Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 477

Chapter 477

Chapter 477 Dengxian Road Break (for subscription)

At the beginning, many people in Man Village were skeptical of what the little boy said.

Even the well-informed village head, who had traveled around in his youth, had never seen the emblem of the golden double-headed eagle.

For such a character who appeared mysteriously and rescued the little kid, they even doubted whether it really existed.

Until one day, the envoy from Pingyan City, the great city of human beings, appeared with a golden double-headed eagle flag, and the unsolved case was solved.

From the mouth of the messenger from Pingyan City, everyone in the barbarian village knew that the mysterious person who saved the little boy was the messenger from the empire.

Affiliated to the Imperial Military Department, a company commander of the Raven Guard Chapter.

The deeds of the other party are not only saving the little kid, but also turning the tide and saving the human race from danger.

When the guardian of Pingyan City, Granny Yu, was plotted to death, and when many powerful aliens wanted to enslave the human race, it was this mysterious man who shot and killed the Four Saints in an instant.

Destroy the alien allied forces with every gesture.

Save human beings from the crisis of enslavement and extinction.

More importantly, it also used mysterious weapons to cause infighting among those powerful races, wiped out many alien races in one fell swoop, and established the status of human overlord.

"Why can the house be built so high?" Man Yun, the head of Man Village, raised his neck and looked at the towering megalithic building with nothing but wonder and awe in his heart.

The power of the mysterious empire is really breathtaking.

Such a magnificent building only took a short time to complete.

The eyes of everyone in Man Village widened.

Too fast.

You must know that they need several months to polish the stones to build a small stone house.

It seems easier for the empire to build such a magnificent building than it is for them to build a small stone house.

Those grotesque guys with steel embedded in their bodies are really amazing.

Man Yun doubts that there are any problems in this world that can make it difficult for these guys.

They seem to hold a mysterious power, which can turn decay into magic and create those incredible miracles.

While everyone in Man Village was amazed, a ray of light appeared in the sky, and then expanded rapidly.

The monks of Pingyan City appeared in front of them with flying swords.

After the altitude dropped, he retracted his flying sword and landed directly beside Man Yun.

He took out a document from the sleeve robe and handed it to Man Yun.

The double-headed eagle emblem of the Holy Empire is printed on the top of the document.

This emblem represents the instrument by which the bureaucracy of the empire assumes the power of the Holy Emperor.

Below the emblem are densely packed, teeny-sized words.

"This is the house number assigned to everyone in your barbarian village. You have three days to get familiar with the life here, and then you will serve the Holy Emperor." The monk said calmly.

His Taoist robe has a palm-sized double-headed eagle emblem tattooed on it.

Pingyan City has already had imperial personnel settled in, and most of the monks have been assigned to the imperial organization and need to serve the Holy Emperor.

Anyway, as long as they are human beings, they must take an oath to serve the Holy Emperor.

Man Yun took the document and widened his eyes.

Eyes gurgling, staring at the text above.

His expression was as if he had encountered some terrible beast.

After a while, he held back a word.

"We don't know how to read, how do we read?"

In this world, humans also have their own words.

But the problem is that even in the world of cultivating immortals, there are only a small number of people who can read and write.

Man Village is just a remote village.

Naturally, no one can read.

I do know some runes, spells and the like.

Because these things are life-saving.

It is about the life and death of a village.

Word recognition is equivalent to useless in the eyes of Mancun and others.

Go to literacy? ?

Pure waste of time.

It's better to hurry up and exercise for a while, maybe they will be able to escape in time if they encounter any unexpected situation, at least they will not be blocked by the enemy.

Falling into the predicament of having no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Hearing what Man Yun said, the monk shook his head.

As soon as he pointed it out, he performed the legendary enlightenment, and passed on the basic characters and meanings to Man Yun.

Allows him to find a living area in his village.

It can be seen that the monk is very familiar with doing this kind of thing, obviously he has experienced many similar situations.

Literacy work has a long way to go!

Now it is only the most basic literacy. According to the standard of the empire, it is still in the ranks of illiterates.

To achieve a certain basic understanding of the basic structure of the universe, the connection between the real universe and the subspace, and the theory of cosmic evolution and other advanced subjects, one can truly enter a civilized society.

To complete this kind of literacy, Mancun will not be able to do it without going through two or three generations.

The monks don't care about these.

After all, according to the standards of the empire, he is considered an illiterate member.

You don't even know the basic structure of the universe in the heavens, isn't it from primitive tribes?

After finishing all this, the monk rose into the sky, turned into a light, and sent documents to the next village.

