Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Let them betray the empire (please subscribe)

The astropath's words made the noisy hall quiet.

Planet Governor looked at the astropath, "What happened?"

"We observed this." The astropath beckoned.

An assistant stepped forward and showed the data pad in his hand to the governor and others.

The data board lists the subspace ether data and defense force data of the Vitria galaxy.

The complex data gave the planetary governor a headache.

He knows every word, but when combined together, he doesn't know it.

"I don't understand." The governor looked at the astropath, his tone a bit unfriendly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was an astropath, he would have wanted to kill him with a gun on the spot.

Use this to test the excellent governor of the empire? ?

Definitely aimed at myself.

This guy is a disgraceful villain.

"This is a report of a dark shadow in the subspace. After communicating with several galaxies, it can be confirmed that this is the tentacles of a Hive Fleet. Their goal is the Vitria galaxy, which means that we will be the Zerg Fleet's first prey."

The astropath looked at the obese planetary governor in front of him, and could not help showing a trace of disgust in his tone.

In order to fulfill the duties entrusted to him by the Emperor, he had to endure the folly of the other party.

To be honest, in this hall, there are not many people who can find a few people who can still think normally.

In addition to intrigue and power play, these congressmen only spend their time thinking about how to squeeze more oil and water from the already skinny civilians?

There is no military talent, but there is no administrative talent.

Maybe they have another function, which is to throw them into a food processing factory, crush them, and make them into nutritional blocks to fill people's stomachs.

The simplest ether data and planetary defense force data are incomprehensible.

What can the Emperor expect from these wastes? ?

Are you expecting them to feed the Zerg? ?

Feeling the contempt in the words of the astropath, the governor was very dissatisfied.

You know, he is a plutocratic aristocrat with noble blood.

are the executors of the Emperor's will.

The hereditary governorship is even appointed by the Terra Senate.

A man of his caliber deserves respect.

But the tone of this astropath is so contemptuous.

If it weren't for the other party's special status.

The governor will definitely hang the other party on the gallows to warn those who speak ill of themselves behind their backs.

He will never allow anyone to despise him and his family.

The attitude of the planetary governor is so arrogant and arrogant, but when the astropath said that the Vitria galaxy will become the prey of the Tyranids.

The governor, who had always been proud and considered himself a human elite loyal to the emperor, turned pale with fright, completely revealing his cowardly and incompetent nature.

The same goes for the many MPs in the hall.

It's completely gone from the high-spirited look just now.

They are not the same as those stupid and insensitive bottom.

Even if they have never been invaded by the Tyranid Zerg, they still know a lot of information about this terrible race from the information from many galaxies.

Wherever the Tyranids passed, even the atmosphere of the planet would be directly stripped away.

All life will be devoured.

What's more terrible is that the offensive of the Tyranids is extremely terrifying.

Where they have passed, it is impossible to have any means to resist them.

The empire has fought against the Tyranids many times.

Few victories.

Occasional victories are also expensive.

Vitria's being targeted by the Tyranid Zerg is undoubtedly a death sentence.

"Quickly ask the empire for help, we need those battle groups, we need the imperial navy."

The governor stood up suddenly, and the wrinkled fat on his body trembled with his movements.

"The astronomical message for help has been sent. The expeditionary force led by the Primarch is in the Charadon sector. Presumably he will respond to our request for help." The astropath said.

"Then hurry up and send a few more messages, let him protect us." The planetary governor shouted.

After finishing speaking, I realized that there was something wrong with my words, and hurriedly changed my words.

"Bring the Primarch over here and destroy these damned aliens as soon as possible. He is the Emperor's son, and this is his duty."

Other congressmen also spoke.

"Let him come here quickly."

"Yes, send a few more messages."

"Stop standing here, hurry up and send a message, let him come and protect us!"

Just now, they were shouting and killing, gnashing their teeth, and almost shouted to kill many members of the thirteenth body for the emperor.

At this time, they all changed their appearance.

Can't wait for Guilliman to appear in front of them in an instant.

"No amount of astronomical information is the same." The astropathic person shook his head and said, more and more contemptuous of this group of self-proclaimed human elites.

If such things can be called elites, then human beings are really in jeopardy.

The reason why these idiots can sit here is definitely not because they have outstanding personal abilities.

It was their fathers who deceived the Emperor with despicable means, and ruled this galaxy with the authority of the Holy Emperor, so that these fools can sit here and call themselves the elite of mankind.

