Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 462

Chapter 462

Chapter 462 Elven God of Creation-Asuryan Was Killed (Subscribe)

Marble covers every surface of the circular holographic projection table.

In order to make the holographic projection clearer and intuitively display the data information of the medieval world.

The light in the strategy room was very dim, barely enough for the operators to find their positions.

Hero sculptures are placed everywhere in the strategy room.

Those statues often hold a sword in one hand and a brazier in the other.

Fires crackled and crackled within, offering a dim yellow light.

The face of the statue appears cloudy and uncertain in the flickering firelight, flickering on and off.

Many officers from Natal stood around the holographic stage.

The faint light shines on the resolute faces of these young recruits.

The Natal emblem on the shoulders is shining in the light.

A large number of honor flags hang on the wall.

Each side symbolizes the heroic Natalians defeating the enemies of the Empire and advancing the cause of the Holy Emperor.

"This is the fate of daring to fight against the empire, don't have any kindness."

This is the first lesson that High Marshal Rees gave to these recruits.

He was standing right next to the holotable, his hands resting on top of the brass railing.

The holographic projection shines on his middle-aged face.

There are several scars on it, and the position of the left hemibrain has been replaced by metal, which is smooth and shiny.

A prosthetic eye emitting red light was embedded in Reese's eye socket.

According to him, it was lost while killing a group of traitors.

The troops he led suffered heavy casualties.

But the enemy also paid a heavy price, and they wiped them all out.

A narrator stood beside Marshal Rees, holding a thinking memory pen in his hand, and was quickly recording Rees's words and deeds.

The history of the empire is forged by countless mortals, and every world has its own heroes.

Reese's words, deeds and achievements will be recorded and stored in Terra's huge database and Natal's hero monument.

The narrator also looks very mature, and is very familiar with his work.

Leave lines of flying writing on the data plate.

Seeing the eager eyes of those recruits, Rees cleared his throat and continued to speak.

"This is our duty, fellow citizens. The great cause of the Holy Emperor is the most important thing, it is higher than our morality, our kindness, our everything. For the great cause of the Holy Emperor, no loss is unbearable, and there is nothing Things can't be lost."

"If killing a person is the only way to promote the great cause of the Holy Emperor, then you have to do it without hesitation. Even if the person you want to kill is you, you can't think too much about it. Maybe among you Someone questioned what qualifications we have to take someone's life, then you have to think about letting that person live, and tens of millions of people will suffer."

"Philosophers always think about some profound questions about human nature, about freedom, and about individuals. They believe that people are born free, and this right cannot be taken away. When I take off this uniform, I respect them. I agree with my opinion. Everyone should have freedom and live for themselves, this is the ultimate goal that the empire strives for, and it is also the ultimate goal that the great cause of the Holy Emperor wants to achieve."

"But our enemies are too many, they are too powerful to imagine, their tentacles span several universes, and they have countless minions. We have no choice, either defeat those enemies, or they destroy everything we have created. Don't think that there is any Compromise, the war between us and Chaos can only be considered as the end if one side completely falls down, if they can never be eliminated, then we have to be vigilant forever."

Ris could have put it mildly.

But he chose to use the voice of an imperial missionary to teach these Natal recruits.

Let them know that war is not a joke, nor is it a benevolent thing.

War is nothing but death and duty.

"When you become a commander-in-chief, you can no longer consider casualties, but cost-effectiveness. This statement is cruel. It's as if a person's life has become an insignificant thing, and has become a currency for market transactions. But war is such a thing, You won the victory by using cruelty, that is not cruelty, because you let more people survive. Because of your kindness, you are not willing to let a soldier die, which leads to the failure of the whole battle. This is not called kindness, because the failure of the war , more people are forced to die, and are forced to bear heavier servitude and more suffering."

"When I press the launch button, I know that friendly forces are not far away, and they are likely to be affected and killed by me. But I will not hesitate, because this is the best time and the best time. As long as you pay a little sacrifice, you can ensure that those skeletons will not flee in all directions and be surrounded by us."

"One of the most important qualities of war is that you don't feel guilty for any life you decide to kill. The only thing you should be guilty of is when you lose. You can't protect the people you should protect. You let them suffer. Putting them through torture is something you should be ashamed of."

Reese's words will not appear in class.

Because it was too cruel.

Even in strategy courses, teachers try to use euphemistic words to express the relationship between sacrifice and victory.

They won't be as straightforward as Reese said.

Soldier lives are currency.

When throwing out, the only consideration is whether you can get enough chips.

Assas listened to the other party's preaching and recorded it in his mind.

After the lecture was over, the officers dispersed to go about their own affairs.

Assas was left behind.

"What do you think? Major Assas." Marshal Rees smiled dotingly, looking at the son of a hero.