Old village chief Man Yun watched the monk leave, then looked down at the document, and could barely understand it.

At least a few districts and numbers can be recognized.

Man Yun read it once, and decided to take the people from his village to the residential area arranged for them by the empire.

The men in the barbarian village are all extremely strong, with muscles.

Bronze-colored muscles all over his body are swimming like snakes and pythons.

Hunting in the wilderness and dense forest, if you don't have any skills, you will have already become a meal for those wild beasts.

The people in Man Village have lived there for many years, and they have long been used to coexisting with danger.

But if you ask them if they would like to live in such a dangerous environment?

People in most villages will shake their heads.

Because it's too dangerous.

Once there is a mistake, it will be killed.

If the food is not replenished, it is not uncommon to starve to death.

Man Village is surrounded by lush vegetation.

There are many beasts.

Logically speaking, there should be no shortage of food.

But the lives of the people in Man Village are very poor.

Most of the time there are some couscous cakes, wild fruits, and a pitiful amount of meat.

Those wild beasts in the mountains are very dangerous, and they are born with various fierce and powerful treasures.

Every time you go hunting in the mountains, someone may lose their life.

If there is a choice, no one will choose to go hunting in the mountains.

Because that means bloodshed and sacrifice.

Food is very precious to a primitive tribe and cannot be wasted.

The promise made by the empire can be said to be very attractive.

Sufficient food, safe growth environment, the only thing that needs to be sacrificed is the loyalty of the Holy Emperor.

In addition, the ruler of Pingyan City, a giant human city, came forward to guarantee.

All the tribes chose to trust this mysterious power that used the double-headed eagle as a symbol.

They set off from their original gathering places and moved to designated cities, preparing to serve the Holy Emperor.

Many villages and tribes don't know who the Holy Emperor is.

Don't know where Terra is?

Don't understand the relationship between the Terra Council and military expeditions, let alone the intricate imperial departments.

Their loyalty is not pure.

Just for a better living environment.

But in this regard, it is illogical to demand them.

No one will give their life for a ruler they have never seen before they have not shown some benefits that can make people feel excited.

Empire has to do well enough.

can make these primitive people have a sense of belonging to it.

At that time, they will understand that loyalty itself is the greatest reward.

Understand that one's own life is the currency that the Holy Emperor exchanges for the future of the human race.

At that time, they will be happy with such a fate.

After examining the documents, they were able to enter the giant city under the watchful eyes of the mechanical priest and the imperial guard.

The huge city built is magnificent and vast, and different areas such as residential areas, factory areas, commercial areas, and trade areas have been divided by sages who are proficient in calculations.

is definitely the most efficient distribution in theory.

Located in the middle is the newly established space-time channel device.

This device will open the passage between the two worlds, and kick off the grand war between the empire and the fairy world.

The viaduct in the giant city is wider than the area of Mancun.

Standing on this side of the road, you can't even see the other side of the road.

Walking on such a road will make people doubt themselves.

Doubt that he has broken into the kingdom of giants.

"Are they going to build a road for those savage beasts? Such a big road?" The wild tiger exclaimed: "I'm so good, it's more than enough for hundreds of fire savage bulls to run side by side."

People in other barbaric villages were also amazed.

This giant city is so magnificent that they are as small as ants walking in it.

How many people will the empire accommodate here!

I heard that the people who live in this giant city are all for the expedition.

After a lot of trouble, Man Yun led his people to find the residential area assigned to them.

All living rooms are built according to imperial colonial standards and equipped with complete living facilities.

For Man Yun, Man Hu and others who have lived in primitive times for a long time, it is really strange for Grandma Liu to enter the Grand View Garden and see everything.

Man Yun allocated rooms to his clan members according to the number of the document.

The first one is the wild tiger.

The room is very spacious. He has a wife and children, and he is allocated a family home, which just meets the needs of him, his wife, and children.

"It's so beautiful." Man Hu touched the shiny marble wall, and little stars were about to appear in his eyes. The house he polished in Man Village was not as beautiful as this.

The doors are all open.

They walked right in.

As soon as he walked in, he heard a voice coming from the room.

The dancing light outlined the appearance of an elf in the room.

Hello, I am your housekeeper. I will conduct a simple science popularization for you and learn how to use these technological creations so that you can use them better.

"Patriarch, come here, a villain can come out here, this guy can't be a ghost!"

The wild tiger yelled loudly.

Man Yun, who was being assigned, had to stop what he was doing.

Many clansmen also rushed over.

Looking at the people suspended in the air, they all showed shocked expressions.

"Could this be the legendary spirit? This guy's cultivation is very high, or he just appeared without a body?"

