Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 296

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 The Destruction of the Comoros (for subscription)

Where in the Comoros it is customary to stab in the back, the ruler who loses authority is no different from the dead.

The ending is worse than those bedbugs in the bottom of the Comoros.

From the establishment of the Comoros to the present, when every ruler finally ends, the ending is extremely tragic.

For this reason, every Dark Eldar in a high position must live carefully.

If you are a little careless, you may be doomed.

Victor stared at his confidant, Driel.

Killing intent had already emerged in his heart, but he still kept a smile on his face.

Question represents a loss of authority.

represents that the opponent may challenge their own rule.

It will also let others see an opportunity.

Had it not been for the imminent threat of the Empire, a body would have appeared in the sewers of Comoros the next day.

The Black Heart Cabal will also welcome a new consul.

Now, for the sake of the overall situation, Victor can only bear with it temporarily, wait for this matter to pass, and then deal with the other party.

"Comores prohibits the use of psionic energy, but our ancestors have already grasped it very thoroughly. The essence of subspace is the aggregation of emotions. The emotions of creatures can leverage unparalleled power in that illusory kingdom. The blood sacrifice ceremony is One of the most effective methods is to use the despair and fear of the dead to leverage the unparalleled power."

"According to some ancient cipher text books, Asuryan Rod has considered using blood sacrifices to exert its power at the beginning of forging."

In order to be able to use the power of the Asuryan Staff, Victor has done a lot of homework, and it can be said that he knows it well.

Even went to the Haemonculus Secret Society to ask the oldest guys.

Some Haemonculi have lived a long time, longer than the old immortal Eldraar, and know many secrets of the ancient times.

"If the power of this scepter can really be leveraged, then the human empire will indeed have no way to pose a threat to us."

The Chief Executive Officer of the Black Heart Conspiracy - Valosian has a sick look in his eyes, longing for killing and cruelty.

If the human army in this crusade can be destroyed, Comoros' prestige will be greatly improved.

The Dark Eldar will become the lingering nightmare of the Human Empire.

Other Dark Eldar higher-ups can also imagine the huge benefits.

An Astor Tower fetches an extremely high price tag in the Comoros.

Who doesn't want to have a few more such powerful emperor creations in their arena.

In that case, the people of Comoros will definitely go crazy.

Those eager for more brutal, bloodier performances are bound to let out more deafening screams.

Happy for those Aster Tower fights and fights.

The prosperity of Comoros will be pushed to a whole new level.

Victor saw the greed in the eyes of these guys, and expressed contempt for them in his heart.

Before the war started, they were already thinking about how to distribute the spoils.

A group of greedy, dirty evil spirits.

Take advantage of them, but never trust them.

The arena in Comoros will always be the favorite entertainment place for residents of Comoros.

They will cheer for every brutal fight and show.

To nourish the withered souls of others by witnessing their pain.

These lunatics yearn for endless immersion in the joy of killing, torture and other twisted behaviors.

The brutality in the arena is often unbelievable.

Among them, the arena controlled by the voodoo sect is the most **** and cruel.

The Dark Eldar who can enter it all have a certain status in Comoros.

Each voodoo sect has its own arena.

This is not only a display of their wealth and status.

is also a theater of violence.

Comparing the amphitheatres of other civilizations with the magnificent arenas such as the Crucible and the Morde Staircase and the arenas of the Dark Eldar, it is like the comparison between the cottage and the palace.

Each arena in the Comoros has its own deadly charm and unique challenges.

It is by no means as simple as catching and fighting.

From spinning blades to carnivorous beasts, complete with gravity wells. Inventive dangerous contraptions such as power reversal traps.

Bloody Ballet, Ten Thousand Beasts, Zero Gravity Escape, every project is so ingenious.

Everything imaginable, games that torment people and inspire fear can be found in the arena of the Dark Eldar.

Among the numerous voodoo sects, the Battle Sect is definitely the most influential existence among these voodoo sects.

Their leader is Hespera, who is called the succubus.

Each of her gladiatorial fights will arouse the fanatical pursuit of Comorian nobles.

Countless people spent a lot of money just to witness her graceful skills in slaughtering the losers.

The Crucible occupied by the Battle Sect is the most luxurious arena in the entire Comoros.

