Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Chapter 421 Does he know who is behind me? Let him take a look at it (please subscribe)

The existence of Ultraman runs through the entire history of civilization development in the human world.

Thirty million years before the Kingdom of Light was born, Ultraman represented by super ancient warriors had been active in the human world.

The super ancient civilization once established a super civilization that is highly compatible with Ultraman.

Many ultrancient fighters have mastered the methods and abilities of transforming into Ultraman.

They fight against monsters from the stars or from the earth itself.

In many dangers, it defends the continuation and development of human civilization.

This prosperous age lasted until human beings were bewitched by the flower of Chijera.

They made the wrong choice, thinking that human civilization no longer needs the help of Ultraman.

Ultramans who were unwilling to interfere with human choices finally chose to leave.

When the darkness falls, the super ancient civilization will also be destroyed.

This is the information I got from You Lian.

proves that the relationship between humans and Ultraman is far from that simple.

goes back a long time.

Even before the Kingdom of Light was established.

Super ancient civilization collapsed.

Altman did not disappear in human history.

In the long years, there are still people who can get the blessing of Ultra power, become Ultraman, and fight against those raging monsters and aliens.

This scale is not large.

Scattered, scattered,

Happened a few times.

Until 300,000 years ago, the Kingdom of Light rose up.

Become the first world where all members can transform into Ultraman.

The human world once again ushered in the era of frequent appearance of Ultraman.

The stars of the Kingdom of Light were destroyed, and their scientists used their own technology to create a plasma spark tower.

This device allows the residents of the Kingdom of Light to evolve.

All became huge and mastered the ability to transform into Ultraman.

The Kingdom of Light has established an order that is relatively good for weak civilizations by virtue of its own strength.

Formed the Space Guard, Silver Crusade and other troops to prevent powerful civilizations from harming weak civilizations.

Human society is one of the beneficiaries of this cosmic order.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Light is not the only force in the universe.

Of course, there are also hostile forces in the universe.

The Bud star who is known as the emperor of the universe.

The Baltan Stars, who have been fighting successive wars against the Kingdom of Light.

The aggressive Natans.

Kur star who acts as a bounty hunter.

In addition to these forces, the Dark Alliance, the Cosmic Alliance, and the dark Ultraman who betrayed the Kingdom of Light all oppose the Kingdom of Light.

These dark forces have been devoting themselves to destroying the Kingdom of Light led by King Ultra, and want to truly rule the universe.

The human world is far away from the real battlefield.

Even if there are aliens who enter the human world, there are only one or two.

An invasion of this level will not attract too much attention from the Kingdom of Light.

The observers dispatched are enough to solve the problems of the human world.

The activity of the Kingdom of Light has also revived the power of Ultra on various planets.

They select those living bodies worthy of entrustment, and bestow their power on those human bodies.

Tiga who is active on Earth, Triga who is active on Mars, Dyna who is known as the light of the future, etc.

They are not from the Kingdom of Light.

Instead, after being recognized by that power, he was given the ability to transform into Ultraman.

Of course, this power is limited.

From the appearance to the end of the battle, the activity time of Ultraman transformed into a human body is usually only three minutes.

According to calculations, three minutes is already the limit that human beings can withstand that terrifying force.

The short battle time has given the mighty Ultraman a lot of limitations.

Anyone who really understands can see that the solar system is always in danger.

A galaxy is too big, even if Ultraman can fly at the speed of light in the void, there is no way to immediately support the destroyed colony.

In such a situation, people still have a kind of blind optimism.

I think that Ultraman will definitely be able to protect their safety, and there is no need for fanatical war elements to destroy their beautiful peace.

The hidden dangers of human beings are shocking, and any person with lofty ideals who can gain insight into the truth will feel grief and indignation for it.

Males are becoming feminized, and human blood is gradually being lost.

Society is moving toward entertainment and fragmentation.

People are becoming more and more impetuous.

Excessive pursuit of self-interest, giving up collective interests.

Many people put their personal needs above the safety of civilization.

No one will deny the benefits that Ultraman has brought to mankind.

It is the powerful deterrence of the Kingdom of Light that prevents human beings from becoming slaves of a certain cosmic race.

But this situation has come to a time when it must be changed.

