Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 554

Chapter 554

"Yes, my lord, this is a blessing from the gods, congratulations on being favored by the God of Glory!" Mario nodded vigorously again.

When such a thing happened, it was like auspiciousness happened in ancient times, and it was also a real auspiciousness, which made him a civil official with honor.

"Let's go, take the adults to have a look!" Narant can still sit still, the big elf plus the magic medicine sugar cane, today is a good day.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to improve the quality of plants, you must rely on the purple elf.

But there is one case where there are exceptions, and that is when the elves are transforming.

I don't know the reason, when the elves transform, whether it is a plant or other items within its range, there is a small probability of getting a favor or benefit.

For example, this time the sugar cane can become a potion plant, which is the benefit of the transformation of the green elf.

And according to Narant's impression, it seems that he has heard one or two such stories.

For example, a nobleman, his purple elf transformed, and originally his purple elf attracted a group of ordinary rabbits, but when the mutation of the elf was completed, a few rabbits in this group of rabbits later grew into monsters Rabbit, and these Warcraft rabbits also have the ability to continue the population.

In this way, this nobleman has permanently acquired a group of magical beasts. Although the rabbit's fighting power is low, the meat needs one gold coin per pound, which is simply a profit.

For another example, another nobleman had a mutation in one of his yellow elf. Originally, the yellow elf was only a low-quality gem, but during the transformation, the gem was upgraded and became a high-quality gem. The value has doubled.

Of course, although this thing is true, the probability is probably 1 in 1000 or 1 in 10,000.

In short, it's like winning the lottery for something like this to happen.

Soon, Narant followed Mario to the sugar cane forest not far from the castle.

"Master, master!" Just before Narant got close to check the changes in the magical medicine sugar cane, he suddenly saw the sugar cane forest fly out of the little guy and rush towards him.

The little guy was flying and screaming happily.

Narante took a closer look, wasn't it always the great elf?

The size is the same as the one I saw in the palace, but the face and clothes are different.

The little guy has long green hair, fair skin and delicate facial features, and is a flower fairy.

Coupled with the green princess dress, it is definitely a rare treasure in the previous life.

Of course, the first time Narant saw it, he thought of an anime heroine, the witch cc.

This flowing green hair is exactly the same as the witch cc.


The little guy flew to Narant's face, and without waiting for Narant to react, he hugged his straight with a slap, and then kissed him on the face angrily.

"Haha! Little guy, come and let the master take a look!" After Narant reflected, he immediately stretched out his palm with a smile on his face.

"Master, master, like, like!" Seeing Narant stretched out his palm, the little guy immediately waved the transparent wings on his back and flew to Narant's palm, and then squatted on Narant with his feet in a figure-eight posture. palm.

After squatting down, the little guy folded his hands in front of his chest, looked at Narant with those sparkling watery eyes, and kept saying the words he liked.

After the elf has transformed into a big elf, the IQ is equivalent to that of a two- or three-year-old child, so he can learn language according to his needs, and even after a lot of communication, he can say a few short sentences of seven or eight characters.

"Sure enough, she is a magical existence, a beautiful little fairy!" Rao is a half-steel straight man like Narant, and he felt pity in his heart when he saw this beautiful little man.

"Fairy, fairy!" Hearing Narant's words, the little guy immediately learned the past, babbling happily.

"Yeah! Yah! Great Elf! Great Elf! Sister Vivian, Sister Catherine, look at the Great Elf!"

At this moment, the lucky girls who were ready to join the fun arrived at the sugar cane forest.

The fastest running ahead is naturally Shirley Little Lolita.

Little Lolita heard that the sugar cane had turned into a potion sugar cane, and the short legs ran faster than Catherine's long legs, so she wanted to taste what the potion sugar cane tasted like.

And when he saw the big elf in Narant's hand, he immediately showed a shocked expression on his face, and shouted.

Hearing this exclamation, the big elf was slightly frightened, and immediately flew from Narant's palm, then hung it on Narant's neck, and then exposed half of his head to secretly look at it. .

"Don't be afraid, little guy, these are your big sisters, this is Sister Xue Li, she will bring you a lot of delicious food in the future!"

Seeing this, Narant immediately appeased the little guy.

"Well, big elf, I'm sorry, I scared you just now, Shirley apologizes to you, Shirley still has half a cake here, let's eat it for you!" Shirley's little loli knew that she scared the big elf, right The little guy also liked it tightly, and immediately took out a small cake wrapped in a square from the pocket.

After the big elf was appeased, he was no longer afraid.

Moreover, Shirley's affinity seems to be quite effective for her~www.mtlnovel.com~ immediately flew into the air, first looked at Narant, saw that Narant did not respond, and then carefully flew to Shirley forward.

The little guy first repaired Shirley's face, observed it for several seconds with his big watery eyes, and then flew to the cake and repaired it again.

"Sister, I like it! I like it!"

After finishing speaking, the little guy actually stood directly on Shirley's small palm, and then bit into the big cake.

"Giggle, the big elf also likes Shirley, sir, the big elf also likes Shirley!"

With the words of the elf, Shirley was so happy that even the elf didn't feel bad about eating her cake one bite at a time.

"Big Elf, this is Sister Vivian, this is Sister Catherine, this is Sister Vinnie, and this is Miss Bessie!"

When the little guy eats, he looks like a little Liuying, smart and lively, after taking a bite, he raises his head and glances at a few people around, his eyebrows are curved.

After reading it, I continued to eat.

And Shirley took advantage of this opportunity and immediately began to help introduce several other lucky daughters.

"Sister, elder sister! I like it, I like it!" The little guy was very well-behaved when he heard the words, and immediately babbled the words that his elder sister liked.

"Congratulations to your lord for getting the God of Glory and the Great Elf!"

"Congratulations to your lord for getting the God of Glory and the Great Elf!"

Vivienne and the others also liked the little guy, and after a while, they looked at Narant and started to congratulate.

If Narant hadn't gotten engaged to Stella and wasn't as capable as he is now, then this green elf would have been able to support him for a century-old family.