From the city-sized laser-segmented area to the huge black-grained living jade gallery, all of them demonstrate the status of the Battle Sect as the most magnificent landscape in Comoros.

A beast-like roar came from the remains of the Astartes hanging above the entrance of Crucible.

It was the remains of a warrior taken out of Dreadnought.

After being specially treated by the Haemonculi, it was hung above the arena to show the residents of Comoros the power of the arena.

Crucible, controlled by the Battle Cult, is the place with the most Astartes gladiators in the Comoros.

Every day, the nobles of Comoros will cheer for the wonderful performances they bring.

"One day, the wrath of mankind will come upon you." The crippled Astartes roared angrily.

His anger made those Dark Eldar look fascinated.

The pain of others always makes these crazy people feel happy.

The human fortress built at the node of the webway is magnificent, like a giant mountain made of cement and steel.

The towering city walls are covered with firepower towers and defensive turrets, which are enough to tear apart any behemoths trying to attack the fortress.

The soldiers of the empire lined up, patrolling back and forth on the city walls, alert to possible attacks.

Warplanes hover in the sky, and any unauthorized ship is not allowed to pass through the city's port.

Those who tried to force their way in ended up becoming a pile of rotten iron in the webway, dragged back to the furnace by the Mechanicians, and decomposed into various basic materials.

The Dark Angels have accepted the mission of the Emperor of the Empire. They will go deep into the webway to destroy the Dark Eldar.

The city built at the node of the webway is their last supply station. If it goes deeper, there will be no human city.

When it comes to art, Dorne is not the best Primarch.

When it comes to the construction of a fortress, his talent is definitely beyond the reach of other primarchs.

Boris couldn't imagine that he was in a building made by humans.

The city walls extend infinitely towards both sides, bending and turning in higher dimensions, forming a boundless but limited city.

Looking from every corner of the city wall, what you see is an endless city wall with no end.

Boris has seen many tall and majestic buildings.

The ground is connected to the airport in low earth orbit.

A super-giant hive city that occupies a continent.

Suspended in the sky, like a fortress in the city of the sky.

It is another unique experience to be able to stand on a city platform that is large enough for Celestial-class warships to pass through.

He turned around and could see the huge towering building behind him.

The city is paved with hundreds of ports for ships to pass through.

Countless transport ships are being inspected by port personnel.

Once inspections are complete, these ships will be able to use the repaired webway to reach their destination safely.

The fortresses distributed on the edge of the webway will block all threats from the webway belonging to humans, ensuring the absolute safety of ships.

The huge size of the Webway Fortress is difficult to measure with the scale of mortals.

It is divided into three layers from top to bottom.

The top layer belongs to the army stationed in the fortress, like a beehive, a large number of military vehicles are stored here.

Once an emergency crisis breaks out, the fighter planes here will be released like a swarm of bees, strangling the enemy.

The layer in the middle is the widest and most populous.

It has a residential area and a commercial area, as well as a transit area for cargo turnover.

People live and play on the second level as if they were on other planetary worlds.

The bottom layer is the port area, and those raised piers are connected by communication and energy supply cables, like giant spiders randomly spreading their webs over the mountains.

The entire fortress is like a spindle, with small ends and a large middle.

All this made Boris feel his own insignificance.

Wearing power armor, he is just a speck of dust in front of this magnificent building.

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that there would be such a human miracle located in the webway." Ezekiel's voice came from behind.

Boris turned to look, and his bodyguards also stepped aside.

"Lord Ezekiel." Boris saluted Ezekiel.

The other party nodded, and walked to Boris' side along the path that the guards gave way to.

"Do you feel sincere respect for Lord Dorne's talent, he has shaped this magnificent city."

"The appearance of every miracle is worthy of people's respect for its creator." Boris looked at the magnificent transport ship like a giant beast.

Each ship is so huge, full of supplies from all over the galaxy, gathered here.

It's like mountains with many mountains.

Each mountain range is a slowly moving space ship.

Boris had never imagined such a grand scene before.

Now, it actually appeared before his eyes.

Those majestic transport ships spew out blue plasma, pushing the heavy steel body.

They moved slowly, entered the port for inspection, and then followed the webway to their destination.

These ships are lined up with no end in sight.

