Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212 Time of Reckoning

Hundreds of millions of ravens hovered in the sky, pulling out the sound of howling wind.

They merged into a storm of steel claws and iron wings, releasing cold killing intent.

That is exactly one of the forms that Corax, the Lord of the Ravens and the revolutionary of the saviors, possessed.

After awakening his own essence, Corax also possessed many mysterious abilities.

His ability is not weaker than those of the demon primarch.

And more free than them, will not be controlled by other evil gods.

Fulgrim, Angron, and Mortarion, these guys ascended to demons, seem to have broken free from the shackles of reality, and gained stronger power and freedom.

But those are just false appearances.

They will all be controlled by the evil **** behind the scenes.

They did not really have the freedom Lorgar claimed in the past.

Under the will of evil gods, they are like slaves.

Once you violate the will of the evil god, you will be punished.

Unlike Corax, he is free.

Perturabo, Fulgrim, Lorgar, Ahriman, Fabius and many other traitors who surrendered to Chaos.

They looked up and followed the voice.

After seeing the huge group of crows, everyone looked solemnly.

Other Chaos Traitors were shocked by the power of the Raven Lord.

No one expected that Corax would appear on the battlefield.

This is a variable they didn't anticipate.

Corax is well known in the Eye of Terror.

He appears every few hundred years, hunting and killing humans who surrender to Chaos, especially the Word Bearers.

"Are you bluffing, Corax." Fulgrim was swimming among the ruins, "Even if you are included, today is destined to not be able to change the ending."

In order to deal with Guilliman, they assembled a large number of Chaos troops and demons.

In terms of quantity, it far exceeds Guilliman.

In terms of combat power, it is not weaker than Guilliman's newly transformed fighters.

This is the Eye of Terror, the place that is most closely integrated with the subspace.

Chaos believers will get more buffs here, making them powerful enough to counteract the technological power of Guilliman's legion.

Another point is that Guilliman's troops have been thrown into other areas by the storm created by the sacrifice ceremony.

Even if Corax joined the battle, it would only be a little troublesome, and it would not change the situation of the battle at all.

"How about me? Fulgrim."

Behind Fulgrim, another voice came.

The same firm and powerful.

Fulgrim turned his head to look over, and found space cracks burning with golden flames appeared on the surface at some point.

Wearing a black battle armor with hollow patterns, decorated with white bones and flames, and holding a bolter with flame patterns and a chainsaw sword, the cursed warrior came out of the space crack.

Silent and speechless, shrouded in flames, appearing like a demon.

Of all the legends of the Legion, the most unusual is the Legion of the Damned.

The Legion of the Damned is a group of mysterious space warriors.

When an important battle situation is in trouble, all hope seems out of reach.

These warriors would emerge from the warp, stride forward, and bring down the wrath upon the enemies of the Empire.

When the **** battle is over, they disappear with it.

It is often just a blink of an eye by the soldiers, and those people disappear without a trace.

Some people speculate that they are the Emperor's vengeful warriors, a loyal army far beyond the world.

The Legion of the Damned is the embodiment of vengeful flames.

Dwelling in matter and the Warp, they fought for the Emperor's will, bringing hope to worlds that had fallen into despair.

After the Great Rift appeared, they appeared more frequently.

Guilliman has received many reports that these flaming warriors will always haunt various battlefields that are on the verge of despair.

Helping the collapsed imperial army, saving the situation, and then disappearing quickly without leaving any clues.

They are an extension of the Emperor's will.

The entire legion is composed of those loyal heroic souls.

Fire enveloped them, and ghostly auras danced at their feet, moving with their movements.

The weapons in the hands of the bound warriors are also more powerful than those of ordinary space marines.

Their bolters are capable of destroying the toughest armor.

Nothing can withstand the wrath of the ghosts of the Legion of the Damned.

Even if it is the God of Chaos, the concrete fortress is still boiling magma.

Fulgrim's eyes were not on the cursed warriors.

Instead, he stared at a stalwart giant who came out of the crack.

For the first time, Fulgrim's erect snake pupils showed astonishment and fear.

He sees someone who shouldn't be here.

"Should you be dead already?" Fulgrim said in horror.

"Yes, you killed me in Isstvan." The visitor's tone was very calm, talking about the pain of betrayal in the past.

