Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 The Horror of the Cancerous Legion (for subscription)

Hearing what the auxiliary spirit said, Guilliman showed his original expression.

If you think about it carefully, you can actually think clearly.

When I just completed the second phase of the mission, I just mastered Terra.

The entire empire is a huge mess.

There are freaks everywhere, and some people want to raise their flags to clean up the emperor, to destroy him, the biggest traitor after Horus, and to maintain the orthodoxy of the empire.

As the regent, he nominally controlled the empire.

In fact, many planets are not willing to submit to his rule.

There are countless nobles who make trouble behind their backs.

In the mid-term of the Indomitable Crusade, not only the aliens and traitors were fought, but also those nobles who were unwilling to obey him.

It took so much effort to say that the empire was integrated and an effective management system was re-established.

After the third phase of the task is completed, he has gained actual control.

The entire empire has also been reborn under the previous iron fist methods.

Industry, economy, and education have all been comprehensively and deeply developed, productivity has greatly increased, and social wealth has also skyrocketed.

By eliminating aliens and traitors, redistributing social wealth, smoothing the gap between rich and poor, and creating a safe living environment, the birth rate has also risen sharply.

The population once skyrocketed.

The current Imperium of Man is definitely the most populous ever.

The empire of today and the empire of the past are not a concept at all.

It is not surprising that the fourth stage of the task can be activated.

Guilliman looked at the details of the system certification task.

Explore five different universes and five galaxies.

In a sense, this task request is as simple as a free gift.

It is much simpler and easier than the third stage.

The third phase of the task requires Guilliman to bring back all the Primarchs.

is not a concept at all.

Finding the Primarch made his scalp tingle, and he had to play tricks to trick Angron into it.

It took nearly a century of expedition before we could gather a family together.

The fourth phase of the mission can be achieved only by exploring different universes and other galaxies.

The different universe exploration team has set off, and there are more than ten teams.

This task will be completed shortly.

The requirement to explore other galaxies is a bit difficult.

The closest to the Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud, whose mass is only one-twentieth of the Milky Way, is also 190,000 light-years away.

If human beings shine a light outside the galaxy on the day when they formally colonize the moon, declaring that human beings are going to the starry sky.

After experiencing the golden age of human beings and the age of empires, this light has not yet completed half of the journey.

It is conceivable how far the distance between the galaxies is.

For human beings with a lifespan of only a hundred years, the world of 190,000 light years is no longer within the scope of their thinking.

Even with the help of subspace, the uninhabited void spanning hundreds of thousands of light years is still a very dangerous thing.

The warp is chaotic.

The more lifeless a place is, the more chaotic it will be.

There is no way for the lighthouse system to span such a long distance to navigate the ships of the empire.

For this reason, the danger of exploring other galaxies is no less than that of exploring different universes.

In people's conventional cognition, the danger of going to other universes is definitely more dangerous than exploring in one's own universe.

The reality is just the opposite.

Humans can easily land on the moon in the aviation age, but they can't go deep into the seabed and the center of the earth.

Knowing the existence of the subspace and the path left by previous civilizations, the difficulty of exploring other universes is much easier than going to other galaxies.

Other galaxies, the human empire can only explore with its own power.

"Going to other galaxies, this matter needs to be considered in advance." Guilliman tapped his fingers unconsciously on the back of the throne chair.

He is considering establishing a brand new exploration department to coordinate such things.

The universe is vast and boundless, and it is a goal that is difficult to achieve in a lifetime if you want to set foot in every corner.

The only thing humans can do is to forge ahead and strive for traces of humans in the large supergalaxies that are found.

"Human Exploration Division."

A rudimentary plan appeared in Guilliman's mind.

The empire needs to continuously send various exploration teams to different galaxies to collect local information and do a good job in the preliminary work for the empire's colonization.

In fact, this plan has always been hidden in his heart.

Expanding civilizations tend to live longer than shrinking civilizations.

If you live in a corner, you will definitely be eliminated.

Only continuous expansion and expansion is the foundation of survival.

The empire should be like weeds, growing in every corner that can grow, and capturing every area that can be captured.

Thinking of this, Guilliman outlined the detailed steps of the plan in his mind, preparing to build a sufficiently strong expeditionary exploration team.

