Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Chapter 365 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth 5 (subscribe)

The black magicians under Abaddon tried their best.

However, their attempts all failed.

Even trying to target someone close to Guilliman would have disastrous consequences.

Whether it is directly pointing to Guilliman or indirectly pointing to Guilliman, there is no change in the result.

All threads of fate pointing to Guilliman were completely burned.

The path and will of the Son of the Damned cannot be guessed.

The oracles could not see Guilliman directly.

Just by looking at them, those guys are on fire.

Burning like a torch, its light caused the shadows that flowed in the chamber to scream and flee.

That kind of flame has extraordinary power and cannot be extinguished by physical means.

A black magician tried to use witchcraft to extinguish the fire, but ended up being burned and turned into coke in a scream.

The black mages no longer dared to put out the fire, they only dared to wait for those weird flames to burn the oracle into coke before re-entering the secret room.

Try again and again, fail again and again.

Looking at the oracle who was being burned to charcoal while howling again, Abaddon punched angrily on the flesh-and-blood bulkhead.

The wrath of the Great Marauder sent the shadows in the dark screaming in terror.

Those twisted, horribly lost things huddled in the corner.

The whispers in the air are filled with their uneasiness about the Son of the Damned.

"Failed." A black mage said fearfully, "It is impossible for us to observe the existence of Guilliman."

"Trash." Abaddon roared, and he grabbed the speaking black mage.

The mage screamed when his shoulder was crushed.

The claw of Horus pierced the mage's body effortlessly.

"Trash is worthless," growled Abaddon.

With a flick of his hand, the unlucky guy was thrown against the wall.

The loud impact echoed in the dark cabin.

The other mages were stunned, standing there trembling, looking terrified.

After killing the mage, Abaddon's anger was relieved to a certain extent.

"Forget it." Abaddon said, "Let's stop here, the victory of the empire is certain, we just need to keep an eye on the cancerous army."

Abaddon gave up on continuing to observe Guilliman's behavior.

That makes no sense.

will only cause heavy casualties to his subordinates.

Guilliman's strength is strong, and it is of great benefit to him at present.

Yogg-Sothoth is, after all, an omniscient being comparable to the gods.

That level of beings is unimaginable.

The black mages also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Abaddon insisted, they could only obey.

The Great Marauder doesn't care about the howling of the dead.

The Emperor Supreme is more like a ship than a moving throne world.

Except for the huge scale, the array of weapons that lie on the surface of the ship like metal mountains.

Its internal complex and complete industrial system is also a major feature.

The inside of the Emperor Supreme is hollowed out, and a large number of factories and residential areas are maintained by gravity devices pointing in different directions, maintaining balance inside the Emperor Supreme.

The huge brain database is stored in the depths of the Emperor Supreme.

The will of the Brain is controlled by Guilliman's most loyal servants.

The population of Huangzhe Supreme has reached hundreds of billions.

In addition to the large-scale combat troops, there are also a large number of bureaucrats and clerks used to maintain the operation of the empire.

Even with a divine brain, a huge empire still needs tens of billions of people to maintain its normal operation.

Some of these people are staying in Terra, and some are staying on the Emperor Supreme.

Besides this, there are pilgrims from all over the world.

Expedition is a very long thing.

Many people may spend their entire lives living in the world of the moving throne of the Emperor Supreme.

Dedicated his short life to Guilliman's great cause.

For this reason, there are many entertainment venues in this moving throne world, and a large number of parks and playgrounds are also built for those people to relax.

Konstantin has the ability to find wine at any time.

Relying on his talent, he found a bar near his residence within two days of arriving at the Emperor Supreme.

The bar is located in a huge residential area, not far from his residence, only ten minutes away.

Men and women who have completed their job cycle will relax here.

The dimly lit bar is illuminated by neon lights, giving people a sense of depraved satisfaction.

This situation made Constantine feel very cordial.

There are many people in the bar, and people meet here from all directions.

They were drunk, exhausted, and excited to express their emotions.

Konstantin followed the advice of the pretty female bartender and chose a glass of green wine.

When you drink it, it is very smooth and sweet at the first entrance, and it becomes hot when it reaches the throat.

The whole stomach feels like a flame is burning.

As the throne world, the Emperor Supreme has a variety of fine wines from different worlds.

Businessmen from all over the world sent those precious fine wines here in order to obtain more lucrative profits than other places.

Some people may be confused, wouldn't the mobile Huangzhezun increase the cost of the merchant's voyage!!

This does not.

There is a webway entrance on the Emperor Supreme.

No matter how you move it, the entrance to the webway is on the Huangzhe Zhizun, which is fixed.

Those businessmen only need to use the network channel to reach the Emperor Supreme, and the voyage has not increased.

This is also the wonderful use of the webway.

Once the webway is built.

will be fixedly connected to that world.

No matter how that world moves and changes, that webway also connects that world.

Those craftworlds of Eldar are like that.

Their ark worlds are also mobile, and different ark worlds are connected through network tunnels.

This is why the webway cannot be observed with a three-dimensional vision.

The webway seen by the three-dimensional vision is always changing, and there is no law at all.

In fact, the cyberway corresponds to the changes in the real universe.

Planets, galaxies, and galaxies in the real universe are moving all the time.

The space-time coordinates are not fixed.

The webway connected to the planet will naturally change.

The webway is connected to the Emperor Supreme, allowing merchants to provide this huge starship with various living supplies and drinks at a stable cost.

Regarding the existence of bars and various entertainment venues, Guilliman and many high-level officials of the empire did not object.

Just ask them not to violate the bottom line.

Prohibition of providing venues for cultists and depraved acts of crime.

Once such illegal things are found.