Humanity must rely on its own strength to move forward.

Keigo Masaki took all the materials of the human body.

After some careful thinking.

Finally chose the human body of an Ultraman-Rosso Ultraman who just appeared recently.

Prepare to **** the opponent's transformation device, and then activate these stone statues.

The reason for choosing the human body of Ultraman Rosso, Masaki Keigo has no other intentions, it is purely because the other party is easy to bully.

Many human bodies have dove forces or official institutions behind them.

The human body of Ultraman Tiga - Dagu is a member of the TPC of the World Peace Alliance.

Trija Ultraman's human body - behind the real enlightenment is the peace alliance founded by the galaxy-scale plutocrats - Shizuma family.

Taking action against these people will cause more trouble.

When the time comes, time to join the empire.

The governor of the planet is not appointed by the empire, but voted by the residents of the planet.

If he offends these forces, he who plans to run for office may face unprecedented resistance.

Ultraman Rosso is just a new Ultraman.

Its human body has not yet joined any organization.

So far, he has only participated in one battle.

Not from a big family, and there is no chaebol support behind it.

According to the investigation, the other party is just the son of a fashion store owner.

Even if the transformation device is taken away, he has no way to fight against a top chaebol group, so he can only suffer a big loss.

The choice of Ultra Power is very important.

It does not mean that only those who are selected can use the transformation device to transform.

As long as you have the gene of an ultrancient warrior, you can use the transformation tool to transform.

Masaki Keigo has assembled a group of soldiers who also have super ancient genes during this period.

As long as he gets the transformation device, he can use the photon converter developed by himself to transform those people into Ultraman.

Keigo Masaki looked at Minato Kai in the profile photo and smiled.

Ultraman has been active in the human world for a long time.

But people don't know much about Altman.

The existence of the Kingdom of Light is only known to a small number of high-level human beings.

Many people will not go into the origin and history of Ultraman.

The only thing they care about is whether these Ultraman can protect them well.

In order to avoid trouble, Ultraman's human body is generally well hidden.

The general public doesn't even know that Ultraman has a human body.

Masaki Keigo naturally does not belong to the general public.

As the world's top scientist and a top group controller.

Behind him is the support of the hawks.

The resources that can be called are huge.

As soon as Ultraman Rosso appeared, he used the human satellite system and large database to find out the identity of the opponent before other forces.

And hide it, let the major forces know the existence of this Ultraman, but don't know the detailed identity of the other party.

The fact that Captain Hui was taken away by the empire before was also covered up by him and the Hawk Faction for the empire.

The current victorious team GUTS has lost the leadership of Ju Jianhui and has been led by the vice-captain Zong Fang.

They have written to TPC more than once, wanting to investigate Captain Jianhui's whereabouts.

Every time it was dismissed by the hawks headed by Masaki Keigo.

Under the persuasion of the empire, Junjianhui has chosen to become a hawk, supporting the empire's development of giant weapons so that humans can master the power of Ultra.

Knowing nothing about this, the members of the Victory Team who simply thought that the captain was killed and ignored by the higher-ups were very resentful.

Unfortunately, they can't vent.

The victory team is a subordinate of the TPC organization, and all members must accept the management and scheduling of the TPC.

Director Sawai, who is in charge of managing TPC, is a dove, a so-called pacifist.

But he didn't have the right to make a decision.

As long as the hawks have enough opposition, Director Sawai's proposal will be rejected.

The appeal of the winning team cannot be achieved.

They can just sit back and watch TPC do nothing about their captain's death, resent and do nothing.

The only thing that can do anything is Ultraman Tiga's human body.

The problem is that things blow up so fast.

Dagu didn't even know the enemy, Captain Jujian Hui disappeared.

He couldn't investigate even if he wanted to investigate alone.

Expose your identity and gain enough influence.

This will also cause unimaginable troubles to his next life.

Dagu has also been unable to make up his mind.

Once his identity is revealed, TPC's order, as an Ultraman, should he accept it?

These are potential problems.

Once his identity is disclosed, his actions may be controlled by the TPC.

Otherwise, political opponents will seize this issue and blame TPC.

Masaki Keigo is not very concerned about these.

He just needs to make sure that the winning team will not interfere with the plans of the empire.