Given the current state of corruption and economic development in Vittoria, put a dog in charge of planning the planet.

I'm afraid they won't do worse than them.

"When will the Primarch's reinforcements arrive??"

The planetary governor asked again, with an uneasy tone.

It seems that the Zerg will go outside the galaxy in the next second and kill him.

"There is no clear reply yet, and it is expected to get a reply within a month." The astropath said.

"One month? When will the Zerg come?" The planetary governor said in a worried tone.

I only received a reply within a month, wouldn't it take longer to send reinforcements over?

I'm afraid that the Primarch will come too late. By the time it arrives, the entire Vittoria will already be in the pocket of the Zerg.

These imperial elites, the pillars of human civilization, are probably gone long ago.

"Three months later, the shadow of the subspace caused by the Zerg fleet will spread to Vittoria, and five months later, the first biological ship will arrive in the Vittoria galaxy."

The astropath saw the appearance of these councilors and had to explain.

"Don't be afraid, there's still half a year left."

Hearing the astropath's explanation, the nervous governor of the planet beamed with joy.

In half a year, the Primarch's reinforcements should have arrived anyway.

The problem now is to consider how to keep your own rights and wealth.

The same goes for other MPs.

The nervous look just now disappeared again.

In half a year, if you walk in the subspace, you can go to Terra for a few laps.

The Primarch is in the Charadon star region, and it will take at most a few weeks to reach the Vitria galaxy, no problem at all.

Now they have to consider how to protect their wealth.

When the Primarch arrives, he will take power and industrial assets away.

At that time, they will have nothing.

"Why can't the Primarch see our loyalty??"

The governor patted the marble table in front of him and said angrily.

It hurts so much for the Primarch to treat them like this when they are so loyal.

"Perhaps, we should find a way to let the Primarch understand that those lower levels are not trustworthy, they are despicable and shameless, and they don't know how to be grateful."

"We really should find a way."

"To prove that only we are loyal to the Empire."

Many congressmen are talking about this matter.

After looking at them for a while, the astropath turned around and left, and walked out.

He really can't stand these stupid, selfish, greedy guys anymore.

Shure fled back to his residence.

It was a large room in the middle of the hive capital, a "home" of more than 100 square meters.

For his own work, he separated half of the house as his own office.

The back is used as one's own residence.

His detective agency is a family-style detective agency.

After all, there are still some risks in doing this business. It is not cost-effective to rent an office specially, and it is not secret enough.

Saw that horrible gene stealer and fought a monster.

Shure had forgotten how he escaped from that terrible place.

He only remembered that after he broke free from the monster, he ran all the way from the dark meeting place.

There is no pause in the middle.

Just keep running.

He must have run more than ten kilometers.

At that time, his mind was blank, and even after running a long distance, his hands still trembled uncontrollably.

When he went to the car, everyone thought he was a madman.

Shure is still very lucky, he ran back alive, this is a rare victory.

Back to his residence, Shure felt a little safe.

My mind, which had been blank all the time, finally regained the ability to think.



Those ugly, disgusting things are in the dark corners of this city.

Besides that place, who knows how many there are.

Vittoria can't stay any longer.

Those monsters are already in the sewers, readying an army.

Here is about to usher in the baptism of war.

Those who remain will be devoured entirely by the terrible Devourer that roams the stars.

Shure tremblingly gathered up the things he considered precious.

He took out his savings and planned to use this to exchange for a boat ticket.

No matter where you go, as long as you can leave Vittoria.

Packing up his things, he felt his scalp itchy.

Subconsciously stretched out his hand and scratched it.

But he found that his hand had grabbed a lot of hair.

For some unknown reason, his hair fell out like crazy.

Shure ran to the mirror in his room and found that the originally thick hair had thinned out.

"By the Emperor."

Shure remembered the things that monster had done.

Obviously, the other party left some abominable things in his body.

Those things are changing him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Frightened Shure almost jumped up.

He was so nervous.

Those things seen at the meeting place.

My hair fell out strangely again.

These all indicate that something bad will happen.

"Who?" Shure walked to the door, he was holding the laser gun tightly, the safety has been opened, as long as the trigger is pulled, the scorching rays will shoot out.

"It's me, have you found my daughter?"

Hearing this, Shure breathed a sigh of relief, and he opened the door.

"Ms. Anna." Shure said, looking at the woman in a black robe with her face covered in front of the door.

