Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Chapter 315 The God of Laughter - Selego (for subscription)

It was an incomparably magnificent building, towering into the sky, and the highest point even extended into the void.

The golden double-headed eagle that represents the empire alone is extremely majestic and huge, like a huge golden mountain.

Glittering in the sunlight and glow of Voidship engines.

In front of that tunnel, the individual appears very small.

The massive volume of the tunnel entrance cannot be measured on human scales.

If it was before, Cumbis would think that such a building can only be built by gods.

Those magnificent buildings abound, as if they were built for the mythical Titans.

Each building is so majestic, and the aircraft that can carry hundreds of people shuttles through those majestic buildings, as small as flying ants.

Each building has its own mission.

Some buildings are like spheres, exuding dazzling light, as if a newborn star with vigorous vitality is imprisoned in it.

Some buildings released brilliant radiance, and those radiances enveloped the whole world like soft tulle, setting off like a fairyland in mythology.

The most conspicuous building, the most conspicuous and impressive building, is the meditator array composed of the brain array. From the aircraft, you can see the mouths of the huge heads that have been genetically modified, opening and closing in uniform , as if doing some kind of calculation and analysis.

One component has a huge pipeline the size of an ordinary person connecting those buildings to transport energy or some special materials.

The most shocking thing among those magnificent buildings is the huge tunnel entrance.

It is constructed of countless metals with complex electromagnetic patterns, and it is extremely huge.

They form a huge portal, located in the center of countless buildings, connecting the sky and the surface, like a mythical bridge to the sky.

The entrance of the tunnel is filled with golden and blue light, giving people a very sacred feeling.

Soldiers in military uniforms and technicians in scarlet robes bustle about in hover vehicles, maintaining the massive portal.

The suspended drones and servo skulls skimmed the air, scanning the complex metal structures with sharp roars, ensuring that there would be no problems in their operation.

The aircraft is docked on a huge platform.

Cumbis was surrounded by a huge flow of people and stepped out of the aircraft.

Step by step towards the huge tunnel entrance.

He looked around in the middle of the crowd, and there were heads everywhere.

At the end of the square are several huge doors, made of black stone rock and metal.

The holographic projection floats above the door, reminding people of the ticket number in their hands, and if there is any number left, go to the door.

Crowds of people enter different portals according to the ticket numbers they get, and they are divided in turn.

The people who were sent to Modo had a complex composition and each had their own tasks.

Part of it is to be transported deep into the tunnel to speed up the progress of the tunnel project.

The other part is to go to a different universe to build the local area and prepare for the large-scale immigration and conquest of the empire.

Cumbes in the crowd squeezed to the portal he was going with all his strength, and followed other people in the same direction.

In order to fulfill his mission of supervising the operation of the empire, he will not be disturbed by any external factors.

The identity of the man in black is strictly confidential.

The information they provide will be sent to the emperor through special channels.

Except for the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor, no one is qualified to know their names and appearances.

The only thing that can be queried is their number and merit.

The intelligence system avoided the possibility of leaking the identity of the man in black through an extremely complicated procedure.

It also prevents them from enjoying too many privileges.

In more cases, they can only go through the process like ordinary people.

The tunnel is extremely large and is divided into different areas and levels.

People walk in different areas according to their ticket numbers.

The popularity of the Empire's personal terminal system has made such work easier.

Through the calculation of the brain matrix, the station manager can accurately arrange the whereabouts of each person.

A light mist that seemed to be composed of countless light spots was stirred as the crowd moved forward.

Combis followed the prompts of the terminal and walked in the corridor of his own area, and followed the signs on the wall to the train station.

The radiant mist was deposited below the knees, disturbed by his moving steps, forming small vortices one by one.

Those light and mist are colorless, tasteless, ethereal and uncertain. Walking in them, people have a feeling of walking in a fairyland.

Kimbis followed the prompts and walked all the way, and finally found the train station.

The train to be taken is crawling on the track and standing still.

That train is definitely a manifestation of the strength of the imperial industry.

The width of the car body is more than 100 meters, and the height reaches more than 30 meters.

Such giants are no longer trains, but moving metal mountains.

The appearance of standing still there is like a behemoth made of steel, full of strength and oppression.

When Cumbis stood on the platform, he looked around and found that he couldn't see the end of the train at all.

