Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 304 Please be gentle and ravage me (please subscribe)

Cherubel didn't know how long he had been adrift.

There is no concept of time in the subspace.

The highest heaven is always a chaotic existence.

Anyone trying to find rules in it is out of their minds.

When Cherubel re-entered the real world, he had already come to a completely different universe.

A universe very different from the ones he had been exposed to.

What is suspended in the vast starry sky are no longer elliptical celestial bodies, but continents.

There are four elephants under the continent, and the elephants are standing on top of a majestic giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise and the giant elephant and the mainland travel in the starry sky, just like the movement of celestial bodies.

The stars are the radiance of those worlds that also move.

The sun and moon hang in the sky over the continent.

Rises from the east, circles around, and falls from the west.

Get through the gap between the elephants and go back east again.

Such a world is definitely an existence that subverts the three views for the scholars of the human empire.

However, in the vast etheric ocean, what kind of universe is born is unknown.

Vast and diverse, endless, beyond the end of imagination.

Every world has the same structure, carried by giant tortoises.

Each of them is far away from each other, but they have a tacit understanding and are moving in the same direction.

It's like a school of fish going back to the place of birth, grouping in groups and heading towards the destination.

There are also some small planets in the starry sky.

They are suspended in the void, shrouded by their own sun and moon.

But these planets are different from planets in other universes.

Those planets are all icy celestial bodies, and the planets in this universe are the eggs of giant tortoises.

The young turtle was conceived inside, and the surging magma was like the yolk of an egg, gestating the consciousness of the giant tortoise.

There will be no step of breaking out of the shell.

The planet will slowly grow a turtle's head and limbs.

There is also a giant elephant and the world on the back of a turtle.

Such evolution is the rule of this world.

This is a mysterious world.

The energy of the warp surges in the void, and the giant turtles feed on it.

Dead giant turtles will slowly rot and return to the void.

The laws of the universe restrict Cherubel from entering the real universe at will.

Every universe has such a limit.

A universe without limits will soon be destroyed in a demonic spree.

Cosmos that can survive tend to repel demons, prevent them from acting recklessly, and protect those fragile lives to thrive.

As the devil prince, Cherubel has his own way to get in.

He created a weak clone, threw it into it, and chose a world to parasitize.

secretly observing every move of those beings.

This is the world of sword and magic.

The gods establish their own temples and domains, and rule the secular kingdom.

Those pretentious adventurers wandered around, fighting monsters, maintaining the glory of the gods and the peace of the world.

Theocracy and magic are the mainstream of this world, with technologies such as steam machinery as auxiliary.

Such a world is simply a paradise for Cherubel.

Relying on his rich knowledge of subspace and his identity as a devil prince, he will definitely be able to get along well.

As for those indigenous gods, they don't have much knowledge at first glance, and at most they can deceive those ignorant mortal creatures.

For a demon prince like him who has experienced the eternal battlefield, the battle of the gods, and can wander across the universe, playing with those indigenous gods is as simple as eating and drinking.

It was the duel between the old man from the city and the local rich man. Sure enough, fate did not abandon him and let him come to such a world.

Accumulate strength and make a comeback, just around the corner.

"I want to start all over again here, and one day, I will wash away all the shame." Cherubel recalled the history of his own humiliation, the endless years after becoming the devil prince, the humiliation he suffered was not in the slavery of Guilliman That period of time is long.

That mean and shameless guy, actually did those things to himself.

It's not even allowed to laugh wildly. If there's nothing to do, he gestures with the Emperor's Sword in front of him, forcing him to do things against his will.

I must rise up, and one day the king will return, kick the four gods, punch Guilliman, push the heavens across the sky, and be proud of the world.

The mere human empire is not enough, even if Cherubel is humiliated for a while, he will definitely pay back a hundred times in the future.

Even if he has nothing now, he is still invincible to those ignorant natives.

Give him some time, the heavens and worlds will be turned upside down, blood will flow like a river.

War is an eternal and heavy topic.

When a war breaks out on a group of extraordinary people, it is even more a terrible disaster for ordinary people.

The United Nations Building World War I established the **** of the human empire over the world.

