Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Chapter 231 The One Who Returns Everything-Yug Sothoth (Subscribe)

In the Black Legion, Abaddon's will is unshakable.

This legion was pulled up by him alone.

His prestige cannot be replaced by others.

Under Abaddon's command, the Spirit of Vengeance turned around and headed for Red Earth.

The same goes for the huge fleet.

As followers of Chaos, they can operate much more in the Warp than the Empire.

Especially the Black Legion, a chaotic force with powerful power.

Even the demons of eternal hunger are unwilling to provoke them.

Provoking the empire is at most only expelled.

Provoked the Black Legion, but was going to be caught as a hard laborer.

Those devil engines and devil vehicles are imprisoned one by one.

Even on the giant battleships like Spirit of Vengeance and Planet Killer, there are imprisoned demons who serve as servants.

Going to harass the Black Legion is really asking for a dead end.

The warriors stood under Abaddon's throne, and they kept silent, lest they offend the Great Marauder, drawing his wrath.

Ever since he was severely wounded by Calgar on Vigilus, the tyrant has become very irritable.

Many unlucky ones have already died in his hands.

Nobody wants to be next.

The few mortal crew members were even more frightened and trembled, not daring to show any opposition at all.

The Vengeful Spirit has been heavily polluted by the Warp.

Great marble portal covered with thick flesh.

Blood flows along the transparent tubes, and those important compartments beat like a heart.

Those flesh and blood are still alive, continuously shrinking and expanding, like a living body.

To some extent, the Vengeful Spirit is actually a living body.

Under such circumstances, the mortals of the Vengeful Spirit simply cannot live long.

A Queen of Glory class battleship like the Spirit of Vengeance requires a lot of manpower.

Even if there are devout believers who believe in chaos, it is by no means an easy task to replenish the scale enough for the normal operation of Vengeful Spirit.

To this end, the think tanks of the Black Legion have come up with many ways.

For example, catching the devil as a strong man.

Or fuse a soul with the Spirit of Vengeance, making the battleship the body of that soul.

Using a special ritual, they bound a girl's soul to a vengeful spirit.

Steel is her body, and the thick armor is his skin. The reactor acts as her heart, keeping Vengeful Spirit going.

The soul of this girl is named Itzala, and she was once the sister of Kayan, the chief think tank of the Black Legion.

After the girl died, she first became the core machine soul of the battleship Tylarok.

When the Vengeful Spirit was taken back by Abaddon, she was transferred to a new battleship.

became the soul and heart of the Vengeful Spirit.

She was in a life support tank above the bridge, suspended in an icy blue liquid.

No matter what crisis the Vengeful Spirit encountered, she kept quiet, staying in the refuge filled with amniotic fluid.

Thinker cables extending from her head are connected to the machinery on this life support cage.

The cable swayed gently in the artificial amniotic fluid, like a group of swimming snakes forming a huge crown.

Each of the metal snakes is constantly transmitting her thoughts to the receiving systems all over the battleship, and at the same time transmitting all the information received by the battleship to her brain.

The liquid in the tank is clear and transparent.

On the base of the tall glass tank, a buzzing set of equipment is continuously filtering the liquid and pouring nutrients into it.

Itzara has no eyes, but she can see everything she wants to see.

The many tall towers of the Spirit of Vengeance, thousands of machine sighting devices and sensors are her eyes.

When Itzara speaks, the entire comm channel of Vengeful Spirit becomes her voice.

"The orbit has been corrected, and it is estimated that we will reach Chidixing in six days." Itzala's voice echoed through the black microphone device on the bridge, echoing in the silent crowd.

Abaddon didn't speak. He sat back on his throne with anger on his face.

He was looking forward to the moment when he would personally destroy Chidixing.

That would be the pinnacle of his career.

But he also has some worries.

During the battle on Vigilante, he was severely humiliated by Calgar.

Calgar's power is too terrifying, even if he is blessed by the four gods, it is difficult to resist the opponent's blow.

Just a little bit, it was broken in the hands of the opponent.

In order to fight against Calgar, he asked Erebus to be brought up.

