Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Mortarion's conspiracy (subscription required)

The booming artillery fire continued to draw traces in the air.

When it fell on the light curtain, ripples were stirred up, and the physical shells burst into flames and exploded, shaking the earth.

Ye Qingchen looked solemnly, watching the imperial troops continuously coming out of the mist.

Those hateful mixtures of flesh and machinery, armed with flamethrowers and various advanced weapons he didn't recognize, walked towards New Testament City like puppets, advancing step by step against the firepower of the city walls.

Gunpowder weapons are not very effective against those guys.

Aerokinetic energy bullets formed by burning gunpowder generally have an effective range of within 500 meters.

To cause effective suppression, the distance must be shortened to within 300 meters.

When the distance is too far, the gunpowder weapon cannot control the accuracy, nor can it guarantee the lethality.

The strong muscles and thick armor of the machine slave can easily block the weak bullets.

Only shells can cause some casualties to those monsters.

In addition to the approach of the machine slave army, the servo skull with mechanical tentacles suspended in the air is also an important threat to the defenders of New York City.

Their targets are small, and the laser weapons they carry can be aimed using the fire control system. Much greater advantage than the defenders.

Those soldiers who turned their backs on the Lord of Suffering and joined the empire stepped forward behind the thick heavy tanks, relying on the vehicles.

They all wear advanced exoskeletons and wield pulse rifles.

The automatic weapon device on the shoulder continued to shoot at New York City.

A series of scarlet beams pierced the air and landed on the protective mask.

Ye Qingchen's eyes became serious and became sharper.

Surging power is flowing in his body.

Let him feel that every inch of his muscles is full of strength.

Once it erupts, it can sweep away all enemies like a dragon.

The empire thought that it could win with advanced technology, but they didn't know that technology was just a foreign object.

Only when the mighty power belongs to oneself is the correct path.

In front of the gods, technology is only something that the weak will use.

The troops of the empire continued to advance, and they soon approached the city wall.

Ye Qingchen waved his hand, and the well-trained church guards, with a strong figure, jumped off the high wall one by one, and the cold weapons in their hands radiated cold light.

The cold weapon is extremely sharp, blessed with extraordinary power, and possesses the blessing of sharpness and other characteristics.

Afterwards, Ye Qingchen also jumped off the city wall and rushed towards the enemies who were about to approach the city wall.

Ye Qingchen's aura soared, like a beast returning from ancient times, he slashed at the nearest imperial machine slave with his sword.

The long sword is extremely sharp, and it is easy to cut gold and iron.

The Machine Slave is constructed from wet parts and mechanics, cut by his neat sword.

Instead of blood, a special lubricating liquid spewed out, with a faint smell of engine oil.

"Disgusting creations." Ye Qingchen felt a little disgusted with these creations.

These things are as frightening as the weird creatures in the mist.

What a crazy civilization to make and use these things.

Ye Qingchen's speed was as fast as lightning, and he swung the long sword in his hand like chopping melons and vegetables, chopping down a piece, even the traverser was not his opponent, he was beheaded by his sword, blood spilled on the battlefield, showing Invincible demeanor.

His performance made all the defenders on the city wall excited.

"God of War is invincible."

"Long live Ye Zhanshen."

"Long live."

As expected of the strongest ancestor of the Holy Family, he easily killed these flesh and blood mechanical monsters with a single shot.

Zhou Chen, who was in charge of guarding the city wall, also smiled.

Feel the blood flow.

This is the power of the Holy Family.

One person and one sword swept the enemy, changing the local battle situation.

If the ancestors act together, they will surely create the glory of the past and reproduce the myth.

As if the ancestors had heard Zhou Chen's voice, they jumped off the city wall one by one and joined the battle with cold weapons in hand.

They pierced the enemy's chest like a sharp awl.

For a time, swords and swords were seen.

The ancestors stopped the advance of the imperial troops with their powerful strength.

This scene made all the defenders cheer.