The empire's void troops popularized celestial fortresses not only to increase combat effectiveness, but also to consider continuous operations in deep space.

To capture other galaxies, the imperial forces have to plan for a battle that lasts for hundreds, or even thousands of years.

Fighting in the deep space far away from the parent star and human civilization is the most correct usage of the celestial class warship.

Exploration and conquest have always been twin brothers.

Just relying on the power of the imperial government, there is no way to maintain enthusiasm for too long.

Only by letting the people of the empire realize that exploring other galaxies and universes will bring great wealth can a cyclic development of the exploration system be established.

"It's the life of a social animal." Guilliman complained. The only happiness when being the emperor of the empire is farming and planning development.

Harem? ?

Wait for the empire to be strong enough to capture those goddesses, or open a harem of sticks.

The short lifespan of a mortal woman of a few hundred years is destined to be a tragedy.

If the life of the other party is extended, it will bring an even greater tragedy.

The empire's life extension project will definitely be on the agenda.

But it is not a simple matter to extend the natural lifespan of human beings.

Related to gene recombination and change.

It may take centuries to slowly increase the natural lifespan of humans.

Standing on the ruined hive city, Abaddon watched the messy battlefield beside him.

Dead bodies are everywhere, blood and body parts clogging the city's sewer system.

Thousands of legionnaires and millions of mutants, humans, and demons wander in this fallen city.

Another planet fell to the hands of the Black Legion.

Those idiots loyal to Guilliman watched the orbital defense network of the planet sink into darkness a little bit, and could do nothing but worry.

The Black Legion ravages the planet with brutal efficiency, killing those who would not kneel before the Marauder.

Experienced war lords personally lead troops to attack every city, smashing the forts and trenches that the defenders rely on.

And the one walking in the front is Abaddon.

In charge of the planet's defense is a woman, a staunch supporter of Guilliman.

She intends to use a fortress to block the progress of the Black Legion.

Such an idea is really too naive.

Three million men and women who swore to protect their homeland defended the fortress under her leadership.

That woman's ability is so outstanding that no lord can attack.

Until Abaddon personally smashed open the plastic-steel gate, destroying the defensive force field of the fortress.

The soldiers of the Black Legion were able to rush into the fortress.

Men and women are fighting hard to defend their homeland.

Disciplined laser salvos burst like strobe stars across the fort.

Abaddon admired their courage, but unfortunately, they couldn't change anything.

In front of the Chaos Warriors blessed by the evil gods, ordinary people are as vulnerable as children.

Abaddon, Hong Suo and others entered the fortress all the way, and there were only fragmented wreckage and broken arms everywhere they passed.

"Great Predator, one day, you will be liquidated."

At the end of the battle, the woman drew a sword and rushed to Abaddon, but was killed by him.

The woman also had two sons, one died fighting to protect his mother and the other was captured by Abaddon.

The inhabitants of the entire planet were massacred, and they didn't stop their horrific killings until there was no living person in the whole world.

Abaddon stared at a rising black smoke in the distance, which was the energy center of the city.

His men were throwing the bodies into the fiery fusion power pile, burning them all.

Suppressed weeping came from behind Abaddon.

A **** man had his legs broken and lay dying in a pool of blood.

He weeps for his dead homeland.

Crying for his dead mother.

Crying for his dead brother.

Crying for one's own dead compatriots.

Abaddon turned his head, looking down at the dying guy condescendingly.

"Surrender to me, you can live, otherwise, you will be tortured before death."

"You will only kill yourself." The man coughed and said, his body looked very thin, but his spirit was extremely strong, and the tearful eyes were burning with anger, as if he wanted to kill the big predator in front of him All swallowed up.

"You look so ridiculous." Abaddon stretched out his hand and picked it up, as if grabbing a small ant. "The man you serve is still on Terra, rejoicing in claiming the throne of supremacy. He doesn't care about your loyalty, let alone your death."

"You are afraid of him, even if he is not here, you are afraid of him. You kill everyone because you know that this planet will be taken back by the Empire, and your failure is doomed, Great Marauder. "Painful, the dying man showed a happy smile, "You can kill a civilian or 10,000 soldiers, but you will pay the price in the end. I don't need the great emperor to pay attention to me. Loyalty, even in death."