Hawk has been summoned by the Holy Emperor in Universe 02 and has returned to the Supreme Heaven.

As their parent and child, Assas has attracted much attention since he was a child.

People expect him to bring more brilliant honors to Natal.

Reese served as a staff officer under Hawke for a period of time, and for this reason, he also valued Assas.

Hope that the other party can reproduce his father's demeanor.

"This observation has benefited me a lot. There is a big gap between practice and theory." Assas remained calm and smiled.

Regarding this attitude of being neither humble nor overbearing, Marshal Reese's eyes became more and more appreciative.

"I have a task for you." Marshal Rees whispered, "See those skeletons just now. According to intelligence, there is a little mastermind behind them. In the wilderness at the two poles, the power of chaos is also It's raging there, these are unstable factors in the empire's rule, and I want to appoint someone who is smart and strong enough to solve this matter. Using Primaris warriors for this kind of thing is a bit of a fuss."

"I am very honored." Assas said.

"Then I will leave this matter to you. Do it beautifully. In that case, your resume will be well written." Marshal Rees patted Assas on the shoulder.

At this time, an adjutant came over.

"My lord, the military council is ready."

Reese nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I'm going to get busy. There are still several military meetings about this expedition to be held, and we have a lot of battles to fight."

Assas witnessed Marshal Rees and his adjutant turn and leave, and walked out of the strategy room.

Waited until the opponent's figure completely disappeared before turning his gaze to the holographic projection.

The undead army shown by the red dot has collapsed, suffered heavy casualties, and is fleeing far away.

Assas tapped his finger to expand the holographic projection, showing the enemy's base camp, which is the city of the undead known as Nagashiza.

That's where the mastermind behind the undead army is located.

Aviary shows that the subspace readings there have exceeded the standard.

Obviously, the opponent is an existence who is good at mobilizing subspace energy.

Assas evaluated the intelligence at hand, preparing to formulate a perfect response strategy.

If the opponent can be captured alive, the completion index of this task will be higher, and the evaluation will be better.

Dawn breaks in brilliant light, and the warmth of the sun dispels the darkness.

Sprinkled golden light on the vast land.

If you stand at the highest point of the Palace of the Eternal Queen in Avalon in Ulthuan, you can see a beautiful sunrise when you look to the east.

However, no one appreciates such a beautiful scenery.

The Eternal Queen who dwells here is long gone, and even her servants have gone with her.

After the banquet, the Eldar had completed the task of this trip.

They made another request of their own kind in this universe.

That is to take them to the island of the dead.

Undead Island is not an ordinary piece of land, but an island composed of stones of various shapes and sizes.

Some of the pillars were submerged under the waves, forming the foundations upon which others stood.

There are also some stone pillars towering in the sky inside, more magnificent and towering than the most magnificent ID Lothern Tower or the Caledor Tower named after the first generation of dragon knights.

In the central area of the island is the origin of the last magic of Caledor Dragon Trainers, the Wind of Magic.


The scale of the vortex is extremely large, running through the sky and the earth. Anyone who stands in front of the vortex will naturally feel small.

It was with the Maelstrom that the High Elves were able to repel the first Chaos invasion.

If demons want to be active in this world, they must rely on the power of the ubiquitous ether.

The maelstrom is to absorb all the chaotic energy, and then transform it into pure magic elements.

In order to create a maelstrom, the first Phoenix King died in battle, the dragon trainer Caledor was trapped, and a large number of lizardman prophets spilled blood on the battlefield.

After an interval of thousands of years, the Eldar set foot on this land.

They despise their weaker, backward kin.

In the eyes of Eldraar, these self-proclaimed noble high elves are more unbearable than the wild spirits who gave up technology and lived a primitive life.

They are so backward that they don't even know how to get out of their own world.

Facing such a small-scale Chaos invasion, they lost their ground.

"This is here." Selego stared at the magic vortex that penetrated the sky, and stopped.

The kingdom of the gods is located in the warp.

If you want to enter it, you have to find a proper way.

This is why Guilliman asked the High Eldar of Sele to do such a thing.

There is a deep bond between the elves and the Eldar.

The same ancient holy creation, even the gene sequence is similar.

There is not even reproductive isolation between the two.

It is far easier for them to enter the kingdom of the gods than humans.

You can enter that illusory kingdom with a simple pull.

Human beings do such things, not to mention getting half the result with half the effort, and it may also arouse the instinctive disgust of the resurrected Spirit Race Death God.

"What are the envoys going to do?" Phoenix King - Finnuba asked.

When the other party proposed to go to Undead Island, he tried to ask, but the other party was vague and did not tell him the real reason.

