Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 This golden finger feels a bit useless

Primaris Space Marines in the hands of Guilliman are more terrifying than the original plot line.

The transformation of the primordial space warrior that has been completed now, in addition to the genetic technology obtained by Kaur from the original mother, also has the biological dark matter engine transformation technology in the hands of Guilliman.

Using these new technologies, the interstellar warriors have stronger reactions and more terrifying hand-to-hand combat abilities. Even without psionic talent, they can manipulate the energy of the real universe to attack the enemy.

This ability is very similar to the ability of a star god.

The star **** is also a terrifying creature that can manipulate reality without relying on subspace.

World-destroying weapons are also being forged, and more terrifying weapons are about to be born from Macragge.

Guilliman also made a secret decision. If he can't win the ground battle, he will burn the glass. If he can't win the glass burning, he will blow up the stars.

After blowing up the galaxy, he brought humans to emigrate, and even Terra installed thrusters and ran with him.

Who is afraid of the lower limit.

Guilliman stood up from his chair, walked to the porthole of Macragge's Glory, and stared outside.

The propeller lights of many merchant ships shone in the dark space, coming and going, unusually prosperous.

The cleansing of the nobility did not shake the foundation here.

If there is money to be made, there will be businessmen.

In this world, money is not created by businessmen, but businessmen are created by money.

As long as there is interest, merchants will come in a steady stream.


A notification sound came.

The announcement sounded.

The fleet will depart from the gravitational field of the star in the Natal galaxy in thirty minutes, and enter the hyperspace leap to sail.

Opening the entrance to the warp in the gravitational field of a star is an extremely dangerous thing.

The chaotic stellar gravitational field will tear the ship apart,

Thinking about Primaris Space Marines, Guilliman stared outside, and an important question came to his mind.

This time is too busy.

He didn't even have time to figure out the origin of his cheat.

Now is just a little bit of time.

"Assisting spirit." Guilliman called inwardly.

Yes, (**), host, do you need any help?

"Can I ask a question."

Of course (), the auxiliary elves serve the host.

"Who are you?" Guilliman asked a long-confused question in his heart.

Time-traveling, Goldfinger, if it is placed in a novel, just explain it with a random stroke.

But now I am in the real universe, what is the reason why the golden finger works? ?



Or projection?

Or is it Tzeentch's conspiracy? ?

Will Goldfinger be captured by the evil god?

If you are captured, will you be traced to the original world by the evil god, and will you invade the original world if traced?

And what about the control panel? ?

Why is it so similar to the kind of faith collection in the game? ?

I am an auxiliary elf, the host, an auxiliary elf who can help you solve problems and search for answers.

"Are you some supreme creature? Am I still his game or his pawn?"

(o)..., I suggest the host not to think too much.

"But I want to know the answer."

Guilliman asked in a deep voice.

He knew that there was an evil **** in this universe, Tzeentch, who claimed to have multi-level knowledge.

If the opponent creates a cheat to play him, then this battle will be over.

Guilliman writes the letter of surrender properly, and finds a way to ascend to the devil without taking refuge in the four gods.

If you can't beat it, you can only join.

Facing Tzeentch's teasing, the Emperor turned a blind eye, so what hope is there.

In the face of a real multi-level civilization, the strength of any individual and the so-called omnipotence are meaningless, host. The knowledge database is the gift of the lost civilization, and it is a means to help the host shape the civilization. The focus should be on how to use it, not how to obtain it.

"It doesn't make sense to be omnipotent and omniscient??" Guilliman frowned.

There is no true omniscience and omnipotence in the multiverse. At the end of the truth, even the unknown does not exist. Only civilization can move forward firmly to shape the path of truth.

"What's the meaning."

It means that when the path of truth comes to an end, even the unknown has been analyzed, and there is no path at all, and civilization needs to build it by itself, and construct the non-existent path of truth by itself. Any existence that claims to be omniscient and omnipotent will surely fall behind in complacency and become garbage that can be destroyed at will.

Life, the universe, and truth are all evolving. The truth of the past may not be applicable to the present, and the truth of the present must lag behind the future.

Even if someone knows all the truths of the universe at this moment, what is the use? But new truths will be created to replace the old truths, and the so-called omniscient still hold their own truths as all, isn't it stupid? ?

In the early days of the creation of the Internet, some people knew all the programming methods developed at that time, and they claimed to be the omniscients of the Internet. However, as time went by, new programming methods were created by latecomers. From the simplest English programming to graphics with pixels, it can be a simulation program as real as a world. That person, holding on to the programming knowledge in the early days of the Internet, said that he is the omniscient of the Internet, doesn't he think it's ridiculous? ?

Guilliman touched his chin and shook his head, "I don't understand at all, I can only feel that you despise the so-called omniscient."

Only by humble study and research can we constantly see and shape the truth. Any omniscient is just a stupid spokesperson. They are self-righteous and cannot see the multiple truths clearly.

[The control panel and the knowledge database are gifts of civilization, the host, these two things are to better assist you in the development of civilization in all aspects, and bind you to civilization, so that you know that only by developing civilization can you obtain strength.

With the help of the database, you can take the last step on the basis of the previous civilization. Auxiliary elves are the creations of civilization, and only civilization thinks about passing on and continuing knowledge to future generations.

"Then what civilization created you?" Guilliman asked.

The host authority is not enough, (**), there are regulations, so it cannot be said.

"Then what advice can you give me?" Guilliman asked.

It is recommended that the host should not think too much, sleep more, eat on time, drink plenty of hot water, don't get angry, don't die suddenly.

Guilliman's face turned dark all of a sudden, why did his golden finger stretch his hips so much!

He thought that the other party directly made a list and asked him to become stronger step by step.

Now it's fine, nothing.

From the beginning to the end, I gave myself a layer of unlocking permission for the database, and nothing else was left.

What a piece of **** this system is.

"Auxiliary elf, is your performance a bit useless?"

(), I really don't think it's very useful, so the host should work hard and assist the elf salted fish.


Do you really have no sense of shame to be a golden finger? ?

Shouldn't you stand up and prove to the host how powerful you are? ?

There was a knock on the door.

"My lord, Sicarius wants to see you."

Phikris' voice came from outside the door.

"Let him come here." Guilliman put away his attitude of talking to the auxiliary elves, and became serious and solemn again.

The Natal galaxy left in the Guilliman fleet, and the task of recruiting soldiers began.

The Primarch needs enough soldiers to fight for him, to carry his will to support the suffering planets, and drive out the enemies of mankind.

"We have countless enemies. Some of them are grotesque and grotesque, slaughtering humans with terrible weapons. Some are sanctimonious, pretending to be a gentle vampire, greedily sucking every drop of blood squeezed from the civilians of the empire. I hope You can fight side by side with me, and I will wipe out these enemies in the name of the emperor's own children, so that the empire can usher in a new beginning."

Guilliman's roar before leading him away still echoed in Hawke's mind, prompting him to walk into the long conscription queue.

He will sign up, then be sent to the training base, and then sent to the battlefield.

He glanced in the direction of No. 2 residential area, which used to be his entire life.

Now, he's off to find another life.

People will die on the battlefield, but Hawke doesn't care.

Life does not care about length, but whether it can burn meaningfully.

Rather than lying on a hospital bed when you are old, crying and waiting for death, it is better to burn yourself as much as you want.

Hawk knows what he wants to pursue. He will be steadfastly loyal to the Emperor, will firmly support the Primarch, and fight those aliens and hypocritical enemies lurking in the empire.

"Mankind shall prevail, and Empire shall prevail."

Hoke whispered the last slogan his friend left in the world.

(end of this chapter)