The depressive atmosphere at the beginning disappeared.

The strength of the ancestors made them see hope again.

"A despicable thief, taking advantage of the power he has stolen?"

Judge Gray quickly noticed the changes on the battlefield, and turned to look at the ancestors of the Holy Family who were killing.

She turned her head to look in the direction of Titus, and switched on the communication.

"Titus, you have to deal with them, some psykers have appeared on the battlefield."

Titus heard Gray's words, and a coordinate popped up on his holographic screen.

Looking along the coordinates, a group of people wearing medieval armor and holding cold weapons are beheading machine slaves and soldiers.

The rays of light emanating from their bodies and the long swords inscribed with runes in their hands can feel the surge of spiritual energy.

In this ignorant world, there is no talk of psionic power.

They call it supernatural power.

The implication is the power beyond ordinary people.

This is a manifestation of ignorance of the subspace.

Only ignorant people will mystify unfamiliar fields.

It's like the ignorant civilians in the feudal agricultural era came into contact with modern industrial weapons and called them the weapons of the gods.

Ignorant people call the power of subspace and psionic power extraordinary power, the power of God, and it is the same reason.

Like the Eldar, they generally use psionic energy, are they the so-called gods? ?

"They want to use psykers to change the situation of the battle. What a dream." Titus' tone revealed sarcasm.

As a veteran, Titus has experienced countless battles.

In the foundry world of Gallia, he once slashed a demon prince who was ascended to a demon, and chopped off the opponent's head.

Magic ascending is of great significance. Once completed, the ascendant can gain eternal lifespan.

It is equivalent to the ascension in the myth.

Titus directly killed the opponent with his sword up and down.

At that time, Titus had not yet implanted Guilliman's heart, and had not awakened the Emperor's Angelic Engine.

Compared with the current strength is much worse.

A psyker who has never been enchanted wants to change the situation of the battle with the cold weapon in his hand in front of him.

It is tantamount to a fool's dream.

"I will finish them off, Inquisitor." After Titus finished speaking, he turned to look at the soldiers gathered beside him, "For Guilliman, let us execute those damned enemies."

"For Guilliman."

"For Guilliman."

The soldiers responded.

They had never met each other, they only knew that it was a great hero, an outstanding leader, the savior of mankind, the bane of chaos.

They shouted Guilliman's name and fought for him devoutly.

I just hope that I can get the good life promised by those imperial people.

New Testament City, slums.

The woman stood on a high platform, and took out a laser gun and a loudspeaker made of iron sheets that were sent into the city by secret means.

With the collapse of the Lord of Suffering's faith and the influx of refugees.

The Holy Family's control over New Testament City has also plummeted. Many people are already dissatisfied with them and don't want to be ruled by them anymore.

Many weapons of the rebel army were also brought in from outside.

As Imperial forces begin to attack New Covenant City, power within the city is drawn to the walls.

The leaders of the rebel army knew that their chance had come.

The woman held a laser gun and shouted at the gathered civilians with a loudspeaker: "Brothers and sisters, the time has come to resist, for the great empire, for freedom and equality."

"For liberty, for equality."

"For liberty, for equality."

"For liberty, for equality."

The ragged people all shouted.

At this moment, they are fearless.

For the sake of future generations, no longer be tormented by the fog.

For future generations not to be exploited by hypocritical protectors.

For future generations to live freely, equally and happily.

They were willing to die, to open the gap in the extraordinary mask for the empire.

The weapons of the rebel army are uneven.

Some carried muskets that smelled of butter.

Some people are holding laser guns brought in from outside.

Others were holding knives and axes.

Led by the leaders of the rebel army, they rushed to churches, arsenals, and grain depots.

An imperial double-headed eagle flag was raised by a rebel soldier, hunting in the air.

The pastors of the church were all frightened and panicked when they saw the arrival of the rebel army.

The members of the Holy Family were furious.

"Shameless betrayal."

