Warhammer: The Beginning Is The Crisis Of Annihilation - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99 Let's talk about a deal (please subscribe)

"Get ready, we will fight an enemy whose technological level is far superior to ours."

Guilliman said, "The Necrons are the great enemy of our race. The Charadon sector is an important area for the Indomitable Expedition. It can provide more armaments and soldiers for the Expeditionary Corps. There is no way to rely on Ultramar alone." Meet the needs of the expedition."

Guilliman stood up, overlooking the entire holographic projection.

The tall body of the original body left a huge shadow on the table.

Photosensitive device automatically adjusts the projected luminosity so that it always maintains the best visual luminosity.

At this time, a man in a plain robe with slender fingers walked into the strategy room.

His skinny, claw-like hand clutches a briefing sheet.

"My lord, we have received a request for help from the planet Vitria. According to the report from the local astrologer, the Zerg vanguard fleet will descend on the Vitria galaxy in three months. They hope to seek some help from the empire."

Guilliman took the briefing from the man, which listed some things about the Vitria galaxy in detail.

After reading it, he handed it over to Calgar and the others to circulate among them.

"Now we are facing a brand new problem. If three months later, the Vitria galaxy is plagued by Zerg, perhaps we should evacuate the local residents first, and build a huge fortress there, so that Resist the attack of the Zerg." Calgar was the first to speak, expressing his opinion.

Following his opening, the others began to discuss in low voices.

"It should be so." Guilliman said after thinking for a moment, "Vitria will become a battlefield, and the Tyranids are not weak characters. At that time, the flames of war will inevitably ignite all over the galaxy, and those men and women who cannot fight should leave there. Those men and women of the right age, regardless of status and status, should stay."

"Calgar." Guilliman looked at Calgar, "We have no way to fight on two fronts. I need someone to go to the Vitria galaxy to build defenses, evacuate the local residents, and keep the Zerg there. Until the large forces of the Empire clean up the space undead , until you turn around and deal with the Tyranids, can you take on this responsibility?"

"My lord, I can." Calgar said.

"I won't give you too many resources. That will weaken the empire's attack on the space undead, making it impossible for the empire to quickly and completely destroy the two undead dynasties."

Calgar said, "I will do my best to keep the Tyranids out of the Vitria galaxy, and I will live and die with the Vitria galaxy."

"That's very nice," said Guilliman.

At the meeting, the information was coordinated, and after the troops for fighting the Zerg and destroying the Necrons were allocated, the meeting was declared over.

Calgar led a part of the battle group to the Vitria galaxy.

Build a system defense network there to defend against the Zerg fleet.

Guilliman will lead the imperial army to wipe out the two Necron dynasties and completely clear them from the Charadon sector.

Then turn the gun to deal with the Tyranids.

The meeting ended, and Guilliman left the Foundry General-Kelen.

"My lord." Karen saluted respectfully, his bloated body humming mechanically, "Is there anything else??"

Guilliman did not answer, but took out a data storage device.

"This is the data knowledge about the latest transmission technology. All theoretical formulas and technological creations are in it."

The technical knowledge in the data store is newly integrated.

has been optimized and can be used directly.

Part of these technical knowledge is analyzed from the alien lighthouse, part is the database knowledge obtained by Guilliman, and some is the teleportation technology of the original Mechanic.

These technologies have been initially applied, and that is the unique teleportation device on the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment.

In the decisive battle between Guilliman and the Arsonists, Calgar led the Titan Legion and was projected onto the battlefield with a flash of light, which is the application of this technology.

The emergence of this technology can allow the human empire to directly open the portal on the ground like the Necrons, and continuously transport the troops on the ship.

There is no need to use tools such as Stormbird, gunships, and airborne pods.

It is a very important technological revolution for the human empire.

Of course, the means of the Stormbird and the airborne capsule will not be abandoned, and will become secondary auxiliary means.

"My lord, what do you mean?" A trace of greed flashed in Karen's eyes.

No mechanical priest can resist the temptation of knowledge.

Kron couldn't do it either.

Even if he ordered several times to his own processing center, don't focus on the data storage.

But he still kept turning his head to look.

It looks like Grandet saw gold and silver.

"Don't act like this in front of me, Karen." Guilliman said, "I know your nature, you want this, don't you?"

Guilliman pushed the data store in front of Keren.

