VRMMO Summoner Hajimemashita - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

« Skill : Cane skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Appraisal skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Dash skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Avoidance skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Defense skill has leveled-up »

[h.e.l.lo ? ?] (Cosplay Girl)

There are a lot of corpses in the vicinity. 

On the bushes and brances, here and there are decorated with black corpse.


[Wow. . . what a severe injuries -desu! It mus be treated soon -desu!] (Cosplay Girl)

Suddenly someone appeared beside me. . .

No, I just didn’t relaize her aproaching me.

I’m so exhausted both physically and mentally and my head right now is full of Boparu.


Aah. . . this isn't good.

I come back to my sense.

And then my body feels something soft and warm.

[Eeh. . ? ?] (Yu)

[Aah. . are you allright -desu!?] (Cosplay Girl)

I can see clearly the cosplay girl from earlier in front of me.

She was applying something to me while glancing at my face.

[You are- - -] (Yu)

« Player has leveled-up . Please update your status »

Eii this is on the way! For now, Strength.

Player :Yu

Summoner Lv4 → 5

Vitality 12

Strength 10 → 11

Agility 13

Dexterity 13

Magic 15

Spirit 15

Skill :

Cane Lv1 → 2 (NEW), Summoning Magic Lv2, Fire Magic Lv1, Appraisal Lv4 → 5, Dash Lv1 → 2 (NEW), Avoidance Lv1 → 2(NEW), Defense Lv1 → 2 (NEW).


« Earned 2 skill points . Current skill points : 5→7 »

[ ? ? ? ] (Cosplay Girl)

[Ah sorry. Umm . . what is this?] (Yu)


The cosplay girl applied some cream while holding my right arm.

She look at me with a doubtful look and then cutely tilted her head when she heard my question.

[Ah you see, this is Heal Cream. . . a medicine -desu. If it's a potion you have to drink it so this is easier to use. And I’m confident this is more effective than potion –desu!]

She changed her worried look to a smile.

With happy expression she expalianed about the medicine to me

Well that looks better.

She is cute when she laughs. . .

Yep she is cute when laughing! !


And it’s applied. . .  and applied.

Indeed from the places the cream was applied I can feel a warm feeling spread all over my body, my HP is also quickly recovering. It seems to be a really excellent recovery means.

The problem is. . . 

whether we can leisurely applied it during a battle.


« Crow seal rate is now 100%” »

« Crow was completely sealed »

« Skill : Summoning Magic Has Leveled-up »

[Item : Material] Crow Feather Rarity 1

Feather of a crow :

It's used as material for alchemy.

I cooperated with cosplay girl to collect corpses of crows for sealing magic.

We also collected 11 Crow Feathers and after that we return to the city together.

[Speaking of which, you are. . .] (Yu)

[My name is Ellness, please call me Ell –desu!] (Ell)  (TL : エルネスデ)


[O.ouu. . . I’m Yu best regards Ell] (Yu)

[Y-es, best regards -desu] (Ell)


I raised my cane while say so.

With sound effects like *nipa* Ell smiled while looking at me.


Do- -Don’t missunderstand okay!

It’s not like I'm embarra.s.sed or anything, it’s just that I'm a little fascinated because she's cute.

Oh, setting that’s aside.

[When we came to help, why didn't you run away Ell?] (Yu)

[That’s because. . . I was worried. . .] (Ell)

Haaa. . . I was wondering why she was still here when she didn’t have much combat power, but this kind-hearted girl is worried about me who fought on her behalf.

[I was worried whether I could return to a town safely if alone –desu!] (Ell)

[Eehh . . . you mean that?] (Yu)

It’s not me, she was worried about herself.

Do--Don’t missunderstand okay! It’s not- - -(we skipped this part)


« Skill : Cane skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Dash skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Avoidance skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Defense skill has leveled-up »

[Oh?] (Yu)

[Is there something wrong –desu?] (Ell)

[Ah nothing!] (Yu)

Now we are treveling in the forest at night while looking at the map.

