Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Salt made from seawater cannot be used directly, because it contains many impurities and harmful elements, and long-term consumption will cause serious harm to the human body.

And if you want to turn these sea salts into table salt, you need to continue to filter and dilute them.

Narant instructed Kembi to pull the carriage to pull the fresh water, and when the fresh water came, pour the sea salt into the fresh water.

Once the sea salt has been redissolved into the fresh water, the filtration can begin.

Because of the limited materials, Narant could only use the most primitive earth methods.

Cut a few holes in the bottom of one of the wooden basins, then lay a tablecloth in the wooden basin, and then use the sand and the charcoal produced by just burning the salt as the filter material. became a simple filter.

After one operation, the filtered brine is put into the iron pot again to boil again.

When all the water in the pot is finally evaporated, what remains at the bottom of the pot is the sea salt that can be used.

"Ah! Your lord, this salt has turned white!" Looking at the sea salt that had changed a lot, Kenby Cow Dung, Quick and the others were stunned.

At this time, the sea salt in the pot was the same as what they usually eat. Although it was not white enough, the original red color was no longer there.

"Try it again!" This simplest technique of refining coarse salt was taught in the chemistry class of the third grade in the previous life, but in the eyes of Kenby Cow Dung and others, it was more magical than magic.

Hearing the order, Quick and the others were eager to try and came to the edge of the pot, and then dipped some white salt into their mouths.

"Oh! It's really salt! It's exactly the same as the one we bought from the Baron of Quint!" Kempi Cow Dung jumped up from the ground immediately.


"Be quiet, this kind of salt-making technology is an exclusive skill of adults! If anyone hears you, I will hang you to Maiye Village Square!" Although Quake was also shocked, but when he saw Kenby Cow Dung's Exclamation, he couldn't help but give him a brain break.

Kenby suffered a brain blow, and finally shrank his head and calmed down!

Narant just smiled and said nothing. This is just one refining process. If you want to achieve the pure white salt of the previous life, you just need to repeat the refining method.

Of course, Narant won't say this now, and he agrees with Quick's sense of caution. Making salt is different from catching fish.

Even if Luya does not spread, some powerful lords can send troops to drive away the murlocs and sea monsters, and then go fishing.

If salt can be made, even if it is an earl or a king, if there is no salt mine elf, then he can only buy it elsewhere for consumption.

Therefore, this salt is a real profitable business, and it is more profitable than the previous life, because the extraction of sea salt from seawater is unique to the Narant family.

"Kenby Cow Dung!"

"Sir, the little one is here!"

"You immediately go to the village and gather twenty serfs. You don't have to find a strong man who knows how to cultivate the land, and there is no distinction between men and women. But there is one point, you must ask for other members of the family."

"Yes, my lord!" Kenby Cow Dung knew what the lord wanted to do, and immediately ran towards Doom Village excitedly.

"Quake, send someone to Maiye Village now, and ask Pete to send forty sturdy serfs here to build a simple fence around the coast. In the future, this coast will become a restricted area for Storm Territory!"

Following Narant's orders one after another, the Storm Leader finally made his first big move.

Narant's idea is very simple, that is, to demarcate the coast as a restricted area, and no one else is allowed to approach except the person he instructed, so as to ensure that the matter of sea salt will not be leaked.

As for the people who boiled sea salt, Narant asked them to have relatives for this reason. At least with family members, the serfs were more controllable.

And the people of Doom Village are basically exiled, there is no other place to stay except Storm Territory, which can be regarded as a layer of lock for Haiyan's secrecy.

Of course, this is only an expedient measure. If possible, Narant will even build a large-scale salt production base to send troops to patrol permanently, so that the production of sea salt can be foolproof.

After the order was issued, the serfs took their places one after another. Narant taught the serfs how to boil salt again, and then returned to the Village of Doom!

"Kenby Cow Dung, the matter of the coast is left to you! You tell the villagers~www.mtlnovel.com~ In the future, no one will be allowed to approach the coast without my permission. If there is a violator, I will hang him to death. In Maiye Village!"

"Of course, the villagers can also supervise. If I catch someone with bad intentions, I will reward you!" Narant's face had never been dignified, making Kenby Cow Dung tremble.

"Yes, Lord!" Kenby Cow Dung carefully agreed.

In fact, Narant didn't say anything, he was also prepared to swear to protect the coastline.

Because just now, Narant appointed him as the captain of boiling salt and fishing, um... Although I have never heard of this official position before, but it was appointed by the lord himself, just like the nobles confer vassal solemnity.

What's more important is that he will not do anything in the future. As long as he maintains order and manages the matters of boiling salt and fishing on the coast, he will be rewarded with ten silver coins every month.

This is the same reward as the guards. Whoever wants to destroy his good deeds will kill him.

"Yeah! I'll send someone to register the names of those serfs later, and you will help to collect and transfer their salaries in the future!"

If you want the horses to run, you naturally have to feed the horses. Although the serfs were given whale meat on credit the day before yesterday, Narant can still afford the wages of thirty copper coins a day, so that the serfs can be more Cohesive.

"Yes, my lord!" After hearing this, Kenby Cow Dung felt that the burden on him was getting heavier and heavier, which also meant that he was more and more valued by the lord.

"It's not good, Lord Lord! There is a daughter of doom in the village!" Just after Narant finished explaining the matter, a few villagers suddenly ran out of Maiye Village and came to report with horror on their faces.

"Daughter of Doom?" Kenby Cow Dung and the other villagers immediately became terrified after hearing this.