Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Chapter 228 Victory (for subscription)

Like a sharp knife, a gap suddenly appeared on the surface of the physical universe.

Amber light overflows from rifts in the warp.

Brighter than a thousand suns.

Impacts all perceptions of people.

The dark void is illuminated.

The sharp blade that splits the space sticks out along the passage it created.

However, that is not a knife.

Instead, it was a colossus built in the subspace, made of pure gold and marble.

A majestic winged eagle forms its prow, and the hull is inlaid with a huge city composed of statues and temples.

Every captain who saw this giant ship showed a dumbfounded expression.

They naturally recognized the ship.

Glorious Queen-class battleship - Macragge's Glory.

A flagship belonging to the Thirteenth Primarch.

It jumped into the battlefield, piercing the swarm like a sharp sword.

Followed by countless unimaginable magnificent ships.

Among them, the most dazzling ones are those oval-shaped celestial-class warships.

They are so huge that just coming out of the subspace has caused a huge burden on the real space.

They are like moving worlds.

Cast from steel and marble.

Driven by a power core as bright as a star.

Each of them dwarfs the giant ships like Shanzhen and Stone Fortress.

Witnessing such a magnificent fleet, every son of Sanguinius fell into a state of consternation.

When was the human empire possessing such a terrifying fleet.

They showed disbelieving expressions on their faces, and they watched this magnificent fleet enter the battlefield with dumbstruck eyes.

The size of the fleet is so huge.

Even the Tyranids, who are good at overwhelming the enemy with numbers, are not enough.

Following the first beam of light launched by Macragge's Glory, the fleet launched an attack in a uniform manner.

Brilliant rays of light floated in the void.

In an instant, it crossed the endless void, illuminating the infinite darkness, forcing them to give in to the light.

The biological ship shattered or directly vaporized in a silent wail.

Each beam is so massive that it destroys everything in its path.

Whether it was the wreckage of the starship or the biological ship covered with thick biological armor, they were all ruthlessly destroyed in that terrifying attack.

Nothing can be an exception.

The horrific bug swarm is cut through by a hot knife like butter.

The Librarians felt the pain of the shadows of the Warp, the hive mind howling in agony.

Intensive lights lit up in the Zerg's biological fleet.

That is the call of the **** of death.

The neutron star live ammunition accelerated to the speed of light was launched from those magnificent giant ships, turning all biological ships along the way into dust.

This is a new type of weapon made of strong interaction materials.

Relying on force field tentacles to eject, it can enter the speed of light within a very short distance.

This new weapon contains the most cutting-edge technology of mankind.

But its attack method is very primitive, that is impact.

Like steel hitting tofu, the biological ship was smashed into pieces.

The Zerg fleet tried its best to reverse the direction of attack, trying to meet new enemies.

But they can no longer do it.

Soon, even escape will become a luxury for the Zerg fleet.

Except for those horrible neutron star live ammunition.

The terrifying star-destroying beams were fired frequently, and a series of strong lights passed through the Zerg fleet, vaporizing and emptying them.

No matter how large the number is, they are easily crushed like ants in front of the terrifying fleet of the empire.

The will of the hive is weakened with the death of a large number of biological ships.

Not yet waiting for the Hive Mind to find a way out of this crazy turn of events.

In the warp, the shadow formed by the Hive Mind was also attacked.

Among the accompanying imperial ships were ships of the state religion.

Countless believers of the state religion are singing the praises of the emperor.

The lighthouse device installed on it brings together the power of believers and amplifies it.

Such terrifying power of faith condenses in the subspace, bombarding the huge subspace shadow.

Of course there is no way to directly eliminate the subspace shadow.

Both sides can be attacked at the same time.

For a while, the will of the worm nest lost sight of the other and fell into chaos.

Maintaining a normal level will cause heavy casualties.

fell into chaos, let alone the situation.

The massacre of the imperial fleet became even crazier.

Batches of biological ships were crushed and quickly harvested like weeds under a sharp sickle.

Any response from the Zerg fleet is useless.

Terrible firepower drove them into a desperate situation.

Those horrible weapons reduced them to charred corpses slowly torn apart in the void.

The Sons of Sanguinius looked at the Zerg fleet that almost drove them to despair, and they all showed doubts about life.

Why all of a sudden, this Zerg fleet is so stretched? ?

Was devastated by this sudden imperial fleet.

It crushed those Zerg biological ships so easily, without the slightest suspense.

It's like a dream.

The speed is incredible.

Standing on the bridge, the leader of the Glory of the Angels, Fordalok, looked at the battlefield in the void, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This is the end? ?

