Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 126

Chapter 126

"Huh! That seems to be Quint!" At this moment, Boris looked at the Quint territory opposite and exclaimed in surprise.


Since Narant cut down a large area of the trees in the Gwent buffer zone, there have been guards watching on the opposite border.

For this matter, Narant is very happy, he just wants to let Quint send troops to come and know what's going on here.

However, Narant did not expect Quint to check it out in person today.

Although Narant and Quint have been "familiar with each other for a long time", they really don't know what Quint looks like.

Following Boris's gaze, he saw a fat man with a bloated body and wearing a large armor.

The fat man was surrounded by a few guards, and he was raising his eyes to meet them.

"Boris, that fat man is Quint!"

Compared to Quint, Boris's slightly 'rounded' figure can be said to be well-proportioned.

"Yes, he also studied at the Royal Capital Academy. Although I didn't know him very well at that time, I still remember his appearance!"

"Let's go, Boris, we'll meet him in the past!" Narrant rolled his eyes, and Quint actually came in person. This is a good opportunity and is more conducive to the development of his plan.

Naturally, Boris had no opinion. Anyway, it was Narant and Quint who were in conflict, and he just came to help. The territory was still hundreds of miles away from Quint's territory.

Afterwards, Narant and Boris rode their horses slowly towards the center of the buffer zone.

Seeing this scene, Quint also rode on a war horse and came towards him with several guards.

"Baron Boris? Why are you here?"

The two sides walked towards each other, and finally the horses stopped in the center of the buffer zone.

The two sides didn't speak immediately, they were looking at each other carefully. Quint first glanced at Narrant, and then looked at Boris next to him. Obviously, Quint also recognized Boris.

"Baron Quint, long time no see! I came here naturally at the invitation of Sir Narrant to come to the Storm Leader as a guest!" Boris smiled and said nothing.

Today's protagonist is Narant.

After getting such an answer, Quint turned his attention to Narant again.

To be honest, Quint was very contemptuous of Narant in the beginning. A baron's second son, if it hadn't been fortuitous to get the title and territory, even if he was a knight vassal on weekdays, he would have to look at his skills. , picked it up.

But these days, the strange things in the Storm Territory have been one after another. His guards and those barbarians seem to have evaporated from the world, which made Quint reconsider the second son of the baron.

"You are the new lord of the Storm Territory! It seems to be similar to the rumors, but a little too weak!" Quint had inquired about the details of Narant, and he naturally knew the situation of the second son of the trash. .

Moreover, the guards under his command went wave after wave. He estimated that Narant knew something, and he did not pretend to be a friendly neighbor at the moment.

Of course, what's more important is that he despised Narant in his bones, how could he have a good relationship with the second son of a baron.

"You are Baron Quint? I thought that Baron Quint should be a strong and mighty noble, but I'm really disappointed, Quint, the war horse under you may not be riding for a long time before you have to change it again! I feel it The horse's bones will be bent."

Hearing the sarcasm, Narant did not show anger, but just smiled and sarcastically.

Accepting the original owner's memory, he was able to scold people without swearing and mocking with a smile for 'nobility's cultivation'.

"You..." Quint hated two things in his life.

The first point is that others call you an illegitimate child.

The second point is this bloated body.

Because he is lazy, he usually relies on potions or monster meat to supplement his cultivation, so he has developed this body, but there are very few people who dare to mock him in person. of another person.

Quint was about to scold, but he saw that Narant was still smiling, he suppressed his anger, and said sullenly: "Narant, you cut down the woods near the buffer zone on the side of Quint's collar. of?"

"That's right, Baron Quint, don't thank me, I'm just making it easier for the two sides to pass through in the future. Who calls us neighbors? We should help each other!"

"I thank your grandmother!" Quint cursed inwardly. He had never seen such a brazen person.

After taking a breath, he continued: "Narant, the trees near the buffer zone of my Kent collar are also the property of my Kent collar. Now you cut down these trees without my consent, you have broken the unspoken rules!"

"Now I'll give you two choices, either pay me one gold coin for each tree, or wait for our Dark Iron Earl to ask the Tulip Family for an opinion! I'll see how you can participate in this competition then."

"Really?" Narant was also angrily laughed at by this Quint. Back then, this guy was in the first year of the first year, and it was even more extreme. Now that he is in the fifteenth year, what compensation does he want, or he wants to sue.

"I don't have any gold coins. Baron Quint, if you want to sue, go and sue! However, I don't know who built the camp directly on the buffer zone! Haha, but it's good. I heard that this camp was attacked a few days ago, then The smoke can even be seen from my castle!" Narant smiled happily.

"Speaking of which, if I knew who did it, I must be grateful!"

"You...you wait for me!" Quint was stunned by Narant.

As a traverser, although Narant doesn't have the count family as a backer~www.mtlnovel.com~ the overall strength of the territory is not as strong as that of Quint.

But if it's talking about guns, then he can directly kill Quint to death.

The two sides didn't talk speculatively, and the next thing was naturally one shot and two break ups.

However, just when Quint turned his horse, Narant continued: "Baron Quint, I have made an offensive and defensive alliance contract with Baron Boris of Black Rock Territory."

"In order for Storm Collar and Heiyan Collar to develop better and enhance the intimacy of cooperation between the two sides, an exercise will be held here tomorrow afternoon. If you have time, remember to bring someone to watch."

"By the way, maybe you don't know what the exercise means at your level, that is to bring my elite guards from Storm and Black Rock here to practice how to fight!"

"At that time, the number of people will reach more than 100, and the scene must be spectacular. You should come and have a look!"

"Of course, this is just a normal exercise, and it's not aimed at Quint Territory, so Baron Quint doesn't need to worry too much."

Quint, who heard the words, didn't say much, just glared at Narant, and then returned to his territory without looking back.

"Narant, this Quint is the illegitimate son of Earl Dark Iron, and borders your territory. In fact, you don't have to provoke him so much!" After Quint left, Narant and Boris also returned the same way. Reese looked at Narrant oddly.

Why didn't he realize that Narant was so sharp before, and even the son of the earl dared to treat him like this, this was a real shame.

"Boris, you only know that Quint had a grudge against me because I sold salt at a low price. In fact, before that..."

At the moment, while walking, Narant told the situation of Quint's exploitation of the people of the Storm Territory, as well as the situation in which the camp violated the buffer zone.