Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363 The duel between Guilliman and Yogosothoth 4 (subscription required)

Gathered in the strategy room of the Glory of Macragge In addition to the military commander, there were also several chapter master leaders.

Nova Corps - Corvo.

As a sub-group of the Ultramarines, Korvo followed Guilliman on the first Indomitable Crusade.

Achieved immortal feats in annihilating the orc warlord-the arsonist.

The battle in the Vitria galaxy was also devoted to the fierce battle against the Tyranid race.

In addition to this, Korvo was active in many battles.

Silver Skulls - Opal.

The experience is similar to that of Corvo, who followed Guilliman out of Macragge.

In addition to this, there is also the leader of the Raven Guard-Verano.

Verano was originally just the company commander of the Silent Company.

After the death of the former chapter leader, Verano, who brought back the original casting technology for the chapter and performed outstandingly in the first stage of the Indomitable Crusade, took over that position.

There are also Wailers and Emperor's Scythes who are reorganizing and restoring their strength.

After the imperial army defeated Abaddon, they encountered the Cancer Legion.

Two Chapters were caught off guard and thrown into battle without any knowledge of the enemy, resulting in heavy casualties.

The chapter masters stood in a corner of the strategy room and did not sit down.

Their armor is too heavy.

Few chairs can handle them.

In addition to these battle groups, there are also commanders such as generals and knights of the Astral Army.

Mechanicism also sent representatives to participate in this strategic meeting to provide technical answers.

"Lord Dorn once sent some information that he had encountered Abaddon. The problem is that the opponent was very decisive. After realizing that he could not defeat the Empire, he turned around and ran away."

The intelligence director held a data board and sent the relevant information to the personal database of the representatives participating in the meeting, so that they could have a certain understanding of the current battlefield situation.

"The only thing we can be sure of is that Abaddon is located somewhere in the Cadia battlefield at this time. The problem is that we cannot confirm whether he died on the Cadia planet or at his pass. The Cadia battlefield covers Hundreds of galaxies were destroyed, the flames of war covered a void area reaching hundreds of light years, and more than 600 void battlefields where battles broke out."

"That damned coward, what else can he do but escape!" Calgar said angrily, "I will never allow him to escape this time."

"This is still difficult. Abaddon's fighting power is not strong, but he is very good at escaping." Korvu of the Nova Corps said: "This is the most troublesome part. If you want to catch him, you must We must cut off his retreat, otherwise he will continue to escape."

"The people of Calgary will definitely be able to do this." A military commander flattered: "Now, His Majesty has personally marched, planning to attack the enemy head-on. As long as we can cut off their logistical supplies from behind, they will be counted. If you stick to Cadia, it won't last long."

"The problem is how to encircle and completely annihilate them." Calgar said: "Their failure is doomed, but if those enemies flee again, it means that a new crisis may be brought."

Refers to those fallen xenos who seek to challenge the divine power of the Imperium of Man to rule the heavens and universes.

The expressions of everyone became tough.

The orcs headed by the Bonebreaker, the space aliens headed by the Silent King, the Cancer Legion, and the fallen traitors headed by Abaddon.

They all try to prevent the Holy Emperor from unifying the galaxy.

They are doing nothing.

It is the unstoppable destiny of mankind to rule the heavens and the universe.

Any force that tries to stop this destiny must be psychologically prepared to be completely destroyed by the empire.

Those aliens want to rely on the Eye of Terror to stop the offensive of the empire.

It is undoubtedly a dream.

"If we divide our forces, we can occupy these important enough corrupted planets, and deploy anti-subspace force fields in these places to form a huge subspace stasis zone that spans 150 light-years, cutting off their retreat. the way."

A technology sage slid the information projection in front of him.

Accompanied by the sound of static electricity and the sound of mechanical rotation.

The star map also rotates accordingly.

As the sage's actions magnify, those hidden and simple information also become complicated and detailed.

The star map is very detailed, part of it comes from the star map captured by Calgar from the cultists, and part of it comes from the Eldar.

The location of the Eye of Terror is where the former Eldar Empire was located.

The Eldar hold star maps of regions utterly corrupted by the Warp.