In order to enhance public safety, Sanguinius promulgates extraordinary control regulations. All superheroes must be controlled, and any individual with superpowers must immediately report to the authorities for review and control.

"This is a violation of our human rights, this is an unimaginable humiliation, boycott them."

"Why should superpowers be treated like this, where is freedom and equality?"

"Resist imperial tyranny."

"No acceptance, no compromise."

There are a lot of superpowers, plus some of their fans, it also forms a wave.

Combined with the incitement of some media to encourage those ignorant people with incomplete information and careerists who want to muddy the water and want to catch fish, the momentum is quite bluffing for a while.

There were demonstrations everywhere, criticizing the policies implemented by the empire.

Never underestimate human nature.

Especially those careerists who yearn for the top position and power.

No problem, they will create problems and then solve them as their own merit.

Superpowers also continue to attack company employees everywhere.

Require the empire to immediately abandon the implementation of the Extraordinary Control Act, and do not allow superpowers to be targeted.

However, their resistance was not compromised by the authorities.

Such methods have been tried and tested before.

An army composed of ordinary people is difficult to deal with superpowers. Once superpowers riot, the social security problems will be extremely serious.

Countries can only compromise, as long as the other party is not making a lot of trouble, they will let them go.

The problem is that this time they are no longer facing the cowardly local regimes of the past, but a huge and cruel empire.

When those huge original cast warriors appeared everywhere, the superpowers realized how stupid their resistance was.

The execution order was issued directly from the court, and anyone who had clear evidence of participating in the riots or was unwilling to register with the authorities and tried to conceal his superpowers would be executed according to law.

Such a cruel act made the superpowers afraid of it, and their hatred of the empire became more and more serious.

However, ordinary people are quite the opposite.

The support rate of the empire has been rising all the way, and countless people applaud the control regulations.

Superpower crimes have always been an important problem in society.

Many superpowers kill people too easily.

The victim didn't know who did it until he died.

Fights between superpowers will also affect ordinary people, resulting in casualties and major property losses.

However, the laws governing ordinary people are extremely powerless in the face of superpowers.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person to survive in this world.

To have a decent life, you need to be burdened with loans.

A car, a house, will make them bear decades of loans, overdraft their lives, let them endure the abuse of the boss, just for that meager salary.

Their lives are carried forward under the malice of society, and they cannot stand any setbacks.

A confrontation between those criminals and heroes may lead them to the abyss of despair.

Don't think that only death can make people despair.

When a middle-aged man looks at his destroyed house, destroyed car, and the reminder message from the bank.

He has nothing, but he still bears a heavy loan for the rest of his life, and he is doomed to be unable to turn over.

Whether he is dead or not, what is the difference? ?

Heroes spoke freely in front of the camera, bragging about acts of justice.

Criminals only need to spend a not-so-pleasant time in prison before they can come out again.

Only those dutiful, honest and dull good people looked at the houses they couldn't afford to repair, the cars that couldn't get insurance compensation, and the bank's ruthless threats to ask him to pay back the money, otherwise he would be put on the blacklist.

His life has been ruined.

Life is meaningless.

No house, no car, no future, only loans.

Banks and insurance have cleaned themselves up through a sound legal system and laundered themselves through public opinion.

Starting a company is to make money, how can you do things that lose money.

This is how the world works.

You deserve it for your bad luck.

Superheroes are fighting crime. They have captured criminals. Do you want them to compensate you for your losses? ?

Criminals have already gone to prison and received the punishment they deserved. Do you still want them to sell their organs to compensate for their losses? Where have moral human rights gone?

Let the government pay taxpayers money? ?

Let the whole people pay for a group of hot-headed superpowers who are unwilling to abide by the rules of modern society and are outside the law? ?

The end result is that the victim swallows the loss by himself, sacrificing his own interests for the sake of social stability.

Society has its own rules of operation. The duty of the police is not only to protect the safety of citizens, but also to protect the safety of citizens' property.

Compensation should be made for the loss of citizens' property caused by the police chasing criminals, which is the basis for the operation of social rules.

All citizens endow the government with this power, and the government has this power.

The government must consider the interests of all citizens and evaluate the right or wrong of something based on the values of all citizens.

Only in this way can they legally enjoy the power to fight crime and the power to deploy social resources.