"If it weren't for the Lord of Suffering and the Holy Family, would you be where you are today?"

"Death to traitors."

Unfortunately, the size of the rebel army is too large.

Those angry members of the Holy Family were quickly submerged in the wave of the rebel army.

Some members of the Holy Family were dragged into a dark alley, hung up and beaten to death.

Under the calm appearance of New Testament City, there are already undercurrents surging.

The hatred of the Holy Family has built up over the years.

Inequality of status, intellectual fooling, all make people furious.

The uprising this time was as out of control as a flood breaking a bank.

The rebels took arms, killed the regular troops who tried to block them, and rushed into churches and arsenals.

"Have you forgotten the scriptures of the Lord of Suffering? Without the Lord of Suffering, there would be no human beings today." An old priest in exquisite priest robes was furious, and the anger in his eyes seemed to eat them Same.

What an ingratitude.

These damned beasts.

If it weren't for the Lord of Suffering and the Holy Family a thousand years ago, human beings wouldn't know what kind of **** they were living in!

Isn't it just a squeeze?

Isn't it just exploitation?

Isn't it just to let the descendants of the ancestors live a good life?

I can't understand it like this.

If you have the ability to let your ancestors work hard, wouldn't it be great for you to enjoy the blessings!

Your ancestors didn't work hard, who can you blame?


A group of troublemakers!

Shameless troublemaker, ungrateful troublemaker.

A bunch of ungrateful brutes.

"You are all just offspring of liars, a bunch of trash who usurped the fruits of victory. You conspired to steal the power of the Lord of Suffering, and murdered the first batch of traversers." The woman kicked the old man over and retorted angrily, "You are not Saviors, but hypocritical bastards. You used despicable means to gain honor and success that didn't belong to you, and now, it's time to pay the price."

The people were agitated by the woman's words.

How shameless.

Wearing fine robes, telling the most vile lies.

The sacrifice of countless people is said to be the credit of the Holy Family.

pretending to be a savior, but in fact it is just to enslave and squeeze those ignorant people.

Wear exquisite clothes, eat exquisite food, enjoy maid service, and enjoy high privileges.

Hypocritically yelling at a group of poor people who are poorly clothed, hungry, and unable to marry a wife.

We are fighting for the human beings in the entire foggy world.

We are the saviors.

We are servants of the suffering.

We represent you.

How stalwart and righteous is the slogan of the Holy Family.

If you hadn't seen the exquisite clothes they wear, if you hadn't seen their wives are always eighteen years old, if you hadn't seen them eating delicacies from mountains and seas, if you hadn't seen them eating up a family's life savings with one meal, I'm afraid I'm going to be moved to tears, I can't wait to give them a Best Contribution Award.

The people hanged the angry old man, just like the church used to hang those reactionaries who questioned the Holy Family.

The angry rebels raised their torches and set fire to all parts of the church. They also rushed into the underground space and threw many bombs into it.

Amidst the loud rumbling noise, the church fell, and the shield protecting the entire city disappeared after continuous flashes.

The artillery fire of the empire fell on the city wall, shaking the mountains for a while, the pillar of fire shot up into the sky, the city wall cracked, and a huge gap appeared.

The rebel army cheered.

On the other side, the arsenal in New Testament City was quickly captured.

Facing the angry rebel army, the defenders collapsed after not being able to hold on for long, and the surviving soldiers ran away in panic.

The people took out the weapons, distributed them to everyone, and let them shoot at the soldiers who were loyal to the Holy Family.

Zhou Chen on the city wall was set off by the artillery fire that fell on the city wall, and then fell again.

This wave of impact made his whole head confused.

The terrified cries of the defenders came from everywhere.

"The church is destroyed, and the Lord of Suffering no longer protects us."

"Those **** untouchables."

"Run, you will be killed if caught."

"The troops of the empire came in, no."

Zhou Chen got some key information from those shouts. He got up and looked into the city, only to find fire and black smoke emanating from the church.