Every corner you look at, are these moving metal behemoths.

"Our mission is to protect such a miracle from being destroyed by the malice of the universe."

Ezekiel smiled, "There are always enemies who want to destroy these and drag mankind into the abyss."

Boris looked at the mountain-like ships and asked, "Is the battle against the Dark Eldar ready to start?"

"Yes, Azrael has reached a strategic plan with several other chapter leaders. In addition to attacking the satellite areas of Comoros, they will also launch a surprise attack on the main body of Comoros."

"Deathwing is perfect for such a task. We are good at raiding and decapitating the enemy."

"The task of raiding the main city of Comoros is extremely dangerous, and those Dark Eldar have a lot of strange methods." Ezekiel stared at Boris and said, "You have to be mentally prepared."

"I know that Deathwing has accepted the most difficult task since its inception." Boris didn't fluctuate at all.

For Deathwing, death is not something difficult to accept.

When they were selected into the first company, they had already made such psychological preparations.

"The Comoros was built in the depths of the webway, and the Dark Eldar used the characteristics of the webway to prevent the Prince of Pleasure from poisoning them. According to some information obtained from the torture of the Dark Eldar captives, Comoros once broke out Demons have invaded the world, and for this reason, they have closed some webway entrances. If these webway entrances can be opened, the destruction of Comoros will only happen sooner or later.

Ezekiel's plan is very simple. What the Dark Eldar fear most is Slaanesh's desire for their souls.

This is why the Comoros like cruelty and killing so much.

They must harvest their souls in this way, so as to extend their lives and replenish their souls.

Opened the portal to the webway, allowing demons to enter Comoros.

For the Dark Eldar, the plans of the humans to bring the Pleasure Demons into the Comoros are diabolical.

Boris looked as usual, and was not moved by Ezekiel's words.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to the people of the empire.

No shameless means can be used to deal with those lunatics in Comoros.

Only by completely eradicating this cancer can humans get rid of those fears.

Fiery mirages flicker between the sky and the earth.

There is no sun in this weird space, but the light makes people feel stinging eyes. The roiling heat waves rise from the ground, distorting the light from a distance.

The sky radiates dazzling light, covering the dry surface.

The dry and cracked land is dusty and covered with salt and alkali.

The land is flat, and the endless plain extends towards the horizon without trace.

This is not a realm of reality, but an illusory space that belongs to God.

A gigantic dragon covered in silver armor was crouching on the dry surface.

The dragon's body was full of wounds, dripping with bright red blood.

Every drop of blood that falls will cause a sizzling sound on the ground.

It endured the high-temperature scorching, just lying there like that, as if slowly waiting for the passing of life.

A gust of wind blows by, making the eyes of the closed dragon open.

It looked at the barren plain, and the vortex appeared from a distance, drifting across the earth, rolling up dust and sand.

A figure stepped out from the dust.

The gold and blue armor is shining, and the long sword lies quietly in the scabbard at the waist.

A laurel leaf crown was worn on the forehead of the visitor, exuding a noble atmosphere.

"Your strength is getting stronger." The dragon stared at the human in front of him, his voice was like thunder.

"Is this your spiritual world?? It means silence and death."

Guilliman looked around and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter how the spiritual world is. Why did you come here? That's what I care about most." The dragon stared at the humans in front of him, its huge dragon pupils wrinkled slightly, revealing danger and warning.

"We are allies, and it is normal to care about you." Guilliman did not show any abnormality because of the hostility of the void dragon, but looked at each other, examining the wound on the huge dragon's body.

"Allies?" The Nether Dragon showed a mocking look, "I can see the same essence as mine in your eyes, that is deceit. For existences like us, loyalty and trust do not exist. You have more Evil purpose, human being, you came here for that purpose, don't try to cover up anything, lies are meaningless before God."

"God? Do you still think so?" Guilliman showed a hint of surprise, but he didn't waste any more time, but took out a ball, "Your device is very powerful, a fragment of the star god."

The Nether Dragon showed a rare greedy expression.

Fragments of the same kind contain power far exceeding that of other creatures. If he can swallow them, he can recover most of his power.

"You are much more powerful than I imagined. It seems that the destruction of the Necrons is already doomed." The Nether Dragon moved its huge dragon head close to Guilliman, and those yellow-brown eyes seemed to contain a bright starry sky. .