It is common sense in modern society that power should be given by citizens.

Superheroes never accept citizen scrutiny, and never seek citizen approval.

They use their own values to judge the right and wrong of a thing, not the values of all citizens.

Since this is the case, why should the whole people pay for the losses caused by superheroes? ?

Citizens have no binding force on superheroes, nor can they use their own will to make the other party lose the position of superhero, let alone make the other party pay for some wrong things.

There are very few cases of superheroes serving in official law enforcement agencies, and there are almost no overall promotions for society.

In addition to stopping street crime and enjoying people's cheap cheer.

Superheroes rarely step into areas of real value.

Promote legal improvement?

Call for the boundary between individual rights and public power?

Promote technological development?

Committed to eliminating the gap between rich and poor?

Assisting innocent individuals against abused power? ?

Lex, who hates superheroes, is not alone.

Many independent-minded people often think about the social problems and social assistance they bring after seeing the brilliance of superheroes.

The operation of society is very complicated, and justice has never had a reasonable standard.

If a criminal is persecuted by society to the point of losing hope for the future, is this society really qualified to judge him? ?

A man spent all his parents' savings and was burdened with half his life's loans to buy a house that would never be delivered. His beloved girlfriend broke up with him because of this.

Parents died in a hurry, leaving behind a man who has been burdened with loans for half his life, and thus committed crimes and developed an anti-social personality.

Is it really justice for superheroes to catch such criminals in prison and frighten others who are also desperate? ?

Crime is never the cause of chaos in a city, but only when a city is in chaos.

When the so-called law cannot protect the hard work of a good person, then it is waste paper for the toilet.

When the property of an honest person can be taken away by "legal" means without paying any price, can such a legal standard be called justice? ?

Does it make sense to use superpowers to stop crime? ?

When a city is full of shootings, robberies, thieves, etc., does it need superheroes in tights? ?

The correct answer is no.

What this city needs more is a sound and perfect social system capable of maintaining social operation.

Preventing this society from being persecuted by people with superpowers, eliminating the unequal status between ordinary people and people with superpowers, and allowing ordinary people to have the right to hold accountable people with superpowers is exactly the citizen equality pursued by the control bill.

Superheroes either leave this planet and stay away from this society forever.

Or he can only accept such rules, transfer his power for the sake of all citizens, and accept supervision.

If a person breaks away from the system of human society, then he cannot stay in human society.

The same is true for people with superpowers. They enjoy the benefits brought by the modern society formed by the cooperation of all people, but they are unwilling to abide by the rules of the whole society.

The empire will not compromise with them.

The Control Act requires superpowers to be controlled by the authorities.

The same laws that apply to ordinary people apply to them.

It's not their fault they have superpowers.

But when their superpowers harm other people's interests, it is at fault.

The empire quickly suppressed the resistance of the superpowers. Facing the toughness of the empire, those superpowers could only accept the control bill.

At this point, there is no longer any soil for the existence of the deformed superhero.

Some of the superpowers who are really eager to contribute to human society chose the police academy and became policemen after passing the examination.

Some were also recruited by the empire for the upcoming war of conquest.

The empire is determined to win the solar system.

The development of civilization requires a lot of resources, and the empire's ability to send people over is already the limit.

Sanguinius must obtain resources in this universe to promote development.

After discussion, this universe was named universe 02, which is different from universe 01, which has been corrupted by the gods and has only a small piece of the universe.

As an environment similar to that of the original universe, the empire attaches great importance to universe 02.

If it can seize enough territory, it may become a good retreat for the human empire.

It is not easy to achieve such a thing.

In addition to those who are willing to accept the Extraordinary Control Act, there are also a group of people with superpowers who choose to fight to the end.

Using the name of the Justice League, they continue to launch attacks on the empire, trying to subvert the rule of the empire.

Sanguinius also fought back against these actions, continuing to kill the Justice League.

In the newly built headquarters of the Imperial Base.

Relevant personnel report recent incidents of conflict to Sanguinius.

"A group called the Teen Titans creates a string of incidents in Metropolis, attacking Imperial militants and spreading anti-Empire graffiti."

"According to the relevant intelligence organization, we already know part of the composition of this organization. Among them, Beast Boy, Raven, Super Boy, Wonder Girl, Red Robin and others are the leaders of this organization."