"It must be the power of the empire."

"Hurry up and meet Da Neng."

"What the hell, this is the power of the empire. It is able to leave the body. This is at least a half-step immortal existence." Man Yun's tone was trembling.

What kind of concept is a half-step immortal to Man Village!

If there are one or two Dongfu Realm practitioners who understand the treasure technique, it is already the most powerful village in a radius of tens of miles.

Half-step immortal, that is an existence that is unimaginable.

Hearing what the village chief said, everyone knelt down one after another, hoping that their disrespect just now did not offend the mighty power of the empire.

I am just a home assistance system, number 9527. The purpose of my birth is to help humans in the backward world better integrate into the empire, not a practitioner.

The system made a sound, trying to explain that he was not the power that the barbarians thought he was.

Who has seen this scene in Keman Village?

The phantom of a person is floating in the air like that, it is not a ghost, it is the power that can leave the body.

"A bunch of ignorant bumpkins." A mocking voice came from behind.

No matter how the home system explained it just now, they firmly regarded it as a powerful barbarian. Hearing this voice, the barbarian looked back with an ugly expression on his face.

It was their old friend, Ishimura, who made the mockery.

Shi Village is a village near Man Village.

There is no blood feud between the two parties, but there are many contradictions.

Everyone can't understand each other.

Each village has its own hunting range.

The hunting ranges of the tribes of Man Village and Shi Village are divided very closely.

People in the two villages often quarrel or even fight over their prey.

If Pingyan City hadn't formulated the rules that human villages should not fight to the death secretly, they would have formed a death feud long ago.

Even if they move here now, the people of Shicun still see the jokes of Mancun.

"What did you say?" Manhu was impatient, stood up and scolded angrily.

"Say you are ignorant." A burly man from Shicun came out from the crowd. He was very strong, with a lot of muscles. Standing there, he naturally exuded a forceful aura. When he spoke, his voice was very loud. : "It's a joke to kneel down to a home system, thinking it's some kind of power. According to me, you guys should just stay in the mountains. The Holy Emperor is too kind, even you useless trash Let come in here."

When the people in Man Village heard this, their lungs almost exploded.

If you had a better background in Shicun, this matter would have passed like this.

Obviously everyone came out of a **** hole!

Isn't it just a few days early, just like this!

"Are you guys of great use?" Manhu said angrily, his fists clenched tightly, as if he would strike if he disagreed.

The man from the stone village took out a document and placed it in front of Manhu.

"Do you know what this is? Country bumpkin, this is a conscription order stamped by the Imperial Army. The conscription officer said that all the men in Shicun are good-looking, strong and powerful, and they are the best soldiers. If there are more people, all Can independently form a regiment and serve the Holy Emperor."

"Your barbarian village is probably the life of a coolie. Is our stone village brave? Is our stone village brave and fearless? At that time, the men of our stone village will go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and everyone will know that our stone village man is mighty Unstoppable."

"Fart." Manhu got angry and shouted loudly: "The people in Mancun are a hundred times braver than your Shicun, and more fearless than you. Just watch, the empire will also recruit us. When the time comes, we will be recruited." Let you know how powerful Mancun is, people like you are not worthy to compare with us."

The people in Shicun showed a sarcasm smile, put away the conscription document, turned and left.

Manhu and the others were hard to calm down.

Being mocked and looked down upon by their rivals all the time made them very uncomfortable.

"We also want to send the best people to join the army." As the village chief, Man Yun said, "This is for the honor of the village, we must not let those damned guys look down on us."

"I'll go." A childish voice sounded.

Everyone followed the voice and saw that it was a kid.

He raised his fat little hand and said in a childish voice.

"You're too young, don't make trouble." Man Yun asked a few women to take the kid away, and then discussed with Man Hu and others who to send.

Surviving in the wild world, every village is very tough and will not admit that they are weaker than others.

A village must be strong enough to let others know that you are not easy to mess with, so that they will not come to **** your prey.

Survival in the wild world is very cruel.

Strength is everything.

You are weaker than others, then others can take your food and women.

Even if the empire is not so barbaric, they have been struggling in the wild world for a long time. The people in the barbaric village don't understand those profound knowledge, but they also understand the principles that are common everywhere.

You have the greatest value, and when you divide things, you can be ranked first.

How could the people of Barbarian Village admit that they are worse than Shicun.

The opponent has ten people joining the army, and Mancun will send fifteen of them, just to tell the empire.

They are worth more than other villages.

Daluo Immortal Palace.

Looking out from the main peak, there are countless green tides overwhelming.

