Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Crazy Transverse Tunnel Project (Subscribe)

Several beams of light fell on the reformed man, even the thick iron armor was melted, and several black wounds were burned on the strong and terrifying body.

There was a stench of burning flesh from the wound.

Injuries that are enough to kill an ordinary person are irrelevant to a modified person.

He let out a low growl.

He walked towards Hawke and the others with heavy steps.

The strong muscles produced by chemical agents are strong enough to resist the damage of high-temperature laser beams.

Hawk's face became a little ugly.

He knew it was a crazy genetic creation.

Horrible creatures created by those crazy cultists.

"Go to hell, lackey of the corpse emperor." The reformer roared.

Constantly pulling the trigger of the middle bolter.

The erupting bombs dragged the propelling flames, burning in the air and drawing a trail of white smoke.

Where the explosive bomb fell, there was a booming explosion, and gravel flew randomly.

If it weren't for the protection of the armor, Hawke and the others would have suffered heavy casualties just from these few blows.

Hawk's adjutant hid in a corner, relying on discarded machinery to cover up his figure. When the huge cyborg walked by, he rushed up.

The laser blade ejected from the wrist armor crackled and scorched in the air, surrounded by dots of light.

The reformer also wanted to turn the gun.

But Hawke's adjutant cut off the barrel with a sword.

The laser blade easily cuts through the thick barrel like a knife cutting butter, and the cut surface exudes a scorching red light.

Hawk, who got up, also seized the opportunity and rushed up.

A scorching laser blade also popped out from the position of his wrist armor.

When the reformed man roared and was drawn away by the adjutant.

He stabbed the laser blade into the opponent's chest suddenly.

The modified man let out a painful roar.

The scorching blade burned his internal organs.

But his vitality is extremely strong, even if he suffers continuous heavy injuries, he can still fight back.

He waved his thick arms and threw Hawk, who was wearing exoskeleton armor, away, as did the adjutant.

At this moment, other soldiers also found an opportunity and rushed forward.

The laser blades installed on their wrist armors popped out one after another and sank into the opponent's body.

One of the soldiers jumped up and chopped off the modified man's head with a single sword strike.

He rolled his head on the ground a few times.

Hawk took a look, the guy's eyes widened, and he shot him.

Brains and debris splattered all over the floor.

Headless corpses lay in the ruins, and there aren't many good places left.

"Go ahead and kill them all." Hawk shouted.


"For Guilliman."

"Death to traitors."

The soldiers of the 502 regiment also roared.

They followed in Hawke's footsteps and entered the weapons factory.

It took more than ten minutes to push it all the way from the production line to the casting hall.

Those cultists hid in the fortifications and still wanted to resist, but they were crushed by the firepower of Hawke and others.

What is rather tricky is that those strong reformers keep coming out from the depths of the factory.

The muscles of each cyborg are exceptionally strong, tall and tall, like a space warrior.

It can be said to be a poor model for the old version of the Emperor's Angel.

It is a pity that they do not have the formidable strength and fighting talents of the space marines.

It took some time for Hawke and the others to kill them all, and walked into the casting hall of the factory.

Everything inside has changed beyond recognition,

The workshop originally used for assembling finished weapons was emptied, and rows and rows of genetic capsules were placed.

The thick black cables and data cables on the ground are in a mess. At first glance, the foundry hall looks like a snake nest with thousands of snakes entrenched.

The cables of the elevator vibrated on the base of the cavern roof.

The gigantic mechanical arms are still working, transporting those gene pods.

The buried ancient machine made a dull moan.

The foundry hall is covered with a strange mixture of amniotic fluid and electric circuits.

Puddles of transparent and viscous liquid leaked out of the genetic cabin, and the roaring machine bred indescribable strange things.

Obviously, this is a genetic training workshop that has not been built for a long time.

Some gene pods have been opened.

The fighters inside came out naked, and each one was extremely strong.

They ran towards Hawke and the others, making roaring roars.

Those muscular mutants born with biochemical agents were born in this place.

Hawke and others were amazed by what they saw.

Obviously, those **** traitors are plotting vicious plots here.

They pulled the trigger of the weapon, and the scorching beam killed the unarmed cyborgs.

Blast those guys' heads off with a burst beam.