The special operations team launched a counterattack, killing Beast Boy, Raven, Red Robin and Wonder Girl. Super Junior is now at large.

"The All-Star Squadron organization was destroyed, the Rebel Alliance, etc., dozens of small superhero organizations were banned according to law, and all relevant personnel are at large."

Sanguinius listened to related reports.

There are a lot of superheroes in this world. A country can find hundreds of superhero organizations, and those small-scale teams are even more numerous.

There are also some superheroes packaged by entertainment companies to attract money.

Superhero culture once prevailed, and everyone's goal was to become a superhero, to enjoy the luxury of life, and to be happy with love and hatred.

Stronger heroes, such as Green Arrow and Batman, use the entire city as their territory.

Those weak and small groups use a block, a street, to divide their territory as their main active area.

The concept of territory between different superheroes is still very serious.

Batman once publicly asked other superheroes not to get involved in Gotham City.

"It's so chaotic." Sanguinius also had to admire this world.

It really echoes an old saying, the little demon in the temple is strong, and the water is shallow.

"Perhaps we should look for the reason behind it. Many abilities of these superheroes are obtained by accident. If we cut off their source of power, we may be able to effectively attack these so-called superheroes." Titus stood aside and said. : "The power of many superheroes comes from ancient technology and the blessings of the so-called gods. Perhaps, our main target should not be placed on those superheroes."

"Instead of cleaning up the gods who are crouching on humans and sucking blood, and then controlling the related technology, in that case, the number of superpowers will be greatly reduced."

Sanguinius nodded, "That's true. Those so-called gods are weak, but they are deeply rooted in this planet, affecting the fate of this planet. It is indeed time to destroy them."

"I suggest to attack the so-called Olympus gods first. I have checked a lot of information about superheroes, and many of them have been blessed by the Olympus gods. As long as they are removed, they can effectively weaken those superheroes. The power of superheroes." Titus handed over the data board to Sanguinius, which recorded the introduction and countermeasures of superheroes in this world.

After the establishment of Luobaote Company, Titus and others have not stopped, while developing their power, while collecting information on superheroes.

Especially after realizing the threat of the Justice League, Roboute made an emergency response bill for every superhero discovered.

Individuals born with special abilities are a minority after all, and more are created by so-called magic and divine power.

Resolving those indigenous gods can at least solve most of the crises.

"I will leave this matter to you, Titus." Sanguinius nodded, "The Olympian gods you mentioned are indeed a great threat, and gods should not have any presence in the territory controlled by the human empire. Shelter."

"Let all the so-called gods disappear in the human world, this is no longer their era."

The Justice League's entrance is moved to Mars.

Mars is the home of the Martian Manhunter.

A scientist uses ancient technology to create a teleporter in an attempt to travel to Mars, but something goes wrong.

The teleporter rolled the Martian Manhunter to Earth.

Martian Manhunter became famous very early. His body is a weird green humanoid creature with sharp claws and an exoskeleton.

Because there is no way to return to Mars, he became a superhero on Earth.

Unfortunately, the Martian Manhunter was also killed in the battle at the United Nations Building.

The current Justice League can be said to have ushered in the most difficult time in history.

The power of the empire has given many superheroes a deep sense of powerlessness.

Aquaman and Superman were captured, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter were killed in battle, Wonder Woman was severely injured, and high-level combat forces suffered heavy casualties.

The entrance to the headquarters of the Justice League was forced to relocate overnight to the base left by the Martian Manhunters on Mars to avoid being attacked by the Empire.

Hall of Justice.

Shazam looked ugly, and it took a long time for his arm to recover.

He is also known as Captain Fantastic and has the power of magic.

Shazam is an inherited title. The name Shazam existed three thousand years ago.

A wizard named Shazam signed an agreement with the gods and obtained the blessings of the gods.

In modern times, this power has been passed on to Billy, and he has also been named Shazam.

As long as he shouts out the word Shazam, he can gain the knowledge bestowed by Solomon, the strength comparable to Superman bestowed by Hercules Hercules, the divine power bestowed by Zeus, the king of Olympian gods, and the **** of commerce. The extreme speed bestowed by Mercury and so on.