It is hard to imagine how amazing its length has reached.

Quinbys looked at the terminal, and the floor height showed 4/10, which was in the middle.

I looked up and saw that there were several floors above, all of which were full of people.

The same is true below, also full of people.

Quinbys guessed how amazing the passenger capacity of such a train was.

What is even more frightening is that such a train only occupies a part of the huge tunnel.

Other areas are reserved for those warships to pass through.

Quinbys learned the size of the tunnel entrance from the discussion of some people on the platform.

It is said that the tunnel can accommodate the passage of Imperial battleships.

One can imagine the scale of those tunnels.

Individual existence is too small in front of such a magnificent building.

After waiting for a while, the light on the platform changed from red to green.

The hydraulic device started to work, the sound of metal colliding mixed with the hissing sound of high-pressure gas being released, the sound was booming, like the panting of a giant beast.

The isolation door of the platform and the cabin door of the train are opened synchronously.

Soft white light diffused from the train, and the fog at the station was blocked by some invisible force, unable to enter the train.

"Please complete the identity verification in an orderly manner. After boarding the train, find the location according to your own number. This train goes directly to the Empire No. 01 Alien Universe Base. Passengers who are assigned to maintenance stations along the way, please pay attention to the terminal information, and go to the designated handover compartment in time. Get off the lander."

"Please complete the identity verification in an orderly manner. After boarding the train, find the location according to your own number. This train goes directly to the Alien Universe Base No. 01 of the Empire. Passengers who are assigned to maintenance stations along the way, please pay attention to the terminal information, go to the designated handover compartment in time, and take the train. Get off the lander."

The voice of the announcement sounded from inside the train.

Quimbis stood at the front, and soon it was his turn.

When the previous passenger finished the inspection and walked into the compartment, the green isolation light beam in front of Cumbis turned red.

Quinbys can feel the threat emanating from those beams.

Don't try to get past the security check and break into the car.

Those light beams are not decorations, they will really kill people.

Those beams can cut an entire human body into pieces at the molecular level in a matter of nanoseconds.

Quinbys walked to the designated place, and a golden light beam scanned his whole body.

Wait until the identity detection is completed, and the confirmation sound sounds.

The red beam turned into a harmless green.

Quinbys stepped in and looked for his location according to the bus number he got.

The seat design is quite user-friendly, which is equivalent to a private seat, dividing into small houses.

Reserved enough rest space for passengers, not only can sit, but also can be laid flat, allowing passengers to lie down and rest.

Beside the seats, there are several lockers.

It seems to be for passengers to store personal belongings. There is a cabinet that contains medicines and a few injections, as well as a few books produced by the State Church, which are very thick, and all of them are gilded letters praising the great emperor.

In addition to these, there is also a small bathroom and some necessities.

Quinbys looked around and sat in his seat.

As soon as he sat down, an information window popped up on his seat.

Holy Light, Omniscient and Almighty Emperor of the Empire, this train has been authorized and will go to the Empire No. 1 cosmic outpost station. You can take the landing plane to get on and off the station along the way. In order to ensure the safety of passengers, this announcement is made in accordance with the Imperial Special Management Act and the regulations of the Tunnel Management Department, the Ministry of Security and other departments.

When boarding the train, please strictly abide by the regulations and the administrator's orders. Deliberate sabotage is very likely to be regarded as a betrayal of the empire and humanity, and thus be sentenced to excommunication.

According to the special law of the empire, the train administrator has the right to execute, imprison, remove the brain lobe, and cleanse the memory of those who deliberately sabotage the train operation and those who violate the train regulations, including the above but not limited to the above punishments.

Relevant penalties will be recorded in the Imperial Special Act Judgment Regulations. If you have any doubts, you can apply for administrative reconsideration after getting off the bus, or submit an objection proposal to the trial court. It is not allowed to use any excuse to create riots on the train, otherwise it will be regarded as deliberately breaking the rules of train operation.

In order to ensure the operation order and protect your personal physical and mental safety, please strictly abide by the following rules.

Article 1: The train staff will wear uniforms with golden double-headed eagles, pendants with the images of the two emperors of the empire around their necks, and carry servo skulls that can sing imperial hymns.