The visitor was wearing gold and black intertwined armor, holding a huge warhammer.

Different from other space fighters, the back of the opponent is not a power backpack or a medical backpack.

It is a complex mechanical weapon, and various weapons rotate as if they have their own will, locking every enemy on the battlefield.

The emblem of a metal gear on the back of the head exudes a faint halo.

Fulgrim said the name of the person who came in horror, "Ferus, this is impossible, how could you stand here."

The one who came was none other than the former Lord of the Tenth Legion, the Gorgon of Medusa, the Iron Hand.

One of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor during the Great Crusade.

When the Emperor's laboratory was attacked by the forces of chaos, Ferrus' nutrition cabin was sent to the world of Medusa.

Relying on the wisdom of the Primarch, Ferrus grew up, took control of the planet Medusa and killed a metal monster.

The metal monster is invulnerable, and Ferrus can only kill it by sinking it into the magma.

The metal monster melted and merged with Ferrus' arms, giving him a pair of real steel hands.

The Tenth Legion was named Iron Hands for this reason.

They are the most technology-loving legion, and their style is completely different from other legions.

"Nothing is impossible, and there are not only gods in the subspace." Ferrus said, "It's like you will be resurrected in the glory of the gods, why do you think that I, under the protection of my father, cannot do it?"

"Do you think that the gods are superior, do you think that the father who has been harmed by you to the point of being unable to get up is an incompetent person? Do you think that the **** you follow is stronger than your father? But one day, you will understand that in the warp space , no one has the willpower like him."

The Primarch is a fusion of subspace and real matter, and they are creatures belonging to two worlds.

Corax was able to possess many strange means because he successfully awakened and controlled those powers.

Even if Ferrus was not awakened when he died, he still has his own subspace essence.

In a sense, Ferrus is as immortal as those demons.

"He is not my father." Fulgrim said viciously.

"We share the blood of a woman and a man. As the provider of the other half of the genes, why can't He be called your father?" Ferrus stared at Fulgrim, and the image of the other party was completely different from the previous one. .

Fulgrim's legs had disappeared without a trace, replaced by a long snake tail.

His torso and face were elongated, and his ribcage mutated enough to accommodate a completely new pair of arms.

"I don't want to argue with you about these meaningless topics, Ferrus, you may have survived under the protection of the corpse emperor, but you can't do anything, Guilliman will definitely die here today, you can't change the established destiny."

"No, he won't die, he will be the next ruler of the empire, the new lord of mankind." Ferrus held a warhammer with a golden light shining on it, and flames flowed from his eyes, "This is the father His will is also his established destiny."

"Do you think you can do this?" Fulgrim stretched out his four arms, holding four poisoned longswords tightly in his hands.

"We can change everything." Ferrus said calmly.

Fulgrim stared at Ferrus, with a grin on his face, "If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, no matter how many times you resurrect."

"You can give it a try." Ferrus raised his warhammer. "Maybe it won't be me who fell down this time."

The two brothers who fought in the Isstvan galaxy did not say any more nonsense.

Hatred has long since wiped out the brotherhood between them.

There is only fighting, only fighting.

Only when one side completely falls, can it be considered the end of the grievance.

Fulgrim has been blessed by the Prince of Pleasure.

During the ten thousand years, he was also working hard to improve and indulge, to make himself more closely connected with the God of Pleasure, and to gain more power.

Ferrus is not inferior, even though he was beheaded by Fulgrim in the past.

But he has awakened to his essence, and has received the Emperor's blessing.

Moreover, the situation this time is completely different from the massacre at the Isstvan landing site in the past.

At that time, Ferrus was surrounded by traitors and was exhausted from fighting.

Fulgrim waited for work with ease, and also received the blessing of the devil.

That demon's weird abilities were the main reason Ferrus failed.

And now Ferrus has the same power.

He has long been familiar with the existence of subspace demons.

In the realm of the Emperor that does not belong to reality, he has killed countless demons who tried to plunder the souls of humans.

The two Primarchs, who chose completely different paths, clashed with their powerful weapons, unleashing a force that could level mountains and seas.

The frenzied storm was stirred up by the terrible aftermath.

The range where they fight, no one can enter it.

Those fools who try to do that will be torn apart by the aftermath.