The top of the tall church tower has collapsed.

The rebel army shot around in the city, shooting soldiers loyal to the Holy Family, causing chaos.

Zhou Chen showed a trace of bewilderment.

Why? ?

These guys are going to join the evil empire.

Humanity must be led by the Holy Family in order to survive and complete the great revival.

Why would they be so stupid to trust those evil outlanders.

The Holy Family is the only option to save the foggy world.

Ye Qingchen heard the explosion, turned his head and glanced at New York City, his face turned cold.

With his keen senses, he could naturally hear the sounds coming from the city.

A group of ungrateful and damned untouchables dare to resist at this time.

After repelling these imperial troops, Ye Qingchen will let them know why the God of War is angry and blood splatters everywhere.

Heavy footsteps came, and an imperial soldier in blue heavy armor walked over with heavy steps.

Ye Qingchen turned to look at the imperial soldier.

The golden double-headed eagle emblem is extremely conspicuous on the opponent's breastplate.

Mechanical buzzing came from the armor, full of rhythm.

Ye Qingchen showed a trace of disdain, just an ant relying on technology.

Not worthy to be his enemy.

Who is he, Ye Qingchen? ?

Before crossing, he was the son of the famous Ye eldest son.

Now, he is the peerless **** of war in New Testament City, and the strongest human being in the foggy world.

As soon as he made a move, ghosts and gods were afraid.

Even the mist lord had to respect him when he saw him.

Ye Qingchen proudly looked at Titus walking towards him, with a cold look in his eyes.

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, he pointed at Titus, revealing the demeanor of a peerless God of War.

"Surrender at my feet, I can let you live."

In a word, it is full of domineering.

The peerless God of War, so terrifying.

Whoever dares to disobey him will die.

"Your stupidity is astonishing." Titus looked at the mortal in front of him, wondering what kind of mentality the other party used to say such words.

With a little power stolen from the subspace, he dared to be so arrogant.

Facing an Emperor Angel, he was so arrogant.

The frog in the well does not know the vastness of the vast universe.

"If you don't want to, then die." Ye Qingchen jumped up, stabbed out with a sword, as fast as a dragon, and went straight to the opponent's forehead.

He is very confident in himself.

This sword has been used for a thousand years, can the opponent stop it?

And the other party's body is so huge, it must be very heavy.

His speed cannot be caught by the naked eye, and it is easy to kill the opponent.

If you dare to offend the Holy Family, or Ye Qingchen, there is only one end, and that is death.

Lost their protective cover, the defenders of New Testament City were in a panic in front of the firepower of the empire, and suffered heavy casualties.

The line of defense is even more precarious.

Their only hope is Ye Qingchen.

Seeing Ye Qingchen make a strong move, with a wave of his long sword, he exudes the invincible and heroic posture of the peerless God of War.

They all cheered excitedly.

With Ye Qingchen, the peerless God of War guarding New Testament City, a mere empire is not enough.

The next second, the cheers that just sounded came to an abrupt end.

The excited expressions of the defenders were all tinged with fear.

Before launching the attack first, Ye Qingchen, the ancestor of the holy family known as the **** of war, was cut in two by the tall imperial warrior at an incredible speed.

With just one sword, the peerless God of War even cut the long sword in his hand into two pieces.

Contains a little bit of golden blood gushing out like a fountain.

Ye Qingchen's face was full of disbelief and shock.

how so!

one strike?

He is defeated!

How can you lose in this kind of place? ?

He still has so many ambitions, he still wants to become a god, he wants to subdue all living beings, he wants to sleep with the peerless beauties of every era, and build a big harem.

Became a god, he still has to find his way home and make those who betrayed him pay the price in blood.

He wants God of War to return.

He wants those who once looked down on him to kneel before him.

How can you die here!

How could this be!

"Trash." Titus walked into Ye Qingchen's side, raised his steel boots and stomped down, the head was crushed and burst.