Lorgar, Perturabo, and Fulgrim are the three demon primarchs who want to surround Guilliman on the planet of learning.

As a result, Corax, who escaped, surrounded them with other loyal Primarchs.

The three were defeated and were captured alive and brought back to Terra.

The forces they left behind were forced by the strength of the empire and could not take revenge on their own. They could only choose to cooperate with Abaddon.

Erebus and Cole Pharon, two guys fighting for power and profit, led a group of Word Bearers to join the Black Legion, wanting to participate in the big event of destroying the empire in order to save their own Primarch.

In the must-kill list of the human empire, except for Erebus, who is not the original body and is selected into the top five, it ranks above Fabius.

Erebus is one of the most important members of the Word Bearers and the Dark Council of Thekaros.

is the initiator of the Horus Rebellion.

Played an important role in the process of Lorgar and Horus turning to Chaos.

He calls himself the Hand of Fate.

is the deadliest tool in the plans of the Ruinous Powers.

During the time of the Great Crusade, Erebus occupied the prestigious position of Chief Priest of the Word Bearers.

He is a fearsome, intimidating Astartes warrior.

His shaved scalp is tattooed with chapters from the Book of Lorgar, which he uses to intimidate and inflict psychological blows on his enemies.

However, what is unknown is that Erebus never really endorsed Lorgar's beliefs from beginning to end.

He considered the Emperor to be untrustworthy.

Before joining the Great Crusade, he had already believed in the gods of chaos, and secretly assisted the gods in destroying the foundation of the emperor.

After the Perfect City was burned by the XIII Legion, Lorgar fell into self-doubt.

At this time, Erebus, who had been acting secretly, began to reveal his heresy.

He persuaded Lorgar and told him that there are other gods worthy of belief in this universe.

With the help of Cole Farren, Lorgar's adoptive father, Lorgar was tortured in confusion.

After making their pilgrimage into the Eye of Terror, Lorgar and his legions fully embraced Chaos.

After the Fall of the Word Bearers, Erebus shifted to a new goal, becoming more determined to serve the gods and become their most proud subordinate.

With the help of his own reputation, in the name of observation and learning, he entered the Sons of Horus Legion.

He stole the Chaos weapon - the Enemy Blade from the Intres civilization.

Interrace civilization is a pure human civilization, which retains ancient technology and civilization, and is a very benevolent civilization.

This civilization is very afraid that Horus and others are lackeys of Chaos, so they are very wary of it.

It took a long time before they discovered that Horus and the others knew nothing about the subspace, and they were surprisingly naive.

At that time, the humans of Terra were kept pure by the impetus of the Emperor's Truth.

Imperial truth is a lie.

But it also helped humans.

Keep them safe from the horrors of the Warp.

Just when the Intresk civilization was delighted by the purity of Horus and others, and was preparing to join the empire.

Erebus's act of stealing the Chaos Weapon made the Intresian civilization believe that the ignorance and purity of Horus and others were all disguised.

The two sides broke out in war.

Horus doubts himself for the second time in a diplomatic defeat.

The first time was at the place of the false emperor.

It is also a civilization that survived the dark night, but was destroyed by the son of Horus.

Horus doubted himself that if the emperor were here, these two wars would never have happened.

After that, Erebus took advantage of Horus's pride and sent him to the planet Devon.

Erebus told the story of the rebellion of the governor of Planet Devon in front of many narrators, causing Horus, who lost his face, to be furious.

Yugan Tamba, the governor of Devon planet, was appointed by Horus himself. The loyalty of the other party is what Horus admired the most, and he mentioned it many times.

The other party's betrayal undoubtedly hit Horus' self-confidence again.

In order to wash away the shame, he personally led the team to kill the traitors, and was finally stolen by Erebus from the Interrace civilization, and handed over to Yogan Tamba's old enemy, Blade.

After the usual treatment was ineffective, Erebus proposed to send Horus to the temple, and used rituals to guide the other party to see the so-called "truth", which eventually made Horus fall.

