still politely bowed before the king and the counts.

"Baron Narant, don't be too polite, you asked your subordinates to remind us, what happened?" The king waved his hand very politely, and then asked.

"Your Majesty, and the counts, today's battle is a conspiracy of the church, and they set up an ambush for us!"

"Is this...really? What ambush?" The king and a group of counts looked around. Because they belonged to the northwest and were close to the desert, the terrain of this Earl of Feidi was relatively flat.

Although there are also trees on the horizon, at least ten miles away, they really don't understand where the ambush came from.

"Your Majesty, and the counts, the ambush came from the river, and the church ambushed a monster cavalry that had never been seen before. Although I don't know what they want, I believe they must have other traps waiting for them. Follow us!"

In the face of the king and several counts, Narant did not hide any more.

After all, the army needs several people to command, and even if they know an ambush, they need to discuss countermeasures.

"What, there is an ambush in the river, Demon Knight?"

Just after listening to Narant's words, several earls suddenly widened their eyes and exclaimed.

This beast knight, they have never imagined it before!

On the other hand, King Culver did not show a particularly surprised expression. After being stunned for a while, he hurriedly said to Narant: "Baron Narant, are you sure?"

"Your Majesty, I'm very sure, I just went to check it myself, there are really beast knights in ambush, and there are at least hundreds of them, but your majesty, rest assured, those ambush knights should not realize that they have been seen through! "

"There are really beast cavalry? Is the description in my father's diary true?" After receiving a positive answer again, King Culver frowned and muttered, falling into a brief thought.

"The vassal of the Tulip family, have you read it wrong? Magic beasts are so scarce, how can they form an army, and there are hundreds of them!" Just when the king was in deep thought, Rakoff of the Iron Cavalry family moved towards Narant questioned.

"Count Rakoff, is there any benefit for me to deceive you? If you don't want to believe it, then I can't help it!" Narant glanced at Rakoff.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple.

This guy belongs to the frog at the bottom of the well. He hasn't seen it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't.


"Okay Rakoff, I believe what Baron Narant said is true!" Just when Rakoff was yelled at by Narant and wanted to get angry, King Culver stopped him immediately.

Knowing that Lakoff was not convinced, it was also to let the earls know the situation. King Culver continued: "In my father's diary, I also mentioned the issue of the Legion of Demonic Beasts, saying that the people in the entire Glory Continent are actually It came from the other side of the mountain range and escaped because of evading pursuit!"

"On the other side of the mountain range, there is a vast world with countless races, and there are countless beasts, and powerful principalities or empires will specially tame the army of beasts to fight!"

"I didn't believe it before, but now it seems to be true."

"Moreover, the church has a mysterious origin and is surprisingly powerful~www.mtlnovel.com~ Maybe they come from the other side of the mountain range, so it's not surprising that they can have the Legion of Demonic Beasts!"

"On the other side of the mountain range, there are countless beasts? Do you tame the army of beasts to fight?"

Following the king's explanation, several counts looked at each other.

It was the first time for them to hear these things that Narant had known for a long time.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now!" Finally, after a short pause, the counts immediately remembered the most important thing now.

"Baron Narant, have you just found out the strength of those monsters?" King Culver immediately looked at Narant.

"Your Majesty, I didn't dare to observe carefully just now, but I vaguely feel that those monsters have at least Tier 4 strength!"

"Fourth-tier intermediate-level monsters?" The king and the counts took a breath.

If there are only three or five or ten intermediate-level monsters, it is not a threat to the king and the counts.

But if there are really hundreds of heads, it must not be underestimated.

Even if several kings and counts are safe, their subordinates will definitely suffer heavy losses.

In addition, there is still a large army in the northwest that the church has just evacuated, so today's situation is a desperate situation for the Onyx Principality.

"However, Your Majesty, these beast knights have been ambushed in the river and still haven't launched an attack. I guess the church wants to wipe us out, so if we evacuate, that's the best chance.

"Otherwise, the monsters will cut off our retreat, and the Church and the Northern Principality will take the opportunity to make a comeback, then we will be attacked by the enemy!" read!