The air instantly filled with the smell of burning flesh and amniotic fluid.

The red-robed priest who had erased the imprint of the sacred Martian gear stood in the center of the workshop.

The red light emitted by the electronic prosthetic eye is full of malice and hatred.

They are operating something quickly around a huge metal platform.

Ten black gene pods are arranged in a circle around the thinker in the center, and the indicator lights above show that the gene pods are still operating normally.

Different from other gene cabins, they are translucent with frost on the surface, making it impossible to see what is inside from the outside.

The machine slaves in full gear raised their weapons and sounded alarms when they saw Hawke and the others coming in.

The fallen mechanical priests also looked over.

Full of hatred.

They no longer recognize the Empire.

"Let the heavy fire troops come in." Hawke said softly to the adjutant next to him.

Seeing the things in the workshop, Hawke knew that there was no way for the weapons factory to take it back intact.

"The lackeys of the corpse emperor, it's time for you to see the power of Lord Jorkan." The fallen mechanical priest clicked on the panel in front of him.

Hawk raised the pulse rifle in his hand and fired a shot, directly piercing the opponent's head.

However, another mechanical priest accepted the job of the deceased and pressed the confirm button.

A booming sound sounded.

The gene cabin in the center of the platform flashed with rapid light, and the humming mechanical sound sounded.

With a bang, the door of a black genetic pod was thrown open.

Hateful, twisted, ghastly creatures crawled out of it, wet and reeking.

That hideous appearance made Hawke and the others feel sick to their stomachs.

Just looking like that is enough to poison people's minds and souls.

The monster was a human being before, and from the twisted feet and terrifying face of the opponent, some human appearance could be vaguely seen.

There are only some similarities.

The evil power of the subspace has irreversibly caused that human being to fall into the collapse of reason and thought.

And human nature has long been replaced by the endlessly distorted will, and has become a distorted, crazily speaking abominable creature serving the will of chaos.

From the perspective of anatomical structure, the filthy and horrible form has mutated almost beyond recognition.

The eyes of these monsters are like pustules, with disgusting blood flowing.

From the bloated body, it is constantly trying to grow outward.

On the huge ruins of flesh, there is no shining point of human nature.

These monsters are purely a distorted imitation of beasts for humans. They are fleshy **** made up of fleshy tentacles and **** eyes.

There are no words to describe these loathed and cursed things.

"Chaos egg." Hawke's face became ugly.

The war has progressed to this stage, and the high level of the empire no longer has any idea of covering chaos.

On the contrary, within a safe range, all parts of the empire have begun to spread various knowledge about chaos, and are ready to fight against chaos.

Remaining ignorant of Chaos is a safety measure.

The emperor adopted this measure during the Great Crusade and the ten thousand years of the empire.

The Inquisition, the State Church, and the Gray Knights are all trying to deny the existence of Chaos.

Untiringly erase all traces.

But this kind of measure will make people lose their vigilance, and they will not be able to effectively deal with the supernatural events that occur frequently today.

What's more, human beings also need to know who their enemies are.

To unite a race, setting up an enemy is the easiest way.

But this approach can only be done by the human empire led by Guilliman today.

If it was the former human empire, open chaos would be a dead end.

The harsh living environment of the empire often makes the bottom layer who know the existence of chaos yearn for it, which is the most terrifying thing.

Now, only the new empire that can promote education for all has the ability to control the overall situation.

After the chaos is made public, it is easier to inspire people's unity by publicizing the horror of chaos and the hatred of traitors.

Propagate the theory of human superiority, tell the 40,000-year history of human struggle, tell the massacre of chaos, cruel abuse of captives, etc., to unite the entire human empire.

In terms of the army, it is even more terrifying.

In order to prevent being affected by evil whispers, recruits will be implanted with ideological seals before enlisting in the army, so that soldiers have the ability of spiritual defense.

At the same time, a blocking and correction chip was implanted in the back of the brain to protect the soldiers' thoughts from being poisoned.

More importantly, the formalization of the state religion.

The state religion has been incorporated into the education system of the empire.

Believe in the emperor, starting from a baby.

If you can't speak, you must first learn to hate Chaos and believe in the Emperor.

These measures allow the empire to loosen control of chaos, but also guarantee the loyalty of the imperial army and the worlds.