"I still have a lot of new technologies in my hands. The star-killing cannon equipped on the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment, the molecular-level nano-machine bee colony, lighthouses, and quantum communication. These are all technologies that the empire does not have."

"I have witnessed the Hall of Truth of the God of All Things with my own eyes. I am familiar with many technologies that you don't know. These technologies are so great that we can rule the entire galaxy and even contact other galaxies."

Guilliman stood up and said with a smile on his face, "I now officially invite you to join my team. Of course, you can refuse my invitation. Because of your contribution this time, I don't intend to let you do anything. So, but these technologies are destined to miss you.

"And there is only one chance for you. When you see those brand-new technologies being used in the empire, you realize that you want to follow me. At that time, your status will be very low, and you will not be qualified to contact me. These new technologies."

"My lord?" Karen looked at Guilliman with a serious and anxious tone, "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to stand by my side, no matter what the situation is, you must follow my orders, even if it is Terra, Mars, their orders will never exceed my orders, you can do Are you there?"

Guilliman's gaze was fixed on Karen's huge metal body.

The bloated and huge body has not much flesh and blood left.

It also means that this guy no longer has much humanity.

The pursuit of machinery has surpassed everything.

Kron looked at Guilliman, a rare trace of fear appeared in the mechanical eyes.

"What do you mean?? Are you going to take your father's place??"

Karen's tone carried a trace of fear.

"No, to take back my father's empire from those shameful traitors. Look at what those corrupt bureaucrats have done? Karen, I have been asleep for ten thousand years, and mankind has not made any progress in these ten thousand years."

"Those old machines from 10,000 years ago are still in use today. No matter how you use the glory of the God of All Machines to describe it, it is undeniable that you have stagnated for 10,000 years. Isn't this sad? something?"

"Now those guys still want to use various excuses to hinder my steps and prevent me from realizing my father's ideals. As the reform progresses, I can feel their malice. Their malice is no less than those of the chaotic monsters. They They even want me to go to sleep again, even if human beings will perish, they don't care."

"Any reform has a price. I am extremely reluctant to have another civil war among humans. But many things will not be transferred by individual will. As the reform deepens, the possibility of those guys forming a group to resist Big."

"In addition, the Imperial Guards have never had a good impression of space fighters. Once a conflict breaks out, they are likely to attack me in the name of the emperor, so I must have my own basic board, and completely defeat all those who try to obstruct it. Only then can we usher in the victory I want and shape the human civilization that my father and I have planned and imagined."

Guilliman said in a deep voice, "You can choose to agree, or you can choose to refuse. You must make a decision now. I give you the right to refuse, but today's news needs to be kept secret. Once I hear any rumors, I will directly kill you."

The Terra Senate controls Terra, Mars, and most importantly, they can also issue various orders in the name of the emperor.

Guilliman's current reforms are not strong, and still leave a way for nobles and bureaucrats who are willing to embrace changes.

But not everyone is willing to accept it.

They are more inclined to think that Guilliman took their stuff.

Don't place anything on the conscience and loyalty of those bureaucrats.

That's unreliable and stupid.

Guilliman had to be prepared to overthrow them all.

Especially the Forbidden Army.

Before Horus rebelled, the Custodians had a problem with the Primarch.

Following the emperor is very arrogant and self-righteous.

After the Heresy of Horus, their opinions on the Primarch and Space Marines were even greater.

In the original plot line, Guilliman returned to Terra, and many Custodians had objections to Guilliman's return.

Secretly said he wanted to usurp the Emperor.

It can be said that it is full of mistrust.

Some Custodians are even more shameless and black-hearted. They even kill space warriors who show signs of rebellion.

Some of them were still assigned, and they were directly beheaded.

The Primaris Space Marines sent to reshape the Brass Dragon were the most tragic.

Going to the mother planet, I found that the brass dragon had rebelled, and before I could say a word, it was regarded as rebellion.

One said that we should understand it and not be so arbitrary.

With a bang, he was killed immediately.

That simple and rude one can be called cruel.

There were also a few Primaris Space Marines who had been sent as guides and had not yet joined the Brass Dragon, and were also killed by the Custodians as traitors.

Really outrageous!

One can imagine how divided the empire is.

Guilliman had to get ready.

When the Forbidden Army slandered him for rebellion.

Guilliman had better be able to rebel and be able to rebel.

Honest people are the easiest to suffer in this world.

There are those who babble and presume to those who are honest and responsible.

A ruthless character directly slaps those people twice, making them cry.

