Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Sanguinius kills Dr. Manhattan in seconds (subscription required)

Modern astronomers can use the Hubble constant and the Doppler formula to calculate the age of the universe.

The age of the universe is between 13.7 billion and 14.3 billion years.

This is an unimaginable timescale.

Not to mention a single human being, even a fraction of the evolutionary time of the entire race.

If you start counting from a single cell, you can barely count it as a fraction.

The inanimate who claim to be eternal can hardly survive such a terrifying time scale.

In such a long time, who can imagine what kind of geniuses this universe has ever produced.

Who can imagine how brilliant those civilizations have reached?

The things submerged in time are even more bizarre and unbelievable than the wildest and wildest imagination of human beings.

The ancient ruins left by the ancient civilization whose name has long been lost in the long river of time are still operating.

The gigantic orbiter, driven by means unknown to Abaddon, whirled silently around the gigantic blue dwarf.

Those metal creations shaped like planets are fixed on the orbiter and run according to the established trajectory.

Abaddon boarded the huge orbiter with his confidant and Vashtor in a fighter plane.

The closer they got to the orbiter, the more Abaddon and his party could feel their own insignificance.

It can be clearly seen through the scan of the fighter plane.

The outer surface of the orbiter is made of gray metal, reflecting bright starlight.

The surface is etched with a gorgeous geometric pattern.

After conducting an all-round analysis of the scanned data information, it was found that the substances that make up the gray metal are not within the scope of human cognition.

The fighter plane entered the orbiter's penetration along the huge gap in the orbiter that was enough to pass through the entire planet.

The huge orbiter rotates like a ring, slowly rotating with the blue dwarf as the anchor point.

Each ring is in perfect proportion.

"What a majestic building." A wizard following Abaddon exclaimed.

Abaddon agreed with this exclamation in his heart.

He may spend his whole life, and it is impossible to build such a majestic building.

The warplane placed Abaddon and his party on a huge protruding platform.

There is no way to move forward any further.

Some kind of mysterious power blocked the space, forming a quagmire-like space protection.

The deeper you go into it, the more difficult it is to move forward.

After entering the first ring, no matter how the fighter accelerates, the ubiquitous space tension will cancel it out.

For this reason, they can only find the artifact in Vashtor's mouth on foot from the first outer ring.

The fighter plane is docked on a huge platform.

When Abaddon walked down, he found that the place was surprisingly vast.

It is equivalent to the scale of the emperor's grand military parade in Ullanor in the past.

The Mechanicus used countless manpower and material resources to level the entire planet and create a perfect parade ground.

That was the pinnacle of the Great Crusade.

Many Primarchs worked together to destroy the Orc Empire.

There the Emperor announced his withdrawal from the Great Crusade and declared Horus the Warmaster of the Great Crusade.

Recalling that memory still made Abaddon feel a little throbbing.

Soon, these emotions were suppressed by him again.

What was in the past has become the past.

There is no need to talk and recall.

The quaint and lightless platform is connected to a huge gray corridor.

The majestic scale makes people wonder whether the creators of this ruin are those titan beasts that only appear in mythology.

In this place where technological creations cannot be used, the power of the subspace is not limited.

Wizards use their power to distort the fabric of space-time, shortening the distance they have to travel.

The majestic promenade is extremely dark, without any light, and can only be illuminated by the light source they carry.

The first scene that catches the eye is those weird sculptures and murals.

Carved out of the image of the creator of the ruins.

Wizards have done some research on it, and it's clear that the sculptures commemorate the heroes of their race, just like humans.

The murals depict their history.

In a world covered by 90% ocean, a civilization was born.

Different from purely terrestrial races like humans, the main body of that civilization is an amphibious intelligent creature.

They built cities in the offshore area and established the prototype of civilization.

The ignorant civilization is like a baby, growing slowly with the passage of time, from the tribal age to the fishery age, then to the industrial age, and then the information age, the space age, and continuous development.