If you find a staff member who does not meet the characteristics, you can press the button on the seat and consult the management room to see if there is such a staff member.

Article 2: The seats are equipped with a complete sanitation system, which is sufficient to support your short-term living needs. Unless you need to get off the train, do not leave your seat at will, let alone wander in the compartment, so as to avoid misunderstanding by the train administrator.

Third: Passengers who choose to get off should strictly follow the ground instructions and icons, and do not change the route at will to avoid unnecessary danger.

Article 4: Food and water will be provided by the train. You only need to order food at the order window, and staff or drones will deliver it to your food cabinet. The train only provides fully cooked food and sterilized pure water, with a certain bitterness, it is normal that it is difficult to swallow, and it is not a pleasant thing to always remember to eat. If you eat delicious food and bring food that does not meet the train standards such as maggots and crystal powder, please contact the management office as soon as possible.

Article 5: If you feel that the journey is boring and boring, you can read the sacred history of the emperor, the emperor's holy words, or sleep, and don't indulge in any behavior that can bring pleasure, such as sexual fantasies, gluttony, or immersion in games, etc. .

Article 6: If you see military personnel appearing with weapons, please don't be overly surprised, and don't ask. Please sit in your seat and keep quiet.

Article 7: Don't trust any passengers wandering in the train, and don't listen to any of their statements about the truth, the truth, etc. If you encounter such a situation, please report it to the management room as soon as possible, and you will get a certain reward.

Rule 8: Do not accept the invitation of other passengers to go to the seat of each other, and do not invite any passenger to enter your seat. If you have anything to say, you can save it until you get off the car to talk about it.

Article 9: If there are tall and thin figures, strange whispers, **** old carriages and other hallucinations that do not conform to common sense, please contact the management department in time, and they will send a doctor to diagnose you.

When necessary, they will arrange for you to get off the car for treatment.

Article 10: It is not allowed to recite any religious prayers that are not certified by the state religion, point to the omniscient and omnipotent holy emperor, and the great emperor in the carriage.

Article 11: The compartment is forged from a special alloy, without using any genetic technology, and there is no tissue such as wriggling flesh or moving organs.

Article 12: If the train stops halfway, please obey the train administrator's order. Before you get the order, please stay quietly in your seat. You are not allowed to make any anti-imperial, anti-emperor, or anti-state religion speeches, and you are not allowed to instigate others. Or team up with others to attack the train order.

Article 13: This train has comprehensive security measures. If you encounter any accidents, please believe in our professionalism and seek help from the train management personnel who meet the requirements of Article 1 in time.

Article 14: During the ride, if you find that people around you disappear for no reason, and you are alone in the dark or surrounded by strange lights, do not move around at will. If calling the staff is ineffective, you can use the medicine on the seat Fall into a deep sleep.

Article 15: Please maintain a healthy sleep. If there are bloody, cruel, and dark dreams, you can use the psychotropic drugs in the medicine cabinet. If the drugs are useless, please seek help from the train management department.

Article 16: Tunnels and trains are fully enclosed. Under normal circumstances, you cannot see the outside world. If you accidentally see strange scenery such as the starry sky and the moon with a smiling face, please notify the train management department as soon as possible and use drugs. deep sleep.

Article 120: Please always keep in mind your identity as a citizen of the human empire, and your mission and responsibilities. You can only worship, believe in, and follow the all-knowing and omnipotent Emperor of the Empire and the Great Emperor. Other existences are evil gods and heresies that represent lies and deceit.

This announcement has been reviewed by the Imperial Legal Department, the Imperial Government Affairs District, the Different Universe Development Department and other departments, and all regulations are true and effective.

Quinbys checked the passenger regulations in the information window, which revealed a lot of information.

The empire's protection of tunnels is not perfect enough to completely prevent enemy penetration.

Before the mission, Quimbis got some intelligence documents about the tunnel.

The evil gods born from the biological emotions of the real universe have been bewitching the citizens of the empire in the tunnels, trying to get those weak-minded into their arms.

The construction materials of the tunnel are very special, which can effectively weaken the enemy, but it cannot completely isolate the influence of the subspace.

According to the information obtained by Cumbis, when the train is running, passengers often have mental breakdowns and are dominated by those strange things.

Several sites have also been closed due to those who were dominated.