"They are just afterimages and echoes of the past, and defeating them will not give me any sense of success." Guilliman played with the ball in his hand and looked at the Nether Dragon, "I know you want this, but you Gotta give something."

"What do you want?" Nether Dragon asked.

"Your freedom." Guilliman said: "My enemies are more than I imagined, and now there is another one, I have to consider winning a few more allies."

"You want me to be your slave? Is this how you win over your allies?" The Nether Dragon's tone was filled with disgust, and Long Tong stared at Guilliman without concealing his hostility.

"I am the God of Stars. Before you humans appeared in this cosmic starry sky, I was already an invincible existence in this starry sky. If it weren't for those **** space undead, you wouldn't even be qualified to stand in front of me. "

"Forget it, you and I both know what a so-called **** is." Guilliman didn't care about the Nether Dragon's anger and hostility, "You can choose, if you refuse, I can form an alliance with others."

"Like it." Guilliman took out the ball in his hand, "Who is the food, you or it? It's just on my mind. You can choose to refuse, but it shouldn't."

"Are you threatening me?" The Nether Dragon spread its wings and roared, shaking the whole world.

At this moment, its figure has become extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, and the stars are just playthings at his fingertips. Green flames are burning all over its body, exuding a frightening aura.

This is Star God.

They used to feed on the stars and extinguish them at will.

"Surrender, or die." Guilliman's body became equally huge.

Standing in front of the Nether Dragon, the whole world is in his hands.

The Nether Dragon is like a moth crouching in his palm.

Put your palms together to crush this ancient star god.

"The spiritual world is a world of competing wills. In this field, absolutely no creature can compete with me." Guilliman used a firewall to connect the wills of the entire human race.

He is man himself

The Nether Dragon is not only fighting against him, but the will of the entire human race.

The star **** is immortal.

But they are not invincible.

Faced with the crushing of the will of the entire race, they will have an ending more terrifying than death.

"You are a lunatic." The Nether Dragon roared as he watched the human being who had defeated him in his spiritual realm.

But after a while, it still lowered its head and made a gesture of submission.

A golden and blue laurel crown mark appeared on the huge dragon body, just like the blessing mark of the gods to their believers.

The two reappeared in that barren world, and Guilliman was already standing on top of the Nether Dragon.

For Star God, this is undoubtedly a kind of humiliation.

But in the face of the power and power that it cannot resist, it has only one way to die besides submitting.

"We are allies." Guilliman left these words, and threw the ball to the Nether Dragon, "Be honest, don't force me to kill you one day."

When Guilliman opened his eyes, he was still sitting on his mechanical throne.

Just now, the confrontation with the Nether Dragon was just a confrontation of spiritual will.

Guilliman went a little too far to make sure this guy was on his side.

For the upcoming final battle, such behavior is understandable.

A suspended light curtain appeared in front of Guilliman.

Words had reached Terra that the Emperor's Scythes and the Wailers were within a single step of being crushed.

This matter is tightly sealed.

Except for important figures such as the Marshal of the Imperial Army-Waldo, and the Prime Minister of the Empire-Penny, no one else has the right to know.

The third stage of reinforcement for many wargroups was considered by Guilliman as the most important thing to do.

Seeing the powerful combat power of the cancerous monster, Guilliman also knew very well that Yogg-Sothoth, the omniscient and omnipotent, possessed power beyond his imagination.

The cancerous monster is probably just the tip of the iceberg of the opponent's strength.

None of the powerful old monsters and old gods appeared.

It would be ridiculous to say that the Legion of Cancer is the whole power of Yogg-Sothoth.

Yug-Sothos, the three-pillar god, is just the other side of the **** of ignorance.

It is by no means an easy task to defeat the opponent.

The only thing he can do is to regain the Eye of Terror and drive the opponent's forces out of the galaxy.

"It's getting more and more troublesome." Guilliman's eyebrows became serious.

Before the minions of the Four Gods were cleaned up, the troublesome thing called the cancerous legion came.

I have to speed up myself.

In addition to the construction of the augmented reality universe, the construction of the subspace army cannot be left behind.

The Legion of the Cursed, as well as the heroes of the Empire, still have potential that has not been tapped.