Bewitched by Erebus, Horus stayed away from the Great Crusade, reached an agreement with the God of Chaos, and embarked on the road of rebellion against the Emperor.

For a long time, Erebus stayed with Horus, serving as his dark spirit's advisor and ally.

Abaddon's hatred for Erebus was as deep as Lorgar's.

Even if one day, he successfully destroys the human empire.

His next target will also be the Word Bearers Legion.

Even though many people ridiculed Abaddon as a reckless man, he was not worthy to be the warmaster elected by the four gods.

Actually, this is just a kind of impotent rage and jealousy.

Abaddon's abilities may not be comparable to the Primarch.

But he is definitely the top few in the first echelon of space fighters.

Before the rebellion, Abaddon was the first company commander of the son of Horus, and the chief of the Council of Four Kings that Horus valued most.

He dared to argue some things with Horus, and even the Emperor.

This quality alone is enough to beat many people.

Many Primarchs would not speak against the Emperor, let alone those Space Marines.

Abaddon became the co-choice of the four gods because he was the only one who could hold the banner among the many traitors.

Angron was dominated by endless anger, Fulgrim turned to Slaanesh, Mortarion became Nurgle's lackey, and Magnus was treated as a plaything by Tzeentch.

The Four Gods will definitely not let one of them become a Chaos Warmaster.

The gods all want to devour each other and want to completely control the power of chaos.

Although Lorgar has no obvious tendency, his personal ability is also at the Primarch level.

But he is not popular.

If it weren't for the great enemy of the empire, and he was still a demon primarch, I'm afraid he would have been attacked by the crowd long ago.

Not to mention Perturabo, that kind of awkward personality is hard to convince the public, and he may have to be betrayed.

Erebus mocked Abaddon for not being worthy of being a co-choice of the four gods.

But if Erebus is given the position, I am afraid that he will be hacked to death by other Chaos warriors immediately.

Abaddon was by Horus' side throughout the Great Crusade and Heresy.

He witnessed the fall of his genetic father and became an instrument of the gods.

At that time, he already hated Lorgar and the Legion of Word Bearers.

If it weren't for the great trouble of the empire, Abaddon would send troops to attack the Word Bearers immediately.

Surrounded by several wizards, Erebus came up.

Wherever this guy goes, endless shadows follow him.

The vague whispers linger, and various invisible creatures with indistinguishable tracks hide in his shadow.

His face is very ferocious, with bone spurs, and faces the size of thumbs floating on it.

Erebus saluted Abaddon, praising him as a great Warmaster.

But Abaddon saw hypocrisy in his eyes.

A garbage.

Disgusting and hateful trash. z

Abaddon didn't show it. He looked at Erebus and asked how to deal with Calgar.

Calgar's power is certainly not as terrifying as Guilliman's.

But Abaddon still had a shadow.

One punch almost knocked him back.

If those wizards hadn't taken him away, I'm afraid that the Black Legion would have lost the leadership of the great Abaddon ever since.

"We can sacrifice to the great Chaos, and those beings in the darkness may be willing to contribute." Erebus said, "Not long ago, we got a group of captives, and those captives can be sacrificed. Using their flesh and blood and Soul, we can exchange for the power to kill Calgar."

"Really sure?" Abaddon asked.

Erebus nodded confidently, "Trust me, Warmaster. Those demons are powerful enough to bring Calgar to his knees and beg for his life."

Abaddon stared at Erebus, his gaze became serious, and Horus' claw waved.

"Since you are so confident, I will leave Calgar to you to deal with. I hope you can handle this matter well. That would be a good thing for you and me."

Erebus froze for a moment, then continued, "Warmaster, I need a container."

Abaddon showed a sneer, "This is your business, I just need the result."

"This container is very demanding." Erebus said, "He needs to be strong enough to suppress the demons."

Abaddon stood up, stepped off the throne, and walked in front of Erebus.

The magic sword Drachanian screamed excitedly in his hand.

It can feel the terrifying anger in the heart of its master.

The sword longs to taste the blood of Erebus.

"Then who do you think is the most suitable for Erebus?" Abaddon looked at Erebus and asked slowly.