Cumbis reached out to close the information window, lay down on the chair seat, and thought about his next task.

The Men in Black organization is affiliated with the divine light, the all-knowing and omnipotent savior of mankind, the great emperor of the empire.

As an intelligence organization dedicated to the emperor, it stands to reason that the men in black should have great power.

However, the facts are quite the opposite. The men in black do not exist for the huge administrative system of the empire.

There is no official file and naturally no power.

They will not interfere with the administrative management and military affairs of any place. They will only hide in the crowd as ordinary people, collect local intelligence, and submit it to the few big figures in the empire.

Individuals who are selected to join the men in black must abandon the pursuit of personal desires.

Every man in black will receive a double stencil on his mind and soul.

The process of becoming a man in black is irreversible.

Even if it is polluted by chaos, it will remain absolutely loyal to the emperor and mankind.

They will also implant the Imperial Heart, but it is different from the combat version used by the Imperial Army.

The Heart of Empire implanted by the Men in Black is more focused on espionage capabilities such as camouflage, shapeshifting, infiltration, and stealing intelligence.

Quinbys' mission this time is to go to the No. 02 universe that the empire is developing, lurking in it, and looking for those potential human traitors.

Gathering intelligence on their attempted subversive campaign against the Empire, and shadowing those officials to make sure they didn't misinterpret the words of the Imperial Emperor.

Combies will not forget how he became the man in black.

The strength of the empire has inspired countless people, but there are huge hidden dangers in it.

In places where the emperor of the empire does not notice, there will always be darkness.

The damage caused by the reckless actions of small officials in power is comparable to those crazy human traitors.

The Escher family is a prime example.

The status of members of a family is not high, they are just law enforcement officers at the bottom of Terra Hive.

They are able to form a huge power network through the connection of interest networks, making the areas where their influence radiates oppressive and terrifying.

With the help of the tough laws of the empire, they can easily ruin the future of a rebel.

Those who have been wronged have nothing but despair in the face of those guys.

Those low-level law enforcement officials are not difficult to deal with.

But they symbolize the empire, and dealing with them is equivalent to fighting the empire.

Faced with such a situation, no matter how clever the ruler is, he will feel helpless.

Human's inferiority has accumulated through a complex and sound system, turning into a darkness that ordinary people cannot afford.

This official did some trivial evil.

If that official turns a blind eye for a moment, it will lead to corruption and ineradicable darkness in the imperial bureaucracy.

Countless low-level people will suffer for this.

The Man in Black was established under such circumstances.

They are to be the eyes of the Emperor, observing the impact of every act, policy and regulation promulgated by Terra on society.

Be the ear of the emperor, listen to the complaints, dissatisfaction and complaints of every citizen, and ensure that the emperor's information is comprehensive and will not be deceived by his subjects

Universe 02 is far from the eyes of the Emperor.

If someone tries to use Universe 02 to organize forces against the Empire, it will be a very dangerous thing.

Even if there is no resistance, the behavior of local officials who misinterpret the imperial emperor's orders out of self-interest will also lead to a decrease in the local citizens' sense of identity with the empire and hinder the great cause of the imperial emperor.

Quinbys's journey was fairly smooth.

Of course, that didn't mean there was no danger. On the way, he saw heavily armed military personnel running back and forth several times, and even saw the emblem of the judge.

Obviously someone was contaminated during the trip, and the train management staff dealt with it.

After arriving at the outpost of universe No. 01, Cumbis used his pre-disguised identity to mix into the material team going to universe No. 02.

That part of the journey was more dangerous.

The road protection across different universes is not perfect.

Some people in the material team were polluted by chaos, resulting in terrible mutations, and were executed by the accompanying judge or priest.

After going through a tortuous journey, Quimbys was able to enter universe 02 to carry out his latent work.

As soon as he arrived, he got a piece of breaking news.

A team said to be composed of the top powerhouses in the parallel universe is heading towards his planet, preparing to launch a counterattack against the empire's colonial team and take back their world.

Those guys call themselves the Injustice League.


Dorne, who captured the City of Miracles, has made preparations and is ready to launch the crucial battle of the Webway.

Capture the part of the webway from the Miracle City to Terra, so that Terra will no longer be threatened with destruction.