Different from his research, the empire wants to thoroughly analyze the power of Ultra.

This power may be the legacy of an extremely ancient civilization prepared for future generations to fight against chaos.

The Kingdom of Light can master the power of Ultra.

Without the aid of plasma, cosmic lifeforms with pure beliefs can also master the power of Ultra.

means that this civilization is extremely impartial and treats all life equally.

As long as you have pure faith in your heart, you can become Ultraman and defend your homeland.

This kind of power is equivalent to the druids of the wizarding world.

They have been recognized by nature and can call the creatures of nature to defend their homeland.

At the same time, they must also oppose and stop all actions that harm nature.

The power of Ultra is also such a force.

It comes from concepts such as the earth, the sky, the past, and the future, and the owner must also have the belief of guardianship.

The Empire guessed that the ancient civilization finally failed in the confrontation with Chaos.

The power of Ultra created by them became a sharp weapon for later races to fight against darkness and evil.

With the initial application of nuclear fusion energy and breakthroughs in chip technology, big data has begun to spread and enter the lives of ordinary people.

Big data can be seen everywhere in human society.

Automated production in the factory greatly improves efficiency and further liberates productivity.

The store aims to increase the transaction volume based on the analysis model established by the customer flow and sales volume.

Families use big data to optimize personal finances and living expenses, and strive to get the most cost-effective products for themselves.

Even in office work and travel, big data can be seen everywhere.

With the improvement of science and technology, human beings' pursuit of quality of life is also getting higher and higher.

Intelligent information is advancing all aspects of human society.

In order to get a more convenient life, people often authorize big data to record their every word and deed.

In such a situation, the individual has little privacy.

As long as you have the heart and resources, it is not difficult to find a human body.

Even if those people have the power of Ultra, they still have no way to completely separate from human social life.

In an intelligent and informationized society, everyone lives as if they have returned to the primitive age and stripped off.

Keigo Masaki's Sotek Group has the most advanced supercomputer in the world.

Able to use data comparison to find what he wants from the database of hundreds of millions of people.

While various organizations were still speculating about the background and origin of this new Ultraman, Keigo Masaki used the supercomputer of the Sotek Group to lock the human body of Ultraman Rosso.

At that time, a hidden camera happened to capture the other party's transformation process.

Of course, that shot was just under a second.

It's so fast that the naked eye can't catch it.

Even if someone was standing in the monitoring room at that time, they could only see a flash and then disappear.

Keigo Masaki used a supercomputer to dismantle and analyze frame by frame, and finally obtained the other party's information.

"Take his transforming device here." Masaki Keigo handed over the photo of Ultraman Rosso's human body-Mu Huo Hai to his subordinates, and told his subordinates: "Just be quicker, just knock him out, and take away the transformation device." Body, don't have any nonsense."

"I understand." An employee nodded and walked out.

Ayaka City.

The predecessor here used to be a fishing village.

With the development of technology, a port has been developed here.

The former small fishing village gradually grew.

The world's largest enterprise that researches and develops technology, Aidan Group is also located here.

The trading port and world-class enterprises made Ayaka City quickly become a prosperous city.

The sun has completely sunk into the horizon, and the bustling city of Ayaka is full of traffic.

The streets are lit with neon lights, and holographic projections of promotional ads and political ideas can be seen everywhere.

A shimmering light illuminated the dark corners.

People who have finished their day's work hang out in small groups between the shops.

The hustle and bustle of transactions and the voices of discussing prices can be heard endlessly.

The tangy aroma of food came from the street stalls.

And in some dark corners, some illegal transactions are also going on quietly.

Women with hot bodies and bad perfumes are soliciting business.

Trying to show those people that they are superior to companion robots.

Such as technology, such as tongue and so on.

Some people are also selling some high-concentration psychotropic drugs, which can allow their souls to enter a special field and enjoy unprecedented happiness.

Illegal organ and prosthetic limb trading is also going on in those dark underground clinics.

No matter how bright the world is, such things will exist.

Human beings can never restrain their desires.

In a corner of the bustling city, Minato Huohai and his father run a fashion store called Minato Chao.

The location of the fashion store is a bit remote, and the place is not very spacious.