As the team leader, Hawke is naturally very aware of the chaos.

Compared with ordinary people, such terrifying things as demons are rarely encountered once in a lifetime.

More creatures polluted by chaos.

Chaos Egg is the most common one.

Those terrible demons transform those cultists into indescribable monsters by whispering, twisting or infusing evil power.

The appearance of such horrible creatures as Chaos Egg is the greatest desecration of life.

The cultists closest to the monster were devoured first.

Chaos eggs have multiple mouths, and they can easily devour those unlucky eggs.

The crisp sound of bones being bitten off echoed with the outflow of blood.

The Chaos Eggs have long been crazy, and they will never think that the cultists are on their same front, and will kill all targets indiscriminately.

Seeing such a horrible scene.

Even those cultists who originally clamored to sacrifice for Chaos were frightened and fled in front of these various creatures.

They are evil incarnate, hideous monsters.

The essence of chaos.

The incarnation of death, the embodiment of fear.

One of the imperial soldiers walking in the front was caught by the tentacles.

The metal of the exoskeleton armor is corroded.

The flesh and blood of the soldiers are also melting, like wax melting when it meets fire.

The evil power of Chaos is released through the Chaos Egg, trying to distort and touch everything.

"Kill this monster." Hawke yelled, "Quick."

The automatic weapon on the shoulder armor locked the wriggling monster through the built-in calculation module.

Several bursting beams sank into the huge body.

Cluster rockets whizzed out, and the fixed-point blasting point was powerful enough to blast through steel.

The burst beam pierced through the unnatural body.

Blast off pieces of wet flesh on the monster's back and sides.

Under the intensive firepower, the huge monster fell down, fragmented, and could only kneel on the ground and roar in despair.

Hawk shot off the monster's head.

But with the unlocking of those gene cabins, more deep voices sounded.

All those terrifying monsters crawled out, seeing Hawke and the others surged up like vultures seeing carrion.

Those terrifying monsters have exposed cartilage and ribs, and the muscles produced by biochemical agents are extremely thick, and those tentacles have bone spurs, which are extremely sharp and can easily pierce steel.

Sharp bony horns protrude from disordered, chaotic flesh.

In the multiple eyes of the monster, burning with the fury of mad and wounded beasts.

The power of these monsters is so terrifying.

In the past, only those well-trained emperor angels could deal with it with ease.

If it is handed over to an ordinary star army regiment, I am afraid that it will take a heavy sacrifice to solve this terrible crisis.

Fortunately, with the reform of the army.

The installation of various new weapons and equipment gave Hawke and others the confidence to deal with these monsters.

Otherwise, Hawke will have to consider summoning the Emperor's Angel.

Their sharp claws and bone spurs can easily cut through the protection of armor.

The strong and powerful tentacles can twist steel alive.

Hawk and others can only shrink the formation.

Retreat while pouring attacks on monsters.

They retreated all the way to the production line, abandoning all the places they occupied just now.

It wasn't until the boom sounded that they stopped their retreat.

Several Marauder tanks crashed into the walls of the weapon factory, and they were forced into the factory, opening a road.

Under Hawke's order, the burst beam cannon of the Marauder Tank bombarded the Chaos Eggs intensively, blasting their flesh and blood to pieces.

Chidixing is still in the framework of the real universe.

The laws of physics are still at work.

In the face of overflowing damage, even with the support of subspace, it is impossible to persist for too long.

Chaos eggs were eliminated one by one.

Stepping on the corpses of those monsters, Hawke and others entered the genetic biochemical workshop again.

The crazy and depraved Mechanicist priest tried to resist, but was knocked to the ground by the **** of his gun, and pressed into the sewage.

"It's over for you, the Chidi planet is in Lord Jorkan's pocket. Stupid, unable to see the truth, the same kind who are troubled by flesh and blood, embracing the great demon prince-Lord Jorkan, is the only possibility for you to obtain salvation .

"Shut your mouth, traitor." Hawke stepped forward and hit the opponent's face with another elbow. Even though he had undergone mechanical transformation, in front of Hawke's metal prosthetic limb, the fallen mechanical priest also ate It was a big pain, and half of his face was smashed to pieces.

