Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 155

Chapter 155

The next morning.

"Sir, the carriage is ready!" Narant walked out of the gate of the inner castle after eating breakfast. The five carriages had been waiting for a long time.

"Very well, Thomas, the castle will be handed over to you in two days!"

"Yes, my lord, the little one must help you look after the castle!" Thomas immediately puffed up his chest and assured.

Narant nodded in satisfaction.

"Catherine, did you tell the barbarians what I told you last night?"

Narant thought that Catherine had only met her father yesterday and might have to stay at the blacksmith for the night, but Catherine returned after dinner.

After returning this time, Catherine's mental state has completely changed, and Narant can see that Catherine no longer has a lonely and sad look.

"My lord, I have told them that during the few days we left, if there is any situation in the territory, they will swear to defend the territory to the death!"

"Very well, then let's go!"

Then Narant waved his hand and drove five carriages directly out of the castle.

Under the gentle **** of the castle, in addition to Raymond and other ten barbarians, there were actually six fire-breathing lizards.

"Sir, I brought both the big fireball and the small fireball! The big fireball also invited me to sit on its back!" Waiting for Narant to approach, Xue Li's eyebrows were full of excitement, and at this time she was riding on the On the back of the female fire-breathing lizard.

However, the consequence of the presence of the fire-breathing lizard was that the horses that had just left the castle became restless and did not dare to get closer, even the lightning of Narant.

Seeing this scene, Shirley realized the problem, and without Narant's instructions, she immediately jumped off the back of the mother fire-breathing lizard and came to the front of several horses.

Then Shirley whispered a few words in their ears, and the horses finally stopped being nervous!

"Sir, they were afraid of the big fireball just now, but I told them, the big fireball and the small fireball are also your pets and will not hurt them!"

Narant rolled his eyes, fortunately there were no outsiders here, otherwise, where would the lord of his own face be, the mount under him was actually compared by Little Loli.

"Sir, do you want to ride on the big fireball with Shirley?"

"No need, just sit on it, Shirley!"

Although the female fire-breathing lizard is huge, its back is full of hard scales and bone spurs, which are similar to the protruding bone spurs on the back of a crocodile, so the only place it can sit is a small place on the neck. It looks crowded up there.

Therefore, he simply rode his own lightning, and in case of danger, the mobility of the horse was more suitable for him.

"In the future, I must find a demon beast to ride!"

Although he refused to ride the fire-breathing lizard, Narant made up his mind to find a beast horse in the future.

Although the monster horse is rare, it is not without it. He has heard that the king has a monster horse.

"I've seen Lord Lord!" After Narant finished talking with Shirley, Raymond and the barbarian immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Well, Raymond, you get in the carriage, we're going now!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After the barbarians were seated, Narant led the group towards the southwest.

Regardless of the size of the fire-breathing lizards, they did not walk slowly at all. It only took them an hour to reach the boundary of the buffer zone.

Well, it should be said that it was the boundary of the buffer zone in the past, and now this land close to the Fire Forest leading to Quint Territory has become Narant's territory.

Although he did not come to develop it immediately due to strength issues, it already belongs to him in name.

The team did not stop, and continued to move forward. In the process, Narant asked Shirley to release Xiao Huihui and began to patrol around to avoid a sneak attack by the Earl of Black Iron.

The reason why he brought fire-breathing lizards this time is because of this layer of consideration. As for the guards, he did not bring any of them, and the castle is equally important.

On the way forward, Narant kept looking at his newly acquired land.

Because it is close to the blazing forest, this new land also has no signs of human activity, and it is full of small woods and weeds.

"The terrain is fairly flat, and there are also several small streams. In the future, if there is strength to reclaim it, it will also be a large area of arable land."

Narrant commented on his new territory.

The sneak attack that was being prepared for did not appear.

The scenery of this grassland is the same as that of the blazing forest. It is not emerald green, but a large area of fiery red, like an endless fire burning.

"Quake, it's up to you to guide the way!"

"Yes, my lord!"

When they arrived on the grassland, it was the familiar environment that Quick and others were familiar with, and they avoided some dangerous swamps. They continued until noon the next day before finally arriving at their destination.

"Wow, what a beautiful lake, my lord, look at the wild rabbits there!"

When the team walked to a lake, Shirley suddenly saw a group of rabbits drinking and playing by the lake, and could not help but exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey, that's a monster?" Narant looked in the direction he pointed, but found a different existence. In the looming grass, a fiery red rabbit came into view.

"My lord, that's the Flaming Rabbit." Catherine immediately explained.

"There is still such a good thing!" After walking on the grassland for a day and a half, although I saw some animals, but the monsters have not yet come across, Leimeng said, this is because they have not yet penetrated into the grassland~www.mtlnovel. com~ At this time, Narant was moved when he saw this flaming rabbit whose size was comparable to that of a pig.

"Sir, after this dirt bag is our tribe's camp, or you are hunting here, we will go to the tribe to prepare hot water and food!"

"Okay!" Narant naturally had no opinion.

Afterwards, Raymond and the other barbarians continued to move forward, while Narant took the three daughters and carefully moved towards the group of hares.

"Vivian, you wait here. When I get close, you will first hit it hard to stop it from escaping, and I will go up and destroy it."

"As for Shirley, you control the fire-breathing lizards to wait outside. If the rabbits escape, don't let them go far!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Like the four-colored chicken, the flaming rabbit is also the weakest monster. Because of its herbivore, its strength cannot be compared with the fire-breathing lizard and the wind blade wolf.

Therefore, Narant didn't need to worry about the danger, but worried that the delicious food would escape. When everything was arranged, he carefully touched it forward.

Narant started hunting here, and Raymond and the others had already rushed up the dirt slope.

Seeing that the camp in the distance was still there, and that people could still be seen walking around, Raymond and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment, the big men all ran towards the camp with smiles on their faces.

"Wait, why is there a flaming wolf in the camp!" However, when Raymond and the others approached the camp, the figure suddenly slowed down.

Because, in the center of the camp, outside the animal skin house that originally belonged to Raymond, there was a monster wolf that was eating a lamb.

"Hey, which tribe are you from?"

At this moment, several unfamiliar barbarians with weapons in the camp also noticed their movements and asked them in surprise.