After several military maneuvers, it was finally decided to launch an offensive from Terra and the City of Miracles, annihilate all enemies in one fell swoop, and regain control of the Webway.

Valanor was ordered to take the Sisters of Silence, the Imperial Army, the Gray Knights and other troops from the underground passage to the throne room where the seal is located.

Guilliman also left his Mechanical Throne and sat in charge himself.

Prepare to draw an end to the webway issues left over from ten thousand years ago.

The imperial guards in golden armor held their halberds and walked into the throne room in array.

Valano didn't know how the war ten thousand years ago started.

How those ancestors who were willing to die bravely rushed into the webway under the leadership of the emperor, to win that slim chance for mankind.

The Gray Knight and the Sister of Silence remained silent, using the eyepiece device of their helmets to observe the throne room they had never entered.

Those roaring machines are still running.

The technicians in charge of maintenance are still working hard to maintain those devices to ensure that they can run smoothly.

Different from the past, the sarcophagus used to absorb the soul and power of psykers has been empty for a long time.

The current seals are all about extracting the power of the traitor Magnus.

Behind the sound-blocking barrier, the twisted face and silent screams of the other party all proved how cruel the golden throne is.

No one will sympathize with Magnus.

He is only paying the tip of the iceberg of endless sins.

The webway gate occupies the entire wall behind the golden throne, like half-closed gray eyes, continuously exhaling white mist,

It no longer displays the complex, bizarre vision of the non-physical universe, nor does it change to the original color of the sandstone walls.

The Golden Throne can only suppress it and let it exist in a state of low-power operation, but it cannot completely shut it down.

Guilliman stood in front of the team, glanced at Magnus on the golden throne, and then looked at the suppressed webway entrance.

He calculated Dorne's speed.

Make sure you open the webway entrance at an appropriate time.

The Nether Dragon, which was cast like silver, turned into a miniature shape and coiled around his shoulders.

When the bell rang twice in a row, Guilliman raised the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and golden and blue intertwined flames emerged from the blade.

"Those demons once drank the blood and flesh of those martyrs. They arrogantly smashed the heart of human beings longing for salvation, trying to treat us as playthings, as sad pawns. Today we will tell them that human beings will never succumb to their desires. For all our suffering, all our failures, we shall return with vengeance."

Guilliman glanced at everyone, his eyes were calm, but exuded an almost suffocating majesty.

"Today, we will take back everything we lost, and we will bring despair to those who claim to be immortal, telling them that human beings will not surrender, nor will they forget the hatred of the past."

The third bell rang.

This is an agreed voice.

Guilliman swung down the long sword in his hand, and his whole body was glowing with light.

Countless machines roared, and alarms blared.

The Golden Throne, which has been sealing the dimension gate, burst out with a sharp and ear-piercing howl.

White mist turned into golden light, rushing from the webway gate to the throne room, like a flood breaking a bank.

Those twisted creatures that should only exist in nightmares manifest in light, sweeping toward reality.

"Today, mankind will take back everything." With a deafening roar, Guilliman slashed into the air.

A violent flame flew out of the blade, turning all the monsters that emerged into ashes.




Countless angry voices shook the throne room.

"For mankind, for the great emperor of the empire." A knight controls the mech, activates the thick power spear, and rushes towards the endless tide of magic.

Valano charged with the imperial army and the nun of silence, just like ten thousand years ago.

"Take everything back." The returning Gray Knight Supreme Mentor-Diego also roared, his whole body was glowing, and he rushed towards the monster like a wild beast.

The soldiers roared, venting their long-storage anger.

Mankind has waited so long for this day and paid such an unbearable price.

Countless men and women turned to ashes to fill every gap in the gears of time.

The great emperor chose to leave in order to prevent mankind from going towards the final doomsday.

The empire is lingering under the threat of traitors and aliens.

The soldiers fought in despair and fear, just for this race that came out of the earth to survive in the cruel universe.

Countless lives were exchanged for the continuation of the empire day after day.

So cold, so cruel.

Today, they will settle the hatred left in the past.

To recapture what humanity lost in the past.

The sword points at the gods and burns all demons.

Countless warriors rushed from both sides of their emperor, facing the malicious filth with swords in their hands.

Halberds are swung, spears are stabbed, heavy axes are chopped, explosive bombs are roaring, beams of light are piercing the air, and the lifeless are exiled and harvested one after another.