The money earned is only enough to barely maintain the expenses of the family.

Chao Huohai lay prone in front of the counter, staring blankly at the holographic projection in front of him.

It displays a variety of fashionable clothing.

Becoming a top designer has always been his dream.

But out of family considerations, he had to give up this dream and stay in the store to help his father.

Cuohuohai didn't pay attention to those clothes with advanced design concepts.

Instead, I was thinking about an event that happened a few days ago.

A few days ago, a terrifying monster suddenly attacked the suburbs of Ayaka City.

During that battle, when he and his younger brother Minato Yukai were running away, due to some accident, each got a strange crystal transformation device.

He transformed into Ultraman and defeated the monster in three minutes

For Ultraman, Minato Sea is not ignorant.

After all, there are so many Ultramans active in this world.

He and his brother realized it quickly.

The two have become men chosen by the light.

He can transform into Rob Ultraman, and his younger brother Minato Yukai can transform into Blue Ultraman.

These two Ultramans do not belong to the Kingdom of Light, the dream paradise that people say.

From the information delivered by the crystal, Mouhuohai knew the story of these two Ultramans.

In the distant past, monsters ravaged the universe.

Two warriors named Rob and Buso took their sister to the 0-50 planet rich in Ultraman, got the recognition of the ring of light, and gained the power of Ultraman.

In a battle, they died of exhaustion against the Lugoset monster, which is known as the strongest and most evil enemy.

The two of them were chosen by each other and inherited the strength of each other.

Different from the excitement of his younger brother, Minato Hai is not keen on such things.

On the contrary, he was worried about the possible troubles after getting the crystal transformation device.

In this seemingly beautiful world, there is no peace as people imagined.

As a young man who helped his father support his family, Huo Huohai has a deeper understanding of the dark side of this world.

Those who shout for peace and justice will reveal their cruel side in places where no one is restrained.

The desire for power and fame is enough to twist a person into a monster.

Ultraman is the most powerful existence in this world, who doesn't yearn for its power.

Obtaining a transforming device may not be a good thing for Xiaojia.

Once the news leaks out, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

My younger brother is a genius with a high IQ, but he is heartless and careless all day long.

My sister is very cute, but she is very kind, completely unaware of the evil of human nature.

Thinking of this, Guhuohai showed a trace of melancholy, and he could only pray that the last transformation to save someone was not discovered!

Otherwise, the peaceful life of the family will definitely be broken.

At that time, the father and sister will definitely be involved in this matter, and their peaceful life will be completely ruined.

The business of the store is not good.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that the tide shop completed a few orders.

Closed the shop, feeling depressed, Cho Huohai chose to go for a walk.

Following the road, he walked to a park not far from home.

The lights in the park are dim, and many people choose to relax in the park after dinner.

Some lovers try to challenge the joy of morality in the dark.

There are women walking around wearing bad perfume.

Intelligence brings about human development, but also unemployment.

A large number of unemployed women gave birth to an extremely developed and rich night culture.

However, their situation did not improve as they abandoned moral ethics.

The emergence of various accompanying companion robots makes them extremely cheap.

They must provide services that exceed robots and lower costs than robots in order to survive.

Cuo Huohai turned a blind eye to those women who solicited him.

Everyone has their own choice.

In this era, people no longer need to worry about food.

Even if you receive government subsidies, you can still eat and wear warm clothes, but the conditions are not so good.

Cao Huohai walked straight to a remote corner where there were no people.

I want to find a quiet place to relax.

Just walked to the corner, turned a corner, and a bag was put on his head.

Someone hit the back of his head hard, making him lie down on the cold ground.

When he woke up, he was already lying in the hospital.

Father, younger brother and younger sister all stood by, looking at him with concern.

The transformation device obtained before is also gone.

"Are you okay?" The father asked with concern while sitting on the edge of the bed when his child woke up.

Minato Huohai shook his head, "I'm fine."

"The current police is really incompetent, those robbers are so blatant!"

Minato Yonghai also spoke indignantly.

The family received a call suddenly, saying that Cou Huohai had been knocked out in the park and had been sent to the hospital.

At first, they thought it was just a joke.

It wasn't until the hospital called that they realized it wasn't a joke.