How can death be the end of responsibility? ?

As long as the soul is not turned into ashes, everyone has to get up and work.

Those so-called gods and demons can be resurrected through the subspace, and things like Lucius can be reborn with the joy of the enemy.

Humans have to master the technology of rebirth in subspace. Those fighters have worked so hard to train them, and they will die when they die.

The subordinates of those evil gods are always reborn, who can bear it if they continue to fight like this.

Only wicked people can deal with evil people.

To deal with evil gods, you have to be more shameless than those guys.

The war against the Comoros came quickly.

The closed webway was opened by humans.

In order to express their support for the Empire, some Ark Eldar stood against their cousins.

With the help of these Eldar, the defense strategy of the Dark Eldar to close the entrance to the webway has failed.

Several satellite areas have been violently attacked by humans.

The history of those satellite areas is also ancient and can be traced back to the kingdom before the Great Fall. It is extremely secretive and is an excellent place for the Dark Eldar to carry out their evil rituals and plans.

Attempts to traverse those areas have long been unquestionably suicidal ventures.

Those twisted minaret buildings hide countless Eldar pirates,

In addition, there are alien mercenaries and bounty hunters will also be active here.

The empire's attack was extremely swift and violent.

When the webway was opened, huge titans, knights and heavy tanks were dropped on the ground.

The Dark Angels are extremely brutal, dedicated to erasing all traces of the Dark Eldar.

The pirates and mercenaries hidden in the buildings suffered an unprecedented blow.

The overwhelming artillery fire covered the sky, and every building was blown into ruins.

The human empire did not conduct any street fighting, but crushed any possible resistance with powerful artillery fire.

The titans of the Empire tore down every building, burning every corner with weapons the size of buildings.

The knights, heavy tanks, and artillery clusters carry out saturation bombing on every ruin site that may hide the enemy.

The target will not be transferred to cover another area until it is safe to do so.

Azrael was wearing a set of black power armor that matched his identity, moving among the ruins like a black sculpture.

His face is masked by a skull, and his breastplate is adorned with the imperial aquila, with a huge pendant hanging from it.

The artillery fire shook the intricate city, and the black smoke blocked the light of the sky.

The Dark Angels will occasionally pull one or two Dark Eldar and alien mercenaries from the ruins, pull the trigger, and execute them directly.

"Let me go, I'm a human being." From the ruins, several men ran out with frightened faces.

A dark angel glanced at the clothes on him and pulled the trigger directly.

The huge explosive bomb directly tore apart the opponent's body, leaving only a pile of wreckage on the ground.

These humans who colluded with the Dark Eldar for their own interests are also within the scope of execution.

The Dark Angels will not spare any of them.

Azrael showed no mercy, he watched those people be executed.

Colluding with the enemy is also a kind of betrayal.

The Empire will never forgive any form of betrayal.

"Go forward and erase this city." Azrael said in a deep voice: "Except for those human prisoners captured by the Dark Eldar, don't leave any other alive, and don't leave any memory about this city."

The Dark Eldar in the satellite area quickly launched a counterattack, overwhelming high-speed aircraft and various firepower devices fired at the empire one after another.

However, the firepower of the Empire far exceeds that of the Dark Eldar.

Those fighters were shot down like birds. Not long after the battle, the battlefield was full of damaged aircraft and the corpses of the Dark Eldar.

The army of the empire is like a tide, driving powerful war machines into the battlefield continuously.

When the Dark Eldar knock down one Titan, ten Titans will be found on the battlefield.

Those human soldiers unleashed their firepower on any place where people might hide, making the raid a worthless thing.

Humans reject any shadow areas, but rely on their own brutal firepower to flatten the entire city.

Every building was destroyed.

Those Dark Eldar who tried to use their speed to rush into the human battle formation were all slaughtered mercilessly by the Primordial Warriors.

All kinds of defeats have forced the Dark Eldar and their allies to confront humans head-on, giving up their speed advantage.

Faced with a head-on confrontation, the Dark Eldar did not recover much from their decline.

Faced with the concerted efforts of various human forces, the Dark Eldar, who originally liked to betray, fought on their own, unable to form a joint force at all.

The lines of defense that had been built so hard did not last long before they collapsed, leaving piles of corpses on the ground.

