Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Batman's Darkness (for subscription)

Superheroes such as Batman and Blue Beetle, rely on their keen senses to detect the opponent's intentions immediately.

They shot one after another, trying to subdue each other.

Unfortunately, they were all one step too late.

Sam waited here for so long, even his own brother was knocked off the building by the blue beetle, and he fell to pieces, he didn't save him, just for this moment.

As the button is pressed, space distorts, and crackling sounds echo in the air.

Eerie screams and harsh sounds filled their ears.

The soul and body are distorted, and the dizziness of reshaping has made many superheroes go dark.

When they opened their eyes again and could see things, they realized that they had been thrown away from the battlefield and appeared in the boundless dark void.

Those superheroes with slightly weaker physical qualities tried to make a sound, but there was no echo.

The essence of sound is vibration.

And there is no matter in space that can transmit human sound frequency vibrations.

For this reason, screaming in the void has no sound.

Others can only see the distorted faces of those heroes.

The space environment is very cruel, and many superheroes simply do not have the ability to survive in the void.

Otherwise, their range of activities would not be limited to the small planet. 1

The absolute low temperature of space can take away their body temperature within a few breaths, making the body's blood freeze.

Lack of oxygen also suffocates them within minutes.

One after another superheroes turned into ice sculptures in pain.

Superheroes who survived by virtue of armor and superpowers are not in a good situation.

Weak superheroes die from hypothermia and lack of oxygen.

They may die from the heat.

Superheroes are very close to the sun.

The heat radiation released by the sun is washing over their bodies, intensifying the movement of particles, and the temperature will rise to the limit that the physical body cannot bear in a few seconds.

Temperature is the external manifestation of particle motion.

The more active the particle movement, the higher the temperature.

The quieter the particle activity, the lower the temperature.

There are no particles in space, which means one thing, that is, there is no temperature in space.

The temperature needs to be expressed through the medium.

The light emitted by the sun is essentially just radiation, and will not generate any temperature in space.

For this reason, even if you are very close to the sun, as long as you are in the void, your body will first feel the low temperature.

After a while, it will become hot due to radiation.

It is also possible that hot and cold appear at the same time.

This is why the planet has temperature, but the vacuum surrounding the planet has no temperature.

Every superhero who realizes his situation turns extremely ugly.

High temperature alarm, please leave the dangerous environment in time.

High temperature alarm, please leave the dangerous environment in time.

High temperature alarm, please leave the dangerous environment in time.

The shrill siren echoed.

Looking at the sharply rising temperature, a rare trace of fear appeared on Bruce's face.

Not only the threat of death to him, but also the life and death of other members of the Bat family, as well as the life and death crisis encountered by his ambiguous object-Catwoman.

With the protection of the bat armor, it can last for a while.

But others are not so lucky.

The bat girl clamoring for justice has been frozen into an ice sculpture at this moment, suspended in space, and shattered into pieces when it collided with other people's corpses.

Several Robins are protected by armor, but their armor is behind Batman's armor, and will soon reach a critical point.

Catwoman has the magic of ancient Egypt, but facing the cruel laws of the universe, the power of magic is too weak.

After a while, she showed a painful expression.

Bruce used the jet function of the suit to advance, grabbed Catwoman's hand, tried to do something, but sadly found that there was nothing he could do.

"Do not!"

Bruce was heartbroken seeing the pain of his beloved woman.

His voice could not be heard.

Catwoman's magic slowly wears off.

The dagger in her hand burst into countless pieces.

Even with the blessing of the so-called cat god, it is difficult for her to survive in such a harsh environment.

Gods also have their own limits.

In the face of the ruthless universe, the cat **** is just a character like an ant.

Its divine power cannot shake the cold rules of the universe.

Can't save the dependents who are favored by him.

Bruce was heartbroken, he watched Catwoman go to death a little bit.

Those beautiful eyes are full of pain.

"No!" Bruce howled in pain, the death of Catwoman and the Bat Family pushed his pain to the extreme.