"Commander, what shall we do now?" the adjutant asked.

"Look at how many rebels are still in the city, and clear them out. Next, notify the Mechanicus and those **** bureaucrats. Our mission is over, the Sterks lair has been completely controlled, and it's their job to continue .

Hawk made various arrangements methodically.

After regaining the Styx hive, his promotion is a sure thing.

But Hawke didn't have any joy.

The situation is getting worse.

The devil is peeping at Chidi Star. The traitors here are trying to use the Chaos Egg to turn the tide of the battle, and the traitors in other places will only become crazier.

In that weird subspace, who knows how many evil methods there are.

Once Chidi Star falls, the consequences will be disastrous.

Climb aboard the Marauder Tank.

Hawk ordered the driver to go to other places in the hive to kill those traitors.

"Come on, **** evil god, human beings will never surrender."

Hawk stared at the devastated Hive of Styx, secretly swearing in his heart.

The will of the Regent of the Empire will surely control the entire Empire.

Even gods must make way for human will.

Hawk doesn't care who the enemies are, and never fears them.

As a soldier of the empire, even in the face of those unimaginable gods, Hawke will firmly follow the regent of the empire and wave his sword to the gods.

One day, human beings will step on the corpses of the gods and pick the final fruits of victory.

Moduo planet.

Here is listed as the highest military restricted area.

A large number of celestial-class battleships and planetary-class void fortresses are suspended in the void, on guard against any invasion of void forces.

On the surface of Modo Star, there is also a large-scale ground army, guarded by the Titan army.

The number of troops assembled here is enough to shock and surprise every force in the galaxy.

The defense level here is definitely no less than that of Terra.

When Galileo was sent to this place from his hometown on a transport ship, he was also frightened by the huge warships and the large number of weapon platforms.

As an indifferent person, Galileo seldom showed too much emotion.

But he was still intimidated by the size of the army in the Modo galaxy.

It's hard to imagine what kind of enemy it is, and it requires so many troops to be ready.

In any case, Galileo knew very well that this was not something he could participate in.

It's like a crazy storm, he's just the unlucky guy caught in it, not those who can control the direction of the storm and control the overall situation.

Galileo was a recruited worker.

It's hard to imagine what kind of project requires workers from all planets in the galaxy.

Those mechanical priests who stripped off their flesh and blood and replaced them with mechanical parts drove the spaceship to Galileo's world.

They check everyone, and those who pass are taken away.

Promise to give a job to those qualified.

Their children, parents, wives or husbands will benefit from it.

The remuneration is very high, and many people are attracted to it.

However, not everyone is eligible to apply.

They selected for a long time, and selected more than a dozen people from tens of millions of people.

Galileo is also one of them.

He considers himself lucky.

It's cool and worth showing off that others don't have it, but you have it.

The selected people were sent to the Modo galaxy.

Participated in several remodeling surgeries.

Galileo had no idea what they had implanted in himself.

He could only feel his emotions disappearing.

It's like a cold robot.

When some normal people get along with him, they will feel a sense of suffocating fear.

In addition, they were also trained to use various weapons and mechanical equipment, and even learned how to control engineering mechs to carry out operations.

For this reason, Mechanicus also carried out genetic enhancements on them.

Wait until everything is ready.

Galileo and others learned what they were going to work on, which was to open a tunnel.

When Galileo heard this, he felt very ridiculous.

From tens of millions of young adults, a dozen people were carefully selected.

It also consumes a lot of resources and performs various transformation operations, just to open up a tunnel.

This is simply outrageous **** open the door for outrageous, outrageous home.

The entrance of the project was selected at a mountain range in Modo Star.

A military fortress was built at the entrance.

There are drone troops such as servo skulls, cherubs, and machine slaves patrolling 24 hours a day, as well as imperial elite troops such as emperor angels, gray knights, and nuns.

In addition to this, the military fortress also has a protective force field of a static molecular force field.

That force field can cut off the flow at the molecular level.

The defense is very strict.

In a real sense, no flies can fly in.

After complicated identity verification procedures and mental state confirmation.

Galileo and others were sent to the entrance of the tunnel.

They were the first workers.

Mechanical equipment has been prepared and placed in front of the entrance.

Their job is to drive construction machinery to open tunnels.