With such power, Shazam defeated many powerful enemies.

This time, he almost fell.

Who would have thought that the empire would possess a wizard whose magic power was no less powerful than his.

The opponent held in his left hand a giant gun that could be used as a small-caliber cannon, and a scepter that shone with electric arcs.

While chanting ancient mantras, he ran and shot, and waved a scepter.

It's been a long time since I've seen you.

If it wasn't for running fast, I guess I would have died there with those unlucky Martian Manhunters.

This battle is impossible to fight.

Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are more seriously injured. One has been sent back to Paradise Island, and the other is still unconscious.

Green Lantern's light ring has a problem, and the power in it is unstable and intermittent.

This also caused Green Lantern to lose his near-omnipotent abilities, making it difficult to recover from that mortal wound.

The entire Justice League can be said to have been completely defeated.

"Where's Batman?" Shazam asked a companion passing by, who shook his head, "I haven't seen him for several days, and he seems to be busy with other things."

"Now, the only person who can support the overall situation is him." Shazam shook his head, "I hope he can find a way to fight against the empire as soon as possible, otherwise we will really be finished."

A secret room in the Justice League headquarters.

"I'm sorry." Bruce said to his fellow superhero-Agni.

Agni was originally an online model, but was accidentally infected by the organic energy source of flame, and gained the ability to control green flames.

She is not considered a well-known figure in the Justice League, and her strength is considered average.

"Why do you say that?" Agni asked puzzledly, looking at Bruce in full armor.

"In order to win, we have to pay some price." There was grief in Bruce's tone.

Agni had confusion on his face, "I don't understand what you mean? What price do we have to pay??"

"Such a price." Bruce grabbed Agni by the throat, "I need stronger strength to fight against that imperial man with wings."

Agni was a little caught off guard by Bruce's attack, his eyes widened.

Green flames gushed out from her body, burning like a torch.

A weird scene happened, all the flames of the fire were absorbed by Bruce.

"Don't." Agni begged, "Don't do this, Bruce. Don't kill me."

"I'm sorry, but I need more power."

There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and Agni's head limply fell to the side.

She died.

Died at the hands of idols who have always worshiped.

Green flames emerged from Agni's body, and were absorbed by Bruce.

Until a moment later, the raging fire with a beautiful figure and face turned into a scorched black mummy, which turned into ashes with embers in Bruce's hands, floating in the air.

Bruce had the urge to laugh wildly as he watched the tragic fire, and something in his heart was completely broken, like a flood that was out of control.

In the pain, there is a trace of excitement for the killing to be satisfied, and there is a small hole in the soul, which needs more excitement and joy to fill.

"you succeeded."

A voice echoed in Bruce's mind, "As long as you keep collecting their abilities, you will be powerful enough to fight against any enemy. At that time, even Superman, you can defeat him with just a wave of your hand. Expulsion Enemy, defending justice will become infinitely easier."

"This world should obey you, Bruce, you are the spokesperson of justice, look at those fallen guys, it is their incompetence that allows the dictatorship of the empire to come to this world, only you can save this world, you have to Make a sacrifice, Bruce."

"I'm killing people, is this the sacrifice you're asking for?" Bruce said.

"Necessary death is necessary, what does it matter if a few people are sacrificed to save the world?? A small loss is acceptable for a just cause, Bruce, you must always remember this, this It is a necessary move. And those people did not die, but lived in this world in another way, as long as you want, you can summon them again."

Bruce closed her eyes, clenched her fists tightly, and the dead fire that turned into ashes reappeared, but her eyes were numb, like a puppet whose soul had been taken away.

"Yes, this is a necessary move, everything is to defeat the empire and avenge those dead."

"You have to collect more power, Bruce, time is running out, the empire will definitely speed up, once they take the initiative, the situation will become worse. Choose those powerful guys to take action, the only way, you In order to get enough power. Also, find a way to capture the ring of Green Lantern-Hal, I have a special method that allows you to use the power in it."

"Can you really help me defeat the Empire?" Bruce asked, "I feel like I'm changing. I don't know why. I always want to laugh out loud and laugh like a clown."

"I can help you gain supreme power, Bruce, as long as you listen to me, I can guarantee that any army is vulnerable to you."