"You can kill me, too. This is the only way you can threaten mortals. You can no longer take people's souls like before, and you can't feed your allies with us. My soul has long belonged to the great Emperor of the Empire."

Abaddon looked into the other person's eyes, there was sadness and pain in those crying eyes, but there was no fear of him.

He hated that look.

The Black Legion is no longer feared by the people.

Only hatred and enmity.

Crack, there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

The man's neck was broken by Abaddon and thrown aside.

Abaddon wanted the man to kneel in front of him, in order to satirize the woman who shouted Guilliman's name and fought to the last moment.

The mother fights for her faith, but the son grovels in order to survive.

Unfortunately, Abaddon did not achieve his goal.

Mortals of the Imperium have no fear of the Black Legion.

They were connected together by Guilliman in an inexplicable way.

Even if they die, their souls will be taken away.

This further ensures their loyalty to Guilliman.

"My lord." A voice interrupted Abaddon's contemplation, and it was his psychic advisor, the Void Prophet Ashur, who came.

"Is there anything?" Abaddon asked Ashur.

"The empire is coming." Ashur stroked the skull scepter in his hand.

Several servants with profane runes carved all over their bodies stood behind him, holding a brazier in their hands.

Feeling the confusion contained in Abaddon's gaze, Ashur untied a skull from his waist, and crushed it into bone fragments with a little force.

He threw the bone fragment into the brazier and uttered harsh words of darkness.

More than a dozen attendants recounted one by one.

With a bang, the brazier emitted a few strange rays of light, distorted as if it had been given life.

A large fleet appeared in the distorted light curtain.

Abaddon saw the burning void battlefield, floating the fragments of battleships blessed by the gods.

Obviously, the enemy is approaching.

Ashur was the first to know the enemy's arrival through some kind of subspace method.

It is very likely that his servants sent the message.

Abaddon knew that many of Ashur's men had separated, moving with different fleets.

Wizards can communicate by virtue of some special witchcraft.

Ashur has mastered this.

It is not surprising that he knew of the enemy's arrival before the others.

"Who leads the team?" Abaddon asked.

"Kalgar, King of Macragge, he has brought a lot of troops."

"It's this guy again, is there no one in the empire who can send him?"

Recalls several fights between himself and the opponent.

Every time, he was deflated and fled.

As soon as I thought about it, I confronted Calgar again.

Some shadows appeared in Abaddon's heart, but he quickly suppressed them again.

"Where are the troops led by Marvel now?" Abaddon asked.

Hong Suo came out, he was the clearest about military dispatching.

"He led the cancerous troops and was always behind us. Even Lord Horus should be in their team."

Speaking of Horus' name, Abaddon's expression was a little unnatural.

Every time people said it, he felt like he was stepped on and humiliated.

"Since he is so arrogant, let him face the wrath of the empire." Abaddon said in a deep voice, "I want to see if this so-called **** can shake Guilliman and his minions."

"If we let Calga go like this, will we be liquidated afterwards?" Void Prophet-Ashur showed an ugly expression. That weird **** controls the power no less than the four gods. If he is retaliated and liquidated by the other party, It must have ended badly.

Abaddon showed a smile.

"I've already lost to Calgar twice, and it wouldn't be surprising to lose one more time. Don't worry, it's still unknown whether those guys can return to the Eye of Terror. They are fighting on both sides, no matter who wins or loses, I'm happy See it happen."

Many high-level members of the Black Legion looked at each other, and they could all see each other's astonishment.

Abaddon did not explain.

Instead, he stared at the sky, showing a sinister smile.

Die to that **** **** and his **** who try to follow it.

Didn't Yogg-Sothos declare that Guilliman is just a tiny ant, who will be crushed to death by it at will!

Abaddon felt that it was necessary for the other party to prove it, to see if the evil **** was really as powerful as he had boasted.

The Glory of Macragge.

This warship that once belonged to the Primarch now truly belongs to Calgar.

The symbolic meaning of this battleship surpasses everything, even Calgar's original Victory Laurel, does not have such symbolic meaning.

represents that the Primarch actually handed over the Ultramarines to him.