Erebus originally wanted to say, Warmaster, you are the most suitable one.

Has muscles but no brains, and calls himself the Warmaster of Chaos every day.

also looked dismissive of the gods.

If you don't act as consumables, who will.

Erebus just wanted to find an excuse to send Abaddon away like his old father, and consume the empire by the way.

Then he would have a chance to take control of the Black Legion.

Lead the people to complete the cause of the gods piously.

But seeing Abaddon like this, he suddenly felt a little terrified.

If you tell Abaddon to become a container of power, I am afraid that you will be the next one to be strangled by the claws of Horus.

The wizard who was devoured by the demon is still screaming.

He doesn't want to be next.

"I think he's a good fit."

Under the threat of death, Erebus pointed at another warrior.

The warrior growled menacingly.

Everyone knows that the power of demons is not so easy to get.

Abaddon pressed down Erebus's hand little by little, "Let the container come, Erebus. I know you are the closest existence to the Chaos Gods, at least that's what you said."

"Warmaster." Erebus still wanted to struggle.

But Abaddon's gaze made him shudder.

Being a container doesn't necessarily mean dying.

Oppose Abaddon, you must die immediately.

Thinking of this, Erebus could only nod his head, suppressing his anger and unwillingness, and said obediently, "Yes, I also think I am the most suitable."

"That's fine." Abaddon smiled, and he walked back to his throne.

Having experienced so many things, Abaddon has long been clear about the urine nature of Chaos.

Chaos' bounty is never free.

It takes more than it gives.

What the ritual of Erebus was, Abaddon did not know.

But he knew that if he wanted to get those powers, he had to pay for them.

He is not one of those wizards who sell their souls to demons for a little knowledge and power.

If he can't beat Guilliman and Calgar, he will return to the Eye of Terror.

Borrow another 10,000 years from the sky, if you hang on, you won't believe it, and you won't be able to win after tens of thousands of years.

As the saying goes, a man with a heart will live up to the sky, and three thousand soldiers will destroy Terra.

Erebus' face was ugly.

Failed to trick Abaddon, but brought himself in instead.

But now, there is no other way.

Only the ceremony can be held.

A fire pit and chaotic octagonal runes for sacrifices were quickly completed.

Captives with psionic potential were selected to serve as sacrificial offerings.

Accompanied by screams, the evil fire in the subspace was ignited.

These flames do not use ordinary firewood, but use soul fragments as fuel.

In the flames, those anguished souls screamed.

Erebus looked down at the fire pit in a low voice, reciting the ancient sacrificial runes.

Firelight reflected on his shaved, twisted head.

Also mirrored on barbed and bone-decorated armor.

Abaddon sat on the throne, watching Erebus' movements.

His size is very large, and the Terminator armor on his body makes a slight buzzing sound.

This set of Terminator armor has a lot of historical origins.

It can be traced back to the end of the Great Crusade, when Horus and the Dark Mechanicus established a covenant, when the casting general Kelbo sent a batch of Terminator armor as a witness of the covenant.

Erebus took out a book, straightened his body, flipped through the ancient pages, and finally found a complex figure composed of entangled emblems.

Those ancient, lost gods have long since fallen into the demon army, or been completely forgotten, sitting in some corner of the warp, waiting to die with the universe.

Many people know that Chaos Demons, subspace gods and other such existences have eternal lifespan.

Look, this seems to be a blessing.

But this is not the case.

Civilization will collapse, and those gods believed by civilization will be forgotten.

New gods will grow with the rise of new civilizations and take their place.

Some of those ancient gods collapsed with the collapse of faith, while some did not, remaining as strong as ever.

It's just, they're forgotten.

Can only stay in the corner, waiting for the day when the universe is destroyed.

Subspace and reality have a very special relationship.

If no one remembers the gods, then the gods have no way to interfere with reality, and it is just a strange natural phenomenon.

If someone performs rituals on them, they can get their help and at the same time become a channel for them to interfere with reality.

The more widely the name of a **** is spread, the more powerful it can interfere with the universe.