The control method of construction machinery is very simple, all of which are connected by nerves.

A humanoid machine like a Titan.

It's just that it is not a weapon, but a drill and a mechanical arm.

Galileo observed for a while, the place where the tunnel was going to be opened, there was already a trail on a huge black stone wall.

Their task is to widen the trail, lay a large amount of mechanical teaching equipment into the opened tunnel, and ensure their normal operation.

Galileo felt very strange.

Does it take so much work to widen a path?

It is selection and strengthening.

It's like fighting a war.

Before the official work, Galileo and others also got a document and a sculpture pendant of the emperor.

The paperwork is a code of conduct for tunnel workers.

Written in standard Gothic.

Those people asked them to stick the paperwork in the cockpit, and it is said that they were blessed.

Galileo read the rules as required.

The Holy Emperor is above, according to the glorious and eternal human empire, the executor of the great emperor's will, the power of the imperial regent.

You have been recruited. From now on, you will participate in this tunnel project, and you must not withdraw without the permission of the Regent of the Empire.

Anyone who flees without permission will be charged with treason and racial betrayal.

In the name of the Holy Emperor, your duty is great.

The day when this tunnel is successful is the day when mankind can enter a new era.

Never question the importance of this tunnel, nor do you doubt yourself and get lost.

Every tunnel developer must abide by the following regulations.

1: Before entering the tunnel to work, you must conduct a comprehensive inspection, and report your mental state to the inspector truthfully. If you feel that you are not mentally good, you can refuse to work, and there will be corresponding doctors for treatment and assistance.

Two: Your job is to open up tunnels and lay railroad tracks. Apart from that, don't bother with anything else. Even if a worker asks you for help, don't go to rescue them. Just report the corresponding situation and there will be a special rescue team. help the wounded

Three: Complete your own work seriously, don't be curious, and don't try to investigate any visions, that is the job of Mechanicus followers. Your engineering mechs have surveillance equipment on them. You will be censored for any unusual behavior, and the Inquisitor has the authority to execute any employee who does not obey this code.

4: If you realize that you are being watched or there are people behind you, or any situation that feels unfavorable to you, you can leave the post early. Don't care about anyone asking you to stay in the tunnel, if you continue to work, even the highest commander has no right to ask you to continue to work when you are in danger.

5: When you are in the tunnel, you can choose not to obey the orders sent by communication, and no organization will blame you for this. The empire does not require you to undertake any combat missions, nor does it require you to undertake any exploration missions. You only need to complete the tunnel opening mission while ensuring your own safety.

Six: All information is subject to the announcement of the cathedral in the rest area. There will be the Silent Order, the Gray Knights, the Mechanic Order, the Commander of the Custodian Army, the biological seal of the High Command, and the identification chip implanted in the glasses will be automatically identified in the announcement. come out. If the announcement does not have these biological seals, or if it is incomplete, don't bother.

7: It is not allowed to share anything you have seen in the tunnel with your fellow workers, let alone talk about it in private. You can enter the prayer room of the church and tell the priests and nuns, and they will record it and give you a psychological explanation.

Eight: Every employee who enters the tunnel will be implanted with a chip and have a sculpture pendant of the Holy Emperor. When you see a human being without a pendant or a chip, stay away from him immediately, and don't listen to any words he has to say. After confirming safety, contact support immediately, and the support force will arrive within three minutes.

9: If you see a non-humanoid creature, please flee immediately and contact support. The support force will arrive within three minutes.

Ten: When whispers are heard in your ears, and they are getting more and more serious, you can sing the song of the Holy Emperor for more than five times in a row. If there is still no relief, please leave your post and get out of the tunnel to seek help.

Eleven: There is only one tunnel, so don't ignore any branch roads you see, leave the place with branch roads in time, and tell the inspectors about your situation and accept the inspection.

Twelve: There will only be the smell of organic oil and steel in the tunnel. If you smell a strange smell, please be vigilant. If the smell becomes stronger and stronger, or even sweet and greasy, please leave the area immediately and contact support force.

Thirteen: Do not communicate as much as possible during work, and keep silent. If there is a work area dispute with nearby workers, you can discuss it after finishing the day's work.

