Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 106

Chapter 106

hoo hoo hoo!

After listening to the retelling, the little guys whimpered in a low voice, their heads swaying up and down.

"Haha!" This time, without Shirley's translation, Narant already knew what it meant.

In the future, these little guys are done!

"Kenby Cow Dung, now you go to the village to find twenty villagers and ask them to come to the beach to pick up this kind of shell called oyster!"

"Yes, my lord!" Kenby Cow Dung reluctantly looked away from the grilled oysters after hearing this.

"These two are for you!" However, just as Kenby Cow Dung was about to leave, Narant handed him two grilled oysters!

"Ah, thank you, sir, thank you for your reward!" Kenby Cow Dung was overwhelmed, and immediately took the grilled oysters like a treasure.

"Don't worry, you will have a share later!" Narant commanded the surrounding guards again.

"Thank you, sir!" The guards who had been drooling for a long time immediately showed their happy expressions when they heard the words.

When Kenby Cow Dung called the villagers to pick up oysters by the reef, Narant continued to roast them.

However, he doesn't have to do it himself, but Vivian will do it for him. After all, after the materials are ready, the heat is still very easy to grasp.

And Narant took advantage of this gap, and began to pound the sea mussel that the coral elf gave him.

"Hey! Magical reflection? Is this a magic mussel?" Just when Narant took the dagger and started to pry the shell of the sea mussel, a slight energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sea mussel, which made Narant tremble.

Whether it is a magical beast or a potion plant, it is because of its special magical energy that it becomes extraordinary.

And this sea clam even has a magical reflection, which shows that it is not ordinary.


The next moment, Narant pried open the sea clam shell.

"This is... a luminous pearl? There are magic luminous mussels on my shore?"

After opening the sea clam, Narant saw a white pearl the size of a longan.

Of course, this is not an ordinary pearl, and its surface has a weak magic power that is constantly circulating.

Through this pearl, Narant confirmed the species of this sea mussel.

"Wow! What a beautiful pearl!" At this moment, Shirley also came over.

"Shirley, this is not an ordinary pearl, this is a luminous pearl!"

"Luminous beads?" Shirley didn't know why.

Narant smiled slightly, took the luminous beads from the sea mussels, and then folded his hands and covered them together.

"Shirley, look at the palm of my hand!" Narant covered his hands at this moment, leaving only a small gap.

Shirley obediently stretched out her head and leaned in front of Narant's hand.

"Wow! My lord, this pearl will shine!" Shirley immediately exclaimed when she saw the scene in Narant's palm.

"This luminous pearl is often used in the great noble castles, especially in the study! And this one in my hand is worth ten gold coins!" Narant explained with a smile.

The luminous pearls of this different world are different from the luminous pearls of the previous life.

The night pearl in the previous life emits fluorescence, and it is not bright.

But the luminous beads in this world exude white light, and the brightness is comparable to that of small light bulbs.

In this world without electricity, this is not only a top luxury, but also a practical tool.

Many great nobles did not use candles in their study rooms, but directly inlaid the luminous beads for lighting.

In this way, it is not only beautiful and convenient, but also the brightness is no different from the electric light of the previous life, but also avoids the possibility of fire.

Of course, luminous beads also depend on the size. The larger the volume, the brighter the brightness.

If there is an egg-sized luminous bead, it is enough to light up a room of ten or twenty square meters, and it is worth at least one hundred gold coins.

It is said that there is such a piece in the study of the Count of Tulip Castle.

And the one in Narant's hand, because of its small size, the brightness is not strong, and it only illuminates a few square meters at most.

However, Narant was equally delighted. Since the first one appeared, there would definitely be more magical luminous mussels on the coast of Stormland.

"In the future, we must clean up those humming and humming-headed fish. It's a waste of time to dig such a big treasure house!" Narant looked at the blue sea and swore secretly.

Next, the grilled oysters continued. When the subsequent oysters were grilled, each guard was divided into two, and there was also a crab.

And the only ones who could let go of their stomachs and eat and drink in the field were Narant and the two lucky daughters, who brought five small fire-breathing lizards.

After staying on the beach for more than an hour, Narant returned with hundreds of pounds of oysters.

"Sir! The caravan is back!"

The next morning, before Narant got up, he was woken up by Thomas.

When he came downstairs, Lilia, Quick and others were already waiting in the vestibule, and three carriages loaded with iron ore and other trivial materials parked at the back.

"I've seen adults!"

When everyone saw Narant, they immediately saluted and greeted him.

"Well, yes, this trip went smoothly, right?" Narant nodded with satisfaction, and looked at a strange face in the team while asking.

"Sir, everything went well!" Although Lilia was young, she was the main force sent by the castle this time. After all, she was the only one who could read.

At that moment, she blushed and replied softly to Narant, "By the way, sir, when we left Tulip City~www.mtlnovel.com~ Lord Earl sent a servant, saying that it was silk. Miss Della's return gift to you!"

"Returning the gift?" Narant was taken aback for a moment. He just thought that this new face was a new civil administrator.

"Little Mario, I have seen Lord Narant!"

When the servant heard Lilia's introduction, he immediately stepped forward and performed a servant etiquette towards Narant very respectfully.

This etiquette is very standard, respectful without being pretentious at the same time, such a servant, Narant has only seen it in Thomas.

"My lord, this Mario, like the little one, is also an elite valet trained by Tulip Castle. He understands writing, rough arithmetic, and managing affairs!" Thomas walked to Narant at the right time to remind him.

"Oh! It's also an elite servant!" Narant was overjoyed.

To be honest, although there is a civil administrator in the territory, there may be some constraints on him Narant.

For example, some secrets are easily leaked.

But the problem is that without a civil administrator, the affairs of the territory need him, or Thomas and Vivian to supervise the execution.

Forget it himself. After all, if you squeeze in, there is still some time.

But Vivian and Thomas both have their own jobs, so if they are busy with things on the territory, they will inevitably run out of time.

And more importantly, what would he do with Narant's political achievements without a civil administrator? Although he is not greedy for the body of the tulip flower, he is greedy for the hereditary title of the baron.

Therefore, he was also waiting for the new civil administrator sent by the count.

As long as there is no intentionally disgusting sabotage like Anthony's, then he has no opinion. At most, he will give orders in the future, and some secrets are not allowed to be known to the new civil administrator.