It is often not the violent local law enforcement agencies that come to the door, but the anger of the trial court.

The bar is decorated in some primitive style.

The owner behind it may be a businessman from a primitive planet.

In the case of meeting the requirements of the imperial scriptures, each planet is allowed to retain certain customs and its own culture, so as to enhance the sense of belonging in different worlds.

Under the mixture of the empire's technology and self-customs, some worlds specially provide soldiers for the empire. During the day, men and women take bows, arrows and spears to hunt wild animals, and enjoy modern life when they come back.

There are not many worlds where this kind of extremely fragmented modern technology and primitive living habits coexist.

Conscription worlds tend not to have much economic needs and industrial systems.

All they offer to the Empire are their children.

Those kids are taught from an early age how to fight, how to survive in desperate circumstances.

They often have a tough soul and a guts that kids in the industrial world don't have.

When they enter the army, they will soon become the elite troops of the empire.

Especially today when the inter-universe war has begun, those soldiers honed by various primitive methods have become special teams and sent to the inter-universe battlefield for fighting and training.

Konstantin and Zatana found a place to sit down.

With their touch, the desktop lit up, and projection interfaces appeared one after another.

The same goes for other tables.

The interface shows the information of the two of them, the drinks in the bar, and how much imperial currency the two of them own.

When they order a drink, their imperial currency is automatically deducted.

Even if you are a traveler from a different universe who came from afar, you still have to pay for drinking.

Both Constantine and Zatanna were given some Imperial currency as a reward for the pioneers of communication between the two universes.

Konstantin looked at the transparent table curiously.

As a magician, he really doesn't understand how such a table displays this information.

Where do they store their calculations?

Does every table store a huge amount of imperial citizen information? ?

In fact, their location is just the terminal.

All data will be stored in the divine brain matrix, interconnected through the subspace human spirit network, and compose a complex super-light speed information exchange network

"It's really convenient." Constantine, who was confused, gave up helplessly. He touched the smooth table and said, "I'm going back, and I want Lucifer to set up a set with him. Haha, he is also a prominent figure in hell, It can't be too shabby."

"A big man who went bankrupt." Zatana said with a smile: "If you want to get such a set of equipment, it may cost a lot of money, and Lucifer may not be able to afford it."

"It's sad, the former Lord of Hell doesn't even have the money to upgrade the bar." Constantine leaned comfortably on the chair and mocked.

"The times have changed. Those powerful gods are no longer sought after and loved by people."

Zatana said while looking at the people in the bar.

Konstantin found a location where he could calmly watch the city outside and the people in the bar.

Zatana carefully assessed the situation of the empire in this way.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, excited that they could dedicate themselves to a great cause.

From time to time, words such as, for the sake of the holy emperor, let us have a drink will be raised in the bar.

Occasionally there will be some love exchanges between men and women and some miscellaneous conversations.

"The empire produces more and more technicians every year, and a new round of changes is likely to be implemented within fifty years."

"When the battleship maneuvered the day before yesterday, the gravity device in the right city area failed, and the lake in the park overflowed. It's really annoying, those negligent guys. If it was during the war, it would have caused so many casualties."

"That fool went after that woman in the administration department, doesn't he know how much he weighs?"

"Have you heard! A wronged person was rejected in public, crying like a three-year-old child."

"Do you know the Battle of Armageddon?? I threw a grenade and killed six orcs, and then exploded, killing another six. Those Blood Angels were stunned."

"Aren't you bragging! How can such a thing be done!"

"Ah, you are out of the way. How can you say that what happened on the wine table is bragging!"

People have excited smiles on their faces.

Zatana and Constantine are also soon under the influence of alcohol to become one of the bragging.

Especially the fact that they come from a different universe makes them quickly become the protagonists.

"I was there when Titus slew the god, and I saw it with my own eyes."

Konstantin knows how to grab people's hearts.

He used the explosive opening to make everyone listen to his next words with breathless concentration.

Battle reports from different universes are no longer secrets in the empire.

People need to know where their labor is being used and what has been achieved.

As the pioneer of the No. 02 world and the current No. 2 commander, the name of Titus has naturally been sung.

"He rushed to the temple, holding a battle ax and holding the flag of the double-headed eagle of the empire, while the **** king of Olympus was sitting in the temple, watching his arrival, and let out an incomparable roar Countless thunderbolts in the sky suddenly erupted, illuminating the entire scarlet battlefield. On that battlefield, the corpses of the gods lay on the ground, and the red blood of the gods flowed like money. All the beautiful gods and goddesses were beheaded and hung on the imperial double-headed eagle banner."

"That scene made the **** king Zeus furious, and he let out a deafening roar. It is said that many of the gods were his sons, daughters, and his brothers, but they all died in the hands of the empire. Zeus shouted angrily "I will make you pay the price, I will cut off your head, and go to the emperor you serve. "

"Offend the gods, the end of mankind is already doomed." Zeus roared: "I swear, you will pay the price."

Speaking of this, Constantine, who was dizzy from drinking, felt thirsty and fumbled around for a water glass.

The others hurriedly brought him a glass of water.

Many listeners were scratching their hearts, how dare an evil **** from another universe be so arrogant!

Seeing that Constantine drank the water, he hurriedly urged him to continue

" Titus also roared angrily, saying: "False God, today is your day of execution. After finishing talking nonsense, he rushed forward with an ax in his hand. The **** king gathered lightning and gathered it into a spear, his eyes were dazzling with lightning, and his armored body became extremely tall, like an ancient warrior. The giant, every move makes the world startled, the sun and the moon are dark, and the wind is wrapped in yellow sand. The wrath of God is like the end of the world. "

" While attacking, he shouted. "I am a god, and humans like you are just humble ants. "

(end of this chapter)