Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 536

Chapter 536

When the skeleton fell in the end, all the guards couldn't help smiling happily, and then squatted on the ground.

They still don't know that tonight's war is not over yet, they will be victorious only after beheading these five or six hundred dark creatures in unprecedented numbers.

When Narant saw this, he didn't want to let these guards relax, otherwise they would disperse in one breath, and then the morale would not be so easy to improve.


However, before Narant could say anything, a shocking roar could be heard from the depths of the Storm Territory.

This roar was like the roar of the king of beasts in the jungle. Although it was far away, when it reached the castle, the expressions of the guards changed after hearing it, and the joy of the rest of their lives completely faded.

"This...what is this!"

"Yeah, terrifying roar, are there any dark creatures?"

For a while, an atmosphere of panic spread among the crowd.

Narant frowned instantly when he saw this. This is not a good phenomenon. The roar alone made everyone overwhelmed with fright.

If the unknown big guy really came, he doubted whether he could keep it.


However, the origin of this unknown big guy has not been investigated yet, and Narant can't care about these guards for the time being, and he must make arrangements first against time.

"My lord, your subordinates are here!" As Narant greeted him, the ten guards including Da Shishi immediately responded.

"Go to the battlefield in front of you now and make sure that the arranged 'Rage of Glory' has not been destroyed!"

"Yes, my lord!" The Guards received the order without any hesitation.

After giving orders to several people, Narant looked at the surrounding guards: "Everyone, rest in place for the time being, and prepare for the next battle at any time! In addition, the captain is responsible for counting casualties!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Although the guards were all trembling with fear, none of them dared to retreat, and they all rested on the spot according to Narant's instructions.

However, during the break, he couldn't help but start talking about what kind of terrifying creature that roar was.

After explaining all the guards, Narant immediately returned to the castle.

"Narant, you've worked hard, have a cup of tea!" But when he stepped into the castle, Natasha immediately greeted him, and replaced Lilia's work, and served hot tea intimately.

"Yeah!" Nalanda nodded and cast a thankful look, then cast his gaze on Shirley who was beside him.

"Xue Li, did Xiao Huihui send out?"

"My lord, it has been sent out after the meteor shower has landed, but Dao has not returned yet!"

"Well, just wait! When Xiao Huihui comes back, remember to notify the adults as soon as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Narant, you must be tired, go to the castle sofa, and I will rub your shoulders!" Seeing that the matter here was explained, Natasha took Narant directly into the inner castle.

Narant wanted to refuse, but thought that there was a warning of dark creatures appearing, and immediately followed.

"Narant, I didn't expect your guards to be so powerful that they can even withstand five or six hundred dark creatures!" Natasha sat on the sofa, and Natasha went around behind him and put his head on the pillow On his own soft airbag, he made a soft sound.

"It's all up to me to arrange it in advance, and the really powerful guy is still behind!" Narant raised his forehead, naturally he didn't dare to be complacent now.

And Natasha saw Narant's sadness, so she took the opportunity to share his worries, so she continued: "No matter how powerful, with your wise leader Narant, I think tonight will definitely be a big win. win."

"I think I came quite right this time, so I can see your heroic demeanor!"

"Haha!" Narant shook his head helplessly, knowing that this was a reassuring word, but it also moved him.

dong dong dong!

"Sir, Xiao Huihui is back!" However, after a moment of conversation between the two, Xue Li knocked on the door.

"I'll open the door!" Seeing this, Natasha immediately put down her work and went to open the door.

When the door was opened, when Shirley walked into the hall, she went outside the hall very wisely and closed the door.

"This woman!" Natasha was so sensible that Narant was moved.

However, the news of Xiao Huihui is the most important thing now, so Narant said: "Xue Li, what happened to Xiao Huihui?"

"Sir, Xiao Huihui reports that there is a large wave of dark creatures more than ten miles away, at least two thousand in number..."

"Hey, more than 2,000!" Narant gasped, this number is too terrifying, don't dark creatures want money?

"What else?" Narant continued to ask immediately.

"Sir, Xiao Huihui said, in this group of dark creatures, there is also a very big dog, this big dog has three heads! Those dark creatures seem to listen to it, and are heading towards it under its leadership. Come to the castle!"

"The fourth-order dark creature, the three-headed dog of hell?" Although he had already made preparations in his heart, Narant couldn't help but feel frightened. He didn't expect this big guy in the nightmare prediction.

The three-headed dog of **** seems to have only appeared once in the original owner's memory.

It appeared in a Viscounty a few decades ago. At that time, the three-headed dog caused heavy losses to tens of thousands of people in the entire Viscounty~www.mtlnovel.com~ Thousands of people were killed by the three-headed dog, then The viscount lord also died. .

It is said that this **** is more than ten meters long and has three heads, each of which can release spells.

And its strength seems to be able to directly resist two silver peak knights.

"Xue Li, apart from these, is there any other situation!" Momentarily suppressing the terrifying news, Narant asked again.

Fortunately, the worst thing happened was this level. I saw Xue Li shaking her head: "Sir, Xiao Huihui said that in addition to this group of dark creatures, although there are one or two dark creatures in other places, they are not many."

"Well, well done, Shirley!"

After getting the news, Narant couldn't sit still, and took Shirley directly out of the hall.

"Narant, how is the situation?" When he left the castle, Natasha stood there pretty.

"It's still under control for the time being, but Natasha, you must stay on the castle later and don't run around. If I have to, I will evacuate the castle!"

"Well, Narant, don't worry, I will definitely not drag you down!" Natasha was so smart, she immediately heard the blindfold of the situation.

However, she is also very self-aware, and with her fighting power, she doesn't want to help Narant, just not to distract Narant.

After that, several people went out of the inner fort directly.

Narant is not going to hide this news from his subordinates.

After all, such a major event caught them off guard and directly faced the appearance of the three-headed dog of hell. It is better to tell them now, which can be regarded as a precaution in advance to avoid collapse at that time.