The blade tore apart the ugly flesh, and the corrosive blood dripped like rain in the air.

The slain monsters turned into ashes, floating in the air.

The whirling air of flying ash, set off a little bit of cold light and roar from the heart, witnessing the fierce counterattack of human beings after thousands of years of grief.

They conveyed an immortal faith to the gods.

Mankind will eventually return, and mankind will eventually have revenge.

Those dark, hopeless days are over.

Mankind has shed too much blood and tears, and accumulated too much anger and unwillingness.

At this moment, they were all released.

The great Emperor of the Empire will forge a brighter future than ever before.

Countless warriors shouted the name of the emperor and rushed into the demonic tide as if they were dying.

The howls of the demons before their annihilation were so pale and powerless before their battle cries.

No monster can escape the sweep of the imperial army.

Guilliman didn't make another move after he slashed the first sword. He stepped through the ash-piled webway, walking among his warriors.

Its existence alone has given countless people the belief that they must win, filling them with endless courage and hope.

Those demons were driven by the master behind the scenes, screaming frantically in countless languages that have been submerged in the long river of history, rushed towards the legion of the empire, and then smashed themselves into pieces.

After entering the webway, the ancient traces left over thousands of years ago greeted the eyes.

Circuits of Martian metal combined with bone material of alien races and carefully cultivated psionic plastic.

Such a structure is extremely crude and crude, forming an ugly combination.

In the time of ten thousand years, this section of the road has been dilapidated, and decay can be seen everywhere.

Everything the Emperor did was too hasty.

He knows how sharp the conflict between himself and the gods is.

He wants to solve some problems before all conflicts erupt.

It's a pity that he is not a real god, and he doesn't really understand the technology of the Old Ones.

Building is always more difficult than destroying.

Whether in terms of material payment or technical requirements.

The empire's army is advancing, repairing the gap in the webway.

The special metal liquid material can solidify in just a few seconds, repairing complex dimensional walls.

Of course, the materials of the Empire are very different from those used by the Old Ones, the Eldar, and even the Emperor.

The former is stronger and more durable than the latter three, and has the function of self-healing.

In the webway, there are traces of before the Ten Thousand Years War.

There are dilapidated bones and scattered mechanical parts everywhere.

Even with such a long time interval, people can still feel the tragedy of the past.

Countless heroes fell here.

He gave his life for the great cause of mankind.

In some places, the defense line reached tens of thousands of people, and the corpses were piled up in layers.

There are Skitarii, Titan Legion, Knights, Martian Guards, Sisters of Silence, and Custodians.

Most of them have turned into dry bones, rotting inside the decayed armor.

There are also some corpses that seem to have just died. It seems that there is a special magic in the webway that keeps them in the state of death.

Thousand-year-old vehicles were scattered on the battlefield, and Guilliman could recognize their models at a glance from their decayed steel bodies.

Antigravity Rhino, Land Raider, Chimera, and more.

Guilliman thought for a moment, then issued a new order to the army that came in behind, to collect the bones of the dead and bring them back to Terra.

Those who died gave their lives to protect the future of mankind.

Forgetting their achievements is undoubtedly a kind of betrayal.

If the faithful are not sung, people despair of selfish preservation.

Dorne's army is also marching in the direction where Guilliman is.

The two armies smashed the demon in the middle like hammer and anvil.

Wait until the last big demon is brandished by the soldiers of the empire and hacked to death with knives, the victory will belong to humans.

Dawn walked up to Guilliman, and he knelt down on one knee.

The other warriors, the Titans also knelt down on one knee.

"Holy light, the all-knowing and almighty Emperor of the Empire, Rogge Dorn has fulfilled your entrustment, and the webway from the City of Miracles to Terra has all been recovered."

Guilliman smiled, and he helped Dawn up.

"You are not like a general who announces the good news, but more like a hooligan who intentionally ransacked his own brother. You have made unprecedented achievements, Dorne, you let mankind get rid of the long-standing cancer, and you also made your father's wish come true. You Your achievements are destined to be recorded in the history books, so please do not use such etiquette. You are still my brother, not a subject."

Dawn revealed a bit of cunning and said: "I am Roboute Guilliman's stubborn brother, the lord of mankind, and the most loyal general of the Emperor of the Empire."