When Titus lifted his foot, only Ye Qingchen's black hair covered with scalp and flesh was left.

The defenders who originally thought they could defend New Testament City were all silent when they saw this scene, and some were even so frightened that they forgot to defend and let the imperial troops pour into the city.

As the most powerful Ye Qingchen was defeated in one blow, everything was over.

The fate of the other ancestors was not much better.

Surrounded and killed by imperial troops one by one.

Even though they possess great strength, the number of imperial troops is too large, no matter how hard they fight, they cannot break through.

Beams of beams interweave into a firepower net with no dead ends.

And those Imperial warriors who are stronger than them.

Each one has heavy armor and personal shields, which cannot be broken by the strength of the ancestors.

Under such siege, the ancestors could only drink their hatred under the butcher's knife one by one.

Zhou Chen stood on the city wall, watching the scene where the ancestors were slaughtered, and fell to the ground decadently as if he had lost his energy.

They're screwed.

The Holy Family is finished.

The Church of the Lord of Suffering is also finished.

The New Testament city is also finished.

With the cooperation of the rebel army, the imperial troops took control of New Testament City in just a few hours.

Only the ancestor of the Zhou family survived in the Holy Family.

He was also one of the first time travellers.

and Ye Qingchen joined hands to backstab the Lord of Suffering and kill other traversers.

The ancestor of the Zhou family had his limbs broken, and was injected with the veritaserum, which is unique to the trial court.

The dusty past thousands of years ago was also revealed, including their collusion with the fog creatures.

What greeted the Holy Family was the cruelest liquidation.

The Lord of Suffering is equivalent to the Emperor, and the Lord of Suffering is equivalent to backstabbing the Emperor.

The behavior of such a traitor to chaos will never be condoned in the empire.

What's more, they also colluded with the mist creatures to do whatever they can to gain their own power and fool the people at the bottom.

Adding crime to crime, implicating the entire family.

All the culprits and insiders were sentenced to ignorance, which is to deprive themselves of their thoughts and transform them into machine slaves to serve the empire.

The heirs of the holy family were sent to the punishment camp to be used as cannon fodder, after becoming sinners.

Don't say that the sins of the predecessors have nothing to do with the future generations.

Enjoying the favor left by the predecessors, but not acknowledging the sins of the predecessors, has always been sophistry.

The empire has always been responsible for whoever benefits.

The city of the New Testament was broken and the ancestors were killed.

The power of the Holy Family was destroyed.

Varerian also obtained the shards of the Lord of Suffering controlled by those ancestors through some means.

The Emperor's Church in the central area of the imperial outpost is the first church built in this universe.

Like other churches in the empire, the emperor and those great heroes of the empire are enshrined.

Valyrian respectfully put the fragments he got on the altar in front of the statue of the emperor.

Watch that golden light dissipate into the air.

Valyrian smiled.

This is the enlightenment he got after entering the throne room, and it is also his secret mission.

In the Horus Rebellion, the final result ended with the loyalists winning.

But few people know the details of that war.

The flames of war not only spread in the real universe, but also existed in the highest heaven.

The Emperor alone faced the attack of Horus and the evil gods of the Pantheon.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

The emperor was suppressed for a time, and was even beaten to retreat.

When about to fail.

Malcador used blood sacrifice and faith to breathe a sigh of relief for the emperor, and then ushered in the final victory.

The fierce battle exhausted the emperor, and the subsequent blood sacrifice and faith also shattered his soul.

After sitting on the Golden Throne, fragments of his soul were scattered across the galaxy.

Some were thrown into other universes along the ocean currents of the warp.

Of course, some fragments also have his guidance and planning in it.

To get back on your feet, you have to find all the pieces.

It is Valyrian's mission to bring the Emperor back to life.

When the fragments are gathered, the Emperor will return.

"I will not fail." Valyrian stared at the statue of the emperor, making up his mind.

One day, the Emperor and the Ten Thousand will fight together again.