The woman looks about 30~40 years old, well maintained.

The identity of this woman is definitely related to those chaebols.

It is impossible for civilians to have the financial resources to maintain such a well.

Seeing the woman coming, Shu Er felt a little regretful, why did he take this task!

Although there is a lot of money, it is too dangerous.

He put himself in it.

Now, he just wants to run away.

The woman came in, holding a bag with redbud flowers in her hand.

The bag is exquisite in workmanship, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance.

The woman's walking posture is very elegant, and it looks like she has been specially trained.

Shure was more certain of his thoughts, the identity of the other party might be one of the chaebols.

Perhaps, he can seek help from the other party, get a boat ticket, and escape from this world.

The woman carefully avoided the simple furniture of Shure.

Behind her are two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards were tall, and their well-proportioned bodies contained terrifying explosive power.

Just like two cheetahs, once they attack, they are definitely the deadliest.

The two bodyguards each had one eye transformed into a mechanical prosthetic eye, which looked extremely fierce.

Being able to have such a bodyguard, the identity of this woman is by no means simple.

She stood in a slightly empty space in the room, looked at the nervous Shure, and asked, "Have you found my daughter? I'm so worried about her. I haven't seen anyone for such a long time, and I don't know whether she is alive or dead. This For a period of time, I didn't think about food or tea, and was in so much pain that I couldn't eat."

"I have found Ni's daughter, but you have to pay me the rest of the money first, and this task is too dangerous, I have to add one more condition."

Schur said.

Hearing Shu Er said that she found her daughter, the woman showed a little excitement.

But when Shure said that she would increase the price, she showed a little dissatisfaction again.

"Sir, your temporary price increase is not in line with the rules."

"I almost lost my life in it. In addition to your payment, I also need a ticket to leave Vittoria." Shure said, "If you agree, I will tell your daughter ,where is she."

"Ma'am, I have to remind you that that place is very dangerous. I have no way to bring her out, but with your strength, Ma'am, this can be done easily, but you have to hurry up."

The woman was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

"I agreed to your request, but can you tell me why you left Vittoria in such a hurry??"

"The situation is urgent, but if you want to know, you have to pay more, and the remaining commission will be doubled. I bought this news with my life, and it is worth the price."

Schur said.

"Of course, Mr. Schur, I will pay you the agreed reward immediately and help you book a boat ticket." The woman said.

Relying on the detective's unique intuition, Shure felt that something was wrong with this woman.

But he didn't want to worry about the other party's tricks anymore.

Now he just wants to make money, and leave Vittoria as soon as possible.

After confirming that the other party's credit points have arrived.

Schull told them about the meeting place of the liberal sect and what he saw.

"You mean gene stealers?" The woman showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, according to what you said, it may be called by this name."

Shure didn't want to say any more, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

Itchy scalp, itchy fingers, itchy body.

"Ma'am, our transaction is over, can you leave?"

"Then don't bother Mr. Schull, I wish you a pleasant journey."

The woman smiled and turned to leave.

"Please leave too." Shure said, looking at the two bodyguards who did not move.

But in the next second, the other party pulled out his gun and pointed it at him.

"Ma'am, what do you mean?" Riel screamed in fright.

"You know the location of that little bastard, I have to thank you for this, but please go to hell. That little **** will be sent to the food processing factory like her mother. As for you, you will also be sent there Well, may you return to the Emperor's arms, idiot."

The woman who walked to the door showed a cold smile.

Hearing this, Shure's eyes widened.

Kill and silence!

This kind of thing can happen!

Shure is not an idiot, he understands that he is obviously involved in the power struggle among those chaebol families.

He heard some rumors in the tavern, and he listened to them for fun.

Never thought that such **** things could happen to him.

Now, he regrets it even more.

If he hadn't been confused by the other party's generous reward, he could still think of the unreasonable things in it.

As a lady, there is absolutely no need for the other party to ask him to find his daughter.

Those chaebol families must have such talents.

The reason why the other party found him was probably already prepared to silence him.

Thinking of the twists and turns, Schur knew he was doomed.

Those two bodyguards were well-trained, and they definitely had lives in their hands.

Many families will train some dead soldiers to deal with things that are not suitable for them.

And these two bodyguards are exactly that.

In fear, Shure subconsciously uttered two roars that were obviously not human.

The roar stunned the two bodyguards for a moment. This is definitely not a roar that humans can make.