"Then I will talk to you in the name of Roboute Guilliman, Dorne. Forget about my identity as the Emperor of the Empire and the Lord of Humanity." Guilliman patted Dorne on the shoulder, "We have obtained I won the victory of the Webway, but this is not the end, I still have a task for you."

"What task?" Dorn asked.

"The fall of the world of Cadia created a big rift. The engineers of the empire tried their best to completely repair the wounds of this real universe. Countless demons and traitors always came when the imperial army was slack, causing a lot of property losses. After After discussion, I decided to use troops against the Eye of Terror and destroy the nest of those traitors."

Guilliman paused before speaking again.

"The most difficult part of the Webway has passed. If you are put here again, I am afraid that your talent will be buried, Dorne. For this reason, I decided to let you recover the world of Cadia Fortress. After recovery, the galaxy Supplies from all over will be sent there in preparation for the Empire's Eye of Terror expedition."

"This task is very difficult. The Eye of Terror belongs to the territory of traitors and demons. They occupy the initiative there. Entering the time and space of the Eye of Terror is easier than entering and exiting the webway. It can appear without any rituals."

"This kind of task is just right for me." Donne said with a smile: "Let me share my worries for the holy, bright, omniscient and omnipotent emperor of the empire."

Guilliman also smiled, shook his head, and ignored the lengthy title in Donne's mouth.

"I look forward to your good news, Dorne. The recovery of Cadia is definitely unimaginable good news for the people of the empire, and they will be crazy about it."

"I'll bring them the good news." Dorn said.

The work of clearing the webway is not that simple, and there is no way to complete it in such a short period of time.

Dorne has just opened up the situation and recovered the section of the webway from the City of Miracles to Terra.

The rest of the work only needs to be pushed all the way with firepower and industrial capabilities.

For the original body, it can be said that there is no difficulty.

For Guilliman's new mission, Donne naturally readily accepted it.

The Cadia Fortress world has become a Demon Fortress world.

Dorn will prove that not only can he build forts, but he can also demolish forts.

The end of the webway war has come to an end.

The mission of the Golden Throne is also over.

Guilliman, who returned from the webway, had Magnus, who was like a dead dog, pulled down from his throne.

At this moment, Magnus's body has been scorched black, but the vitality in it is still surging.

Obviously, it can burn for a long time.

Guilliman kicked Magnus, who was like a dead dog, and had him stuffed into a prison cage.

"Let the engineering department speed up the construction of the imperial torch, these **** traitors should do something for the empire to make up for their mistakes."

Guilliman has not forgotten his project to increase Terra's income.

The property losses caused by these **** traitors are incalculable, and they still have to eat and drink when they are caught? How can there be such a good thing, don't pull it out to make some contribution to Terra's GDP.

After talking about this, Guilliman just wanted to say something more.

A big clown wearing a mask, still much taller than other Eldar, walked out of the webway surrounded by many Eldar.

Their status as allies allows them to travel through the heavily guarded webway to the throne room.

Guilliman saw Evran, the leader of the Death Army who had met him once, Eldrar, the Elder Prophet, and Nax, the Elder Prophet who had assisted him. The phoenix lord, Thousand Sons and many other senior leaders of the spirit clan.

They surrounded the masked buffoon and walked in front of Guilliman.

Guilliman was also watching them, and his main gaze was on the buffoon who was taller than the other Eldar.

He felt the surging power far surpassing other Eldar from the armored body of the opponent, as if a star was trapped in his heart.

The Nether Dragon wrapped around Guilliman's shoulders also spread its wings, making a threatening gesture.

Obviously, the visitor was an existence he was familiar with.

"Holy light, the all-knowing and omnipotent emperor of the empire, the great lord of mankind, the savior of the galaxy, please forgive me for coming before you without your permission, I am your humble follower, a person abandoned by the times Old Ghost, a coward who has survived cowardly, you may call me Selego."

The gigantic buffoon performed a salute respectfully, saluting Guilliman like a courtier.

"A god? It's amazing to show such respect to the emperor of the mortal world." Guilliman looked at Selego. If I remember correctly, the other party should be the only remaining Eldar who can still move freely. God, God of Laughter - Selego.

(end of this chapter)