Isn't this a dream? ?

"My lord, the Zerg fleet is fleeing, shall we pursue it?" The captain looked at Fudalok and said.

Fu Daluoke's mind was stunned.

Just now, they were chased by the enemy to the point of death, but now they are chasing and fighting them instead? ?

"Pursue them." Fudalok suppressed his chaotic thoughts and responded to his captain.


The remaining small ships of the Zerg fleet fled in all directions.

The sons of Sanguinius who came back to their senses ordered the crew to join the team to destroy the remaining Zerg ships.

Bawei main star.

"Give him up, he's dead." Oldamair, the priest of the Blood Angels, pushed Tiers away, "Let's go, kid, run, run in the direction of Angel Castle, you will live of."

Tils looked at his father who was kneeling on the ground, his face showing pain and reluctance.

"Listen to him, boy," said Yogi with the last of his strength, a smile on his tortured face.

A spike pierced his heart and lungs.

He could feel that his vitality was constantly disappearing.

He couldn't survive.

But Yuji didn't feel much sad.

This life of suffering is finally coming to an end.

Yogi did not expect the Emperor to take him into his arms.

His life was ordinary and ordinary, unknown to the public.

Tormented by worldly suffering and hurt by life's setbacks.

Mediocre people like him are as countless as the stars in the sky.

His wife died in his arms, and there was nothing he could do.

As a father, he pins his hopes on his children.

When everything is broken, he only vents his dissatisfaction with his life journey to his children.

Forgive me, Tiers, forgive your cowardly father.

Forgive me, my love, forgive your impotent husband.

Forgive me, Holy Emperor, forgive the sin of a humble soul venting all its suffering and dissatisfaction on you.

The toxin spread, and Yogi fell down.

He fell into never-ending darkness.

The soul is released from the body and enters the world of nothingness.

That is the home of all the dead.

In that world, he heard the evil roar, saw the rolling malice.

The laughter of the mad gods came from the blood-red and ugly ocean, and they roared terrifyingly.

Those evil beings attacked from all directions like a pack of hungry wolves.

They roared and screamed, trying to devour the soul of the cowardly man.

However, a golden light enveloped Yogi.

His consciousness merged with that ray of light, and countless voices rang in his ears, as if countless souls were welcoming him.

Everything came to an end.

Emperor never cared

The demons roared at the disappearing light, they hated that existence.

Again, and again they took their food.

In tears, Tiers fled his father's body, stumbling through the hellish landscape.

Heavy, tired body resisted his command.

He moved slowly through the gap between the advancing tanks.

All kinds of red and black chariots rumbled past.

They are very large.

Tils has to be very careful.

The tanks' attention is on the enemy, and any mortal who gets in their way will be crushed to pieces.

The enemy intensified the bombardment.

When the liquid ball hits the ground, it becomes an exploding fire.

The chemical fire filled a large area of the killing zone outside the void shield of Angel Fort.

Spore sacs fell from the sky, bombarding the surface like meteorites.

Tanks rumbled over those areas, rushing towards the crazy Tyranid swarm.

Tils saw a tentacled meat ball fall from the air and explode near a tank.

The armored baffle was splashed with corrosive liquid, making a sizzling sound.

Tiers panicked. He squeezed his body and tried to run.

He has to live, no matter what the reason is, at least he has to work hard and find a way to live.

The damaged brain recalled part of his memories of being a brave young man, which made his body surge with strength.

Tiers ran to a wall formed by a violet void shield.

The wall is curved and looks like soap bubbles, but it is very strong and can stop all violence.

Tiers gritted his teeth and passed through the void shield.

That's not a pleasant behavior.

Raging energy covered his body.

Great pain tore his soul.

As if he gave up a part of himself in order to survive.

A wall made of concrete and steel bars appeared in front of him.

Plastic steel shields cover the heavy bolters and laser cannons protruding from the wall.

And in the slit-like blast holes, heavily armed space fighters stood.

Their missile launchers and plasma cannons unleash bursts of fire on the enemy.

Tiers walked towards a small door, and the other mortals who retreated followed behind him.

Safety is near, but the terror of the night is not over yet.

A terrible howl ripped through the darkness, this time from the front.

The deafening squeal of multiple jet engines drowns out all other noise.

The space warrior in black armor jumped down from the high wall, the jumping backpack gleamed in the dark,

They yelled incoherently as they fell to the ground.

The action is crazy, it looks like a beast.

There are some black-armored warriors bypassing the mortals like Tiers.

But one raised an arcing ax to mortals.

"Death to the traitor, death to Horus." The warrior shouted frantically.