He recalled when he was a child, when his parents were killed.

Darkness grew within him, gripping his soul like vines.

He hated feeling powerless.

I hate the feeling that I can only watch the people I care about die, but I can't do anything.

Why is fate so cruel, to let him experience such pain again.

Bruce closed his eyes in despair.

His life was a tragedy.

After his parents were killed, he lived in darkness.

Becoming Batman is his salvation.

And now, this redemption has also become an illusion.

Just when many superheroes were desperate, a glowing crack appeared.

Several light touches protruded from the crack, dragging the living superheroes into the crack, allowing them to escape from death.

Blue Beetle-Ted Codd is also one of the surviving members.

His battle armor was badly damaged, but the high technology in it still allowed him to survive.

After all, the blue beetle in his hand is a technology from another planet, and has a certain ability to survive in a vacuum.

After all the alarm systems were disarmed, he took off his helmet, revealing a handsome face of a middle-aged man.

Ted Kord scanned around and found that they landed on a huge platform.

Shazam, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and other superheroes in charge of peripheral blocking stand not far away.

looked worriedly at the superheroes who were brought back.

Several superheroes with healing powers walk up to those injured and help them recover.

"Bruce, what's wrong with you?" Wonder Woman walked to Bruce, who was kneeling on the ground with his hands on the ground, and the other person was twitching in pain.

"We saw the disappearance of the Roboute Building, and we realized it was a trap. I asked the gods of Mount Olympus for their help. Unexpectedly, it was a step too late, and I only saved you."

Bruce turned a deaf ear, but immersed himself in his own spiritual world.

A boy stood in the alley where his parents were shot dead, watched his parents' bodies lying in a pool of blood, and cried desperately and helplessly.

Farther away, the darkness is boiling and screaming.

They came from all directions, devouring everything around the boy bit by bit.

Until the bodies of the boy and his parents were all submerged in darkness.

The Bat-family is wiped out.

Catwoman died too.

He became a real loner.

All of this is Roboute's fault.

This blood debt must be repaid by the other party.

Bruce's eyes are red.

Gotham is his, it's his.

He is the real King of Gotham.

The rescued superheroes returned to the Justice League headquarters.

There is no joy on their faces, only pain.

They lost too much.

The first offensive launched against the Roboute Group was played by the opponent between applause and heavy casualties.

The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam and others looked at the scarred Batman and others, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This fiasco has dealt a huge blow to the morale of the Justice League.

"There is a situation." Steel Skeleton, who has been monitoring the situation of the earth's network, suddenly said, and he turned on the big screen, which is broadcasting global news.

"The Justice League's attack on the Roboute Company was shocking, and public protests broke out in many places, demanding that superheroes be severely punished. The impact of this incident was too bad, and countries have issued severe condemnations of the Justice League. To show our attitude, the Justice League has been systematically slandering the company, and this time it invaded the company's headquarters, causing a large number of casualties and property damage."

"The following is a report brought back for you by front-line reporters."

The camera turned around and came to the ruined Gotham City. It can be clearly seen from a high altitude that the Roboute company building has disappeared, and there is only a charred deep pit on the spot.

A lot of buildings collapsed around, and there were a lot of wounded, crying.

The fragility of ordinary people's life is beyond imagination.

A thumb-sized splash of rock can hurt them.

A large number of Roboute employees and machinery were transferred to supplement the insufficient public rescue personnel in Gotham City.

"Son, don't be afraid, mom will take you to treatment right away."

A woman ran out of the ruined building, crying.

She was holding a bleeding child in her arms. Members of the medical team quickly went up to them, took the child in her arms, and put it on the emergency bed.

The female reporter trotted up with the microphone in hand.

"Hi ma'am, what happened? Is that your baby? What kind of injury did he get?"

The woman was crying like pear blossoms and raining, her whole face was pale with fear.