During this period, like humans, they had differences, struggles, and various debates on social ideology.

There are also various heroes appearing.

They finally achieved a very brilliant achievement.

Be able to build huge celestial structures, and tame the various rules of the stars and the universe for their use.

However, in that terrifying war that spread to the entire universe.

They are just duckweed that cannot protect themselves.

Was easily subverted in the waves of the times.

This majestic building is not so much a relic as a tomb they built for themselves.

Those murals carry everything that happened to them.

When intelligent creatures come here, they will know that such a race once existed.

"In the face of time, such a god-like civilization is so powerless. It is really sad to leave traces of race existence in this way." A sage of the Dark Mechanicus shook his head and sighed.

Every civilization thinks it is unique.

They think that they are better than those predecessors who have been buried by time, and they can get rid of the established fate.

In the end, they will finally understand their own powerlessness.

Only the most primitive way can be used to leave traces of civilization in the universe.

"That's why people yearn for eternity. No one is willing to be forgotten. No one knows about his achievements. His kingdom is going to ruin. You know."

"Speed up." Abaddon interrupted Vashtor's long speech, "Whether those guys die or not has nothing to do with us. Finding that artifact is our most important thing."

Abaddon is ready for battle.

According to past experience, he knows that such artifacts often have powerful guardians.

The result is surprising, this ancient ruins does not have any guardians.

The only special place is the teleportation rune at the anchor point at the end of the corridor,

After activation, inject the power of the warp, and they will be able to teleport them to the location where other anchor points transmit runes.

These anchors teleport runes, making Abaddon and others much faster.

They quickly walked to the innermost ring area.

Relying on the wizard's prophecy ability, he easily found the artifact in Vashtor's mouth.

The process is mind-bogglingly simple.

A trident shining with azure light.

The runes etched on it are obscure, but possess mysterious magic power.

It was placed in the majestic temple, before the statues of the gods who belonged to the family of the creators of the ruins.

When Abaddon held it in his hand, the surprise in his heart was indescribable.

Never thought that the artifact he wanted would be obtained in this way.

The temple is full of records about the trident.

The wise men of that mysterious race used their wisdom to find out the knowledge to fight against the warp gods.

And use this knowledge to forge a weapon.

In a mural, a mountain of dead bodies is depicted.

A alien holding a trident stood on top of the pile of corpses, like a demon **** fighting in blood.

The sculptor cleverly used the halo behind his head to announce that those corpses were gods worshiped by mortals.

Unfortunately, this powerful weapon failed to restore the fragmented civilization after all.

In the last scene of the mural, the priests put this weapon into the temple of the tomb of civilization, and regarded it as a funeral object, and also as a kind of inheritance that proved the achievements of civilization, telling future generations that they had achieved such achievements .

The meaning of creating this tomb is to let the later races know their existence.

For this reason, the designer did not design any traps and mechanisms.

This approach avoids the damage caused by violently breaking the trap mechanism, thus preserving the complete historical murals.

The designer has considered very well.

There are no traps inside.

Only the black hole outside.

Only a civilization with a strong enough technological civilization can see through that black hole, so that it has the courage to go through and find this ancient ruin.

It's a pity that they didn't foresee such a distant future after all.

Vashtor assisted the savage Abaddon to easily break through the tricks they used to scare off weak civilizations.

Abaddon had no intention of studying the history of this ancient race.

He's just a savage Chaos warlord.

Got the artifact he wanted.

He just wants to go back to the galaxy and let those guys know the Marauder is back.

After leaving the Cancer Legion, Abaddon has been wandering the fringes of the galaxy.

A lot of information is not timely.

When he got the artifact and returned to the galaxy, he learned that Yogg-Sothoth's clone was defeated by Guilliman.

The Cancerous Legion was besieged by Calgar and suffered heavy casualties.

The original good situation is all gone.

The occupied planets have also been spit out one by one, and now they can only retreat to the Cadia Fortress to avoid being taken back by the empire.