I trampled down an Owl that came at us with *hoo-hoo* sound.

My skills went up.

The Owl gave extremely good experience it couldn't be compared with a Crow.

Even though avoidance and defense weren't used they leveled-up.

By the way, without having decent light we're forced to march in the forest at night.

I was wondering if something was strange on my head because we can see our surroundings despite that.

As expected of a game world.

[Hmm. . . I had been thinking for a while now, isn't Yu a Summoner?] (Ell)


[Ouuu. . . I sealed a Crow and Owl earlier, Boparu is the summoned rabbit you may have saw as well] (Yu)

[Aah I see. But don't Summoners fight in a rearguard position?] (Ell)

[. . . .it may generally be so] (Yu)

[No. . no. . isn't a Summoner a magic user? Ordinarily they are in a rearguard position, I never heard of a Summoner hitting an enemy with a cane] (Ell)


[. . . what is ordinary? Do you have to do what everyone else does? What's the significants with that? Is there a problem in choosing something that isn't ordinary, I don't cause problems for anyone else so they shouldn't be able to complain.] (Yu)

[Hmm. . . I see. What Ell has done also isn't common. Well It’s all thanks to Yu that I was saved, really!] (Ell)

Well the way you're dressed and speak isn't common.


« Skill : Cane skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Avoidance skill has leveled-up »

« Skill : Defense skill has leveled-up »

« Owl seal rate is now 100%” »

« Owl was completely sealed »

« Skill : Summoning Magic Has Leveled-up »

I ーーー! Owl Uzee ーーーー!

(TL: have no idea what is this “だーーー!フクロウうぜぇーーーー!”)

They are coming at us 1-2 each time so I can still handle it.

I aslo wondered why the encounter rate with owl was so high?


Sealing has been completed before I got out of the forest.

If there was no heal cream from Ell, it would have been dicey.

[Fwuuh finally we left the forest] (Ell)

[Right, the town is just a little more] (Yu)

We feel relieved because we can see the town frome here.

I don’t know what kind of monsters appear in the gra.s.sland at night, but I think it's weaker than an Owl.

But I can’t let my guard down because we don’t know what it might be- - -

[Around this time, usually Rat monsters will come out. So let’s hurry to the town, I dont’t want we get attacked] (Ell)

[Ah, yes!] (Yu)

There seems to be no danger on the way home. Yes.


[Fwuuh. . . A lot of things happened today but finally I can back to the town safety, thank you –desu!] (Ell)

I came to a different town.

I have school tomorrow so it's time for meto log out.

Boparu isn't here either.

[Well there is mesage system so I don’t have to worry about such things] (Yu)

My level also rose but Boparu died though.

[It would be ungrateful for me if I did’t give you anything -desu. Even if I said that I don’t have any money, so for the time being I will give you this. . .] (Ell)

[Item : Recovery agents] Heal Cream rarity 1

Topical cream to restore the physical strength

She handed me 5 familiar ointments. I'm very fortunate in the current state as I have no recovery means.

[Oh thank you it’s will be of great help!] (Yu)

[Something like this is not near enough to express my gat.i.tude to you for saving me] (Ell)

[Right. . .] (Yu)

[Ell will tell you the location of my atelier (workshop) so you can come play anytime, ok? So then, it’s about time for Ell to go. . . let’s meet again later desudesu –desu! !] (Ell)

[Ouu see you!] (Yu)

We parted here.

Waving her hand while saying “desudesu” she smile innocently.

« C Quest : “Encounter with Alchemist girl” has completed! »

« Earned 2 skill points . Current skill points : 7 → 9 »

Yosh quest cleared, SP getto! (get)

I think that's enough for today.

For tomorrow what should I do until Boparu's revived.

Maybe stroll in the town, or come to Ell’s atelier, or maybe hunt Rabbits?

Boparu will be revived at night maybe I will try to seal Rat monster later.

And then what should I choose for my newly summoned monster- - -

Well let’s think about it tomorrow. . .

Good night!!



Translator : Sabis.h.i.+ desu

Proof reader : Truffle