The arrival of the Raven Lord and the Medusa Lord made Ahriman feel a little bad.

The Lord of Medusa died on Isstvan's landing site.

Ariman also always believed that the Lord of Medusa was dead.

But he didn't think of a thing.

That is the emperor who can make the gods fear, and also has the ability to resurrect those people.

An Anglican saint who revives every once in a while.

And those bound warriors.

These examples all prove that the Emperor has authority no less than that of the gods.

Ariman once entered the Eye of Terror, and learned some things from some colleagues and demons who entered the webway.

The souls of Ferrus and many loyal soldiers who died in the massacre at the Isstvan Landing Field once appeared during the Webway War.

They repelled the tide of demons, allowing the Custodians and the surviving human troops to withdraw from the webway.

During the Great Crusade, the emperor was able to collect souls, and pretended to say that he was not a god.

A great liar.

Ariman touched a talisman hanging in his hand. It was an alchemy item that allowed him to teleport away instantly regardless of the distance in space.

This esoteric technique was learned from the Book of Magnus.

As the strongest wizard under the emperor, Magnus has a very in-depth study of space.

When the lord of the wolf, Leman Russ, executed the extermination order, Magnus used this method to teleport all the Thousand Sons warriors away.

The amulet in his hand is not as powerful as Magnus's old one.

But enough to send him away.

The plan to encircle Guilliman has gone bankrupt.

When the Lord of Medusa and the Legion of the Damned appeared, Ahriman knew that there was no need for this plan to continue.

Praying mantises catch cicadas, but they don't want to have a oriole behind them.

Ahriman ignores the Emperor's influence in this plan.

Also ignore those loyal Primarchs.

Those guys had been silent for so long that he had already assumed that the Emperor and the Loyalist Primarch would no longer interfere with the affairs of the Imperium of Man.

For a long time, the Empire controlled reality, while they hid in the Eye of Terror, allegiance to the Warp has formed a consensus.

The Emperor never attempted to exert his power on the Eye of Terror.

The legend of the Primarch was also slowly deified over ten thousand years.

They no longer appear, and even Abaddon, the Chosen of Chaos and Lord of the Black Legion, dares to say that the era of the Primarch has passed.

Who would have thought that after 10,000 years, those loyal Primarchs would reappear.

A whole new storm is brewing.

The war between the empire and the traitors continues.

The return of the Primarch is a signal.

Originally, Lorgar, who had the chance to win, felt that he could be humiliated again, and even eliminated Guilliman once and for all, was also looking ugly at this time.

Corax, Ferrus, Guilliman, plus the Legion of the Damned, which at first glance was written by the Emperor.

The advantages I thought were gone.

Now, the hunter has become the prey of others, how to escape is a problem!

If there is a long delay and Guilliman's fleet returns, none of them will be able to escape.

Guilliman stood before the multitude of Primaris warriors who had regrouped behind him, Sword of the Emperor in hand.

Sweep past the horrific battle between Fulgrim and Ferrus.

He already had a rough idea of the Emperor's authority.

What the gods can do, the emperor can already do.

This made Guilliman feel a little worried.

It is well known that the gods no longer have their true selves.

is just an aggregate of extreme emotions.

They are constantly asking for sacrifices of all kinds.

All the blessings are just to gather more extreme emotions and make believers more fanatical to perform various sacrifices in order to enhance their strength.

If the Emperor becomes like that, it will definitely be a human nightmare.

An existence that always asks for human souls and sacrifices will bring mankind to the end.

How long can the emperor's humanity last!

Once the Emperor of God is born, the crisis will tear mankind apart.

"Go." Perturabo didn't hesitate at all.

The appearance of the Lord of the Raven and the Lord of Medusa made him realize that the plan to besiege and kill Guilliman had failed this time.

If you continue to stay, you will only put yourself in danger.

"It's too late, Perturabo. When you were planning how to siege Guilliman, the big net against you was already quietly opened. Today, you are doomed to have nowhere to escape. It's time to pay back the past at the landing field." The guilt of the Holocaust, Perturabo."

A figure wearing yellow armor and holding a weapon stepped out of the crack.

He is the third faithful Primarch to arrive.

It was also the one that Perturabo wanted to defeat the most in the past.

Now, it is time for them to end all grievances.

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(end of this chapter)