Fourteen: The tunnels opened are black rock formations, and the laid rails and various devices are polished and smooth metal. If you see any flesh, bones or other tunnel walls, please use a flamethrower to burn the abnormal position until it returns to normal.

There are fifty rules in total.

At the bottom, there is also the complete Song of the Holy Emperor.

After reading the rules, Galileo looked up at the dark tunnel in front of him.

Turned around again and looked at the various weapons that had been activated behind him.

In addition to this, there are also fully armed Emperor Angels standing on suspended tanks.

Galileo suddenly felt a little hairy.

Just build a road, is it necessary? ?

Moore's strategic high command was set up not far from the tunnel fortress.

Mechanical priests are here to maintain those huge machinery.

Each machine is extremely huge, like continuous hills.

Thick energy pipes and cables are placed on the ground, crawling and winding, connecting them, and playing a beautiful movement in harmony.

These machines have only one purpose, and that is to open the way of Moore.

The machine hummed and crackled, and the tech priest dragged the scarlet robe to walk around the large machine, monitoring the parameters of the machine, and chatting with each other in mechanical secret language from time to time.

Beside each machine, there are people working in peace.

The brain shrinks and expands in the huge petri dish, just like a person breathing rhythmically, calculating massive amounts of data.

"Can it really work?" Dawn stared at the screen in front of him, a huge amount of data was flowing, and complicated symbols emerged in it.

Many sages of the Mechanic Cult, such as the ruler of the Great Sage Sage Kaul, the Martian Mechanical Sage Regula, and many others are beside him.

"This is the best solution we can come up with at the moment." The ruler sage held a gear scepter, and his voice was mechanically boring, coming from the generator with a built-in throat. "Those miners have been trained by us and implanted with the seeds of the soulless. They are the most suitable candidates, and the subspace has no way to influence the soulless."

While in Ultramar, Guilliman ordered research on the Warp.

At that time, this project was once misunderstood by several mentors of the Gray Knights.

believed that Guilliman had turned his back on the Emperor and embraced Chaos.

If it weren't for the prestige of the original body.

I'm afraid that Guilliman at that time will be exorcised by those gray knights as a demon.

At that time, Guilliman and Kaul had already conducted various researches on restraining demons in the subspace.

Among them, the soulless, which is feared by demons, is naturally also within the scope of Kaul's research.

After receiving the technical and resource support from Guilliman, Kaul successfully extracted the characteristic genes of the soulless.

Facts have proved that soulless people can indeed be cultivated through genetic means.

All the tunnel-opening workers, including Galileo, are the creations of this soulless man's genetic engineering.

They are all artificial soulless people with the same characteristics as the nuns of silence.

This feature is best used to build channels for different-dimensional universes.

Soulless are not affected by the Unreal Warp.

This is their advantage.

This is why they see black stone walls, unlike others who see caves flowing with brilliant light.

Tunneling is the cognition instilled by Kaul et al.

Subspace competition is a confrontation of wills.

Demons cannot affect the soulless.

They can only use various weird means to break the old cognition of the miners, let the other party know that what they opened is not an ordinary tunnel, but a road in the subspace, so as to drive them crazy.

This is the only way the demon can stop the soulless.

The empire needs to protect these soulless people, help them resist the interference of demons, let them lay the equipment of Mechanicum in the subspace, and open up the road to other universes.

"Such behavior can be called crazy. I have no way to describe my brother's ambition. He is even crazier than my father." Dorn shook his head, Guilliman was trying to open up a path to other universes.

Even though he is a Primarch, Dorn has to admit that he is no match for Guilliman in terms of madness.

Other Primarchs are no match.

Emperor just wanted to build the webway in the past.

Guilliman now wants to build the webway and pave the way to other universes.

One piece is already crazy.

Guilliman wants to do it together!

"We need more backup methods. The Imperial Regent's approach is correct. He has provided a lot of technical support in these processes. If these technologies are not used, it will be a great waste." Ruler Great Sage- Kaur said, "The decisive battle has begun, and we have no way out. Win or die."

Dawn stared at Kaul, shook his head, "I finally know why you can become Guilliman's confidant, you are as crazy as him."

"In a crazy universe, only crazy people can survive, Lord Dorne." The ruling great sage-Kauer said.

