Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 132

Chapter 132

"Damn, I forgot the time! Narant, let's go back quickly!"

Looking at the splendid meteor shower in the sky, Boris's heart trembled. His bowels were full of regrets now. When he woke up in the morning, he still remembered that it was the night of the meteor shower, so he was ready to return to Narrant's castle early.

Surrounded by a city wall, I feel more secure than this wilderness.

But just while we were chatting with Narant, I forgot the time.

"Boris, don't worry, it's been three months since I came to Storm Territory, and I've only encountered dark creatures twice. It's not so coincidental!" Although I knew that there would be a large wave of dark creatures covering their heads and smashing their faces in the future Down, but in order to show his innocence, Narant still solemnly consoled.

Hearing Narant's consolation, Boris's face turned dark. Is this still human?

Encountering two dark creatures in three months is not such a coincidence.

"Narant..." Boris was about to speak again, he didn't want to stay in this wilderness for a moment!

bang bang bang!

And at this moment, there was a continuous explosion in the sky.

And Boris's face stiffened, and then he looked towards the sky dully.

I saw that there were nearly a hundred meteor showers, dragging the dark red tail flames and smashing them towards the top of their heads.

"This...this...this..." Boris' face was so pale that he could stuff three colored eggs into his mouth.

"Narant, I'm not dreaming!"

"Boris, this doesn't seem to be a dream!" Narant was a little embarrassed.

"Narant, you just said it shouldn't be so coincidental!"

"Boris, I just said it shouldn't be so coincidental..."

"Then what should we do now!" Boris was about to cry!

As a nobleman, he naturally knows what the small meteor showers represent.

If only three or two meteor showers fall, it may also represent good luck.

But there are at least a hundred of them, and they are the largest, which means that all his grandmothers are dark creatures.

"Boris, don't worry too much, I have experience dealing with dark creatures, follow me later!" Narant was a little worried about whether it would scare Boris out of a psychological shadow, and immediately comforted him.

"Ah! It's a meteor shower! A meteor shower..."

"Dark creatures are coming! What should we do!"

At the same time, the guards also discovered this situation.

Especially those subordinates of Boris's guards, watching the dense meteor shower, suddenly screamed and lost their voices.

The expression was even better than that of Boris.

The only people who could be considered calmer in the field were Quick and others.

"Catherine, bring that flag over here!" Seeing that the guards were a little confused, Narant did not dare to neglect.

When Catherine heard the order, she immediately ran to the side and brought the red cloth flag that she used during the day.

Taking the flag, Narant looked at Catherine and stretched out his hand again.

"Catherine, get on the horse! It's safer this way!"

Bringing Catherine today, although Narant is to deal with the dark knight.

However, in order to ensure that his third daughter of doom would be safe, Narant felt that it would be safer to let her ride with him on a horse.

"But..." Catherine hesitated, wondering if the dark creature had brought it on herself.

Although she has not encountered dark creatures for several years, it is so coincidental now.

Thinking of Vivienne and Shirley in Storm Collar, Catherine vaguely had such a guess.

"Don't be, come up quickly!" Narant raised his face.

"Yes!" At Narant's urging, Catherine gritted her teeth, and after all, she held Narant's palm, turned over and sat on the horse's back.

"Boris, cheer up and come with me!"

After Catherine sat firmly, Narant shouted again, and then his legs hit the horse's belly hard, urging lightning to quickly move towards the guards.

"Oh!" Boris woke up like a dream, and immediately urged the horses to follow Narant.

If facing an ordinary enemy, then Boris will definitely not be worse than Narant.

But facing dark creatures, still so densely packed with dark creatures, Boris was already at a loss.


"Sir, I'm here!"

Narant rode his warhorse to the front of the guard team quickly~www.mtlnovel.com~ With his greeting, Quick immediately stepped forward with the swordsman team.

"Follow me later, don't be left behind!"

"Ibby!" Narant looked at Boris's subordinates again, but after he shouted, he didn't get a response.

"Ibi!" Narant said again.

"Na...Sir Narant, I'm here!" When he shouted for the second time, Narant finally got a response, only to see Boris' captain of the guards pale, so nervous that he trembled when he spoke.

"Tell the guards, if you don't want to die, line up and wait for my order!"

"Yes, Sir Narrant!" After an afternoon of exercises, Ibby had already subconsciously agreed with Narrant's order, and hesitantly responded immediately.

Boom boom boom!

And at this time, the more than 90 fiery red meteor showers finally landed, and instantly their more than 200 meters away became a sea of fire.



As the meteors exploded, oozing roars and the sound of bones rubbing were immediately heard from the front.

"That's the hellhound... One, two, three... three level two hellhounds... The God of Glory is above, did we stab the kennel today!"

"Wait, that's the headless knight... One, two, three, four, five, six... six second-order headless knights... This... God of Glory is above, I, Boris, have no children yet... Could it be that the Heiyan family is about to die out?

Boris's face turned green, and through the firelight scattered around the crater, seeing the second-order dark creature that used to be a 'hit luck' alone, Boris felt that he had accumulated bad luck for ten years. , and now it broke out all at once.