Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 147

Chapter 147

"Quake!" Then, Narant turned his gaze to Quake again.

"Sir, your subordinates are here!"

"The guards are not literate, but you have been practicing with Vivian's help for some time, so I will leave them to you in the future!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Well, your reward hasn't been given to you yet! Mario, give Quake the half pound of prepared monster meat, this is his reward this time!"

"My lord, this is too precious! The subordinates dare not accept it!" Quick was shocked when he heard the words, and he quickly shook his head and declined.

"Quake, although the monster meat is precious, your loyalty and ability make me feel that you can get this reward. In addition, I hope you can become a title knight as soon as possible, so that you can serve me better!"

Although the meat of Warcraft needs to be eaten for a long time to have a real effect.

But for a person like Quake who doesn't have much nutrition on weekdays, this half a catty of Warcraft meat can slightly improve his physical fitness.

"Yes, my lord! Thank you for the reward, my subordinates swear allegiance to you to the death!" Quick also knelt on the ground and exclaimed excitedly.

After completing the commendation conference, the storm brought by the third invasion of dark creatures will temporarily come to an end.

Of course, this does not mean that Narant can rest well, because he has to guard against the follow-up problems derived from this matter, and wait for the follow-up feedback from the Black Iron Earl.

First of all, Narant wrote the letter as soon as possible, sent a messenger to his father's Berwick Land, communicated this time with his father, and asked him if he had any suggestions.

In addition, he also needs to prevent the black iron Earl from secretly and unkindly against him, this little sir, so he asked Shirley to strengthen the patrol of the border. Once any situation is found, the first time To report back.

"My lord, the spoils you brought back have been cleaned up. Captain Quick confirmed that there are two inscription armors in the headless knight's armor! And the armor of the death knight, because the shoulder armor is damaged, it contains special power. It will go away slowly, probably after a month.

"Besides, among the guard equipment you brought back, apart from more than 30 long swords, the other leather armors and round shields are basically damaged. If the damage is minor, it can be repaired again. It can't be repaired."

In the study, Narant put down the pen in his hand and listened to Thomas' report.

After a morning of cleaning, all the weapons and equipment brought back this time have been classified.

"It's a pity that the armor of the death knight is not only light and effective, but also increased in hardness, which is higher than the armor of the headless knight!"

"However, there are two pairs of inscription armors in the armor of the headless knight. This is a pleasant surprise. Then put it away first and keep it for later use. The armor of the death knight and those intact long swords are also put away!"

Boris felt that he had taken advantage of the two trebuchets, so these junk equipment were generously left to Narant.

"As for those damaged weapons and equipment, you can send them to John's blacksmith shop later, and tell John to repair what can be repaired, and disassemble what can't be repaired. I will be useful in a few days!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Thomas left the study after reporting.

"Hey, why isn't there any inscription on the death knight's long sword?" After Thomas exited, Narant felt a little at a loss.

It will expire after a month. Of course, this armor is useless. Unless the shoulder armor is repaired, the armor of the death knight will be effective again.

It's a pity that he hasn't heard of anyone in the Principality who can repair the inscription armor.

Although he also got a death knight's longsword.

It's just that this long sword is not an inscription weapon, but because of the material, its hardness and sharpness are about twice that of ordinary long swords.

That's why Narant's long sword collided with it last night, and it was directly broken into two pieces.

After thinking for a moment and throwing away the messy thoughts in his mind, Narant picked up the pen again and began to outline the paper on the desk.

On the paper, it was Narant who drew from the captured trebuchet, and the size ratios of various parts were also noted on it.

The principle of the trebuchet is not complicated, and it is generally driven by the principle of leverage.

For example, the trebuchet he seized from Quint is like this. The front section of the throwing rocker has a large counterweight wooden box, which can be stacked with stones or other heavy objects.

When the time comes, one end of the counterweight box is lifted high, and the other end is loaded with stone cannonballs. When the wooden wedge is knocked, the counterweight box suddenly falls, and the other end gains power, and the stone bullets are launched.

Of course, although the principle is simple, there are still some difficulties.

For example, the structural coordination of the trebuchet must be the most reasonable, otherwise the power and accuracy of the trebuchet will not be discussed before the launch is completed, and the trebuchet will collapse first.

"This thing is a bit complicated. If you ask the carpenters to do it all at once, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it."

"Moreover, the counterweight box type trebuchet is more suitable for large-scale trebuchets for sieges, because the larger the counterweight of the trebuchet, the larger the projectiles that can be fired, and the longer the range!"

"I remember that there seemed to be a small wheeled catapult in the previous life. The structure was simpler, and it was not driven by counterweights, but by twisted ropes!"

"The twisted rope is constantly tightened under the condition of the rocker arm being pressed down. After the stone bullet is loaded, the moment the twisted rope returns to its original position, the stone bullet can be launched."

"I feel that the power of this rope catapult and a small catapult should be about the same! It's better to let the carpenter do this first, so as to accumulate experience! Wait for the experience to make the big guy of the weight box!"

Looking at the blueprint and thinking for a moment, Narant decided to try another small trebuchet method to gain experience.

The rope trebuchet has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the power of the trebuchet is definitely not as large as that of the weighted trebuchet, and the shooting distance is not as far as the weighted trebuchet.

However, the advantages are also obvious, that is, it wins in dexterity and convenience, and the other is the fast launch speed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Moreover, Narant dared to conclude that Quint, a small catapult, was actually scaled down in the same proportion as a large counterweight catapult.

They didn't even think about flexibility or transmission frequency.

Because of the existence of extraordinary power in this world, their development on the technology tree is not as far-reaching as in the previous life.

Now that the decision was made, Narant began to paint the catapult according to the memory of the previous life.

As a man, he must have been very interested in this thing in his previous life, and he had seen it more or less.

And because Narant took the intelligence fruit, the memories that were blurred by the time in the previous life are no longer blurred now. As long as he thinks about it, it can be clearly seen as if he had only seen it two days ago.

So, it didn't take long for a sketch of the catapult to be drawn by Narant.

"Well, since the catapults are all out, why don't I also draw another sharp weapon?" Looking at the catapult blueprint he just drew with satisfaction, Narant had another thought in his heart.

That's the ballista.

Ballista, to put it bluntly, is an enlarged version of the crossbow. If this thing is used as a defensive weapon on the city wall, it is also a weapon.

Of course, it is still incomparable with the catapult. The catapult can not only kill the enemy, but also can damage the enemy's city wall when sieging the city, while the ballista can only be used to kill the enemy's living force, and the shooting distance does not count too far.

However, the problem is that it is easier to make than a catapult. Longbows are already very popular in this world, so as long as you have experience in making longbows, it is not difficult to make ballistas.

Even catapults have to be made, so he has no reason not to make ballistas.

"Hey, let's go together, I'm really smart!"

Narant smiled and began to draw again.