Fortunately, when I came here, the doctor said that there was nothing serious, but I still needed to be hospitalized for observation for a few days.

Cao Huohai reassured his family, saying that he has no problem.

Let the father and younger sister go back to rest first, and let the younger brother Yong Hai take care of himself.

Wait until father and sister are gone.

The smile on Xiao Huohai's face disappeared, and he said to his younger brother.

"My transforming device is missing."

"What!" Minato Yukai's eyes widened, his tone was surprised, and he asked again uncertainly, "Are you sure you didn't lie?"

Minato Yukai shook his head.

"It's really gone, the other party should come here for the transformation device."

"Damn it, those despicable villains come to **** others without being recognized by themselves." Cou Yonghai said indignantly: "I will definitely help you get it back."

"No, brother, maybe this is a good thing. I have been worried that the transformation device will bring us trouble. Since it was taken away by the other party, it means that this thing is not suitable for us. Maybe we can live peacefully again. As for Take care of the transformation device in your hand, and never let others know about it."

"How can you think like this, Ultraman Rosso chose you, brother. Just imagine, if someone else did something bad with a transforming device, wouldn't you really feel guilty?"

What Minato Yonghai said made the already calm Minato Huohai become uneasy again.

He wants to live in peace, but he is also a kind person.

Otherwise, he would not be selected by Altman Rosso.

He would have a bad conscience if someone else used his transforming device to do bad things.

"Let's get it back, we must not let the bad guys succeed." Minato Yukai said.

Minato Huohai looked at his brother with a firm face, and was also infected by him, so he nodded.

"Okay, let's get back the transforming device."

"Let those bad guys know Ultraman Blue's anger." Minato Yukai said.

As the human body of Ultraman Blue, Yukai Minato thinks that this matter will not be very difficult.

Ultraman Rosso and Ultraman Blue have a unique induction.

As long as they sense with their hearts, they can find Ultraman Rosso's transformation device.

He wants to punish the villain who stole the transformation device.

Minato Isamu is an outstanding talent.

He designed a monster tracker and designed it by hand.

The danger of being attacked by monsters before was caused by him testing the tracker.

In order to help his brother retrieve the transforming device, Minato Yonghai returned home and used the transmission network built by humans to search for the unique reflected energy wavelength of the transforming device.

Soon, he locked in the world-renowned Sotek Group.

Because the unique energy wavelength of the transformer is emitted from the headquarters building of Sotek Group.

"I found it. It must be that the Sotek Group secretly took away the transformation device for Ultraman's power." When Minato Yonghai returned to the hospital again, he excitedly said to his brother Minato Huohai.

He took out Ultraman Blue's transformation device, stroked the smooth surface, and said.

"Let's go find them and make them hand it over. Otherwise, we'll give them a good lesson. Let them know that stealing is bad behavior."

"Okay, let's go find them." Mo Huohai also became firm.

Sotek Group Headquarters.

Six carefully selected soldiers with strong will stood in front of Masaki Keigo.

They are all orphans who died in the monster incident.

Has a deep hatred for monsters.

They have joined the Empire.

vowed to defend humanity so that those children would not be orphaned by monsters like them.

"The future of mankind will change at this moment." Keigo Masaki looked at the machine running in front of him and smiled. From tonight onwards, he will be the man who leads mankind forward.

Of course, only in this world,

Witnessed the might of the empire and the truth revealed by the empire.

Masaki Keigo did not have any courage to challenge the Holy Emperor.

He didn't want to be torn apart by those angry war angels.

In fact, Masaki Keigo does not have such a big political ambition.

Otherwise he will be in politics instead of studying technology and business.

The motivation to support his struggle and hard work is the terrible scenes he saw in his dreams.

He will never let those dark dreams come true.

Even if you risk everything, you will never let those things happen.

The machine roared.

Ultraman Rosso's transformation device is placed in the center of the machine.

As long as the first transformation is completed, these soldiers can get their own transformation devices.

At this time, a security guard ran in.

"Boss, there are two people looking for you. They said they want you to hand over the transformation device, otherwise don't blame them for being rude."

Masaki Keigo showed a look of contempt, and pressed the start button.

"Does he know who is behind me? Let him take a look."

(end of this chapter)