Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 60

Chapter 60

"Which territory did you come from?" Just as the conversation between several people fell, a voice of inquiry suddenly came from behind.

Everyone turned to look behind them, but saw a young man in luxurious clothes looking at them on a white war horse, with guards and carriages behind the young man.

"I have seen the nobleman!"

"I have seen the nobleman!"

Laurie and the others were startled, and hurriedly saluted respectfully and offered their greetings.

"Get up! I heard that you came to Stormwind to buy salt?" This person was naturally Narant. The guards had already informed him of the fact that such a large number of people had passed by outside the castle.

Narant didn't have to think too much, he expected that they should be the team that came to Baofengling to buy salt, so Thomas immediately loaded the goods and came to Maiye Village.

"Yes, Lord Noble, we are from Black Rock Territory, and we came to Storm Wind Territory to buy salt!" Laurie didn't dare to be negligent, and answered immediately.

"Well, since it's a business, don't be nervous. My Storm Leader welcomes you all to do business!" Narant smiled more genially and reassured these people.

In any case, these people are the first to come to Stormwind Leader, and Narant needs to make them feel safe coming to Stormwind Leader to do business.

In order to retain the caravan, in addition to sufficient benefits, a stable trading environment is also crucial.

"Yes, Lord Noble!" Laurie secretly raised his head and glanced at the kind lord. He had never seen a noble Lord so approachable before.

"Thomas, this is the first time they have come to Stormland, you should take good care of them!" Next, Narant stopped participating. He knew that if he continued to stay here, these civilians would be afraid.

After the explanation, Narant simply went to a shady place aside to watch Thomas negotiate with the caravan.

"Ah, it's that lord last time!" When Thomas appeared, Laurie and other people led by Heiyan seemed to have found their backbone, because they had already made a deal with Thomas last time, which made them trust them from the bottom of their hearts. thomas.

"Everyone, it's a pleasure to see you again. I'll introduce myself again. I'm Thomas, the castle steward of Stormland!"

"It's a pleasure to see Mr. Thomas again!" After listening to Thomas's polite introduction, Bernie and the others responded respectfully immediately.

"I'm curious, you came to buy salt this time, didn't you bring some other goods to Storm Collar to sell?" Thomas asked with a smile.

"Ah, Mr. Thomas, I'm sorry, we came in a hurry, we didn't know what the Storm Leader was missing, so we didn't bring any merchandise!" Laurie and the others immediately showed embarrassed expressions.

In fact, it's not that they don't know what the Storm Collars lack, but they are worried that the people in the Storm Collars are too poor and can't afford to buy anything. When the time comes, they won't be able to sell the goods, and they have to carry them back, which will be troublesome.

Seeing this, Thomas didn't say anything wrong, and said with a smile: "Well, it does make sense, but after the salt trade is completed, you can go to Mai Yechun for a walk, and by the way, you can ask what the villagers are lacking, wait a minute. You can try to bring some when you come next time!

"Although there are only more than 1,000 people in the Storm Territory, under the leadership of our Lord Narant, they are not poor, and they even eat meat every day during this time!"

"Ah, eat meat every day?" Upon hearing Thomas's words, Laurie's team immediately exclaimed. Even commoners like them couldn't eat meat every day. It was hard to believe how those serfs in the Storm Leader could do it.

However, looking at Thomas' serious expression, everyone had no doubts.

After all, for such a thing, as long as the transaction is completed and a little circle around Maiye Village, you can get the real answer.

The fish Narant gave the serfs last time was enough for them to eat for three or four months.

During this period of time, the serfs have not only been paid a lot by Narant for various jobs, but they have also been searching for sugar cane in the woods and grasses these days. Narant has almost sent out more than 2,000 copper plates.

It can be said that the citizens of Stormwind Territory are now unprecedentedly wealthy, but for the time being, they have no channels for consumption, because, for their safety, Narant has banned everyone from going to the Baron of Quint.

"Okay, everyone, you can inquire about the matter of bringing goods to the Storm Collar to sell in the town later. Let's start trading the salt you need now!"

"As I said last time, since you have come to the Storm Territory, the salt is five coppers per pack, and the dried fish is still ten coppers per pound. How many pounds do you need?"

"Lord Thomas, we need 800 packs of salt and 100 catties of dried fish this time!" This time, Laurie and the others had a total of seven or eight partners who came to Stormwind, and they had a great deal of determination for this trip. , it can be said that he took out most of his net worth to make this big gamble.

"Well, yes! Eight hundred packets of salt and one hundred catties of dried fish can be delivered on the spot. The salt and dried fish are on the carriage. You can check it out. If it is correct, we will pay for it and deliver it!" Thomas Nodding ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ Thank you Mr. Thomas! "Laurie and the others immediately showed their gratitude. Before they came, they were still a little apprehensive about whether the goods they came to buy this time would have the same quality as last time.

But if you can inspect the goods now, then you don't have to worry at all.

And this inspection of goods has never happened to other nobles. Even if you ask a few more questions, you may be greeted by the fierce eyes of the guards.

Laurie and the others immediately came to the carriage and looked at the baskets in the carriage. The opened paper bags above were all the same as last time, without a grain of salt.

"Lord Thomas, salt and dried fish are very good, we just want to buy this!" Laurie exclaimed excitedly.

"Very good, then I will arrange for someone to weigh you!"

After that, things were much simpler. Thomas and Laurie watched the salt weighed and loaded into the serf baskets that Bernie had brought.

While Laurie and Thomas were busy, Kerr kept spinning around the carriage, the tip of his nose twitching, sniffing.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, Vivian, who was beside the carriage, couldn't bear it any longer, she suppressed a smile and asked.

Kerr was startled. He was not nervous when he heard the voice of a woman.

But when she saw Vivian wearing leather armor with a long bow on her waist, she immediately recognized that this was the dress of the guards, and could not help but whispered, "Master guard, I... I didn't do anything, I just felt the scent! So smell it. smell."

"Scent, do you mean this brown sugar brown bread?" Vivian stepped forward and opened the lids of the two wooden barrels behind.

As the lid was opened, a rich brown sugar fragrance wafted out immediately, making Kerr stand on the spot as if he had received a body-immobilizing spell.