Varerian firmly believes that that day will come, and no one can stop it.

The Endurance is the flagship of Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard.

If those builders have not passed away, it is absolutely impossible to recognize this Queen of Glory class warship again.

Ten thousand years have passed since the keel of the Endurance was laid.

But time is not the main reason for the change of Perseverance.

After the rebels were defeated in the Battle of Terra.

The Endurance also retreated into the Eye of Terror.

During the long time of the Eye of Terror, it has been completely reduced to a symbol of Nurgle's plague.

The huge hull is full of imaginable and unimaginable diseases and fungi.

It can be said to be the tip of the iceberg of Nurgle's unclean garden in the material world.

Thick steam hovered in the passage of the Perseverance, and the higher it went to the upper layer, the thicker the poisonous gas became.

At the very top of the rotting command spire, the thick poisonous gas can kill a mortal in seconds and turn their corpse into ichor.

The mortal crew in terror are confined to the lower decks.

There, poisonous gas is confined to the ceiling of the highest hall, snaking in corroded pipes.

The air on the lower deck is close to the level that ordinary humans can breathe.

The life of the mortals on the Perseverance is very bad. When they peel off their uniforms, they can see sores and rotting germs everywhere on their bodies.

The lifespan of mortals is greatly shortened, and the internal organs are already rotting the moment they step on this cursed ship.

Such a harsh environment is very comfortable for the demon Primarch Mortarion.

The gas made him feel refreshed and comfortable.

He swaggered through the waves of poison gas.

The robe brought up the poisonous gas, forming a tornado.

In the wind, the three-leaf-shaped Nurgle mark and the skull pattern with a cracked mouth and smile disappeared in a flash.

At the top of the command tower where he wandered, the poisonous gas was as thick as a liquid, and even covered the walls on both sides of the passage.

At the top, only those traitors and demons who have received the gift of a loving father can act, otherwise they will be killed by countless poisonous germs in a few seconds.

Endurance has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Organic-like pipes, instead of metal pipes.

Tight fleshy nerves represent cables.

Rotting brain media appear where nerves and organic tubes connect.

Captured demons in locked jars, taking over the meditator's work.

A thick layer of continuously surging plaque covers the walls and the ground, making the floor soft underfoot.

In those places where flesh and blood invaded, the steel produced by the ancient empire has been corroded, and the blackened plastic skin has peeled off from the wires, and there are scenes of decay everywhere.

The plague caused these places to rot continuously, and then quickly regenerate.

Many bluish-gray cysts pulsate on the floor and walls.

Continuous dripping of oil from the ruptured cyst,

There are flesh and blood tissues in some rooms, which have been completely necrotic.

There, maggots rained down, covering the entire floor.

Swarms of flies clogged the system, the entire deck was covered in a foul-smelling jungle of flesh, and other places were covered in pus.

Unnatural ecosystems that have succumbed to deadly plagues.

The interior of the Endurance is a reflection of a small portion of Nurgle's Garden of the Father.

"This is a perfect gift." Kugas, the huge father of the plague, moved his body like a mountain of meat.

As a great demon of Nurgle, Kugas has all kinds of witchcraft and can change size at will.

In order to enter Mortarion's ship, Ku'gath has shrunk a lot.

But it is still very large and bloated.

Kogas' image is a shrunken version of Nurgle.

With a rotten fat body and a head with antlers, it will shake off a large number of magic fly maggots with one step.

On the surface of Kugas, Nurglings and maggots crawled around, crawled out of the abscesses, and crawled in through the rotten openings.

Big green flies were lying on the surface of the body. Following Kugas' movements, they would buzz from time to time, and they all flew up, forming a black mass.

Mortarion didn't look back at Kugath, he stood on the highest command tower, overlooking the planet in front of him.

The cities of the human empire have fallen.

The people of the empire who escaped by chance fled here in panic.

Nurgle's power transformed the entire planet.

A miserable green miasma enveloped the entire planet.