"I don't know, I saw a freak get smashed into my house, my kid got hit in the stomach with a piece of rubble. My God, how did this happen."

"It seems that it has been affected." The female reporter said: "The superheroes have acted without scruples, which has damaged the interests of many residents of Gotham City."

"Get those superheroes out of our society." A man leaned in front of the camera and shouted: "They use their abilities to ignore the law and start a war in the downtown area, which is what terrorists do."

The man's words resonated with many people nearby.

Get superheroes out of our world.

"Let the superheroes go."

"Get them out of here."

These scenes make many already depressed superheroes even more depressed.

They are fighting for these people.

Why don't they understand at all!

That **** Roboute company is going to rule the world.

"Are these guys blind?" A superhero stood up and said indignantly.

This sentence resonated in the hearts of many superheroes.

They made so many sacrifices to protect the world, but what they got was incomprehension and exclusion.

"I'm afraid we are the ones who are blind." A discordant and lazy voice sounded, "They didn't ask us to save them."

One sentence made many superheroes glare at the person who made the sound.

"Konstantin, what do you mean?" A superhero asked in a bad tone: "You also think it's wrong for us to do good things??"

Constantine shrugged, he wasn't originally a member of the Justice League.

In order to fight against the powerful Roboute Company, the Big Five summoned famous superheroes everywhere.

Konstantin was also pulled over.

Of course, he wasn't doing it for any righteous cause.

He came purely for money.

In Constantine's heart, justice is always used to wipe his ass, and only those guys with unclean **** will talk about such things.

His mission is to use magic to help these superheroes monitor the movements of Roboute Company, and he is not directly involved in the struggle.

"Are you doing good deeds?? Did you start a war in the center of Gotham City, or did you do it without evacuating the people?"

"What do you know? This is for the secrecy of the operation, we are forced to use this method." Haiwang said in a deep voice: "You don't understand the strength of Roboute Company at all."

"I really don't know how powerful they are, but I know very well that they don't joke about the lives of millions of ordinary people. Seriously, you superheroes are too arrogant. You have been away from those ordinary people for too long. Even those ordinary people You have all forgotten what people want."

Konstantin took out his lighter to play with, and sat lazily on a chair.

"What they want is justice, what they want is a safe and beautiful world." A passionate superhero said: "This is the direction we are fighting for, and it is also the original intention of the Justice League."

"Cut." Constantine showed a contemptuous smile, "In the past, five hundred dollars could make a girl sell her shame, and one thousand dollars could hire a desperate gunman. How much do you think I pay, they will pay would sell so-called justice."

"That's why we have to work harder to create a better world." The Flash said.

Constantine threw his lighter, "This is the result of your hard work, the price used to be a little more expensive, until you formed an alliance to fight crime everywhere, unemployed gangsters became cheaper, and so did the girls .

"You said we shouldn't fight crime?" The always good-tempered Superwoman became a little upset when she heard Constantine's words.

"Accordingly, it should be. But judging from the results, you have cracked down on crime, but it has made crime more rampant." Constantine said mockingly: "Now, the situation has changed a little. You take five hundred, one Thousands of dollars to recruit those young girls and gunmen, they will think you are a big whore, and such a small amount of money will make them sell themselves."

"Isn't this what we worked hard to get!" Wonder Woman stood up and said

"No, this is only after the appearance of Roboute Company." Constantine's words left many superheroes speechless, "People are creatures that value profit, and Roboute Company provides those people with a stable life. The benefits far outweigh the benefits of their being part of society, so they don't become criminals. So, even without superheroes, crime would continue to decrease."

"And in the world you protect, crime is a better way than hard work, so you will never be able to eliminate those crimes, even if everyone here is on call 24 hours a day, so I say."

"If you don't want to stay here, you can just say so." Bruce, who had been silent all the time, stood up, interrupting Constantine's words in a low tone.

Looking at Bruce, Constantine's pupils condensed slightly, then shrugged, opened a portal with a wave of his hand, and disappeared after jumping in. Only his voice echoed in the hall.

