Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Arrival of the Primarch

Yashiri's attitude is extremely respectful, not only because Guilliman is the emperor's son, but also because she was saved because of Guilliman.

She was one of the many "heretics" the Primarch unleashed from that missionary world of Espandor.

Yashiri's charges are absurd. He was caught by the church guards of the state church because she disrespected the emperor and spread heresy. She was a heretic without belief. She should have been sentenced to fire.

The only luck was that Guilliman arrived just a few days before her execution.

After review, she was released and joined the ranks of the Primarch because of her knowledge.

Yashiri is a member of a merchant family. She has been active on the borders of the empire for a long time, and even enters the dark star field that cannot be illuminated by the emperor's star torch, looking for wealth and lost knowledge.

Later, she entered the inner star field of the empire due to some family reasons. Compared with the more open frontier of the empire, the rigidity and ignorance of the inner star field of the empire have reached an extremely serious level.

People reject all rationality, reject science, and even reject new knowledge.

A person like Yahiri who still believes in science and truth is undoubtedly a heresy in the eyes of the state religion.

Not surprisingly, she was arrested.

The alien atlas she collected and compiled was also used as evidence by state church personnel to accuse her of heresy.

Yashiri felt that she was wronged very much. She just wanted to let the people of the empire know about those aliens, so she was convicted.

But the State Church did not give her a chance to make any excuses. Those priests stubbornly believed that she was guilty, and any remarks were heresy, which should not be listened to, depriving her of the right to appeal.

If Guilliman hadn't come, Yashiri would have become another victim of the mad state religion.

It is hard to imagine how many people like Yashili who still maintain the rationality and scientific spirit of seeking knowledge in the empire for thousands of years have been declared heretical by the state religion.

Just thinking about this incident makes Guilliman want to vomit blood, the state religion is too bad.

In Yashiri's view, the simplicity of Guilliman's room was shocking.

The interior layout is simple and practical, and there are only a few things that can be called personal items.

She didn't think that this should be a palace with luxurious decorations. She would not show off wealth as taste like those idiot nobles, let alone regard crystal and gold-inlaid decorations as works of art.

But when she really walked into this place, she realized that the simplicity here was beyond her imagination.

It was as if worldly desires had completely faded from Guilliman's body.

The other party has completely ignored those worldly things.

The most common things in the reception room are those old books full of history, all of which have traces of being flipped through. Obviously, this is what the Primarch used to read when he was relaxing.

The data crystals used to process government affairs are randomly placed on the table with exaggerated dimensions.

The mechanical equipment of the holographic projection is exposed at one end of the table. According to those nobles, this is simply not aesthetically pleasing.

The portable bed placed on the side seemed extremely spacious, but for a Primarch whose size was far beyond that of a mortal, it might only barely fit in.

Yashiri had some uncontrollable fantasies, imagining what kind of great dreams a brilliant primarch would have when he was asleep.

The concept of bed rest for the Primarch seems extraordinarily humane.

To be honest, Yashiri never thought about a character like Guilliman, does he really need to rest?

She thought the Primarch, besides never aging, was also tireless.

Yahiri looked at the reception room out of the corner of her eye, thinking about what the primarch would do when she wasn't fighting, and she didn't wake up from her meditation until Guilliman's voice sounded again.

"They are all disobeying me, trying to use all kinds of despicable means to test my choice between saving human beings and safeguarding their interests. Those idiots think that without them, the empire will be paralyzed and will not function normally. And I I will tell them that this is impossible, that the empire can continue to operate without waste."

Guilliman looked at Yahiri, and said in a deep voice: "But these things are difficult for me to do alone. I can manage a planet, a galaxy, or even a star region very well, but the empire is so huge and has There are countless human beings, and there are also a huge number of colonized planets. I can't stay in one place for a long time, I can only rely on you people who have the same dream as me."

"We are all determined to save mankind, Yashiri, I have seen in you the rationality that has not been crushed by this desperate age, and I will give you a special mission, that is, after I clean up those idiot nobles, maintain Normal operation of the Natal galaxy until it regains its ability to generate blood."

"My lord, such an honor." Yahiri felt a little uneasy, what trust was there to entrust such a mission.

"You are just right for the job, Yashiri, you have rationality, thirst for knowledge, and the eyes of a businessman. You clearly know the value of a planet and what role it can play in my plan. You are useless compared to those The nobles know what a terrible test our family is facing. In this crazy era, this kind of knowledge is enough to make you surpass ninety-nine percent of the people. Please do not refuse the mission I entrusted to you."

"If this is your request, then this appointment will be my honor, my lord." Yahiri no longer refused, and performed a simple courtesy to express his gratitude to the Primarch for his grace and trust.

In her bones flowed the blood of adventure and freedom that every Rogue Trader active on the frontiers of the empire has.

Only those useless wastes will use their power to grab money in the comfortable empire and use those complicated etiquette to show their dignity.

Yahili could not learn the complicated etiquette of those nobles, but this did not affect her respect for the regent of the empire in the slightest.

"My lord, I have a confusion." After saluting, Yahiri looked up, showing confusion.

"Ask, there is still some time, I will try my best to answer for you."

"Why are you in such a hurry to make appointments? Maybe you can find some suitable candidates in the Natal galaxy? You seem to have decided that the nobles of the Natal galaxy are no longer suitable for ruling?"

Yashiri asked.

"When Terra was still called Earth, a Mr. Lu said: When you see a cockroach, you must be prepared to have cockroaches in the whole house."

"A deceased celebrity??"

"It can be said like this."

"The Gross family has challenged my authority, which means that other families have either been suppressed by them, or have succumbed to their rule. Without absolute loyalty to the Emperor, that is disloyalty. They betrayed their duties, What if they are innocent??"

"They swear allegiance to the Emperor and sacrifice everything for the survival of mankind. This is the reason why they can rule Natal. Now they turn a blind eye to a family that blatantly violated my orders and let the other party make trouble. It is a betrayal. performance of the swearers."

"The bystanders who break the oath are as unforgivable as the rioters. They have obtained the power given by the emperor, but they have not performed the duties given by the emperor. This is their fault."

"I don't have many people I can use. In this crazy age, religion has soaked into everyone's soul. There are too few people like you who are willing to maintain science and rationality. I have to choose carefully." Your position will ensure the success of my plan. The Natal galaxy is very important. I will clear the old nobles there, and ensure that the lives of the common people will be better and full of hope. Only then can it be more convincing and prove It is right for me to take the path of reform.

Guilliman's words were a little heavy, the fate of the entire human race was on his shoulders, and if he was a little careless, he would be doomed.

Yahiri no longer doubts in her heart, she said firmly, "I will definitely live up to your expectations, my lord."

"Well, we're almost there, go get ready. I hate the State Church, but I have to admit that the State Church is indeed a handy tool that allows me to get rid of some regulations and directly declare those who don't want to obey me They are heresies, and they will be dealt with neatly." Guilliman laughed.

Accompanied by subspace fluctuations, the huge Macragge's Glory rushed out of the etheric ocean, and entered the real starry sky in a flash.

Relevant information was immediately captured by satellites observing the subspace, and sent to each family, announcing the arrival of the Primarch.

There is another chapter, excommunication and rebellion are aimed at individuals and families, extermination orders are aimed at the entire planet, and civilians are innocent

(end of this chapter)