Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 Gray Knight

The sound of communication is so divine.

It makes people feel that their souls have been washed.

Saints are the embodiment of pious faith and the embodiment of the emperor's will.

Their appearance is proof that the hope of mankind is not lost.

Phicles and Sicarius glanced at each other. Even though they had met the saint several times, they still couldn't help feeling awed when they heard this voice.

"Open the void shield and allow boarding." Guilliman's voice was extremely calm.

Accompanied by the flickering of subspace light, a group of people appeared in the bridge control room.

The leader is Celistine, who is wearing golden armor and has a pair of white wings behind her.

A head of soft blond hair loosened, and a flawless female face was so noble that it made people feel no blasphemy.

Behind the saint stood a warrior wearing gray-white Terminator power armor. He took off the helmet and put it on his waist. A heavy giant sword was tied to his hand with a chain.

"My lord." Celestine bowed and saluted.

Guilliman nodded, and then looked at the warrior behind Celestine, who exuded an aura different from that of a space warrior.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the leader and champion of the Purifier Knights, which belongs to the Second Brotherhood of the Gray Knights, Clovis. I met him when I was chasing the traitor. He passed through the raging warp space storm, Come to Ultramar to find your lord, and he has a very important message."

Celistine stepped aside to make room for Guilliman and Clovis, and introduced Clovis' origin, a champion of the Gray Knights.

Humanity's eternal enemy is always chaos.

The ultimate purpose of those terrible beings is not the total destruction of humanity, but corruption, conquest and eternal torment.

The evil gods long for the universe to fall into eternal chaos, and all life becomes a plaything in their hands until the day the universe dies.

For the human empire not to be destroyed, for the fire of human civilization not to perish in the dark and cruel universe, and for the last hope left.

The emperor left behind for mankind, that is the gray knight. .

The Gray Knights were created by the Emperor and Malcador,

At the end of the Horus Rebellion, the eight founders of the Gray Knights were secretly summoned and given a special mission.

These eight founders have absolute loyalty to the empire and mankind, and know the secrets of the subspace. Each founder has faced the devil directly without being corrupted.

With the help of these eight, the Emperor reforged a new Chapter using gene-seeds that did not belong to any Primarch.

and placed this brand new warband on Saturn's cold moon-Titan.

When the solar system was besieged by Horus and other traitor legions.

The Emperor used his powerful psionic power to free Titan from the shackles of reality and hide in the warp.

When all the dust settled, they returned to the starry sky of reality and began to devote themselves to the cause of fighting against demons.

This is where the Gray Knights came from.

There is no record of the Gray Knights in the common people of the empire, or even in the elite.

It is different from the preventive Devil Tribunal.

Once the Gray Knights are dispatched, it often means that the situation in the area has reached the point where it cannot be controlled.

The polluted planet, the light ones, all members are sterilized.

Heavily, the orbital bombing cleans the ground, leaving no survivors.

The most frightening thing is that the Gray Knight is an existence that the empire has never had any record of betrayal.

Their absolute loyalty.

"My lord." Clovis saluted Guilliman as the server chanted into his armor, which was clearly in good repair.

"I am very glad to be able to meet a gray knight. I thought you generally have some opinions and are unwilling to come to see me." Guilliman smiled. There are a group of gray knights in Macragge, but he ordered them to supervise the unnatural The strength study went.

"The Gray Knight is also excited about the return of the Primarch, just." Clovis looked at Guilliman with serious eyes, hesitant to speak.

"You can say what you want, Clovis."

"I saw a lifeline entangled with demons on your body, and I took the liberty to ask if you were being targeted by them."

Clovis asked a little cautiously.

Seeing lifelines is a natural ability of Clovis.

He can always see the lifeline of every life.

This talent can help him better search for demons and find their weaknesses.

"I was targeted ten thousand years ago, Clovis, there is no need to worry about this, they can neither corrupt me nor harm me." Guilliman shook his head and said with a smile.

He stood up, stepped off his throne, and stood in front of Clovis.

Even in Terminator armor, Clovis had to look up to see the noble face of the Primarch.

"My lord." Clovis said respectfully.

"You's sword is very special." Guilliman felt the breath of the devil, and his eyes were on Clovis' great sword.

Clovis released the magnetic buckle, and handed the giant sword with both hands.

It was an all-black giant sword with various twisted patterns etched on it.

These lines are full of malice and corruption, and they will be firmly entrenched in people's minds just by looking at them, slowly corroding people's minds.

Once there is no way to resist, it will become a slave of the black sword.

"This is a cursed black sword, and a twisted demon, Antal, is sealed inside. I am the lord of the castle and ordered to guard it."

Guilliman reached out and picked up the black sword.

This made Clovis tense, because the black sword has a strong ability to corrupt people's hearts.

By the time the Brotherhood of Gray Knights noticed the sword, it had corrupted the entire planet, enslaving life from the entire planet.

In order to clean up the pollution it brought, the gray knight had to use an extinction order to destroy the entire world, and housed the black sword, and handed it over to the most powerful gray knight to take care of it.

Seemed to feel the touch of other life, Antar Black Sword trembled, it saw the chance to be released.

"Release me, you will gain supreme power, and the entire galaxy will be shaped according to your wishes, mortal."

A strange voice sounded in Guilliman's mind, making him frown.

Clovis, who also heard the voice, looked nervous. He shouldn't have come to see the Primarch with a black sword.

"Get out of my mind, lowly demon." Guilliman said, looking at the black sword.

"How dare you despise me, you know who I am."

The black sword trembled, as if a demon was rampaging inside the giant sword, venting its anger.

"Death-seeking idiot."

Guilliman let out a low growl, and the powerful willpower and commanding power belonging to the Primarch, as well as the power in the Emperor's Sword, were all guided, and ruthlessly slammed into the existence that was trying to penetrate his spiritual world.

There was a shrill scream, and the trembling black sword also calmed down.

Kroll's face was shocked. Ever since he took over the black sword, the demon inside had been chattering, but now it's quiet.

Guilliman didn't say much about this,

Even the great demon under the command of the evil **** of chaos was humiliated and engraved by him. How could a demon who was imprisoned in the giant sword and did not belong to the four gods be his opponent.

"These demons are always so annoying." Guilliman grabbed the hilt of the sword, looked at the twisted lines, and looked at Clovis, "Do the demons inside have any abilities?"

"I seldom use it, I just carry this great sword out of guardianship." Clovis said.

"Let's see what this demon knows." Guilliman tapped the blade of the black sword with his hand.

"Its words are only lies, my lord, there is no need to waste time." Clovis said, "I have more important things to report on this trip."

"No hurry." Guilliman waved his hand, signaling to Clovis that he can talk about his matter later, and then looked down at the black sword in his hand, "When gangsters face good people, they will tell lies unscrupulously, but when compared to them People who are even more ruthless, but they will be honest, wanting to take their hearts out, do you know why?"

Without waiting for Clovis to answer, Guilliman gave the answer,

"Because good people will not retaliate against them, but those who are cruel will make them suffer. The same is true for demons. When they face the weak, they are unscrupulous. When facing the strong, they are submissive."

Under the watchful eyes of Celestine and Clovis, Guilliman walked back to his throne, picked up the sword of the emperor, golden flames rose up, and the strange lines on the black sword began to flow, and he tried his best to Able to stay away from the flame of the Emperor's Sword, running around like a mouse about to be burned by the fire.

The harsh scream echoed in everyone's mind, twisted and full of malice. .

"Tell me, devil, what do you know?? Your intelligence will be my consideration for saving your life."

(end of this chapter)