The trees are infected with insects and become soft, and can be torn off with a light pull.

But they didn't die, their vitality was still very tenacious, and the oily green branches and leaves were still trying to expand.

Vegetation throughout the planet is in a state of rapid growth or extreme decay.

Most of the living people have been transformed into Plague Walkers, they are also good cannon fodder, which can be used to consume the corpse king's army.

The factories left by the Mechanicus are under the control of the followers and slaves who are looking for the loving father, and they are producing all kinds of blessed weapons and equipment.

"It's not enough." Mortarion whispered, "I want to destroy the whole of Orgramar. Only in this way can Guilliman know how powerful I am."

"You will succeed, Mortarion." Ku'gath's voice was sticky.

"Of course, I will succeed. Guilliman doesn't realize how terrifying the gap between me and him is! While he was still running around, working hard for his poor savior's name, I had already done it." Prepare to destroy the entire empire. The plague will be spread, and the will of the father will corrupt the entire empire."

As he spoke, Mortarion paced the ruined command spire, using his great scythe as a staff.

"Brand new news came from the Eye of Terror. Lorgar, Perturabo, and Fulgrim were plotted against. They wanted to encircle Guilliman, but they didn't realize that Corax and others were also there. Ambush them in the dark. Those idiots got themselves into it, but I'm different from them, I won't make such low-level mistakes."

Mortarion looked at Kugas, "Kugas, you are the most beloved child of a loving father. This planet will be handed over to you. I hope you can use this planet to spread enough plagues. I know you have Holding the cauldron of your loving father, I need you to concoct a plague capable of killing gods, the plague in my hands is more focused on spreading, it can easily corrupt the entire world, but it cannot kill Guilliman."

"Guilliman is our greatest threat. Killing Guilliman will cause the empire to fall apart, and other primarchs will not be able to control the results of Guilliman's reforms. Unless the emperor himself recovers, it is absolutely impossible to prevent the empire from splitting."

"I understand." Kugas said,

"I hope I did nothing wrong in choosing you as an ally, Kugas. You were formerly a Nurgling, an insignificant presence in the garden, and you became a great master by drinking the perfect plague concocted by your loving father." The devil. The loving father values you very much, and kindly tolerates your mistakes. Your failure is to tell others that the loving father's love for you is wrong."

Kugas felt a little displeased. He could not forgive himself for devouring his father's plague soup.

Feeling that he is sinful makes him very depressed, complaining and dissatisfied.

Through such words Mortarion is torturing Ku'gath in order to gain control over this ally.

Typhus would not listen to him, and Mortarion must find a trustworthy ally.

Ko'gath was left on the controlled planet while Mortarion continued his assault on other areas of Ultramar.

His plan was to draw all of Ultramar into Nurgle's gardens as a gift to the Loving Father.

Through such means, Mortarion's power and wisdom are announced to everyone.

Kugas built a plague factory on the surface of the planet with complaints and dissatisfaction.

He skillfully set up Nurgle's cauldron, throwing in various materials like a witch in a dark fairy tale to boil the plague.

Septicemia followed Kugas as his second-in-command.

The souls of the dead were captured and stuffed under the cauldron of Nurgle to serve as fuel.

The fear of those souls, despair is the best fire to make the best plague soup.

Watching the departure of the Mortarion fleet, Kugas complained dissatisfiedly, stirred the cauldron of Nurgle with a huge wooden pulp, and peeped sullenly inside. He squatted back with a sad click sound.

The green flames burning under the cauldron of Nurgle illuminated the rotting face of Kugas.

Showing ulcers and teething from the worst angles, making him look particularly scary.

Kugas muttered that he had to concoct the best plague, the plague that could kill Guilliman.

That way, he can declare his abilities to other loving children of a loving father.

Nakmond Corridor.

Dalova Knights World.

"For the Great Regent, for the Holy Emperor."