There was a huge collision between metal and metal, and the weapons of the angels collided with each other and made a loud noise.

An angelic cleric braced the ax with his own winged skeletal staff, and the two weapons sparked in rage on contact.

The enemy is on the front line, not here. They are innocent civilians suffering from the treachery of traitors, let them pass, let them pass.

The priest's words brought back a little sanity to the black-armored warriors, and they ran and shouted forward.

Several space marines in red armor stepped out of it, and they helped the frightened mortals enter the wall.

"You are safe, Baal people, you survived." A warrior said.

Tils didn't have any excited expressions, and neither did the other Baal people.

They lost too much.

Or rather, they have nothing left.

The Death Company charged onto the battlefield like wild beasts, leaping over the tanks and charging towards the Tyranids with savage fury.

This is their final glory.

"Come on, traitor, come to Ka Suo, come to fight with me, come to meet your death."

A death dreadnought painted black took heavy steps and roared loudly through a loudspeaker.

"Come to meet your doom, hateful lackeys of Chaos, come to feel the wrath of the angels, Angron's sons, those treacherous sons of Horus, get out. Whether you scream or remain silent, Ka Suo will Throw your heart at the feet of St. Kylis, the walls of the palace stand still, the gates of eternity will never be opened to you, and the spines of your corpses will be smashed before the emperor's throne."

The priest of the Blood Angels Chapter, Aldameier, looked sadly at the metal sarcophagus that had fallen into madness and rushed towards the giant Tyranid creature not far away.

He recognized the fearless owner, Ka Suo.

Kaso was once one of the best fighters of the Blood Angels.

Fighted as an ancient warrior for a long time even after being buried in the sarcophagus.

But he eventually fell into madness and became a member of the death company.

His fate seemed to warn the other Sons of Sanguinius that no matter how noble and heroic they were, they would not be able to escape the doom brought about by the gene-seed curse.

The fighters of the Lost Tower were released.

They howled their rage, lost in visions of ten thousand years ago.

Pastors give up guiding them.

It doesn't make sense to do that anymore.

They are completely lost.

Warriors fight like the scariest demons, tearing apart those alien monsters with their weapons and fists.

A group of Zerg warriors, Gaunt, and Zerg Saint Titans are flocking to them.

The other side of the city wall also gave support.

Cannonballs, energy beams, burning chemicals, roaring missiles and rumbling tanks.

Both sides are fighting crazily.

Odameier believes that this may be the scene of **** in mythology.

The death company entered the depths of the Tyranid swarm, and countless Tyranid creatures fell at their feet.

These demented warriors can fight through the most horrific wounds.

But they are not immortal, these warriors who yearn for the final glory fell one by one in front of the monsters attacking the Archangel's homeland.

Dante stood on the city wall, and he watched the lost warriors being sent out from the Tower of Lost and released onto the battlefield.

Those Terra creatures were pushed back under the berserk attack of the death company, gaining a buffer again.

But this is not something to be happy about.

"How many sacrifices do you have to make in exchange for victory." Dante stared at the crazy battlefield and said in a low voice.

A bright light suddenly fell from the sky.

It was so fast that people had no time to react.

The bright beam of light instantly connected the sky and the earth, and a huge shock wave formed hundreds of meters around the landing point, and the Tyron at the center was directly vaporized.

Dante fell into a momentary shock, then looked to the sky.

The space defense in low-Earth orbit should have been destroyed when Tyron hit the surface.

How could there be bombing in low earth orbit!

As if in response to his bewilderment, hundreds of lights simultaneously lit up in the dark sky, lighting up the sky.

More intensive orbital bombardment fell on the bug swarm.


Like raindrops.

"My lord, we have won. The Tyranid fleets on Skyrim have failed, and they are fleeing. The Imperial Regent, Primarch Guilliman of the Ultramarines, has returned. By God, the Emperor, my lord, You can't imagine. Their fleet, their fleet is too grand, and in less than an hour, the main force of the Tyranids was defeated, and all other biological ships were fleeing Baal."

A priority communication appeared in front of Dante, and he chose to answer it.

The voice in the communication was full of excitement.

Dante couldn't sort out the confusion for a while, so he won inexplicably like this? ?

didn't wait for him to think deeply.

The sound of the horn echoed on Baal, like the roar of a war beast.

Rays of light lit up on the surface of Baal, forming a teleportation light gate.

The scale is huge, and troops holding the banner of the imperial double-headed eagle filed out of it, killing the Tyranid swarm that was on the verge of collapse.

A great hero also appeared surrounded by many warriors.

(end of this chapter)