"Remember Bruce, you are the best, your thoughts are beyond the ordinary, you were born in the darkness, and you will melt into the darkness, only you can save this world."

Bruce reopened his eyes, and green flames flashed in his pupils.

He strengthened his belief.

This is a war.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

Bruce waved the fire away and walked out of the room.

The headquarters of the Justice League is very large, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many heroes with superpowers.

The disappearance of Agni is not worth mentioning, and no one will care about a hero who has little reputation.

Especially now when the Justice League is frustrated, people will only think that the fire can't hold on and choose to quit.

Who would have doubted that Batman would kill a companion? ?

Bruce returned to the Hall of Justice, only to find that there were loud noises coming from the hall that should have been filled with pain and pessimism.

Go in and see a blue figure standing in the hall.

It was the arrival of the other party that made the Justice League, which had lost hope, see new hope.

It is the strongest man on earth, Dr. Manhattan who is unknown to the world.

Even Superman would be easily defeated in front of Dr. Manhattan.

Dr. Manhattan was born during the Cold War. In an unexpected quantum conversion experiment, his body was annihilated and his mind was brought into a non-material realm.

It is said that the power source of the Lantern Ring Legion also comes from that non-material realm.

Dr. Manhattan wandered in it for a long time. It is said that there, he possessed more mysterious knowledge and saw the secret of how this world works.

When he returned to the real world, he turned into a bald, hairless blue body.

Dr. Manhattan's power is beyond imagination. He can copy the body, understand everything, control time and space, and can also decompose and reorganize, control time, create life, control particles, and modify reality.

In a sense, Dr. Manhattan is already omniscient in a sense.

He rarely intervenes in Earth affairs.

Today, he appeared at the headquarters of the Justice League.

Bruce knows something about Manhattan, just not much.

The opponent was once used by the authorities as a hole card against nuclear powers.

"Batman, you are finally here, I can't find you anywhere." Shazam said: "Come here, Dr. Manhattan said he is here to help us."

"It's unimaginable that one day, the Justice League will get your help, Dr. Manhattan." Bruce walked up to Dr. Manhattan in Batman armor, "I hope we can win this **** war, before everything can be saved Defeat the Empire and restore everything to the way it was."

"That's why I came here. The emergence of the Empire is a threat to the entire universe. They have made a mess of everything. We have to get rid of them as soon as possible. Otherwise, once they go to the starry sky, no one can imagine what the future will look like . There was a rare surprise in Manhattan's tone.

He has the ability to see through the future, but after the empire came, chaos occurred in the future.

Dr. Manhattan once hoped to use his time travel ability to erase the opponent.

But an accident happened. When he returned to the first time when the empire came, he found nothing, the empire did not exist at all.

He traced the entire timeline, but did not find the existence of the empire.

When he returned to the present, he would discover the existence of the empire.

Like the quantum observer effect, it's somewhere between being and not being when not observing.

Only when observing, when the lid is lifted, can the other party's definite state be obtained.

When Manhattan tries to use his time travel ability to trace the Empire from the past, the other party does not exist.

He searched every time and space, but couldn't find any trace of the existence of the empire.

Only when he returns to the present of the other party can he observe the other party.

The other party has his own timeline, which Dr. Manhattan cannot interfere with.

Time travel is a very subtle ability. To understand this ability, one must know what time is.

Assume that a game has its own time, and time begins to flow from the first time you enter the game.

The game engine will record a save every few seconds, and even record every moment of the game in a rolling timeline save.

After clearing the level, the player feels that it is not enjoyable.

At this point, the player can use the archive, adjust to the time coordinate he wants, and start over from there.

This is the so-called time regression. What happened has already happened, even if it is going back in time, it has happened.

Of course, this is limited to stand-alone games.

The situation in the empire is a little more complicated. It is useless for Manhattan to just go back in time on its own side.

The empire is still developing. To go back, Dr. Manhattan has to go back to all the times that have intersected with this universe.

This is why Dr. Manhattan chose to help the Justice League.

He has a lot of unimaginable and miraculous abilities.

Such as modifying reality, modifying timeline, transcending time and space, etc.

But these capabilities pose no threat to the empire.