Primarch no longer leads his own children.

This is the tacit consensus reached by all Primarchs.

It was undoubtedly a painful decision for both the Chapter and the Primarch.

Several Chapter Masters of the original mother regiment showed grief and pain, but no one questioned this decision.

Everyone knows that doing so is conducive to the stability of the empire.

Calgar stood by the porthole of the bridge, looking out.

A fleet from the Eye of Terror is defeated.

It is their wreckage that floats in the void.

The corpses of those traitors were suspended in space, turning into ice sculptures, spinning quietly.

"Humanity is on the brink. Outside of the beauty created by the emperor, the darkness has not completely disappeared. They expect human beings to make mistakes again, and they are expecting human beings to walk on the old path again. Those weird gods are eager to make human beings Bring them under our own control, if we can't successfully defeat them, all our efforts will be in vain."

"We live in an unprecedented era. A hero who once passed away but returned has become the new emperor of mankind, taking over the unimaginable burden. Those ancient myths are also returning, fighting side by side with mankind, against the coming final test."

"We must win. This is our oath and our belief. It is the meaning of our existence to use our lives to protect the human race towards a better future."

Calgar clenched his fists, firming his inner thoughts.

The Ultramarine is the spear of invincibility.

Ultramarines are unshakable shield walls.

They will never fail the Emperor of the Empire.

Never fail human beings.

Abaddon ran out from the Eye of Terror again.

That **** bastard, has let him run so many times.

This time, he will never let the opponent escape from his hands again.

Terra's prison will be the final destination of the traitor.

Like other Primarchs, he became a being reviled by the people of the empire.

"We have locked down where Abaddon is."

The intelligence director's voice came from the direction of the main console.

This sentence made Calgar withdraw his chaotic thoughts, and turned to the main console.

The staff of the battleship are sitting in their positions, using nerve cables to process data to maintain the normal operation of this huge battleship.

Calgar sat on the throne that once belonged to Guilliman.

A floating information window appeared in front of him.

A head fortress covered with flesh and eyeballs appeared on the screen.

It is the weird fortress that the Black Legion got from nowhere.

"Lock this fortress, and when you get close, immediately launch a jump gang, I want to kill that bastard." Calga said in a deep voice: "I want to knock out all his teeth, and let the people of the empire see a big toothless man!" How funny the looters are."

With the flickering and twisting of the dark sky.

Ripples appeared in the void that was originally as calm as the surface of a lake.

After a while, the space-time structure was torn open several huge holes.

Light from another world gushes out from it.

The ships of the empire poured out like the tide.

The ships of the Black Legion also turned around, trying to annihilate the empire before it stabilized its front.

The two sides quickly fought together.

With its powerful firepower and huge scale, the empire quickly gained an advantage.

The huge head fortress was also stared at by two Celestial-class warships, constantly releasing beams capable of destroying the planet and bombarding them.

Under the control of the Black Legion, the Fortress of the Skull is constantly fighting back.

Between them, countless small ships engaged like swarms.

Laser beams and missiles, shells form deadly thickets.

The void shield on the hull is continuously lit up, deflecting the energy beams enough to destroy the city.

Calgar seized the opportunity and led the Ultramarines and the warriors who followed him to launch a gang-jumping operation.

Prepare to completely crush the resistance of the Black Legion.

The tide of original cast warriors flooded into the head fortress with the help of teleportation.

Calgar was shocked by what he saw.

Those traces of profanity can be seen everywhere.

In the dark shadows lurk countless creatures of the warp.

The first to attack them were horned, red-skinned demons.

They are twisted, legs made of sharp knives swinging wildly.

Hooves slapped the floor of the cabin, and the long sword in his hand was burning with flames from hell.

The first line of defense of the fortress was in close contact with Calgar and others, and they fought together in a short while.

Two Ultramarines tactical squads were not far from Calgar, providing cover for the Chapter Master.

The moment the demons emerged from the smoke and shadows, with the smell of molten iron and blood, explosions hit them like a torrential rain.

Calgar throws himself into battle, smashing every enemy in his path with his iron fist.

Combat missions are arranged before the battle begins.

Things on the battlefield should be left to those soldiers to decide.

They know what to do.

