VRMMO: Basic Attack - 19 A Prison Of Opportunity

19 A Prison Of Opportunity

Right after the system notification, Sky flashed his eyes open and swept the surroundings with his gaze.

The sky was blue and white clouds were present, however, the lack of sun above was conspicuous.

Towering trees were could be seen all around him, forming a forest that looked exactly similar to Devilwood Forest.

However, the vibrant, peaceful atmosphere in this place juxtaposed that of the gloomy, desolate forest.

"Another aspirant?"

 said a tranquil voice, waking Sky up from his stupor.

A few meters away, an exact duplicate of the obsidian monolith built in the Devilwood Forest could be seen.

Sitting cross-legged atop the monolith, a man could be seen clad in a long fitting white robe, a bit similar to a 


 worn by Confucian scholars.

Long hair, the color of the ocean, fell on his shoulder like a waterfall. He had a pair of captivating black eyes that seemed to be able to see through one's soul.

As the man looked up and down at Sky, the latter also scrutinized him.

With a tall nose bridge and sword-like brows, this man that seemed to be in his early 30s had an appearance no way inferior to that of Sky's.

[You have encountered a powerful being of this world.]

Sky didn't need to be reminded by the system as he stared at the blue-haired man.


That was the first thing that came to his mind.

Although the mysterious man didn't radiate any oppressive power or dominating aura, his instincts kicked in, telling him that this person was powerful, incredibly powerful beyond his imagination.

He trusted his gut, his instincts which was honed after hunting countless wild animals throughout his whole life.

Even he never felt this kind of feeling from his master.

This was a first for him.

Of course, while his instincts were one of the reasons for this a.s.sumption, the second reason was of equal importance.

And that was the presence of the colossal figure floating mid-air behind the mysterious man.

Thick and heavy chains that were of golden color could be seen throughout the monster's body.

From its large mouth that was sealed to its gigantic feet that were snared, from its arms that were larger than Sky's waist and were pulled behind it to those large claws that were chained down within the earth; those golden chains were present and seemed to come from the black monolith.

The monster appeared to be paralyzed and had its eyes closed while keeping a kneeling position in mid-air.

"A heaven-blessed individual? Have the wheels of destiny started spinning?"

 the mysterious man spoke as he sighed.

"It seems that Everlasting is about to descend into chaos once more."

Sky, who was distracted, didn't hear the man's words as his attention was completely focused on the kneeling monster.


[Ekress (Great Demon) (Sealed)]

Level: ???

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Health: ???

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Sky's jaw dropped as he stared at the status window that appeared.

'This monster's a Great Demon?' he shouted in his heart as he stared at the Great Demon's head which had four horns that were akin to a crown.

Flames could be seen spewing out of the demon's nose as it breathed in and out.

[This fellow here is Ekress. The 17th Ruler of h.e.l.l.] 

said the mysterious man as he stared at Sky's shocked face.

It took a few moments for Sky to regain his senses as he s.h.i.+fted his eyes onto the sitting man with the azure hair.

[You have failed to identify this being.]


I can't see this NPCs status window? How come?

Sky was surprised at what just happened.

The mysterious man smiled and seemed to see through his thoughts. 

[Your current strength is still insufficient.]

Sky looked at him and was silent for a few seconds before straightforwardly asking. "Who are you? And what is this place?" he asked as he looked at his surroundings, which looked exactly like the Devilwood Forest.

[You can call me Asura.]

 the man smiled, he didn't seem to take offense at Sky's straightforward att.i.tude.

[This place, is a prison.]


Sky's eyes drifted back to the chained Great Demon.

The mysterious man continued with a smile.

[And also a place of trial.


"Trial?" Sky was confused. "Trial for what?"

'What a game this is, grabbing a random sword in a forest sends you in a different world that's actually a prison for a top-tier BOSS monster that's being sealed.'

The mysterious man didn't answer his question immediately and instead looked afar, towards the horizon.

A smile crept up his lips, seemingly recalling pleasant memories.

[A long time ago, when the War of G.o.ds and Demons 'finished', what came after was a turbulent time for humanity. An era of struggle.]