Ania, the driver of the Thunderbird amphibious combat vehicle, sent a battle cry to the entire army through the communication.

The other Thunderbird knights also responded.

Then, led by Aniya, they launched an attack on the Chaos Knights of Dalowa.

The Thunderbird amphibious combat vehicle developed by the mechanical sage Regula is rapidly replacing the old Titan model and becoming the installed model of the Jiaoyang Legion.

Ania will also take over the position of the mistress of the legion and become the new leader of the Jiaoyang Legion.

After recovering the Dalowa Knights World, this matter is likely to be put on the knights' agenda.

In order to better serve the empire and implement the will of the empire's regent, each legion will accept new blood and new tactics.

Jiaoyang Legion is no exception. Aisha has lived too long as the old mistress, and Jiaoyang Legion needs a new mistress to bring about brand new changes.

Aniya is the best candidate.

The Mandeker Knights of the Dalova Knights World refused to continue to fulfill the orders of the empire. After Calgar gave several warnings, he directly issued the order to destroy the Mandekers.

When Calgar led the fleet into the Dalova galaxy, the corruption of this place was beyond his imagination.

The random and powerful warp surges surrounding the world of Knights are one of the greatest threats to the forces attacking Dalowar.

The debris belts gathered in the planet's low-earth orbit and far-end orbit make it even more difficult to carry out offensive operations.

The Debris Belt consists of warp hulks and warships of the Mandeker Knights.

Now home to various traitorous xenomorphs and heretics.

The forge satellite in the Dalova galaxy-Serex is now controlled by the Dark Mechanicum.

They will provide support to the Mandeker Knights.

The situation on Vigilante is still not optimistic, and the Nachmond Corridor is still slowly closing.

Even if there are Eldar who are assisting them in various rituals, they can only slow down the speed of closure, but cannot prevent this from happening.

What Calgar needs to do now is to clean up the Nachmond Corridor, expel non-imperial forces, and prevent the closure of the Nachmond Corridor as much as possible.

He doesn't have much time, and doesn't have any thoughts of wasting it.

He ordered the celestial-class warship - the Punishment Colossus to open fire on the debris belt, and with the star destroying beam, he directly tore open the gap and sent the Jiaoyang Legion to the Dalowa Knights World.

The Chaos Knights also immediately organized a counterattack force, preparing to encircle and suppress the Jiaoyang Army.

The High King vows to bring the Empire down on Dalowar.

However, when the knights of the Mandelker family faced the Jiaoyang army, the original confidence of the High King disappeared without a trace.

The Thunderbird Titan can levitate and fly.

The speed is unimaginable for traditional Titans.

Even with the help of demons and wizards, they can't catch up with Thunderbird Titan.

Under such circumstances, the Titans of the Mandelker family have no ability to fight back.

Ania led the Jiaoyang Legion to reap the knights of the Dalowa knight world like a scythe.

The Dark Mechanicus provided several Warlord Titans to the Mandeker family.

As soon as he entered the war, he was besieged by the Thunderbird Titans by virtue of their maneuverability.

The other knights and titans couldn't make it in time to support them, and the battle was over.

When they arrived at the battle scene, the Jiaoyang Army led by Ainiya had already left.

Daluowa's Chaos Knights are as clumsy as fat pigs, being hunted and hunted time and time again by the vigorous hunter of the Jiaoyang Legion.

The High King watched in despair as his knights fell to the battlefield one by one.

And the special strike force led by Calgar also used teleportation to enter the capital of the High King, preparing to catch this **** **** and make him pay for betraying the empire.

No one can disobey the will of the Regent of the Empire.

Calgar will never allow anyone to challenge his genetic father.

Guilliman's authority is supreme.

Whoever dares to disobey and betray, then erase him.

Accompanied by the transmission of flashes one after another, the Primordial Warriors came out in batches. Quickly capture the various fortifications of the High King's Palace.

The Wrath of Calgar has arrived, and all traitors will pay the price.

(end of this chapter)