When they think that their sacrifice can be exchanged for more benefits, these fighters will sacrifice without hesitation.

Calgar never had any doubts about it.

He trusted these fighters.

The demon's body was burning with flames, and the flames illuminated the black corridor, like pale torches.

The warriors formed spears and pierced their defenses continuously, shooting dense barrages at them, and cutting off their limbs with sword blades.

Calgar grabbed a demon and grabbed the opponent's horn, broke it alive, and tore its body apart, extremely brutal.

The demon's body torn in half was thrown out by him, hitting other demons.

Calgar was also equipped with a bolter under his gauntlet, and the two demons were directly knocked away by the blessed bullets, and steam was bubbling from their bodies, making them howl in pain.

The Ultramarines cleaned up the demons at an extremely efficient speed.

A howling demon is shot into a bomb by a calm warrior from the gaping jaws.

Accompanied by the sound of an explosion, the demon's entire head exploded like a watermelon.

Some demons were also knocked to the ground, and the surrounding soldiers waved their weapons and slashed at each other.

Just a few breaths, the demon's twisted body turned into a pool of foul-smelling and sticky mud.

Some Chaos warriors drove the mortal servants, trying to hold back the empire.

Unfortunately, nothing can stop the anger of human beings.

Those Chaos Warriors were blown apart after only a few encounters.

Those mortal servants are even worse.

Some of them are the descendants of the slaves in the Eye of Terror. They have long forgotten their origins, and were tortured by the traitors until they lost all will to resist.

Also partly mortals coaxed from conquered worlds by the Black Legion.

Those fools gave their lives to the devil just to live a few more weeks.

They don't deserve any sympathy.

Loyalty is not an empty term.

It is an oath to guard with life.

They should die for the Empire and fight to the last for humanity.

No matter what kind of crisis you encounter, you should not betray.

A traitor is never worthy of pity.

Slaves rushed in droves against the loyalists of the Empire.

The red eyes have long lost their minds, and the dirty face is covered with brand marks and tattoos, twisted to howl in despair.

Calgar knocked them down without mercy.

"For the sake of the great emperor, all traitors deserve to die." Calgar said indifferently after smashing a woman's head with a punch.

Those servants died one after another, they were too fragile, and the imperial loyalists could easily reduce them to a pile of fragmented corpses.

Stepping on the road paved with blood and stumps, Calgar led his personal guards all the way deep.

Demons, traitors, slaves, mutants, and servants created by the Dark Mechanicus were ruthlessly destroyed.

Nothing can stop them.

Near the depths of the fortress, a group of warriors wearing Baroque-style black armor stood in front of them.

Horned helmets encase their heads, blood-red eyepieces glow sinisterly, and they wield ancient bolters.

They watched Calgar and his party rushing in, waiting in full force, ready to fight.

Just as Calgar was about to give the order to kill all these traitors, a voice interrupted him.

"It's been a long time, King Macragge."

Calgar looked solemnly at the place where the sound came from. Abaddon, wearing a Terminator armor, came out of the darkness. The thick armor was covered with bone spurs, like a monster who came from a nightmare to reality.

"Today is your death day." Calgar said in a deep voice, "Stop thinking about running away like a coward."

"I have no intention of fighting you, Calgar. On the contrary, I am here to help you. The Black Legion suffered heavy casualties in the battle on Chidixing. Don't you wonder what kind of power made us recover so quickly?? "

"I never believed a traitor." Calgar said, "I only know one thing, and that is that you are finished, Abaddon."

Abaddon didn't care about Calgar's threat.

"A brand-new force has entered the galaxy. They are like those disgusting bugs. They didn't belong here, but they came here and tried to get their hands on the galaxy. It is with the help of this force that the Black Legion can do so. Recover quickly, your primary enemy is not me, Calgar. Killing me is meaningless, it will only drain your and the empire's strength."

"The Black Legion has been defeated by you again. What you have to face next is the real mastermind behind the scenes. I hope you can be as tough as you are now. These words are my warning to you. Be careful of that new enemy. Don't want you to die at the other's hands. Your head is mine, Calgar, remember that."

Abaddon took two steps back, a thick, sticky black smoke sprayed from the statues on both sides of the hall.