One failure leverages another failure.

The hypocrisy and viciousness of the Dark Eldar have terrified humans the most in the past.

Now it has become their Achilles' heel.

Various voodoo sects and conspiracies have their own secrets, and no one can trust anyone.

When a line of defense collapsed, they immediately wondered in their hearts whether the other party fled the battle and betrayed their allies.

Suspicion, once born, is as inescapable as a gangrene.

One by one they abandoned the lines that should be defended.

In order not to be abandoned by their allies and fall into crisis, they decisively chose to abandon their allies and put the other party in crisis.

When the Dark Eldar raided, they could still work together.

This is based on the fact that the enemy is much weaker than them and has enough benefits.

But when it came to this kind of frontal battlefield, the Dark Eldar became a mess.

There is no trust, no sense of self-sacrifice, and no interest at all.

How could they cooperate.

Not stabbing the opponent twice in the back is regarded as having a good moral level.

Under Azrael's orders, the Dark Angels and accompanying Primaris warriors carried out a systematic massacre of the Dark Eldar.

From jagged spires to dark atriums to pain-filled manufacturing plants, in this city of **** wonders and torture, brutal carnage takes place.

Imperial soldiers have a fanatical hobby for homomorphic revenge.

They reenacted the massacres of the Dark Eldar against human cities.

The city's sewers and stairs are full of massacred corpses.

Those twisted arenas, its guests were slaughtered.

The iron hooks that were once used to hang the losers are now all hung with the Dark Eldar.

Hanging there like strips of bacon, eager, crazy eyes covered with unimaginable fear.

The Dark Eldar are well aware of what they will face when they die.

Without protection, they will become the food and playthings of the Prince of Pleasure.

The news of the human invasion of the satellite area echoed in every corner of the Comoros as if it had grown wings.

As revenge for the former looting targets of the Dark Eldar, human beings' war methods against the Dark Eldar are extremely cruel.

They did not take any captives, but put them all to death.

The residents of the Comoros were excited at first.

Humanity dared to attack the Comoros, and it was undoubtedly asking for a dead end.

But the news from the front line quickly made them fall into fear.

Every building was torn down, Cabal warriors and Pain Engines trying to raid human positions were slaughtered by the long-awaited Adeptus Astartes.

Whether it is firepower or army size.

This offensive of the empire has horrified the residents of Comoros.

They really couldn't imagine why the empire could gather such a huge army in the webway and attack them.

However, they hadn't waited for them to understand the reason, let alone probe what the empire was doing in the webway.

Over the city of darkness, a webway entrance was opened.

A human fleet pierced in like a sharp sword.

Those magnificent warships appeared in front of the residents of Comoros like a Gothic war fortress standing upright.

Before they could react, the empire's ships launched a devastating bombing.

A series of destruction beams and nuclear bombs were released.

Within a few breaths, countless tower-like nuclear explosion flames rose into the sky, and the huge shock wave shattered countless Dark Eldar buildings.

Immediately afterwards, flashes of teleportation followed, and the Dark Eldar were caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the original cast warriors.

This is a naked massacre.

Humanity has used all kinds of extermination weapons in Comoros without any scruples.

The huge battleship poured firepower towards the Comoros without stopping.

The entrance of the webway is also constantly pouring out imperial warships.

The Dark Eldar tried to regain control of the airspace, sending out a large number of Needlecraft, Void Ravens and Razors.

The empire released a larger group of fighter jets.

When a Dark Eldar pilot drove a fighter plane into the sky, he found that there were human fighter planes with double-headed eagle emblems all over the place.

The battle between the two sides quickly became fierce, and many areas of Comoros were destroyed, leaving only wreckage and broken arms.

Compared to satellite areas, the residents of Comoros are more brave.

They are like sharks seduced by blood, coming from all directions, trying to participate in this battle.

Even voodoo sects unleashed their gladiators.

However, in front of the Deathwing led by Captain Boris of the Dark Angels Chapter, it was just a desperate struggle.

Several figures moved in the shadows at an incredible speed.

It's like a conceived ship's rail, hovering on the edge of sight.

Dark Eldar cabal warriors can use a variety of technological equipment to sneak in the shadows.

Boris' eyes move closely with the movement of the enemy.