"Forget it, remember to put the money on my card, business is not good recently, otherwise I won't come to hang out with you."

Bruce glanced at the confused superheroes, wondering if they were wrong, and shook his head.

These guys are too fragile.

Bewitched by Constantine's few words.

"We are not wrong, no matter when, justice is not wrong. We protect this world, so that it will not be played by those evil people in applause."

Bruce took off his helmet to reveal his face, "The Roboute Corporation is the most powerful enemy we have ever encountered, but they are not invincible, and we are not without allies."

"What do you want to do?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Call all the forces we can muster." Bruce said firmly: "We will definitely win this war and rescue Clark. The Roboute Company should not dream of ruling the world, they will definitely lose."

"What about Hal?" Cyborg asked.

"Call him, the earth has reached the most critical moment." Bruce said in a deep voice: "We need every strength."

Superman is the strongest force in the Justice League, but he is not the most difficult to deal with.

Clark's ability is more biased towards the real universe.

Among the several founders of the Justice League, there is another one who holds a biased power.

That's Green Lantern - Howl.

He has been summoned by the Guardian to other battlefields.

It is precisely because of this that Hal did not participate in this operation.

Now, the time has come to recall one of the founders.

Aquaman will summon the warriors of Atlantis.

Wonder Woman will also return to Paradise Island for rescue.

Even The Flash would call other Speed Force holders.

Supergirl will go to summon the Kryptonians who have been hiding in the crowd.

Bruce clenched his fists tightly. This time, the Justice League will do whatever it takes to destroy Roboute.

"Things are getting messy, and it's going to be a big mess."

After Constantine left the Justice League headquarters, he hurried back to his family manor to check the information.

The dark aura on Batman Bruce made him palpitate.

According to ancient legends, a terrible evil is sealed beneath Gotham City.

That evil thing will incite people to fight and chaos, so as to strengthen itself.

Was sealed in Gotham City by the ancient mages.

Bruce was obviously influenced by that force.

This universe hides many unknown secrets, and those ancient evils are taboos that no one can touch.

They are the remnants of the ancient, the darkest and most evil nature.

Star City, the hometown of Green Arrow.

The captured Superman was locked in a cage made of kryptonite at this time.

Superman, who is comparable to a god, is weak at this moment, like a wild dog that has been injected with anesthesia, lying limply on the cold metal plate.

Several mechanical tentacles are constantly taking his blood samples for analysis and research.

"The target has very novel genetic technology, but it's a pity that there are also great flaws." A mechanical priest showed a crazy look, "If we can reverse this technology, it will be very beneficial to the development of the empire, Lord Titus. "

Titus stood beside the cage, nodded, "Research is allowed, the interests of the empire are the top priority."

As a member of the first batch of exploration team, Titus was also assigned to the second batch of exploration team.

Take Sam and return to the mother universe of the other party.

The human civilization in this universe has not yet stepped out of the earth, but it already has all kinds of weird, even advanced technologies that are no less than the empire, which is really incredible.

The aliens here also possess powerful technology. It is really not an easy task to gain a firm foothold in this starry sky.

At this stage, the empire has no way to launch a fleet into this universe. The tunnel is still under construction, and it is estimated that it will take at least five years.

In the past five years, at most, a small-scale team can only be deployed to pass on information and a small amount of technology, and there are not many things that can be done.

If the Justice League hadn't launched an attack, Titus would not have thought of fighting them.

Staying there for five years, waiting for the big forces of the empire to push, is the kingly way.

It wasn't until he received the news that the Justice League was going to take action against the Roboute Company that he prepared for a counterattack.

The war started, and he didn't regret it.

It is a good plan to unify this planet first, and then rely on this planet to conquer the surrounding area after the empire comes.

Titus looked at Superman who looked no different from a human, turned his head to look at the excited mechanical priest, and gave a new order.

"Test his genes and see how different they are from human genes."

(end of this chapter)