Just two or three breaths drowned out the gang of traitors.

When Calga realized something, he rushed into the thick fog, and the other party had disappeared without a trace.

"Abadon, you are a coward." Calgar growled angrily: "A coward."

Abaddon, who used teleportation witchcraft to escape to the Sansa, showed a mocking smile.

So what about cowards.

The one who survives to the end is the real hero.

The Empire will go dog-eat-dog with that **** Yogg-Sothoth and beat him to death.

"Let's go." Abaddon didn't care about the fortress he lost. That thing didn't belong to him, but belonged to Horus who was controlled by Yogg-Sothos.

The crew of the Worry-Free started the maximum thrust of the battleship's engine, and flew towards the target according to the originally set goal.

Abaddon has been looking for ancient weapons that can harm the gods.

Now, he has some clues.

At the edge of the galaxy, there is an ancient ruin that has been forgotten.

belongs to a very long time ago.

Maybe, he can find something he needs there.

Calgar's anger doesn't change anything.

Abaddon cunningly escaped from him again.

This is the third time.

After calming down, he asked his subordinates to install star-killing bombs on this huge fortress, and then let all the troops withdraw from the battlefield.

As the last Primordial warrior withdrew, the huge head fortress was torn apart by star-destroying bombs, and countless flames gushed along the corridor, engulfing all the enemies who failed to escape.

Calgar, who returned to the Glory of Macragge, was trying to track down Abaddon's whereabouts.

Even if they killed most of the Black Legion's active force and failed to capture the big predator, it wouldn't be a victory.

In order to deal with Abaddon, Calgar brought an extremely large force.

Attacked from multiple directions to encircle and suppress the Black Legion, just to completely block Abaddon's retreat.

Now, as long as all the troops work together to block the waterway of the warp and prevent Abaddon from escaping back to the Eye of Terror, the opponent will be unable to turn the tide.

Before Calgar ordered to search for Abaddon, a new message came from other battlefields.

An Imperial Navy fleet responsible for encircling and suppressing the Black Legion was annihilated by an unknown force that suddenly intervened in the battlefield.

A total of 20,000 Primordial Warriors with two battle groups were killed by the enemy, and millions of soldiers of the Empire were killed or injured.

It was the heaviest loss after the second emperor of the empire ascended the throne.

This news made Calgar realize that Abaddon was not lying.

A force far more terrifying than the Black Legion is seeking to take over the galaxy.

"Let go of that **** first." Calgar's face was extremely ugly, "Order all the ministries to gather and gather strength to fight against the new enemy."

On the void battlefield, fragments of battleships are floating everywhere.

Both imperial and enemy.

The two are mixed together, just floating like that, attracted by the gravity of the celestial body, flying towards the stars, or being pushed away, flying into the dark void.

No matter where they fly, their fate is irrelevant.

On the battlefield, there is still the last huge celestial-class battleship still struggling, trying to escape from the battlefield.

The soldiers guarded all passages and sniped the enemies of the Tiaogang.

Originally, they were already victorious in encircling and suppressing the Black Legion, but they suddenly smashed out several planet-like skull fortresses from the edge of the galaxy, reversing the situation.

The powerful imperial warships were also blown alive by enemy troops far exceeding their own.

On the only surviving celestial-class battleship, the defenders of the empire are still fighting fiercely with the enemy.


Seven or eight imperial soldiers wearing exoskeletons looked at the green monster in front of them with horrified expressions.

Their weapons shot at each other's bodies, as futile as water guns hitting steel.

The green monster beat the group of soldiers into a lump of mud without any effort.

Behind that monster, there are other equally huge monsters.

Both green and red.

They all have a common name, Hulk.

Under boundless rage, their strength is beyond imagination.

The terrified soldiers of the empire saw that they tore apart the Primaris warriors alive, and even blew up a battleship tens of kilometers long.

They are also put on the Celestial-class warships as the main force for attacking fortifications.

Each Hulk has a body size of five meters, which is extremely huge. It can blow up a Knight Titan with a single punch, and possesses endless power.

As soon as it was thrown into the battlefield, it crushed several lines of defense.

Wherever they passed, there were all tattered corpses torn apart by them.

The appearance of the Hulks made the already precarious line of defense fall.