The disciples of Daluo Immortal Palace suffered heavy casualties, and the survivors all retreated to the magic circle on the main peak.

Many disciples who failed to retreat in time were killed, or even had their heads cut off and hung on the flagpole. The scene was very **** and cruel.

Many disciples were very angry when they saw their former friends being humiliated after death.

But they can't do anything.

The green tide is too strong, and the weird protection makes their many treasures useless.

Coupled with the polluted aura, they were forced to fight in melee.

As soon as this war started, Daluo Immortal Palace fell into a disadvantage.

They are forced to use their weaknesses against the enemy's strengths.

The several headmasters holding the fairy artifacts saw this desperate situation, and knew that they had no way out this time.

They spent too much energy to send away those Tianjiao.

This is also the reason why they have never made a move before.

Use Fae too much, it's easy to empty them out.

You must recover a certain amount of power before you can use it again.

But the enemy obviously didn't give them this chance.

The Great Luo Immortal Palace was ruthlessly breached by the opponent.

The hole cards of those guarding the sect were all played, but they couldn't stop the opponent for long.

Now is the most critical moment.

"At this point, there is no other way, the only way to solve our crisis is to seek help from the ancestors in the fairy world."

The head teacher of Da Luo Immortal Palace looked at the disciple who had suffered heavy casualties, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

Who would have thought that the Da Luo Immortal Palace, which was prosperous not long ago, is now in dilapidated condition, with not one or two disciples left.

The leaders of other forces also sighed in their hearts, feeling like a rabbit died and a fox was sad.

The Great Luo Immortal Palace was destroyed, how could the forces they belonged to stay out of the matter.

I'm afraid that it is already in danger, precarious, and may be destroyed at any time.

The suggestion of the head teacher of Daluo Immortal Palace was quickly adopted by several other head teachers.

They all hold fairy weapons in their hands.

The problem is that using the fairy weapon is not an easy task.

They have not recovered their lost strength and spirit.

Coupled with the pollution of the spirit energy, the spirit realm became more and more difficult to communicate somehow, making their recovery speed very slow.

Nowadays, the only option is to seek help from the ancestors of the Immortal Realm to see if the other party can interfere with the Ancient Realm and create a glimmer of life for them.

Several headmasters teamed up to communicate with the fairy world is not difficult.

There is an altar in the main hall of Daluo Immortal Palace, which can communicate with the immortal world.

After injecting enough mana, the altar burst into light, forming countless divine chains of order and sinking into the void.

Just connected to the fairy world, and I haven't waited for several teachers to ask for help.

They got bad news.

It can also be said to be the most terrible news in history.

"I was thinking of using my supernatural powers to contact you, but I didn't expect you to contact me. Let me make a long story short. There are several places in the fairyland that have found traces of extraterritorial demon activities. All fairylands have reached a consensus. If you can get through this calamity, you will reopen the road to immortality."

"Our side is relatively remote, and the news has a certain lag. Other places have already begun to cut off the fairy road. I will teach you a self-seal method, which can seal yourself and live for a long time. Wait until the fairy road reopens .There is only so much I can do, and the blessings and misfortunes are up to you.

As soon as the words fell, a dharma seal flew out of the void and crashed into the head teacher of Daluo Immortal Palace.

It is a method of self-cutting the foundation and sealing the self, which can allow practitioners to live a long time.

Just as the headmasters were about to speak, the chain on the altar broke, and the glow flickered. They tried to re-establish the connection, but found that they could not form the chain of order connecting the fairy world.

It must be that the Immortal Realm is acting resolutely. Before cutting off the road to the Immortal, it cut off the connection between the Immortal Realm and all walks of life to avoid causing panic. Let those practitioners find a way to run to the Immortal Realm before the Road to the Immortal is broken. The attention of the demons will speed up their invasion of the fairy world.

It's no wonder that the senior from Da Luo Immortal Palace was in such a hurry, he didn't even have time to listen to them, and gave the method in a hurry.

Several headmasters looked at the altar, which had completely lost contact with the fairy world, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems that the last glimmer of hope is gone.

"It seems that we have to fight to the death." The head teacher of Chunyang Holy Land said bitterly: "How long can we last in front of those monsters even if we hold a fairy weapon. As long as our breath is exhausted, it will be the time of defeat."

"Instead of fighting trapped beasts, it's better to fight to the death." A headmaster stretched out his hand, pointed upwards, and said in a low voice: "Slay directly to the opponent's world, and we will burn our souls and work together to deliver the strongest blow. Tear up that world and leave a trace of life for the creatures in this world."

(end of this chapter)