It is similar to two countries.

It doesn't matter how strong you are in another country.

People don't like you.

Unless wars are waged and people are conquered, it is impossible to exert influence.

But there is another way, which is to use various methods to infiltrate.

Cultivate your own spokesperson.

A country is all owned by other people, so the internal affairs and economy are all controlled by them.

One word from someone can plunge the entire country into turmoil.

The same is true for the Warp.

The Four Gods have been supporting their spokespersons and using them to interfere with reality.

If, like during the Great Crusade, an iron-fisted king came to the real universe, he wanted to eliminate the influence of the subspace and kill those traitors who ate inside and outside.

The influence of the Four Gods will also drop suddenly.

It is easier to seek help from these forgotten gods than to use the power of the four gods.

Those guys are all ashes in the corner, transparent existences that are not noticed.

They will not be stingy with their blessings, just to let those idiots who yearn for power from chaos spread their voices.

Erebus has held many rituals.

This kind of thing is very familiar to him.

A large number of captives were killed to establish contact.

"Bah." An officer spat at the soldier escorting him, "Don't touch me with your disgusting hands, minion of Chaos."

"Damn it." The soldier roared angrily.

Abaddon looked at that position.

There was a happy smile on that mortal's face.

The other party felt Abaddon's gaze, and turned to look at him, showing disdain.

"A group of cowards who only dare to hide from the glory of the regent. You have no ability except to slaughter women and children."

"Damn mortal." The soldier who was spat on grabbed the officer's head.

The other party is still smiling.

Spit on all the traitors here.

Click sound.

His neck was broken, and the corpse fell limply.

Abaddon's complexion became ugly.

Guilliman's return brought a lot of changes.

If it was in the past, these cowardly mortals would never have any courage to resist.

But now, they dare to cast aside themselves.

This is not a good sign.

They are changing.

Abaddon hated the change.

The world is getting more and more damned.

Chidi must be destroyed to let Guilliman know that he cannot save the empire.

"Quickly, execute them all." Erebus said, "Use their souls and blood to sacrifice to the power of Chaos."

The dagger slashed across the necks of those innocent people.

Blood spurted out from the wound.

Vicious warp flames rise.

Their blood hissed in the flames.

When he was dying, the hot, vivid and powerful emotions filled the entire room.

It was panic, pain, and the fear of being betrayed.

Erebus knelt on the ground and drew a figure that was exactly the same as in the book.

However, he didn't notice that a rune had gone awry, and blood stained that rune.

Complicated graphics have power, and they can be associated with specific beings.

Any deviation, the summoned things may be quite different.

Erebus has done this kind of thing many times. He thought he was familiar with the road, so he didn't conduct any inspections.

The temperature on the Vengeful Spirit plummeted.

A biting cold wind blows from an unfathomable corner, carrying the dust of lost eras and ruined empires, and carrying the meaning of eternity and eternity.

The creatures hidden in the shadows howled in inexplicable terror.

They felt that an ancient and terrifying existence was coming.

That breath is so terrifying that it is enough to drive countless lives crazy.

Shadows seem to be given life, dancing in the corner of the room.

A noisy voice from no source came from all around.

Full of endless malice, terror.

Even the creatures in the shadows are crying.

They couldn't bear the threat that voice posed to them.

"Are you asking for my help? A tiny creature."

Abaddon was not much touched.

He has completed many trials.

Faced many ancient, terrifying demons no less than the Four Gods.

"Yes, I am the Warmaster of Chaos, the future master of the galaxy, what are you? Who am I talking to?"

"This world does not yet have my name, and you will be the first to know. I am the one who is all things, the ruler of time and space-Yug Sothoth. I am outside the worlds, and you called me, I will answer you." said the voice.

Erebus was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice. He looked down and found a graphic error.

A trace of fear suddenly rose in my heart.

He seems to have summoned wrongly.

But now, it is impossible to recover.

If Abaddon knew that he was incompetent, he might be killed.

Erebus just wanted to summon a **** whose name was lost in the ancient river, and use the power of the other party to fight against Calgar.