Shull saw the opportunity and subconsciously rushed towards a bodyguard.

Biological instinct allows him to bite directly at the opponent's throat.

For some unknown reason, his teeth became sharp and sharp.

Easily bit the opponent's strengthened throat, and the bright red blood poured into his mouth, making his mind clearer.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, another bodyguard pulled the trigger on Shure again and again.

And Shure has long been reborn.

Biting the target's throat, he finally felt the existence of great will.

This universe belongs to the great will.

My previous life was so horrible and depraved.

He should be ready for ascension.

These damned humans are so ugly that they worship a corpse and see suffering as their blessing.

What a stupid idea.

It is necessary for me to teach them the great will.

Let them understand that the meaning of life is to become one with the great and eternal will.

The fear in Shuer's heart faded away, and his whole body was excited because he had glimpsed the true meaning of the universe.

He jumped continuously to avoid the opponent's laser attack, and then opened his mouth to bite the opponent.

After all, the opponent is a well-trained slayer, seeing Shure rushing over.

The bodyguard knocked Shure away, who had just completed his transformation, with one punch. After pulling away, he raised his gun and fired continuously, forcing Shure to hit the window to escape.

The bodyguards kept shooting, but in the end they could only watch Shure disappear into the darkness.

"What is that?" The woman walked in, looking at the wounds on the dead bodyguard.

There is nothing sad in her eyes.

Looking at the dead bodyguard is like looking at the weeds on the roadside, without the slightest pity.

She was born to be the master of this world.

These bodyguards exist only for her.

It's no big deal to sacrifice, there are always more bodyguards for her to use.

Many civilians will willingly hand over their children to be trained as bodyguards to serve her.

"An infected genetic bastard, Master." The bodyguard said, sparing words like gold.

They have been trained since childhood to obey their masters and keep silent all the time.

"Is it Tyran?" asked the woman.

"Yes, there should be Genestealers in the city, maybe we should act as soon as possible."

Hearing what the bodyguard said, the woman nodded, and she took out a photo of a girl.

"It's really time to act. You take someone to kill this guy, remember, don't leave any evidence."

After finishing speaking, the woman turned and left.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains.

She was thinking about what benefit this news could bring her.

Any message is valuable.

As long as it can be used in the right place.

The bodyguard stared at the place where Shuer escaped, then turned and left to complete his task.

This side of the lobby.

Planetary Governor and many councilors are still discussing how to make the Primarch trust them, so as to give up those **** bottom bugs.

"Let them betray the Imperium," shouted an old councillor. "Just let the Primarch see that these damned bugs have turned their backs on the Empire, and turned their backs on the Emperor. It will surely make him understand that the only ones he can rely on are us elites. "

"Only we are the ones who are loyal to the Emperor. Those at the bottom will not appreciate everything the Empire has done for them. They will only complain that the Emperor and the Empire have not given enough."

This proposal has attracted low-pitched discussions from many members of parliament,

"But how should we make them betray the empire?" asked the governor.

Many congressmen looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly fell into a difficult problem.

Obviously, this matter has exceeded their capabilities.

These years, in order to maintain their rule.

Those low-level people have been tamed to the point of losing almost all bloodiness, and they no longer dare to resist the empire.

Even those gangsters can say a few words for the sake of the great emperor.

It is conceivable how excellent their training work is.

When the representatives were at a loss, a voice broke the deadlock.

"I have a way."

A woman walked in, causing many members of parliament to discuss.

"Ms. Anna, you shouldn't be here." A congressman watched the woman walk in, a little displeased.

"It has nothing to do with you, I'm only here to offer advice to the governor for the governor." The woman looked at the congressman and said disdainfully.

Vitria's chaebol forces are intricate.

In order to seize her husband's inheritance, Anna murdered the daughter left by her husband's ex-wife. This behavior made the ex-wife's forces extremely dissatisfied.

It's a pity that they couldn't find any evidence, otherwise they would definitely have someone kill this woman.

Now that the other party appears here, the faces of those congressmen who are unhappy with her have become ugly.

The planetary governor waved his hand, let the congressman sit down, and then looked at Anna, "Do you really have a way to make those **** low-level people betray the empire?"

"Yes, my lord governor." Anna said, "If you wish, they will launch a heretic rebellion soon."

It's a bit late to edit the article today, and there is another update that may be later, everyone, go to bed first, and read it tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)