Those people will be honest and respectful.

The Emperor has not spoken for ten thousand years.

The Terra Senate and the Forbidden Army act recklessly in the name of safeguarding the Emperor, turning a blind eye to the overall plight of mankind, which in itself is the greatest betrayal of the Emperor.

If you look at it according to the 30k standard, Terra can definitely be placed in the same gear as Horus.

Karen was silent for a moment, only the computing center in his skull was buzzing.

Both sides were silent.

After a long time.

Karen finally made up his mind.

"I will serve you, even if Terra and Mars stand on opposite sides, I will firmly obey your orders."

"That's exactly what I'm happy to hear, so this is yours." Guilliman pushed the data storage in front of Keren with a grin.

"Remember your oath today, if you break it in the future, I will make you pay the heaviest price." Guilliman said.

"That would never happen," Keren said.

"I hope so. For related technologies, Macragge will have a dedicated technical team to connect with many forging worlds in the Charadon sector. Besides, I need you to do another thing."

Guilliman turned on the holographic projection, showing pictures of past wars of the Necrons.

The human forces fought very hard.

The technologies of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

"What's the matter?" Keren asked.

"I need you to form a team. The technology of the Necromancers is far superior to that of our human empire. If you can get some scientific and technological achievements in the ruins of the Necromancer Dynasty in this battle, it will be considered a harvest."

"The God of Myriad Machines knows the truth of the entire universe. All mechanical technology and knowledge should belong to the God of Myriad Machines, and should also belong to humans. Those **** aliens took away these technologies, and we must get them back instead of letting them go. Those technologies were desecrated at the hands of the xenos."

Guilliman thought about it for a while, and changed the term.

In the name of the God of Myriad Machines, seize the technological knowledge of those aliens, so that those mechanical priests will not be so disgusted, and reduce internal differences.

"I'll do it, my lord."

Karen nodded and promised to form a team for Guilliman to absorb those alien technologies and use them for humans.

After explaining everything to Forge General Kren, Guilliman let him go to work.

He went to the bottom of Macragge, preparing to inquire about the subspace information.

The news from Pharos has passed.

Magnus was severely tricked by a move he had made earlier.

It is estimated that he is still recuperating on the Wizard Star.

It is estimated that there will be no more than ten or twenty years, and this guy will not dare to come out to make trouble again.

It was a surprise.

Solved Magnus, next is Mortarion, this guy made a plague.

Just don't know where to put it!

Fulgrim currently has no news, and Perturabo and Lorgar have no news either.

These are hidden dangers.

It is necessary to investigate clearly and solve them one by one.

Even if they are ascended to the devil, these guys are still Primarchs, and their wisdom and strategy are by no means inferior to anyone in the galaxy.

Guilliman did not dare to underestimate him, otherwise he would pay a heavy price.

In the dungeon.

As soon as he went up and down the elevator, Guilliman felt a cold breath.

The etheric power of the warp permeates.

As soon as he reached the corridor of the dungeon, Guilliman heard a voice coming from the depths of the dungeon.

Cherubel is still trying to threaten and confuse Vinsenhorn and his watchers.

"You will have to pay the price, Vincenthorn, I am the Prince of Demons, when you are reduced to ashes and I am still alive, I will hunt down your soul and make you burn in the flames of **** Suffering, I will be enslaved forever."

"You can release me at this time, then I may have pity on a fool like you and let you go magnanimously, otherwise you will taste the anger, no matter how long the interval is, I will use the cruelest means to retaliate against you."

"Don't think that the parent and child of the curser can change anything. The gods will definitely play with the ashes of the universe after it was destroyed. This is the fate that was doomed the moment the universe was created. Destruction and rebirth are cyclical, and there must be birth. destroy."

"Surrender to me, Vinsenhorn, don't follow that Primarch anymore, he will be hard to protect himself, and the original residents of the subspace will not let him go."

"I really want to hear it! What kind of non-letting method is it?"

While Cherubel was talking, a voice interrupted him.

"I told you, you don't understand either." Cherubel retorted subconsciously.

But in the next second, he couldn't help shaking as if he saw something terrible.

A tall giant wearing azure power armor stepped out of the corridor.

The eyes are as deep and mysterious as the stars, and anyone who looks directly at him will be sucked into them.