"My father suffered a lot because of the webway. If Guilliman's plan goes wrong, what a heavy price he will have to pay?" Dorn asked, "Have you considered this kind of thing?"

Kauer was stunned for a moment. Guilliman had considered this question, but the answer was too horrifying for him to say.

Guilliman had just woken up in Macragge and had a long conversation with Cawl.

At that time, there were already plans for many plans now.

Kaul asked Guilliman the same question.

What if I lose? ?

Guilliman showed a ruthless face, and he slammed his fist on the marble table.

"At that time, we will build a bunch of subspace bombs, and if we lose, we will blow up the subspace. No one should **** want to feel better, and then run away to other universes, recharge their batteries, and then come back."

There was a moment of silence before Kaur spoke.

"The Regent of the Empire has already made his own considerations, Lord Dorn. We can completely trust him, and once this plan succeeds, even if the Human Empire fails, there will be a way out."

"Conquering other galaxies is a difficult task. What confidence do you have that the empire can gain a firm foothold in other universes. Let those universes be the retreat of mankind?" Dorn said.

Kaul shook his head and said: "When humans developed the moon, they couldn't even conquer their own polar regions, they couldn't even fully develop the ocean, they couldn't even control the desert and climate, and the earth didn't even have a unified political power. .Even though there are so many problems, they still choose to go to the moon to develop a desolate world, because they know that if their eyes are always on their side, it is impossible to go too far. Hiding on the earth, civilization It's just going to stop.

"Conquering a universe is still a fantasy for the empire. Shouldn't the empire go out and broaden its horizons? The empire is like a frog trapped in a well. Does it want to count all the flowers, plants and bricks in the well? Just out of the well? What's the point of that, Lord Dorn."

"Empires need to move towards the multiverse, just like humans on Earth have stepped out of the solar system. When they look back, they will find that many seemingly unsolvable problems in the past can be easily solved. The same is true for empires. We have been trapped for too long. We are overwhelmed by the Chaos Gods."

"Only by going out and seeing the true face of the multiverse, can we learn more about these evil gods and win the final victory. The significance of tunnel engineering is not only to be able to travel to other universes, but more importantly, to allow us to see from the Galactic uplift into multiple universes."

"I hope you are right, Kaul, otherwise no one will be able to bear the consequences of failure." Dawn sighed, "Once something goes wrong, the crisis it will cause is enough to bring mankind to an end. Horror. In the past, only the galaxy was burning, but by then, the entire universe may be burning."

"Struggle is always inevitable, Lord Dorn, we can only believe. If we can't be united, how can we win?" Kaul said, "What if the universe is burning? Human beings have experienced tribulations, should we be afraid of tribulations?"

"I hope that when the situation I worry about happens, you can still be so determined." Dawn knows more than Kaur, he knows how terrifying the power of chaos is.

Everyone who knows the truth will only feel hopeless.

Let the future people consider the future. We only need to do the present. Kaul said.

Dawn nodded and stopped talking.

He watched the progress of the opening of the tunnel.

Wait until the situation of the different universe project is stable, and there will be no major problems.

Dawn is going to be in charge of the networkway project

Compared to the cosmic channel, the webway project is undoubtedly the reverse scale of the gods.

Once humans use the webway to isolate the subspace, their influence will inevitably plummet.

The influence has declined, and the gods will be forgotten soon if they are covered up for a while.

Even if the time comes, chaos will corrupt the human empire again.

New gods are afraid that they will rise accordingly.

They will also be forgotten like the gods who passed away in the ancient years, and they will be abandoned in the long river of time.

The threat of alien universe engineering is not that great.

If Guilliman can eat this cake, they may not be unable to eat it.

At that time, it is only necessary to corrupt a group of imperial troops. It is hard to say whether the conquered worlds will bear the name of Guilliman or theirs.

What's more, the territory of the Pantheon is in the subspace, and they can also connect their own paths and corrupt those paths.

When the time comes, Guilliman will do the work, and they will reap the rewards.

"Calgar, if you still have the honor of a warrior, accept my invitation to a duel, just you and me. Of course, you can refuse like a coward."

On the bridge of the Victory Laurel, Calgar gazed at the image conveyed by the Chaos Traitor.

In the video, Abaddon sent him an invitation to a duel.

(end of this chapter)