Warpspace certainly distorts the space and time structures between those planets, making them no longer coherent.

But their intrinsic physical positions in the real universe are unchanged.

If the anti-subspace bonds can be successfully established and they are freed from the Eye of Terror, an encirclement of Cadia will be formed.

Completely block the enemy's army in Cadia.

The Battle of Cadia was Abaddon's pinnacle.

Using the impact of the Blackstone Fortress, it completely destroyed the Cadia Fortress that the Empire insisted on.

Create a large rift that runs through the entire galaxy.

However, this was also a turning point in Abaddon's fate.

Cauer, who was defeated in the Cadia battlefield, the death army and the living saint escaped from his pursuit.

Go to Macragge and revive Guilliman.

The resurrection of the thirteen sons has brought about earth-shaking changes in the chaotic situation.

The Empire has risen again with unprecedented and terrifying speed.

Guilliman has also jumped from the Primarch to the Holy Emperor who can compete with the gods.

If he could choose again, Abaddon would probably remain cautious about the Thirteen Expeditions.

It's a pity that even the mighty gods who master time can't tamper with such a wide range of fate.

Guilliman's prestige has been sung in many universes under the promotion of the exploration team.

To change the established history by going back in time, the cost is unimaginable.

Calgar looked at the holographic projection star map and nodded, agreeing with the strategy of the mechanical sage.

"The Wailer is willing to lead an army to establish an anti-subspace array."

A Chapter Master came out and said.

It is the newly promoted chapter leader of the Wailers Chapter, which has initially completed the reconstruction - Queller.

The Malvern Chapter Commander and most of the Wailers died tragically at the hands of the Cancer Legion, and the corpses were never recovered.

If there were not several companies and other battle groups performing other tasks, I am afraid that the group would really be wiped out.

The current Chapter Master is Quiller.

is a veteran who is comparable to Malvin.

The veteran is eager to use battle to prove his leadership skills and avenge his fallen comrades.

The Wailers Chapter has been rebuilt.

The current number is very small, only a thousand people.

This is already a situation where the empire tilted various resources to rebuild so quickly.

The reconstruction of the warband involves the style of the warband, inheritance and so on.

It is not the simplest Cypriot.

Becoming an Astartes still needs to go through complicated audits, various will and endurance trainings, and they are not considered qualified Astartes warriors until they are confirmed to be able to take on the responsibility of protecting human beings and adhering to the will of the Holy Emperor to fight.

One thousand people was already the number of a standard battle group before.

But in today's complicated situation, a thousand people is nothing.

The scale of the war has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The empire frequently dispatched tens of thousands of Primordial warriors to fight on the frontal battlefield.

One thousand people can only take on some unimportant tackling tasks.

Especially in the battle with the trans-universe force - the Cancerous Legion.

One thousand people are true, it doesn't have much effect.

Even if the second to third phases of original cast strengthening were completed, such a small number of people would not be able to play any role.

The power of Yogg-Sothoth is beyond the imagination of mortals.

As an all-knowing and omnipotent being, its subordinates are also extraordinary.

Even compared to the original warriors of the empire, they are not bad at all.

Calgar stared at Quiller.

When his eyes fell on the other party, the other party also tried to stand up straighter, wanting to use this method to prove that he could complete any task he was asked to explain.

"Building an anti-subspace array is very important. If we succeed, we will not only prevent the cancerous legion from escaping back to the Eye of Terror, but also lay the foundation for the Empire to attack the Eye of Terror. If it fails, it will definitely have a blow to morale." A The military commander pointed out the problem, "We can't be impulsive. The Wailers have not yet completed their rebuilding. If they are used in such a battle, it is very likely that they will be wiped out."

"We are ready. In addition to the thousand people who are currently participating in the Cadia battlefield, the Wailers have always had recruitment seeds, and they are training under the supervision of veterans. Even if there is a crisis, the Wailers can continue to organize, There is no possibility of destroying the regiment. If you do not fight independently for a long time, the Wailer has the possibility of destroying the regiment. Only in the cruel battle of iron and fire can you reforge the sword of the Wailer. No soldier is What grows on the training ground, so does a warband."

Quiller's words are very firm.