The soldiers of the Wailers Chapter retreated to the core area under the leadership of the Chapter Master-Marvin.

Another battle group - Emperor's Scythe has also retreated to the core area.

All survivors were forced to the core, relying on the last defensive fortress to block the enemy's attack.

"Fate has never favored us." Tracius, the Chapter Master of the Emperor's Scythe, watched the enemies constantly gathering outside the fortress, showing a bitter smile.

The Emperor's Scythes have suffered as much as the Wailers.

The Wailers were discriminated against for cursing the establishment of the army, so they could only go to the borders of the empire to fight.

The flagship of the Badab War, they unknowingly sided with the tyrant Huron, causing them to be attacked by imperial loyalists, losing most of their weapons and equipment, and punished for a hundred-year redemption expedition.

The Scythe of the Emperor is the battle group responsible for monitoring their expedition. The two battle groups have forged a deep friendship in many battles.

During the Hive Fleet invasion of the Kraken, the Emperor's Scythes and Wailers Chapters were all but wiped out.

The home planet of the Emperor's Scythe, Sosa, fell during the invasion of the Hive Fleet. In order to cover the retreat of the civilians, the Emperor's Scythe stood on a mountain called the Coffin of Giants, and eventually all members died in battle.

When the Empire brought these two Chapters back, they were in as bad a shape as the Astral Knights.

Emperor's Scythe only has the last starship, they have lost all Terminator armor, and they don't have any armored vehicles.

The Wailers suffered heavy casualties in successive battles with the Zerg, and all those who survived were wounded, only one step away from complete annihilation.

After a long period of recuperation, they were able to recover and grow stronger.

Like the other Chapters, they expanded, taking it to ten thousand men.

And put his home star on a celestial-class battleship.

This time, it can be said that all the money accumulated over the past hundred years has been thrown in.

20,000 fighters, almost all of the two battle groups.

If it weren't for the fact that there are still several companies in other troops, I'm afraid these two battle groups that have just recovered will have to be removed.

"We were really unlucky, no one thought that there would be such an enemy army." Marvin's tone was equally bitter.

From start to finish, they don't have any information about the enemy.

The other party seemed to appear out of nowhere.

When they besieged the Black Legion, they were caught off guard.

There was a sharp howl, and the enemy attacked again like a tide.

The artillery of the tanks roared, the titans were also unleashing their anger, and the heavy weapons on the walls of the fortress were also pouring ammunition.

High-energy grenades and electromagnetic pulse bombs explode in the center of the enemy.

Charging at the forefront are those twisted treants.

An arm like a vine that can pierce steel.

Under intensive firepower, they were beaten to pieces, and there were flying wood chips everywhere.

The corpses left by the enemy's previous attack were also vaporized in front of the defenders' terrifying firepower.

Not a single treant was able to break through the fire blockade and walk in front of the defenders.

However, they have also completed their mission and advanced enough distance.

Amid the gunpowder and blood mist, a new enemy took over the Treant's place.

The huge Hulks charged.

The strides of the heavy body shake the battlefield, as if it were the end of the world.

"Prepare." Marvin shouted: "For the emperor, for mankind, and for the sake of living up to the holy blood."

The Hulks charged into the line of defense of the Wailers.

The size and strength of the two parties are equally terrifying.

The Hulks are blessed by Yogg-Sothoth.

They all stem from an ancestor, that is Dr. Banner who was the first to incarnate Hulk.

The cancerous universe distorts those heroes.

The Hulk family led by Dr. Banner also failed to escape this tragic ending.

Dr. Banner's family inherits a special genetic factor,

After being illuminated by gamma rays, it will transform into Hulk.

For this reason, their entire family has the ability to transform into Hulk.

After the entire universe was distorted by Yogg-Sothos, the entire Hulk family was also distorted and became the servant of the other party.

There is no doubt about the powerful combat power of the Hulks. As the anger increases, the combat power will continue to increase.

The strongest Hulk can even destroy a planet.

The veterans led by Marvin crouched down, raised the strong shield that activated the force field, and the Heart of the Empire was overloaded, ready to meet the first wave of impact from the Hulks.

ps: Happy New Year,

(end of this chapter)