From the mouths of some cronies, Abaddon also knew that the Cancerous Legion was trying to win over many aliens who were besieged by the Empire.

"That's all." Abaddon sneered after hearing the news. .

In the beginning, the posture was so arrogant, humiliating Abaddon and Abaddon's subordinates in every possible way, mocking them for losing to the Human Empire because they were too weak.

Now I still think how strong it is, but in front of the empire, I was beaten and fled.

"Dorne and Calgar are mobilizing their forces and preparing to storm the Cadia Fortress. The Cancer Legion has persuaded the Necrons and many aliens to form an alliance to fight against the Empire. Under the leadership, launched a fierce attack on the human empire."

"Emperor of the orcs?" Abaddon extracted key words from the reports of his subordinates.

"Yes, Bonebreaker has become the emperor of the orcs." The subordinate said, "The green-skinned orcs are constantly gathering, and it is very likely that an unprecedented chaos will break out."

Abaddon was silent for a moment, then showed another cruel smile.

The Eye of Terror does not need two masters.

"I hate that **** Calgar, but he has a good use now." Abaddon reached out and summoned the holographic projection of Cadia Fortress.

After the planet fell, it was corrupted by the waves of the Warp.

Several demon princes are entrenched on it.

But now, it should have been taken away by the cancerous army.

"I once swore that I would return the shame of the past to you." Abaddon said word by word, his fingers slid across the holographic projection, and a hidden subspace path became a red line floating on the holographic projection. middle.

Abaddon has mastered a brand new legion.

But he didn't intend to consume it on the cancerous legion.

Calgar is a good use case.

The problem is how to hand over this information to the opponent.

When Marvell, the leader of the Cancer Legion, sees the imperial army suddenly appearing behind them, his expression will definitely be very exciting.

Soon, Abaddon had a meticulous plan.

That idiot Calgar will angrily follow the clues he gave and rush to the Cadia Fortress.

When the cancerous legion suffered heavy casualties, it was time for him to take revenge.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Abaddon looked at the trident beside him.

I wasted so much effort for this thing, hoping to get the result I wanted.

Oua Star.

The base camp of the guardian of the universe.

At this moment, an unprecedented massacre is erupting here.

Bruce and Superboy Superboy with ferocious smiles on their faces are slaughtering those blue-skinned, big-headed guardians.

Guardians created the Green Lantern Corps.

But they themselves don't have much power.

The source of power of the Seven Rings Legion, the emotional spectrum also fell into the hands of Bruce.

In order to fight against the invasion of the empire, the alliance sent Bruce and Superboy to Oa Star for more help.

Egged on by Barbatos, Bruce has Superboy-Prime on his side with ease.

Know that Superboy-Prime is as powerful as Golden Superman.

Freezing the Pacific Ocean is a trivial matter.

One breath can extinguish a star.

The combat power is so strong that it explodes.

How could the Guardian of the Universe be an opponent.

Got the emotional spectrum, Bruce began to set about building his own army.

Emotional Spectrum represents the seven emotional abilities shared by all life in the universe.

is also the creation force of the multiverse.

The Green Lantern Corps can have such a powerful force because they can use the power of the ring and lantern to pry the emotional spectrum.

Barbatos taught Bruce another way to use the emotional spectrum.

That is to collect the emotions of creatures, and use despair, fear, death, etc. to create demons.

In this way, he has an immortal army.

The war between the Alliance and the Empire will be the crux of this plan.

This unprecedented war involving other parallel universes will inevitably lead to the death of a large number of lives. The despair and fear they exude before dying will be the best material for Bruce.

Before leaving for Oa, Bruce did one more thing.

That is to leak information about the existence of the Injustice Alliance to the Empire.

The reaction of the empire is also as he guessed.

The giant with white wings soon appeared near the headquarters of the Injustice League with his army.

PS: I tried my best, and I will pay back 4,000 first.

(end of this chapter)