Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Just the night before Stella was about to return, Narant received an unexpected summons.

"Sir, a swift eagle has just returned from the Northern Principality!" Shirley's little loli was out of breath and took a small roll of paper to the front of Narant's study to report.

Narant explained to him that as long as it is a message from the Northern Principality, it must be sent to him as soon as possible.

"Northern Principality? Bring it here!" Narant immediately put down the complete book of magic spells in his hand and took the letter handed by Shirley.

After confirming that the varnish on the roll paper was in good condition, Narant opened it to check.

But after looking at it for a while, his expression instantly became solemn.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Shirley's little loli hadn't left yet, and she asked weakly when she saw her adult's expression.

"The Northern Principality is ready to attack!"

"Ah, the Northern Principality is ready to attack!" Shirley's little girl was also taken aback.

"That's right, Shirley, now go to Miss Stella and Miss Natasha to the lobby on the first floor, I'll be there soon!"

"It's an adult!"

This envelope is the message from Princess Isabella of the Northern Principality.

According to this information, the new king of the Northern Principality had issued a summons order a week ago, calling for all nobles to start gathering towards the edge of the desert.

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If the news is correct, I am afraid that within the next month, the men and horses of these northern principalities will be able to reach the border of the Onyx Principality, and then it will be a battle for the survival of the continent.

Narant had thought the Church and the Northern Principality would be able to hold off until at least this fall.

After all, it is spring now, and although the crops have been sown, they still need a lot of manpower to take care of them.

And starting the war after the autumn harvest is the best choice for the nobles themselves and the serfs.

Who would have thought that the Northern Principality would be so anxious.

How did Narant know that the Northern Principality and the Church were indeed planning to launch an offensive after the bumper harvest this year.

But it was precisely because of what he did that the church felt threatened and urgent, so it launched an attack in advance.

As for what Narant did?

Naturally, he used the cracks in the space that the church put in as a cash machine for wool.

Originally, the church hoped that dark creatures would wreak havoc on the grasslands, eroding large tracts of grassland land, and then setting the back garden of the Onyx Principality on fire, and they would be able to go straight in without much effort.

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny.

Three months after the space crack was installed, the news that they expected the fire behind the Onyx Principality did not come out.

So they secretly sent spies to contact the bought nobles, and then secretly sneaked into the grassland to investigate the situation.

Under this investigation, the church's jaw dropped in shock.

Sacred thorns appeared in this Glory Continent.

The cracks in the space they placed were suppressed to death by the sacred thorns, and the dark creatures that came out were even more dishes.

Although I don't understand why.

But it also let the church know that the Glory Continent must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer it drags on, the more unstable factors it will cause.

"Ding, the church has finally decided to move towards the last piece of land in the Glory Continent. As a part of this whirlpool, how can you stand by?"

"New mission in the system branch: thwart the conspiracy of the church."

"Mission reward, a new fruit that can be exchanged!"

"Well, the system really has come to intervene!"

Since the completion of the last exploration mission, the system has not issued a new mission for several months.

Hearing the ding-dong sound of the system this time, Narant was not surprised.

And even if the system doesn't issue quests, he will work hard to prevent the church from annexing the Glory Continent, after all, his territory is here.

If the Glory Continent falls into the hands of the church, then he needs to move his nest.

After checking the tasks issued by the system, Narant went directly to the lobby on the first floor.

"Narant, the church and the Northern Principality are really ready!" When Narant came to the hall, Stella and Natasha were already waiting here.

As soon as she saw him, Stella immediately asked.

"That's right, Stella, this news comes from Princess Isabella of the Northern Principality..." At that moment, Narant briefly recounted how Isabella contacted him at the time, and also recounted what was in the envelope just now. Content.

"I attacked in the spring, Narant, I must report this matter to my father immediately!" Stella couldn't sit still.

"Stella, you should return tomorrow according to your original schedule. For this and this news, I will use the Swift Eagle to send a message to the Earl first, which will be faster!"

"Okay!" Stella nodded, remembering the fact that she had Xun Ying, it was indeed faster than her working day and night.

"Then... Narant, do you have any plans!" After confirming the subpoena, Stella slowed down and asked Narant.

This sentence is a bit vague, but Narant knows what it means.

Stella must also understand the power of the Church, and now there is still the Northern Principality involved. The Onyx Principality is definitely a last-ditch battle, and no one can guarantee a certain victory.

"Stella, don't worry, we will definitely be able to defeat the church, as long as we can defeat the church this time, then the unification of the Glory Continent will not be a problem~www.mtlnovel.com~ Maybe the whole continent will be completely peaceful by then. Come down!" Although Narant knew the dangers of this battle, in order to avoid Stella's worries, he still spoke for the better.

After Stella heard this, her lips moved, but she did not refute.

In fact, the idea of Narant, even Natasha, who doesn't care much about government affairs, is not so optimistic.

"Stella, you really don't have to worry too much. In fact, even if there is really any problem, it's all up to me, and I will definitely not put you in danger!" Seeing that the two women still did not dispel their concerns, Narant finally shot He let out a little breath through his chest.

"Baron Narant, do you really have a way out?" Natasha immediately asked after hearing the words.

"That's right, there is a final retreat, but I don't want to give up the Storm Territory until the end, so we have to fight the church no matter what!"

"Yeah!" Stella wasn't really afraid, but it was just that she finally found someone she liked. She hadn't finished her marriage contract, and she hadn't really lived a loving life together. She was really reluctant.

"Baron Narant, that's all right. If the duchy really can't resist the church, I'll come to Stormland to find you!" Natasha was even more happy when she knew that Narant had a way out.

She does not have the same family responsibility as Stella. Even if the Onyx Principality finally defeats the Church and unifies the continent, then the title of the Frank family will not fall on her head.

So as long as she can be with Narant forever, no matter where she is, whether she lives well or poor, she doesn't care.

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