Now, an inexplicable existence is summoned.

An existence no less than the four gods.

"I seek the power to win." Abaddon said.

"Victory, a useless word." The voice said, "creatures bound by ignorance often desire these. In the infinite world, many creatures will make similar requests. It is not difficult, but you can do it for this time. What did you pay for the deal?"

"What do you need?" Abaddon asked. "Soul? Flesh? Or something else?"

"Your strength is too weak, and there is nothing that can satisfy me. But you are the first creature to summon me in this world. As a reward, I allow you to owe a promise as the price of the transaction."

"The condition is ridiculous," Abaddon said. "No one would make an unlimited promise."

"Then what can you take out? You have other imprints of Chaos power on your body. In this case, you are destined not to be loyal to me. I saw a perfect container in this world. If you can fetch it for me, this The deal is over."

That voice's patience was gradually worn out.

Obviously, the other party doesn't like such a transaction very much.

But it is still patient.

This universe has no imprint of it.

If you can leave a mark, it will definitely be a very worthwhile thing.

It has no intention of striving for control of this world.

But if it can leave a mark, then its game can expand to a wider range.

What a wonderful thing.

Abaddon frowned, and then said, "That's it, seal your power on him, and after I win, I will fetch that container for you to complete the deal."

"The contract is established, small creature, don't try to fool me, otherwise your fate will face unimaginable horror, no one can deceive the omniscient Yogg Sothoth." The voice said.

Then, it disappeared.

The screaming of those shadows also stopped.

Erebus has a strange mark on his body.

That imprint was clearly distinct from the imprints of the Four Gods on him, as if they were a completely different force.

This reminded Erebus of something bad.

During the siege of Terra, he visited a man.

That is Erda, Mother Primarch, a mighty Eternal.

He once tried to persuade the mother of the Primarch to join the Chaos side.

But the other party refused.

For this reason, Erebus summoned four big demons to get back the place.

The four great demons were all killed by Erda.

The power used is not the power of the warp gods.

During that conversation, Erebus knew that there were other forces in this world.

Those powers are older and more powerful than the powers of the space gods.

Erebus has been thinking about this in the days that followed.

But there is not much clue.

Until now, he was sure that the being that Abaddon talked to was definitely not a creature of this universe.

But it is equally powerful, and it is as unpredictable as the Four Gods.

If his Primarch knew about this kind of thing, his whole body would probably collapse.

God is not alone.

There may be more of them than humans.

The emergence of the Great Rift not only tore apart the curtain between the subspace and the real world.

Also let this universe enter the eyes of more chaotic creatures.

A universe in chaos that is about to fall is like a delicious cake.

Erebus feels that there may be more powerful Chaos powers awakening, and they will participate in the gluttonous feast that carves up this universe.

After feeling that the **** who claimed to be Yogg-Sothoth had left, Abaddon glanced at Erebus, which made the latter dare not look directly, for fear that his mistakes would be known by the other party.

Fortunately, Abaddon didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

He thinks about how to destroy the Empire.

As for borrowing whose power to destroy, Abaddon didn't care.

Let the galaxy burn.


Calgar led the fleet to support the planet.

Red Earth Stars are immune to damage from the Great Rift.

But the galaxies around it have fallen.

The evil power of the warp corrupted those planets, dragging them into the Great Rift.

Beside Chidi Star, a galaxy named Sergil has also become the site of a demon prince named Jorkan.

Countless demon armies flocked to Chidi Star from the Segil Galaxy, trying to bring this planet into the territory of the Demon Prince.

Traveling through this kind of thing, there are coming and going.

It is impossible for Sishen to be strong, and they will be full of rubbish, beaten and beaten.

Keeping in mind the original intention, my book is Zhutianwen, and the classification is Zhutianwuwu.

Time travel is inevitable.


Soon the devil will be worse than a dog, and the gods will go everywhere.

The Great Expedition of the Heavens Edition will take a long time.

It will take a long time, brothers and sisters, before you can take a big hammer and go to other universes to beat the families of the gods.

To rattle and kill.

(end of this chapter)