Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Who is the heretic? ?

The reception was held in an extravagant manor in the sky at the top of the Hive Capital.

The decoration of the manor is resplendent and magnificent. Under the warm air blown by the ventilation machine, all kinds of flowers and plants exude a faint, slightly fishy natural atmosphere.

Everything here seems to have nothing to do with the dirty nest outside.

is a very different world.

The crystal lamps suspended by the suspended servo skulls, like the sun of this manor, provide just the right light for the guests participating in the reception.

Neither too harsh nor too dark.

Selected from the middle and lower layers of the hive capital, carefully trained girls, wearing hot clothes, wander among the guests, acting as wine girls.

The skin of the girls is very fair, with the luster of white cream.

The bodies of these girls have been technically adjusted, and they are very hot when they look at them. They have fair skin, beautiful long legs, protruding front and back, and perfect faces.

Each of these wine girls is a precious gem that has never been possessed by anyone.

Of course, if a certain guest needs it, he can enjoy it as much as he wants.

All the aftermath work will be taken care of by the Grouse family

This is the expression of the Gross family's strong wealth, and they are not stingy about sharing this insignificant wealth.

They own industries in several galaxies, and the wealth they earn every second is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is also wealth that the bottom-level people cannot earn in a few lifetimes, or even dozens of lifetimes.

Many people believe that unless the Grouse family is declared treasonous by the empire, there is absolutely no possibility of their decline.

Now the situation is different, another threat has the Grouse family in a precarious situation.

That is the reform introduced by Guilliman.

It was the Grouse family who said that Guilliman betrayed their elders.

An old nobleman who underwent multiple delay operations, he lived for more than four hundred years and experienced four centuries.

The strong wealth of the Grouse family allowed him to enjoy expensive medical operations to prolong his life.

It is worth mentioning that according to statistics from the Ministry of the Interior a hundred years ago, the average life expectancy of the planet Natal was only 55 years old.

Toxic industries are employed by large numbers of workers who often do not live to be fifty years old.

It is an exaggeration for the old nobleman to live for four hundred years.

Equivalent to more than a dozen generations of middle and low-level people.

The old nobles saw clearly that Guilliman's reforms were destined to cause heavy losses to the Grouse family, and they could no longer guarantee their luxurious life.

House Grouse has dedicated five thousand years of loyalty to the Emperor.

But now Guilliman has taken all of them back, which is undoubtedly a complete betrayal of the Gross family.

Such a betrayal made the members of the Gross family indignant, and even publicly stated that they would not accept any reforms by Guilliman.

The shouting of the old nobleman attracted the attention of other noblemen.

They were whispering, with the same anger on their faces.

In their view, what Guilliman did was unreasonable, even stupid.

Some nobles even felt that Guilliman was a deranged tyrant.

He is killing the loyalists of the empire, persecuting their loyal families, and suppressing the loyalists of the empire.

If it wasn't for the other party's identity as the Primarch, these nobles wanted to report directly to Terra, declaring this guy a Chaos Heretic, and requesting all departments of the empire to work together to strangle the other party.

Attacking the loyal nobles and weakening the strength of the empire, how could such a thing be done by the loyal primarch? ?

must be heresy.

Only a heretic would do such an act.

"We must stop his absurd behavior." A younger nobleman said, "We have dedicated thousands of years of loyalty to the empire. Our loyalty cannot be questioned or questioned, but he wants to depose us. Thousands of years The deep sleep has made his mind unclear, and we must let him know that we are the ones who maintain the empire, not those stupid civilians."

"Pay attention to your words, offending the Primarch will be regarded as treason." Another nobleman said in a deep voice, "If you don't want to attract the emperor's angels, please restrain yourself."

"So what?? It's just death. The Bendyk family will not be afraid of this. We are loyal to the Emperor and Terra. Death cannot make us submit. The biggest problem now is to correct the mistakes of the Primarch, holy The emperor's system has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, which fully proves the superiority of this system. The families are loyal to Terra, and Terra is loyal to the emperor, and everything is so orderly.

"And now the Primarch wants to break this system and take away the rights of the loyal family and give it to those stupid, easily seduced commoners. Such an idea is simply absurd. Those stupid commoners are useless, except for their sons to take up arms Going to be the titans and make their daughters dress up in bunny girl clothes and pour wine, what use are they??"

The youth of the Bendik family shouted loudly, "Our fathers fought for the empire to protect these garbage. Our status and identity are what we deserve, but now he wants to take them all. Is this fair??"

"It's really not fair, my fellow citizens. The Emperor ruled Terra, Terra ruled the nobles, the nobles ruled the commoners, and the commoners gave everything to the nobles. This is the most perfect system. Now, Guilliman wants to break it, with a For the sake of the Empire, for the Emperor, we must rise up. House Grouse will only obey the orders of Holy Terra, unless the Primarch can reverse that stupid reform."

The old nobleman of the Grouse family shouted loudly.

The emotions of many nobles at the reception were also mobilized.

They whispered about the folly of Guilliman's reforms, each aggrieved and determined to do anything to protect the Empire

The reception is over.

The corpses of several bruised, terrified wine girls were packed together with the garbage through the conveyor belt and sent to the bottom floor, where they were looted.

The few corpses were also snatched up by the low-level homeless, and they were directly dismembered, and then the different parts of these corpses were divided up.

In the garbage dump, only some blood was left.

Every banquet will have something like this.

The nobles who are having fun will always accidentally kill a few.

This kind of thing is nothing to them.

As long as the matter is dealt with cleanly and law enforcement agencies can't find the body, there will be no problem.

Even if there is a problem, with the power and influence of the Grouse family, it can be easily settled.

Bells rang in the Hive City, and the voice of the missionaries praying to the Emperor echoed through loudspeakers in every corner of the Hive City.

A group of workers walked out of the rumbling factory, took heavy steps, and walked into the public transportation that shuttled around the city.

Hawk is one of these workers. He is exhausted and feels his bones are sore.

Twelve hours of work drained all his strength and energy.

Looking out from the window of the vehicle, the tall buildings with flashing neon lights come into view.

A trace of confusion appeared on Hawke's face.

His father is a worker, his mother is a worker, and he is also a worker.

This kind of life is always the same, eating the same canned food every day, sleeping in the same cramped room, listening to the preaching of the Anglican priest from a simple hologram, or watching boring, time-killing videos.

In two more years, the Fertility Committee will assign him a wife. They need to have a child within two years, otherwise they will be deemed as deliberately violating the imperial law and will be punished and need to pay more taxes.

Families who cannot afford it will be deported to the bottom and become poor homeless.

His life can be seen to the end at a glance, commuting to get off work every day, and obtaining the wealth that is just enough to live on.

The remuneration of the workers has been calculated by the mechanical priests to ensure that they will not starve to death or save money. They must maintain motivation to work at all times so as not to fall into poverty without food.

In such a world, unless Hawk is willing to be a tramp, absolutely nothing will change.

"I heard that the Emperor's son has woken up."

There was a discussion in the front row, which made Hawk subconsciously concentrate on listening to the other party.

"What does waking up have to do with us??"

"Maybe it can improve our lives."

"Don't dream, every powerful person is the same, they don't care about our life and death, they only treat us as a burden and a burden."

I originally wanted to write five chapters, but I fell asleep during the lunch break, and I will try my best to make up tomorrow

(end of this chapter)