The opponent's tricks didn't work for him.

With the help of the heart of the empire, he was able to see those creatures and individuals moving at super speed.

When the opponent launched an attack, Boris pulled the trigger.

The huge explosive bomb shattered the cabal warrior who was trying to kill him.

The rest of the Dark Eldar didn't end well either.

They were executed one by one by Boris' battle-brothers.

A moment later, dozens of broken corpses were lying on the dark pier.

Boris bypassed the corpses of these guards and walked towards his destination.

He didn't go directly to capture the overlord of the Comoros, Victor.

Instead, he entered a port in Comoros with a dead wing.

There is a webway entrance here, enough for a cruiser to enter and exit.

The Dark Eldar closed it.

Victor even sent his own conspiracy group of warriors to protect this place from being spied on by others.

"Powerful aetheric waves unleash here." A Deathwing warband Librarian sensed the malice behind the webway, and the twisted lifeless howled in anticipation of entering the Comoros.

"Remove the seal here, and then retreat." Boris calmly issued an order that would destroy the entire Comoros without any fluctuations on his face.

Several psychic bombs were placed on statues and force field devices inscribed with Eldar spells.

Accompanied by a burst of energy screams, the originally closed webway opened.

Light from the highest heaven poured into Comoros like water.

A blood-curdling scream pierced the icy air.

It was a single, quivering tone, like a tortured soul.

One by one, the chorus of agony crossed the Webway Gate and entered the Comoros.

"Let's go." Boris looked at the opened entrance of the sealed webway, turned and left.

The rest of the Deathwing members followed suit.

This will be the most terrifying disaster in the history of Comoros.

Those Dark Eldar who desire to bring fear and despair to other beings will suffer the same fate.

The will of the Prince of Pleasure entered the Comoros.

This is something countless Dark Eldar have been trying to avoid.

The sealed webway was opened, and the first person to know was undoubtedly the overlord of Comoros, Victor.

After receiving the news that the satellite area was attacked by humans, he ordered people to take out the Asuryan Staff, and captured the slaves, preparing to sacrifice and activate the power of the Asuryan Staff.

To let human beings know what it means to commit crimes against the Comoros, even if they are far away, they must be punished.

Who would have thought that human beings would be so cunning that the opponent would attack Comoros as soon as he left Comoros.

Before returning to the defense, they got the death report from the warriors of the conspiracy group who were responsible for guarding the sealed webway.

Humans directly destroyed the seal and put the minions of the God of Pleasure into Comoros.

This is undoubtedly a disaster.

The minions of the God of Pleasure have restraint on the Eldar, no matter how many Dark Eldar warriors are delivering food in front of the Pleasure Demon, they can't exert their strength at all.

"Master Victor, should we support the battle in the satellite area, or return to Comoros?" asked one of his subordinates.

"Go back to Comoros first." Victor's face became extremely ugly. He originally thought that with the strength of Comoros, he could still be on an equal footing with humans.

That's why he looked indifferent to Eldrar's advice.

His treasury contains many ancient artifacts.

I think that even if you can't win the empire, it's enough for the opponent to drink a pot.

Who would have thought that he had already lost all his advantages just after the war started.

When Victor returned to Comoros, a massacre that could shock the universe had begun.

The empire carried out some destruction, and after taking away the captured human prisoners who could be searched and rescued, they withdrew from the battlefield.

Now, it is the demons of Slaanesh who have been given their chance that are raging in the Comoros.

Those monsters that feed on pain, torture, and slaughter.

The entire city was shrouded in an atmosphere of despair, the desperate screams of Comorian residents mixed with the cheers of the demons.

Hanging from the tallest spire, the Haemonculi were wailing in despair enough to be heard throughout the city.

That's the sound they've always wanted their prey to make.

Now, it comes out of their mouths.

Victor stood on the bridge of the battleship, watching his life's hard work come to naught.

Until now, he realized how terrifying the gap between himself and the empire was.

"It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a member of Prince Joy, the Queen of Hunting, Shalasi Demon Calamity."

A weird, cloyingly sweet voice sounded on Victor's battleship, and at the same time, there was an aroma as sweet as rotten fruit rushing towards him.

Many cabal warriors all showed terrified expressions.

(end of this chapter)