"For a greater purpose." Qian Mian whispered: "We must awaken the **** of death, and the key to awakening the **** of death is to perfect the concept of death. God is the incarnation of concepts, and it can only be created by the thoughts of all living beings. To awaken Death, one must either kill all Eldar, or be born from the death of the gods."

Being able to become the Phoenix King, Finnuba is not stupid.

From the words of the other party, he guessed what the other party wanted to do!

These Eldar emissaries wanted to kill their god, to awaken the so-called Death.

"No! How can you do such a thing?" Finnubar shouted: "You claim to be our kind, and yet do such an unforgivable thing!"

The anger of the Phoenix King caused Teclis and others to raise their weapons one after another.

They glared at Selego and his party.

"No one wants such a thing to happen!" Selego separated from the crowd and walked in front of the Phoenix King - Finnuba, "But we have no choice, when you open your eyes and see the threat of this world, you will understand and understand what we're doing today."

Fenuba was powerless to stop the sinister conspiracy of the Eldar people.

Those ghostly Eldar warriors subdued all the high elf guards who raised their weapons in an instant.

They chopped off the weapons in the hands of those soldiers, and in this way warned all the high elves.

Being able to chop off a sword, naturally he can easily cut off his head.

took the lives of all the high elves present.

Teclis felt humiliated like never before.

But the blade of the Eldar warrior was placed a few centimeters from his throat.

It only needs the other party to use a little force to decapitate him.

"Have you considered the consequences of killing God?" Finuba said, "You cannot bear the anger of Asuryan."

Selego removes his clown mask for the first time.

The tall body is not a real body, but an ever-changing phantom.

Hundreds of angry, kind, smiling faces.


What can be seen depends on the observer itself.

Every High Elf sees things differently.

Every pair of eyes sees the most funny and funny person in their mind.

"I know, because I am also a god." After saying this, Selego turned around and ignored them.

He opened his arms and roared out those ancient runic scripts.

Use your divine power to open the way to the pantheon of the high elves.

Each race, each faith has its own pantheon.

The so-called gods are all there.

Whether it's the **** of death, the **** of fate or something, it's all available.

The beliefs of races create their own gods, their own pantheons.

As long as you master the appropriate method, you can open the way to the pantheon of that race.

As long as faith persists, those so-called gods are immortal.

As long as belief collapses or is tampered with, then God will also usher in his own end.

This is why the struggle between gods and demons of many races will eventually fall on the lives of mortals.

Because Mortal Realm is where the outcome is decided.

No matter how powerful and tall the company is, its final destination is the market.

There is no market, and it is useless to brag about it.

The same goes for the gods.

It doesn't matter if he becomes the only true **** of the heavens and the eternal, or the omniscient and omnipotent supreme Luo, but in the end it will still fall on the creatures of the world.

The gods are similar to human enterprises.

There are users (believers), and usury can be packaged as a technology company, listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and a group of licking dogs call themselves old slaves.

Without users, even if the boss has more than a dozen high-ranking and awesome titles, it's useless.

Selego is a god, a laughing **** whose daily duty is to mock fate and bring joy to others.

He is not good at fighting, nor good at magic.

Tricks and manipulating people's hearts are his forte.

But he was born in the Eldar Empire, and there were countless Eldars who believed in him and worshiped him.

Faith brings strength and elevates the person of God.

In ancient times, there was a small country with a population of hundreds of thousands, and a super powerful army.

The commander-in-chief is a rare famous general, a master of war, who can strategize and win every battle.

His generals all have undeserved courage.

Such an army can never defeat a modern country with more than one billion people.

Size and technical limitations already determine everything.

To describe it in an unseemly sentence, as long as Selego is not brain-dead, he can kill the opponent with divine power.

A listed company with a full supply chain and a value of several trillion yuan lost to a small husband and wife supermarket on the roadside, and was even killed by others, and all assets were eaten by the other party.

The top of the maelstrom became transparent, and the subspace appeared.

The violent thunder poured out from the other world, and the etheric ocean poured down in the singing of Selego.

Countless horrific existences revealed the weird and distorted outlines, and the hideous and huge bodies made people dare not look directly at them.

The pitch of Selego's singing became higher and higher, as if he was about to meet the climax.

The temples of the gods appear in those grotesque and terrifying countless silhouettes.

Magnificent and magnificent, extremely beautiful, shrouded in endless rays of light, sacred and solemn, and beautiful.

It's like a dream, it doesn't seem like a real existence.

The High Elves watched their gods emerge from the imaginary world.

As the main **** of elves, Asuryan appeared in the hall.

Extraordinarily handsome, with a unique majesty of the king.

Don't get angry and feel majestic, with a strong aura.

His face was filled with consternation.

Didn't know how he was dragged into the mortal world.

"Hack him."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Elderal shouted to the incarnation of the **** of death, the leader of the army of the **** of death with thousands of faces.

(end of this chapter)