The Weepers are currently mostly recruits. Although they have received the second and third stages of Primordial Cast enhancement, they know little about the battlefield.

There is no ability to fight alone.

This situation is very dangerous.

They are fighters, not petals in an ivory tower. Protection does not make them grow, but only makes them unbearable, desecrating the honor of past heroes.

Calgar was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"If you are so persistent, then go for it. I will assign a combat mission to you, but I will make more demands on you and ask you to achieve the goal within a time limit, otherwise I will send someone to help you. I know This is a battle for your honor, but it is related to the overall strategy of the empire. The Holy Emperor will personally conquer, and we cannot make any mistakes."

Quiller nodded.

He is well aware of this.

The Cadia battlefield will be a key battle to completely defeat the alien forces opposing the empire.

is very important.

will likely affect the strategy of the empire for a long time to come.

Any mistakes are unforgivable.

Calgar looked at the star map, stretched out a hand, and clicked on a point that was emitting light.

The detailed data of that spot of light appeared in front of everyone.

Earth-like planet: Fann (the world of the spirit race old woman, which has been corrupted into a demon world, and a large number of mutant spirit races are active, the danger level is scarlet)

Planet detailed data (this data is provided by the Eldar, it is the data before the Great Annihilation, and does not include the data after the catastrophe, please refer carefully.)

Diameter: 9852km, surface gravity: 1.58G, average revolution speed: 30.254km/s

"This world will be handed over to the Wailers." Calgar, who pointed at the light spot, looked at Quiller, "If you are worried that it will be too difficult, you can give up this mission."

"Absolutely not, the Weepers are already prepared." Quiller said: "I will not fail the Holy Emperor, I will not fail the Great Emperor, and I will not fail Sanguinius."

"Then get ready, you have fifteen days, take it down, or I will send someone to help you."

Queller said. "I see."

Abaddon stood in an octagonal room.

The wall rises into the shadows overhead.

Smooth black stone covers every wall.

The doors and walls of the chamber of secrets are covered with various runes.

In the eight directions, the oracle, who is naked and has cursed lines carved all over his body, is firmly fixed.

"Let me see what that idiot Calgar is doing?" Abaddon said: "Let me see how far my plan has progressed."

The oracle trembled.

They let out howls of pain.

Blood poured from their bodies and burned in the eight-pointed star.

Scenes of images appeared in the flames.

Calgar's fleet is quietly moving along that unknown route.

A smile appeared on Abaddon's gloomy face.

"I hope that idiot Calgar can have some brains and kill my enemy with a single blow from behind. I have to get Honso and Vashtor ready, and the best time to do it is when that guy is cornered."

"Let me see more, where is Guilliman? Lion? Where's Dorne? Are there any other Primarchs involved? Tell me all."

The more you come, the better,

Break out that Yogg Sothoth's brains.

I will reap the benefits of the fisherman again.

When he regains his honor, Abaddon will return to the Eye of Terror to recuperate.

It's like it was 10,000 years ago.

Some idiots will question why he dare not confront Guilliman.

Abaddon would not care about those people.

The short-sightedness of those fools disgusted him.

The empire led by Guilliman is on the rise, and recklessly fighting against it will only hit the egg against the rock and bring about its own destruction.

The gods are silent.

They were all severely injured by corpse worshippers.

Turtles lick their wounds in their domain.

Guilliman has risen, elevated to the heights of the gods by his fanatical followers.

In such a situation, avoiding the edge is the best decision.

There is no eternal empire in this world.

When the emperor was ambitious, who would have thought that Horus' rebellion would allow him to sit on the golden throne!

Guilliman's arrogance now surpasses that of his father.

Galaxy has been unable to satisfy his ambition.

Other universes and other galaxies are about to fall into his clutches.

However, the law of this world is rise, prosperity, decline, and destruction.

This huge empire will eventually have some internal problems.

Let them fall into chaos and fight again.

Empires will decline.

Guilliman will also encounter a powerful enemy he can't imagine, let him sit on his own golden throne.

What he has spoken will be spoken by his enemies.

As the oracle quivered and twitched, the flames burned higher.

(end of this chapter)