[It was a time of struggle, but also a time for opportunities.]

[Beseiged by countless monsters and all kinds of races, humanity was forced to adapt at the sudden change of the world, forced to fight for survival.]

[It was said that a calamitous time is a disaster for the world, but it is also an opportunity for one to rise to the top.]

[Countless humans died at the hands of foreign invading races and terrifying monsters. However, it was also thanks to this time where we were backed to a corner that our potentials developed.]

[Numerous inheritance and fragmented legacies of the G.o.ds, angels, fallen ones, and great demons were present after the war. Using those opportunities, humans were able to strengthen themselves, finding enough power to retaliate, enough power to establish a foothold in the chaotic world of Everlasting.]

Right then, the mysterious man looked at Sky.

A pair of golden and black eyes stared at each other.

[Martial arts, magic, smithing, crafting, alchemy, technology; humanity entered what would go down in history as the 'Golden Age'.]

[However, it was also during those times where transcendent beings showed themselves once more.]

[Wars, albeit on smaller scales than the War of G.o.ds and Demons, once again triggered.]

[Great Demons of the lower seats climbed from h.e.l.l.]

[G.o.ds descended from the Infinite Horizon.]

[Angels crusaded from Eden and the Fallen Ones embarked from the Netherworld.]

[Chaos and havoc wrought the land of Everlasting once again, causing the death of innumerable humans.]

Sky saw the mysterious man's eyes sharpen as his voice became majestic deep.

[But this time, humanity isn't as helpless from before.]

[There were defenders, guardians of humanity with great strength present in this era.]

[While there were indeed vile ones, nonetheless, every single one of them ceased their bad blood and restrained their grudges for the sake of saving humanity from genocide.]

[These people, were called Supremes—]

[—and I was the strongest of them all.]

As his calm voice drifted, the mysterious man's azure hair started floating upwards as a powerful aura started circulating around him.

Sky's body unwillingly trembled due to the power, but his gaze remained resolute as he met the former's eyes.

[Terrifying Great Demons? Slaughter them!]

[Those two-faced G.o.ds that spoke of benevolence yet their actions malevolent? Kill them!]

As he said that, a black sword materialized before the mysterious man as he grasped its hilt.

As soon as he held the sword, his aura and temperament immediately changed.

[It was fortunate that those proud Dragons didn't join the chaos, otherwise, I wouldn't even know what humanity's outcome would be.]

[During those times, only the angels of Eden helped defend us. It was thanks to them that our casualties reduced substantially.]

[Even my life was saved by one of them. By her.]

A refres.h.i.+ng smile couldn't help but escape the man's lips as a certain face appeared in his mind. 

[At that time, I was just a handsome das.h.i.+ng man who held a sword and only a handful of people knew my name. The people thereby called me Asura, after I slaughtered numerous of those 'transcendent beings'.]

[I was given a lot of honored t.i.tles.]


[Demon Hunter.]

[Bane of h.e.l.l.]

[Savior of Humanity.]

[Sword Saint.]

[And so on.]

Each of those t.i.tles shocked Sky to his core as he looked at Asura in awe and respect.

Other than that, there was also a hint of desire to battle behind his eyes.

[And right now, the me that you are seeing is but a will that I left behind in this sword.]

He said as he raised the familiar black sword that looked unremarkable.

[Its hilt was formed from a Great Demon's skin and bones and its blade forged using the metal of the G.o.ds, Adamantium.]

[It's been blessed by an Archangel and has bathed in dragon's blood.]

[In this place, I've left this sword for the fated one.]

[Do you wish to wield this sword?]

"Yes." Sky nodded without hesitation.

At that moment, the mysterious man walked towards him, step by step.

Standing before him, the mysterious man plunged his sword down the earth and glanced at him.

[Others came before you, much stronger than you are now.]

[The people of this era called them Legends yet they all failed in the end.]


 he smiled, staring at Sky's unwavering eyes.

[—what makes you different?]

[Are you the fated one?]

[Are you worthy?]