Only by proving to defeat the opponent can this be stopped.

Without the blessing of those special abilities, Dr. Manhattan has no idea about whether he can defeat the growing empire that beats the Justice League.

Dr. Manhattan did not say these things.

Formidable as he is in the face of the empire, there is nothing he can do. The other heroes will probably fall into despair.

"We will." Bruce said: "The empire defeated us once, but we will soon learn from our failure and make a comeback, Dr. Manhattan, this time we need more helpers who can help us gather more people ?"

"To bring those heroes from the future and past time and space, we need a legion strong enough." Bruce asked.

This proposal made many heroes excited.

If Dr. Manhattan can do it, then he is really invincible.

Dr. Manhattan was silent for a moment, "The existence of the empire interferes with the timeline, causing it to be difficult to see the cause and effect. The heroes of this universe may not be able to reach this time point from the past and the future, and they will be prevented. The entire universe collapsed. If I were to look for heroes from other parallel universes, maybe I could, the wall of origin is not a threat to me, I can cross the wall of origin and bring those heroes over.

"That would be a good way." Bruce said: "Then please, Dr. Manhattan, I will try my best to find some allies during this period. This time, we must not fail again."

"Believe me, as a qualified wizard, I have countless incantations and magic." Constantine said to the big man in front of him: "I have always welcomed the rule of the empire, and I am willing to serve the empire. Do the work of a dog."

Speaking of this, Constantine raised his hand suddenly and shouted.

"Long live the Great Empire."

"Long live the Great Empire."

"You really have no morals." Zatana on the side saw Constantine's performance, and her forehead was a series of black lines.

"Is morality useful?? See if those weapons are not, and we will be sublimated with just one shot." Constantine secretly pouted at the powerful pulse guns in the hands of the soldiers next to him.

"Sublimation? What word is this?" Zatanna asked puzzled.

"You didn't listen to your chemistry class when you saw it. Sublimation is the process of changing from a solid to a gas. That is to say, the two of us were vaporized with a bang."


Constantine and Zatana entered the underground of Gotham City in order to investigate the devil in Gotham City, and were arrested by the Empire for violating the Extraordinary Control Act as soon as they came out.

In front of the anti-subspace force field device, Constantine didn't dare to have a temper at all.

Space teleportation is useless, the muzzle of the gun with the flashing arc is pointed at him, and one shot can send him to meet Satan again.

After the neck was put on the anti-magic device, he and Zatana were sent to the headquarters base of the empire, and sent to a large study room with various projection devices and books.

"This room, is it true that the upper echelons of the empire have taken a fancy to you?" Constantine looked at Zatana. The figure is indeed hot, and the face is considered superb. It is not unusual for people to look at you.

Zatana glanced at Constantine, "Why do I think you're a little excited?"

"Don't slander me, I'm not that kind of person." Constantine said sternly, his heart, which had been trained by the succubus, was ready to move. Sure enough, **** is not such a good place to go.

"What if the other party really likes me?" Zatanna asked.

Konstantin was silent for a moment, "I wish you happiness."

"Scumbag, bah."

"The two are indeed well-known masters in the magic world, and they can joke around so calmly in such a situation." Lex's voice sounded, and he walked in from the side of the study.

"So it's you." Constantine naturally knew Lex, the enemy of Superman. He thought about it for a while, and there should be no enmity between the two, and it seems that they are not desperate.

After thinking about it, Constantine added another sentence.

"Did you fall in love with her? I have nothing to do with her. Don't get me wrong."

"Scumbag." Zatana kicked Constantine, then looked at Lex: "Give up, I don't like your style."


"Do you think I'll have a crush on you??" Lex's tone was full of disgust, "A woman without any connotation, only a man dominated by low-level desires will be confused by you."

"Please don't swear at people like this?" Constantine said, "You didn't like her, and you called us here. Could it be that you fell in love with me? And invited her as a bystander? Lex, you can think of such a trick come out?"

"Hey, now my life is in your hands, I can't refuse you anymore, please be gentle and ravage me."

Hearing Constantine's words, Lex got a black line on his forehead, and he finally knew why Constantine had a bad reputation among many superheroes.

Is this guy really human? ?

Can humans really be so shameless? ?

(end of this chapter)