"Honorable Lord of Ultramar, genetic father of the Ultramarine Legion, Thirteen Primarchs of the Emperor, savior of mankind, great Son of Vengeance, wise Regent of the Empire, Lord Roboute Guilliman, welcome Your arrival."

After receiving several Iron Fist educations one after another, Cherubel became a lot more honest.

Seeing Guilliman appear, he completely lost his previous appearance, and instead showed a groveling look.

"I'm very happy with this attitude now." Guilliman walked up to Qilubel, sized him up, and then slapped him with a slap that resounded throughout the dungeon.

"But I don't like the tone of your words just now."

Qilubeier's head was almost blown off.

A sense of grief and indignation rose spontaneously in my heart.

The original body child bullied me to be weak, so I could bear to slap me in the face.

What a shame, what a shame.

Too much bullying!

Bullying too much!

If it wasn't for his own life being pinched in the hands of this bastard, Cherubel would have rushed to kill this so-called Primarch.

Hold back, definitely hold back!

Warriors can't bear it, but demons can.

Three thousand years east of the Milky Way, three thousand years west of the Milky Way.

As long as you don't die, you will always find a chance to escape, and you will always have a chance to come back.

At that time, freedom will be in my hands, and human blood will surely flow into rivers.

"The adults taught me the right lesson, and the young ones must pay attention in the future."

Cherubel was smiling, even though his head was almost blown, he still looked like he was licking a dog.

Can't resist, and can only live with it.

"Any news recently?" Guilliman asked, "How is the situation in the subspace?"

"Master, I have been trapped here." Cherubel said, "You just summoned those demons not long ago, and there is probably no new news."

"What a bunch of trash." Guilliman looked at the demon in front of him with a disdainful tone, "I can't even do a good job of gathering information, so find a way, otherwise, I won't guarantee what I will do to you."

Cherubel: eo()o, after living for so long, the number of times I have been humiliated is not as many as I met the parent and child of this curser in the past two years.

Doesn't I want to lose face to my majestic Demon Prince?

Talk about trash at every turn.

How will you hang out when you go out in the future!

"Perhaps, we can summon new demons. There are countless original destroyers floating in the subspace. There are too few demons serving you, so the intelligence collection is not fast enough." Cherubel made a suggestion for his own life. .

"It makes sense." Guilliman nodded, "The intelligence network is still not big enough, you have to work hard for me, and put some undercover demons in the field of those four as soon as possible."

Cherubel was stunned for a moment, feeling MMP in his heart.

If you can place undercover agents in those four domains, you will be beaten if you have nothing to do!

But he didn't dare to say anything.

Talking too much is another beating, not worth it.

Magic life is difficult, let's fool around first.

As the demon prince of the warp, Cherubel has mastered countless warp magic.

He gave another demon's real name, and he only needs to use the real name to cooperate with the ritual to summon the other party.

Guilliman is not good at this kind of ritual stuff.

Vinsenhorn came to assist him in the act of summoning the demon.

Prepare the brazier and candles as required, and Vinsenhorn began to chant the spell.

Then cut the palm and drop it into the brazier.

Accompanied by his incantation, there was a gust of cold wind in the dungeon, which was icy cold and chilling.

Eerie noises resounded everywhere, and people glanced around without seeing the source.

"Who is calling me! Where is the blood and flesh prepared for me?"

A strange voice sounded, echoing in the dungeon.

"Get out." Guilliman said impatiently, looking at the creeping darkness.

"Respect me, mortal, you don't know how powerful I am, nor how long I've existed. I know everything that has happened in this universe. Offer me your soul, and I will give you extraordinary knowledge And power, it's a good deal."

Whispers are everywhere, unpredictable, moving within the circle.

But he couldn't escape the range of the magic circle.

The aborigines of the subspace are bound by a certain law, as long as they control this law, they can be controlled.

No matter how evil they are, they can only crawl under their feet and obey orders.

Guilliman was impatient to listen to the shadows, he drew the Emperor's Sword, and the golden light shone on everything in the darkness.

Painful screams sounded.

The darkness twisted and struggled, and then gradually faded away, and a monster with scales and sharp horns appeared in the magic circle.

"The Power of the Damned."

The demon let out a miserable scream, and he tried to leave, but found himself trapped.

"Now, let's talk about our deal." Guilliman walked over, "Offer your soul to me, and you will have a chance to live. This is a very good deal."

The state is a little collapsed. After sitting for a day, my **** hurts, and I don't know how to write.

Trying to adjust.

(end of this chapter)